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Jameel closed his eyes. She was the first person he saw. Aaliyah, he thought, my Aaliyah. Where did you go? You were my best friend, what happened? Where did you go? Why?  Didn't you think this friend of yours would need you in his life? I need your advice Aaliyah, thought Jameel, what do I do? My life is a mess, you always knew the right thing to say and do. Aaliyah, please come back to me, wherever you are, your friend needs you. Don't you think of me at all? Don't you miss me? Why have you not contacted me since the day you left?Did I mean nothing to you? Did our friendship mean nothing? Jameel opened his eyes and went and got a photo of them two. We were so happy he thought, as he looked at the photo of them two, arms around each other's waist, laughing. What happened to our friendship he thought. We used to be so close. Jameel smiled as he remembered their last few days and their plan.

Aaliyah was sitting on the bench, waiting and constantly checking her watch. He was late. He was always late. She needed to talk to him about this. She felt two arms around her waist, and she was being lifted off the ground, into the air and being swung around. "Jameel, put me down this instant" she said, trying to keep a straight face. Jameel put her down and she turned to face him. "Your late. Your always late. Why do I put up with you?" "Oh come on Aaliyah, don't be like that." Aaliyah glared at Jameel, trying not to smile. Jameel, realising he'd done wrong, held his ears. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." "That's what you always say. Yet you do it every time." "Ok, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." Aaliyah laughed and hugged Jameel. "Like I can stay mad at you."

Aaliyah held Jameels hand tightly as they entered the cinema. During the movie, Jameel noticed Aaliyah was crying, but she was trying to be quiet as not to bother him. Always so considerate he thought. After the movie, they went to get something to eat. Aaliyah noticed Jameels mind was elsewhere. He was so fidgety and nervous.

"Spit it out" 


"Whatever you're desperate to tell me."


"How do I know? Jameel I'm your best friend. Don't you think I know when something is on your mind?"

Jameel smirked. "You know me too well. Ok, here's the thing. Will you be my wife?"

I shouldn't have let you goDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora