Cold Hands [ Elsamaren ]

By BechloeSendrick05

63K 1.6K 3.1K

"Your hands are cold." Honeymaren whispered with a giggle, snuggling into Elsa's shoulder. "Wait, really? I'm... More

1 - Lakes and Beaches
2 - (Un)wanted Feelings
4 - Dandelions
5 - Christmas Day
6 - Sun Sets and Paradise
7 - Attack Plan
8 - Man She Once Met
9 - Eyes of Anger
10 - The Forbidden Element
11 - Dark Travels
12 - Castle
13 - Grandfather
14 - Panic Room
15 - Set Free
16 - Arendelle
17 - Last-Minute Guffaws
18 - Silent Kingdoms
19 - Howls in the Wind
20 - Fallen Soldiers (Part 1)
21 - Fallen Soldiers (Part 2)

3 - Discoveries

4.9K 135 279
By BechloeSendrick05

A/N; its currently 12:00AM, can't you tell I gave up at the end lmao.


When the bright morning sun began breaking through the crack in Elsa's tent, she already knew the next few days ahead of her were going to be hectic to say the least. 

A few days had passed since she had accidentally forgot how to control her powers. The Fifth Spirit still didn't know how it had happened, but it was somehow to do with those butterflies

Elsa still managed to act normal around Honeymaren however, as they were always around other people when interacting. Rather it be Ryder or Yelana or someone else, there was always another person to keep their 'feelings' in check.

She was grateful for it, even though their moment in the tent a few nights prior was....special to her. She didn't want to accidentally freeze anyone, especially Honeymaren, all because she couldn't keep her emotions in check.

Everyone in the Northuldra was busy preparing for Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven to arrive. Having the queen and future king of Arendelle visiting them was always a pleasure to the enchanted folk. Elsa loved the respect that was shown between societies, even when Arendelle started a war between them, they still had the heart to help them.

Elsa stretched out her long limbs with a yawn, curling her toes and tightening her fists to wake herself up faster. It was a more foggy day in The Enchanted Forest, winter was heavily approaching as the month of December had come upon them.

The blonde was actually curious if Honeymaren celebrated Christmas, as she had heard of a winter festival, but never heard of the festivities here that occurred in Arendelle. Not that the spirit minded, as change to her was a good thing most of the time.

Unless it was a drastic emotional change that might not even be accepted in Northuldra.

The Fifth Spirit threw on her boots and strolled on outside to where many of the tribe's citizens were frantically going on about their routine, as if it was everything to them, and in a way it was everything.

If Elsa wasn't the balance of all four spirits, people would've thought that she was crazy. She had on minimum choice of clothing, with her usual boots, high waisted leggings, light blue dress accompanied by a belt and a thin cape that descended to her ankles. While everyone else wore thick layers of fur and skins, and it made her stick out like a sore thumb. But she couldn't really help it, anything drastically frozen to some people felt merely cool to her. It wasn't like she was immune to the cold, she just wasn't as badly effected.

The blonde then felt a light tap on her left shoulder. She turned her head slightly to see Ryder smiling brightly at her. If Elsa was anywhere remotely attracted to men like her sister was, she would've considered him a very cute person. Not that he wasn't cute, he just wasn't as beautiful as Honeymaren.

She shook away her thoughts. "Hey Ryder, what's up? How's your morning been?" The boys facial expression almost read as if he was confused, confused as to why she was so casual.

"Okay so you're even cooler than what I thought for speaking so casually," Ryder chuckled, shaking his head slightly as if awkwardly embarrassed or shy, "Did you want to help me with the reindeer? Maren is currently training down near the lake with the younglings and honestly it seems we get more and more of these little cuties everyday." The boy finished, petting the head of a small baby reindeer. It was the same one that was asleep by the fire when Elsa and Honeymaren sung 'All Is Found' that very night, many months ago. 

"Growing up I was very formal all my life, it is just a nice change to be able to speak more freely," Elsa explained in a soft tone, "and yes I would love to, I still have a little bit of time to kill before my sister gets here."

Ryder nodded gratefully at the ice queen, signalling her towards a small stable to select reindeers to ride. They had one main stable with dozens upon dozens of reindeers, accompanied by smaller ones for townsfolk willing or wanting to travel somewhere.

They rode in a comfortable silence. Elsa knew Ryder was the more shy and reserved type, the complete opposite to his sisters confident and sassy attitude. The blonde wondered if she could make Honeymaren even more shy than him, or do something else....

"Elsa? You okay there? You started riding a bit slower and zoned out a bit."

The Fifth Spirit blinked hard for a few seconds before realising how hot she felt. "U-um, yes Ryder, I'm quite fine. I just got too deep in my thoughts about Arendelle duties I guess, my poor sister has to do all of those now that she's taken my role as queen."

The boy nodded understandingly, looking down at the ground. "I get you there. Growing up my father always wanted us to be strong, especially me. He thought I would be this.. 'tough and strong warrior that would make his family proud' or something, " Ryder explained, doing a goofy impression of his father, "But I turned out to be... that kid. I couldn't really fight, I couldn't really heal people the best, but I loved animals. So I decided to tend to animals at a young age, and my sister ended up taking the spotlight of the family's 'hero', but I honestly didn't mind, and I don't care now. I get the stress of having these roles you're supposed to carry on because of your bloodline. It doesn't really matter too much to me anymore thoug I mean, half of my family is gone cause of the stupid fight that raged on. My grandfather died during the war, and my father... well he just went mad being stuck in the woods. He wanted to be free, so he just went travelling and never came back."

Elsa's mouth hung slightly open at the boy's rant. Before this interaction they would probably would of said about two sentences to each other a day at most, but she felt as if he had shared a small piece of his heart and soul to her. A secret only he can fully understand.

"That's- wow. Thank you for sharing that, I can tell you needed to get that out of your system. But don't worry Ryder, its wonderful you care for animals so much. That ability is also useful, you are useful and don't forget that either. You and your sister seem incredibly close, and I can tell both of you care about each other deeply."

"Yeah we do, she's my best friend and partner in crime."


"Elsa! IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU!" As they were riding back to the stables, Elsa heard a familiar chirpy voice yelling her name in the distance. It was Olaf, his permanent smile etched onto his face like almost every other day.

"Olaf? Hey little guy! I missed you." She hoped off of her reindeer and Ryder let them back into their pens, then leant down to hug the small snowman. He reached out his tiny stick hands with glee and hugged the blonde tightly, making what only to be an attempt of 'uwu' sounds.

"Do you know where Anna is?" She asked with a soft smile on her face. Olaf always made her mood brighten no matter what type of danger they happened to be in.

"Oh yeah! She's currently talking to Yelana and Honeymaren!"

Elsa cocked an eyebrow, "Do you know about what exactly?"

"Oh yeah! Basic trading to strengthen... stuff. I can't really remember."

Elsa mentally facepalmed, she had literally talked about it with her sister recently about her visit and she had already forgotten why the red head was visiting.

"Thanks Olaf, I'm to go with Ryder to visit them, did you want to come?" The blonde stood next to Ryder with an inviting smile, cocking her head slightly as if waiting for an important response.

"Oh yeah! Kristoff and Sven are going to visit some reindeer and I wanna see more Svens! I'll see you later Elsa!"

And with that he waddled off towards Sven with his stubby snowball feet, who was impatiently waiting for him a few dozen yards away. The reindeer seemed excited to visit more of his own kind. 

"Hey, Elsa can I ask you a question?" Ryder spoke up suddenly, straightening his back so he was as tall as the blonde spirit. It was kind of embarrassing that she was taller than him, as he wasn't considered an overly short person in the tribe. That's what made Elsa's presence more intimidating, she wasn't short or tall, but she stood her ground and even looked down on people that were twice her size.

"Go ahead, Ryder."

"Well, um, are you and Honeymaren like... best friends now or?"

The blonde stiffened in her walk, she had to practise and revise all of her breathing techniques in her head as she tried not to freeze half of the wildlife around her. 

"Somewhat yes. To me she is one of my first true friends. A best friend if that." 

Best friend. She liked the sound of that, but something ached for more inside of her.

"Well, whatever your doing is amazing because this is the happiest I have ever seen my sister since Kara-um...since well things happened a few years ago. You've truely made her smile so brightly and genuinely. I can't thank you enough for that."

Kara? Who was that? Were they friends? Or... something more than that?

Elsa's shoulders slightly drop at the thought of Honeymaren liking someone else. "In all honesty I haven't done much, she's the one that's put all the effort  in, and I'm glad she pushed me slightly to the point where I felt incredibly awkward as its made me more confident and more opening to people."

"Well thats good, I'm my sister can make you feel like that."

Oh you have no idea.

As they tumbled through the last few yards of snow, the silhouettes of both Anna and Honeymaren could be seen intimately conversing with Yelana. Anna always spoke with such passion in her expression and posture, it made Elsa tired just thinking about putting so much emotion into such simple sentences everyday. The blonde admired it, realising how much of an amazing queen Anna was going to become within the next few years. Of course she hadn't been a bad queen when in power, she put her heart and soul into her work, but Anna was just... special. 

"Oh my gosh Elsa, hi! It's been so long since I've seen you!" The Fifth Spirit found herself being engulfed in a tight hug, Anna's familiar warmth overwhelming her. She really missed her sister everyday, even when she didn't say it. Anna was the only person that could make her feel warm inside and out. Well, until as of recently

Elsa giggled and shook her head, holding her sister tighter. "Anna, its been like two weeks. I went to see you for Arendelle meetings remember?"

The younger girl groaned and pulled out of the tight hug, not wanting to let go of her sister. "I know but I really miss you, miss us and our late night shenanigans! I may be queen but that certainly doesn't mean I cant bust it down with my sis!" Anna giggled and did a little dance, wiggling her butt out a little.

Elsa grinned widely at the girl, shaking her head and looking at her feet. "Never change Anna, you're literally one of a kind."

"Oh I know," she winked with a grin, "How have you been holding up?" Anna questioned, a small smile still remaining on her face. The girls freckly face looked so innocent in the sunlight.

"Oh, I guess I've been....." Elsa glanced over at Honeymaren, who was talking to Yelana and Ryder a few metres away from them. They locked eyes and the blondes breath immediately hitched, she smiled brightly but awkwardly at the tanned girl, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink, "Occupied? I don't know. I've been a bit confused but I don't know how to explain it."

Anna raised a confused eyebrow at their interaction. "Explain it? Why can't you?"

"Honestly I don't know. I just can't seem to get the words out," Elsa felt a shiver go up her spine at the sound of Honeymaren bursting into laughter, "Cause if I do get the words out, then I'll be confirming it to be true..... confirming that its not a weird dream." 

Anna felt a weird tug at her dress. She looked down to find a trail of wind almost pushing her into a certain direction. It was Gale, the wind spirit wanted to show her something.

"I understand that completely. Hey Elsa, is it okay if I just go to the bathroom for a second?"

Elsa was confused at the sudden comment, but took no offence to it. "Of course, I don't know why you just didn't go, you don't have to ask sis."

Anna smiled gratefully, "Thanks Elsa."

The only thing that would change in the next hour was Anna's perspective on her sister, especially after finding a certain journal with a lot of....detailed feelings.


"-so as the queen of Arendelle, I've decided to invite all of you to our annual Christmas festival, where afterwards there will be a dinner in the castle you are all welcomed to come to. You don't have to attend, but we have all the resources to store your animals and belongings if you wish."

The crowd clapped and began murmuring excitedly as Anna finished her speech. She couldn't help but stare at her sister every second, and just how fidgety she got around Honeymaren. How she hadn't noticed it before she had no clue. It was just so.... obvious.

Gale had redirected her towards the edge of the beach, where she had tripped over, eaten sand and then read Elsa's book. She knew her sister was capable of feeling intense emotions like that, but she never thought she would be this deep but so clueless about it at the same time.

As she walked towards her sister, she was interrupted by a familiar brunette. "Oh my gosh! You have to show me around the place snowflake! I've always wanted to come to Arendelle and this is the perfect time to! Can I get a... personal tour?" Honeymaren flashed her best puppy dog eyes as she looked up at the taller blonde. Elsa was slightly frozen at the cute site.

"Only if you're a good girl and you let me show you my magic during fighting."

Maren pursed her lips in thought, facing Elsa directly, "Hmmmm, we have a deal my friend! I can't believe I'm even going, this is real Anna? Right?"

The ginger laughed at the girls uncertainty, "Yes Honeymaren, this is fortunately real."

The tanned girl squealed and got on her tippy toes, kissing Elsa's cheek tenderly as a way of thanks. "You are amazing Elsa, thank you!"

A little spurt of ice came from Elsa's fingertips in surprise, "Y-you're welcome."

Anna watched the two interact. "Oh they definitely like each other."

The younger queen then suddenly had an idea, and it was going to make her sister realise how much of a confident and sexy person she could be.

She was going to turn Elsa from a stuttering mess to an item so beautiful, Honeymaren would be stuttering. Which was rare.

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