You're My One and Only (A Jar...

By LongLiveAriG

21.9K 573 196

Your Next Obsession. This is a story of Love, Romance, Laughter, Friendship and the Challenges of everyday li... More

Chapter 01 - You're The Biggest Mush Ever
Chapter 02 - I Was Thinking...Thinking About You
Chapter 03 - Everything Will Be Okay
Chapter 04 - You're My Everything
Chapter 05 - Happiness & Dilemmas
Chapter 06 - He's a Keeper
Chapter 07 - I Wanted To Spend The Rest Of My Life With You
Chapter 08 - Can't Let You Go
Chapter 09 - A Permanent Smile
Chapter 10 - I Wish I Could Have Met You Sooner
Chapter 11 - I Will Not Expose You
Chapter 12 - I Thought You Had Respect For Me
Chapter 13 - You Really Love Her Don't You?
Chapter 15 - That's What Love Does To You
Chapter 16 - Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 17 - I'll Never Hurt You
Chapter 18 - I Just Wish She Would Believe Me
Chapter 19 - Goodbye (Alternative Ending 1)
Chapter 20 - Happiness At Last (Alternative Ending 2 Part 1)

Chapter 14 - Could Today Get Any Better?

622 26 9
By LongLiveAriG

Updating every Monday x

The beautiful Milan sunset, shone against the windows of Jai and Ariana's hotel room, as the young couple laid fast asleep, in the comfort of each others arms. Nothing was disturbing them, from the peacefulness that they felt within each others company. Jai's naked torso pressed against his girlfriend back, as he cuddled into her making her feel nothing but warmth. The young couple had landed in Milan last night, giving Ariana a break from the stressful time she was experiencing in her life. Jai and the rest of the Janoskians would be in Milan for the next week to start their world tour while Ariana will be tagging along.

 The sound of a knock on their hotel room door, woke Jai up annoyingly as he groaned tiredly glancing at Ariana to see if she had a woken. 

 "Mmmmm." Ariana groaned  rolling out of Jai's arms onto her side of the bed placing her head onto her pillow.

 "I think that's our morning wake up call babe." Jai told her glancing at her tired state.

 "Can..we..just..sleep..forever." She mumbled with a yawn sounding incredibly sleepy.

 "Ha! I wish that too." He replied sitting up in the bed reaching down to pick up and then put on his T-shirt.

 "Are you two gonna wake the fuck up?!" Luke called from behind the couple's hotel room door.

 "What's the special occasion?" Jai called back as Ariana placed her pillow over her ears trying to block out Luke and Jai's loud voices.

 "Gym.. We need to be fit for tour." Luke replied as he sat down outside the door.

 "Ah, not today.. one day without going to the gym won't matter." Jai replied feeling like all his time needed to be spent looking after Ariana.

 "You fucking dick!" Luke swore before leaving the hallway.

 "And you'd think he wasn't a morning person.." Jai mumbled to himself.

 "You should've gone, I don't need looking after, I'd be fine." Ariana spoke turning over as she was now facing Jai.

 "I promised that I would look after you, that's exactly what I will do." He replied as they gazed into each others eyes. She didn't reply but she did blush slightly in which Jai kissed her forehead lightly as she moved in closer to his arms.

 "So what are we gonna do today?" She asked him as she rested her head on his chest as he stroked her sides lightly sending chills up her spine.

 "I've planned a little something special.." He replied in his thick Australian accent not giving much away.

 "So when does this little something get revealed?" Ariana asked raising a eyebrow at him coyly as he sniggered to himself.

 "Well let's go and get some breakfast first aye?" He replied pecking her forehead again.

                                                          *       *        *     *      *

 "Room service!" A voice spoke knocking on the door of Jai and Ariana's hotel room.

 Jai got up off the sofa opening the door to greet the room service guy.

 "Here you go sir,  Due frittelle con sciroppo, Spinaci Frittata Brunch Rotolo and Due bicchieri di acqua." The waiter spoke in italian to Jai handing him Two pancakes with syrup and a Spinach omelet with two glasses of water on the side.

 "Grazie." Jai thanked him in italian as the waiter handed him the tray of food before leaving.

 "Right, I know we're both Italian but I really couldn't understand one word he just said." Ariana giggled to herself as she made her way down the stairs.

 "Me either." Jai giggled as he closed the door.

 "That smells absolutely amazing." Ariana spoke her eyes widening as she looked at the tray of food which was covered by a silver cloche platter. 

 Jai placed the food on the wooden dining table as  he and Ariana sat around the table facing each other.

 The couple spent the next fifteen minutes eating their breakfast and engaging in conversation and also matching a bit of tv.

 "Breaking news popstar Ariana Grande e Jai Brooks sono sbarcati a Milano." The news correspondent spoke as Ariana choked on her pancake for the shock.

   "Talk about awkward." She muttered taking a sip of her water.

    "Argh!" Jai ragged thinking this would ruin his plans.

    "What's wrong?" Ariana asked noticing something was bothering him

  "It's just a bit of an invasion of privacy isn't it.. you came here for a break and it doesn't seem like that is what you'll be getting." Jai pointed out feeling annoyed that their stay in Milan has become knowledge to everyone.

 "As long as I am with you I'll be okay." She insisted as a smile appeared on Jai's face in response.

 "Well eat up because I've got a surprise for you." He beamed as Ariana sped up her eating.

                                                *        *       *         *       * 

"Where are we going? and Why do I need to wear this blind fold?" Ariana questioned her boyfriend as they sat in the back of a taxi together. 

 "All will be revealed soon.." He replied coyly looking at how confused his girlfriend was.

 Jai wore a dark blue shirt black trousers and black shoes as Ariana was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a fashionable split near her stomach and hip.

 "Siamo al vostro signore di destinazione." The driver announced as Jai looked on nervously out the window.

 "Can you do me a favour mate?" Jai asked the driver as he looked out of the window again.

 "sicuro." The driver nodded looking at Jai though the car rear view mirror.

 "Can you please check if there's any paparazzi outside? I've planned something special for my girlfriend and I don't want them to ruin it." Jai spoke clearly hoping the driver would understand him.

 "Posso avere un autografo dalla tua ragazza?" The driver asked demonstrating someone writing on paper.

 "An autograph?" Jai asked the driver completely not understanding his accent.

 "Fidanzata." The driver replied pointing at Ariana.

"Yes sure.." Jai replied looking nervously at Ariana who was still blindfolded.

"Jai.." Ariana mumbled.

The driver got out of the car seeing if he could spot any paparazzi.

"I just want today to be special babe, I've worked really hard on this and I don't want it to be ruined." Jai informed her as he took hold of her hand as they intertwined fingers.

"You really are the cutest, but you know I hate surprises." She complained stroking his hand lightly.

"Well after this I think you'll love surprises." 

"Alright." She replied as he pecked her cheek lightly.

"Not paparazzi." The driver spoke getting back in his car.

"Vi ringrazio tanto." Jai thanked him handing him the cab fare and an extra tip.

The driver handed Jai a piece of plain paper before pointing at Ariana.

"Babe, can you sign this?" He asked her as he undid her blind fold. She signed it before Jai handed it back to the driver.

 Jai got out of the car first before walking around to the other side helping Ariana out.

 "Jai, where are we?" Ariana questioned him.

 "We are at the Anteo Spazio Cinema.. I've rented it out so it's just me and you." Jai revealed to her as a huge smile appeared on her face.

 "You're the cutest, you do the most special things. What are we watching?" She

 "Well while we were in LA you couldn't stop banging on about how much you wanted to watch The fault in our stars.. so why not?"

 "I am so excited." Ariana beamed excitedly as if she was little kid again.

 "Well let's go." He replied as they intertwined fingers making their way inside the cinema.

 They made their way inside the empty room, a dozen chairs meeting them, and the huge screen in view. It was nothing but peaceful but romantic at the same time. 

 "Where do you wanna sit?" Jai asked his girlfriend as they held hands tightly.

 "At the back! It's much better considering there's no one's big head in the way." She replied with a giggle as she dragged him to the back of the cinema.

 "I've got some popcorn, vegan of course, I know you love that!" He spoke bringing out the tub of vegan caramelised popcorn.

 "Could today get any better?" She spoke taking the popcorn off him and immediately eating it.

 "Save some for the movie... and for me." He giggled as she blushed handing him the popcorn as the opening credits of the movie started. 

                                                      *         *        *          *         *

"That.. was.. the.. most.. saddest.. movie.. I have ever watched." Ariana sobbed wiping her tears with tissue trying to not ruin her make up.

 "Aw, don't cry baby." Jai comforted her pecking her forehead lightly.

 "If anything like that ever happened to you, I don't know what I would do." She sobbed even louder but this time into his chest.

 "Please don't cry, nothing like that will ever happen to me, I'll never leave you." Jai declared comforting his girlfriend.

 "Promise?" She sobbed looking in his big brown eyes.

 "I promise baby, that brings me on to what I have to ask you now?" He replied gazing into her eyes.

 "What?" She spoke a little confused as she stopped crying.

                                                *Jai point of view*

 I've wanted to do this for a while now, but I needed the perfect moment. This is the woman that I want to be with for the rest of my life, there's no woman in the world as amazing as her. We've been though it all, but have somehow managed to survive it all. When I'm down she makes everything better, when I'm not with her, I wish that I am with her, when she texts me that she misses me, that makes me miss her. She is my first love and to be honest, I want her to be my only love. I didn't know what love was before I met her, I found it quite disgusting and cringe seeing these dudes obsessing over their girlfriends that was before I fell in love. Now I know how it feels and I never want to not feel like this. I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world when I am with her and that because I am the luckiest guy in the whole world. I remember that time we broke up for a few days and I felt like I lost everything and thats because I did, but when we got back together I felt whole again. I feel nothing but love when I am with her and she always makes sure that I know she loves me but now is my time to show her that I love her and I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

 *Out of Jai point of view*

"Um.." Jai spoke as his mouth went dry and he forgot everything he wanted to say.

 "What's wrong?" Ariana asked feeling worried as she placed her hand on his knee. He looked down before taking her hand and looking into her eyes.

 "I'm not good with words.. When we met... I had no idea you would impact my life so much. You've been there for me whenever I needed somebody to be there for me. You've seen me at my best and absolute worst. I've laughed with you and cried in your arms. You put up with my anger and craziness. You know me more than I know me more than anybody else does and you see things in me not even I do. You show me the type of love and affection people wish they could experience. We've been through hell and back but yet you're still here. I honestly feel like the luckiest guy for having somebody like you walk into my life. Your voice calms me and your touch excites me. All I ever wanna do is hold you in my arms. When I'm with you I have not one worry. You're honestly my best friend, my other half, my heart, and my soul. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I don't even like thinking about it. I can keep pouring my heart out and I know everybody wants me to just go ahead and ask already so here it is......" He declared as a few tears strolled down his face.

 "Jai.." Ariana muttered tears filling up her eyes as he took out a small heart shaped box from his pocket before getting down on one knee.

 "Please stand up.." He spoke nervously.

 "Will you marry me?" He asked her feeling a sigh of relief that he finally got the words out his mouth.

 "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She beamed as Jai placed the beautiful silver diamond ring on her wedding finger. 

 "I love you so much!" He declared as the couple shared a long passionate kiss.

 "I love you too." She replied as they shared another kiss.

 "I have one more surprise.." Jai revealed to an excited Ariana.

 "What is it?" She beamed as she knew it would be something else amazing.

 "We're having an engagement party tomorrow, and everyone's coming." He revealed to her as a shocked expression appeared on her face.

 "What?!" Ariana questioned him thinking how he could arrange this all.

 "Yep everyone." Jai replied feeling proud of himself.

 "You really have made today special, I love you so much." She declared kissing his lips lightly.

 "I love you too." He replied.

 "What was everyone's reaction to your asking me to marry you?" She asked him wanting to know all the details.

 "They were very happy, most of all your Nonna and Mother." He revealed to her and she smiled at what he told her.

 "They're the cutest." Ariana beamed as Jai pecked her forehead lightly.

                                     *     *     *      *      * 

@ArianaGrande: Dear Arianators, I have some amazing news to share with you and I am sharing this with you now before the press find out. Today has to be one of the best days of my life.. I am engaged! I couldn't be anymore happier right now than I actually am. I really can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my fiance (Feels so weird to say this) and just be in his presence for a very long time. As for the press please respect my privacy right now as I prepare for this new beginning in my life. Ariana xo

                                                           *         *            *            *  


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