I shouldn't have let you go

By luton1983

277 0 0

Jameel is engaged but one thought sends him on a journey of the past. Will he find what he's looking for? More



9 0 0
By luton1983

"You don't need to do this. We're still mates."

"I know we are, but once we were best mates, who did everything for each other. Our friendship has fallen apart, and I just want us to get back to how we were."


"Aaliyah, at least let me try. I just want my best mate back."

"Still the same old stubborn Jameel."

"Yes, that's why you love me."

Aaliyah sighed in frustration. Yes Jameel, I do love you, but your stubbornness is only one reason why. 

"Ok fine. I run a summer school in the holidays for the children. You can come help out, if you're serious."

Jameel ran up and kissed Aaliyah's cheek. "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow." Jameel left and Aaliyah stroked her cheek. Aaliyah's mum noticed this. "Will you be able to handle this?" "I don't know, but I can't say no to Jameel. Did you see him? He's so excited." "But what about you? "I'll be fine. I've moved on. I'm engaged remember?" "Yes, your compromise." "It doesn't matter. Jameels just my old friend, nothing more."

Aaliyah ran upstairs, before her mum asked her anything else. She sat down at her dressing table and stared at herself in the mirror. The truth was she wasn't sure if she could handle it. It was going to be difficult, he wasn't making it easy for her. He had walked back into her life, and blown it all apart. But he was with Chammi and I'm engaged Aaliyah realised. She went to bed, tossing and turning, this was going to be interesting.

Aaliyah woke up bright and early, ready for her first day back at her summer school. She went downstairs and dropped her books in shock, as she saw Jameel waiting for her patiently.

"Your early, your never early. Your famous for being late."

"Well since you left, I've changed a lot."

"We'll see."

Aaliyah grabbed Jameels hand and off they went. Aaliyah showed Jameel the building and introduced him to the staff. Jameel just observed the first day, as everyone did their thing. He was in awe of Aaliyah. She single handily ran the place, yet she never acted any differently. 

Over the next few days and weeks, Jameel bonded with the children and the staff. He found he enjoyed it very much. Plus, him and Aaliyah were around each other a lot and started repairing their broken friendship. Jameel felt happy around Aaliyah, like the missing part of him had been found. Jameel thought back to what he'd accidentally said to his mum. Was it true? Did he feel that way about her? There was no denying he'd missed her in his life, he felt happier with her in his life, but surely that was because of the fact he was best friends with her, wasn't it? Was what his mum said true?

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