A Christmas-eve kiss~ ((Ratch...

By PreattyChilll

2.2K 51 41

Just a Christmas themed one-shot of my FAVORITE ship of all times! UwU What unexpected will happen, when Chri... More


2.2K 51 41
By PreattyChilll

((Author's note: This is yeah of course mostly fluffy, but It might get... A VERY LITTLE smutty in the end, but, I still hope you all like this!))


((No one's point of view))

December, 24.12.2019, at 13.00 o'clock.

It was a peaceful Christmas-eve over at the base, as the place had been decorated to the Christmas mood entierly. They couldn't get a bot sized tree, so they made one themselves, with the tools and equipment they had. It wasn't perfect, but it felt special, as it was hand- and self-made. The humans got there sized plastic tree to where the couch and tv were, all decorated, shiny and lighted up by electric candles. Lights, Decorations, they even went and put a real mistletoe hanging on top of the entrance to the halls. Of course, Ratchet wasn't very fond of any of this. He couldn't understand the human culture in the slightest. But he didn't really try either. The only thing he wanted to do was work and get things done... But he couldn't get his mind off of a certain mech, going by the name of Wheeljack. That darn hot ex-wrecker was only causing him to be unable to work. What made the matters worse, is that SOMEHOW Bulkhead got him talked over to come and stay at the base for this "Occasion"... Just great. Now he had to deal with him as well. It wasn't like the humans weren't enough to bother around, being obnoxiously loud and noisy. Especially Miko.

As much as he hated to admit it... He did have some feelings for the ex-wrecker. He didn't know what made him so attractive, to lure him so much like that, making him blush with his warm smile, spark melting at the sound of his voice, and... Just everything about him made him feel weird, but also nice emotions and feelings. But it was annoying enough that he was rubbing it to his faceplate all the time when he ever had the chance, without him ever even fully noticing, nor understanding, which he was only relieved about. But it made the matter's only worse, that the mistletoe was there. From what he had understood from the children when two bots accidentally stop under it, they have to kiss each other. And not only a cheek kiss- no. It had to be right in the LIPS. He grumbled even about the idea of that. He was only nervous that that would happen to him somehow. He shook his head, he knew that there could only be a small percent of the possibility of that ever happening... But why did he even slightly wanted it to?

He wasn't the only one who was thinking of this. The reason Wheeljack ever agreed is 1: He wanted to spend time with his best bud Bulkhead and his human partner Miko and 2: He wanted to see the medic and to tease him and maybe even... Ask him if he shared his feelings.

Any time he got the chance, he would just admire the looks of the Doc-bot there. I mean, how could he resist. It was too perfect not to. But that made the medic look over his shoulder, making him have look away and pretend like he wasn't doing anything. Ratchet got weird vibes from this but always ignored them turning his gaze back to whatever he was doing. But what Wheeljack was most worried about, is that would he even share his feelings? The way he has treated him, makes him wonder... Would he even give him a single chance?


As Ratchet was working, as usual, everyone was just hanging around, chit-chatting, the bots were drinking some good tasting energon, that was specialized to taste better than usual, as the humans had made some mulled wine, but it didn't contain any alcohol of course. Jack even got June, her mother to join them, as fowler had a day off, but wanted to spend it with the children and bots. It was very peaceful and nice. There was no Decepticon activity at all, and it seemed like there wouldn't be any, which seemed too good to be true, but they were happy about this and didn't bother to question, as they only wanted to have a peaceful evening and to learn about this human culture, to grow a better understanding of them. It was nice, and everybody could agree that they didn't want to be interrupted. It was surprising that the children were able to get to be at the base in Christmas-eve, but they somehow did, and it was, of course, heartwarming.

As Ratchet was the only one working, again he could feel like he was being stared at nor looked at, and this was because of Wheeljack again. Ratchet needed some tools from the medical bay, which made the medic to turn around and leave his workstation, walking towards the halls, making sure he wouldn't stop under the mistletoe. Wheeljack noticed this, and excused himself for a moment from the company of Bulkhead and Miko, heading towards the halls, like Ratchet. Wheeljack was quiet, as Ratchet didn't notice, which was surprising, but only good news for Wheeljack, as it gave him the element of surprise. Ratchet still felt like being watched, as he looked over his shoulder every now and then, which cause Wheeljack to have to hide around the corner every time he did. Surprisingly this all worked out.

As Ratchet entered, Wheeljack waited for a moment, before entering too. As Ratchet was deep in thought, searching for everything he needed and typing some small things to the computer, Wheeljack took the chance to wrap his servos around the medics waste, burying his faceplate to the medic's neck cables, as he could hear a squeak coming from the doc-bot. Ratchet flustered and blushed deeply, stopping whatever he was doing and looking over his shoulder at him. "Hey, Doc~"

"What are you doing, get off me!" Ratchet responded, his face flustered fully with blue, as he shoved Wheeljack off of him, looking back. "Not here, not now, not the time, I only want to get my work done and that's it!"

"Aww, but don't you at least want to relax a little, you're always working." Wheeljack walked closer again, holding his servos open towards him. "I know you like me to Sunshine. I know you can't deny that.~"

"No, I-I don't." Ratchet tried to hide his flustered bluish face, but he couldn't, as he stepped back, already against the keypad he had used earlier.

"Your blushing~" The wrecker kept coming closer until he was already pinning the medic down, gently wrapping his warm servos around the doc-bots hips again, while he looked him deep into his optics with love, hushing him with a husky voice "Just relax, no need to be tense and work all the time.~"

Ratchet couldn't resist him, as he only sighed in defeat, making Wheeljack smile warmly, as he buried his faceplate again to his neck cabling. "You win..."

That made Wheeljack chuckles softly, giving him a light kiss to the neck, tightening his grip around the medics waist/hips, waiting for a reaction out of him, which the medic responded with a quiet, surprised and gasped moan, putting one of his servos to the wreckers shoulder and the other above his elbow. He shook his head and shoved him a little, face still all flustered and blue. "Please... Not here... Not now"

"Whatever you say Sunshine~" Wheeljack shrugged, as he let go, but still looked at him with a smile, as he bumped his forehead against the medics, knowing that it would be a little hard to kiss him, so this was an air kiss for now. Ratchet couldn't resist but smile at this, making him chuckle softly.

"Don't call me that... I should get back to work, but I promise... I'll be with you when I'll have a break." The doc-bot explained. Wheeljack only nodded to this. Ratchet's flustered blush now had faded away, as he got everything he needed and started heading back to the main area, wheeljack right behind him.


The others didn't have a clue, as they were busy talking, relaxing and having fun. But bulkhead and Miko were a little surprised by Wheeljack leaving so suddenly just as the medic did too. It was a little weird too, but Bulkhead didn't catch on anything big between them. But on the other hand, Miko was thinking, maybe even suspicious as to what the ex-wrecker was up to. She already knew and had already some conclusions about them together. She almost shipped it too, and it was only perfectly timed, that she could see Ratchet and Wheeljack walking down the hall back, while calmly and even friendly talking together. She knew the mistletoe was there and decided to see what would happen.

Ratchet had already forgotten the mistletoe, as he was just in a happy mood, walking down the hall, Wheeljack on his side. He couldn't have expected that anything big would happen, but as they got closer, he was dead wrong.

"HEY!!!" Miko yelled over at the two, entering the main area, as they stopped right under the mistletoe. Everybody turned their helms to see what was going on and why Miko was yelling. "Look up~"

Ratchet froze, as he then remembered the Mistletoe, turning bright blue in front of everybody, as he didn't know what to do. Wheeljack looked up and realized what Miko had done. Everybody, except OP, were chuckling, as they didn't expect them to actually do it, but they were surprised by what happened next.

It didn't take long for Wheeljacks servo to be already on the medics chin, making him look at him, while he had a suggestive smirk on his faceplate, Ratchet's faceplate all flustered blue, as he tried to shook him off or do something... But he couldn't. He just COULDN'T resist the beautiful blue and glowing optics of his, that were drawing him in.

"I've been waiting to do this for so long~" Was all that was said, before the unthinkable. Very slowly, their lips fluttered in a light kiss, which every second only became deeper and deeper, becoming a very passionate one. Wheeljack held Ratchet close, as Ratchet tried to resist, but he couldn't resist to just melt into his touch, his warm and nice servos, as he closed his optics silently, never wanting it to end, as Wheeljack did the same.

Everybody was in shock of what they were witnessing just now, on Christmas-eve. They couldn't have even thought that the two mechs that HATED each other, would make out and be so close to each other, heck, even become mates. It seemed just so unreal and like something that could have never happened... But it did, and they had to live with it, whether they liked it or not... Honestly, they couldn't be even angry about that. They were even happy for the two of them, and would always accept their relationship. I mean, who could deny something as sweet as something like this.

After a few minutes flew by, the two love bird's lips finally parted, Ratchet's face only fully flustered with blue, while he opened his optics and waking up from his daydreams. All he could see was the warm but even slightly lustful look on the wrecker's face, making him flustered a little more and nervous of what he'd do next. But surprisingly, he wouldn't do anything. All he did was walk to the entrance of the base, looking back one more time.

"call if you need me. I'll see you soon, Sunshine.~" And with that, Wheeljack transformed and drove out, leaving the base and Ratchet behind, while going to his ship to just sulk a little and take a nap.

He only left. He just LEFT him standing there like an idiot, all flustered and teased. Ratchet didn't know what to do, but one thing he was certain about, He was angry, and wouldn't let this slide by what he had done to him, embarrassing him in front of everybody. His hate bubbled up inside, as the next thing would, actually turn hilarious to some, but to some... A little unpleasant.

"WHEELJACK, I SWEAR, YOU WON'T BE SEEING THE END WHEN I FIND YOU!!!" Ratchet yelled after him, as he followed, Wheeljack already at his ship, knowing he would come after him. He knew he was doomed, but he knew his ways how to soften him up. And he knew the other's would have gotten to know about it one way nor another, so he only just confessed faster in a faster and a little more special way.

The wrecker was just waiting outside his ship when he heard heavy and maybe even a little angry ped steps. He looked over and saw the Medic stomping towards him, and it didn't take long for a servo to be hardly slapped across Wheeljacks cheek. He stepped back, as he groaned a little, holding his servo on his cheek, which turned a little blue, winking from slight pain. But right after that Ratchet hugged him close, grunting and sighing. "You glitch."

"You didn't have to slap me though... But I guess I deserved it." Wheeljack shrugged, hugging back.

"You definitely deserved it, for what you did... I didn't want to tell them yet." He explained, hugging slightly tighter. Wheeljack chuckled, as he picked him up, holding him up with his servos under his thighs, looking up at him with a suggestive smirk. That made Ratchet fluster all blue, as he looked away, defeated. He sighed, as he buried his faceplate to Wheeljack's neck. The wrecker only chuckled softly at this, as he gave the medic a soft kiss to the cheek.

"They would have found out in the end anyway, and you know it. I only made it happen faster. But would you think that they would hate us for that?" He asked, raising an optic ridge, while looking at him, nuzzling his cheek lovingly. Ratchet sighed in defeat, as he knew that Wheeljack was right... But it didn't stop him from teasing him.

"Alright, you win... I hate it when your right.~" a smirk formed to Ratchet's faceplate, as out of nowhere, he gives him a soft and teasing kiss to the neck, causing a surprised and unexpected moan to leave Wheeljacks mouth.

"You trying to be a tease?~" He questioned, looking at him while a smirk formed to his faceplate as well.

"Maeby~" The medic answered, earning a soft and lustfull chuckle from the wrecker, and before he even knew it, he was already carried by him bridle style to his ship, while he stayed quiet, only a smile remaining on his face, which was responded by a soft kiss, before taking a calm nap, cuddled up together on the driver seat, Ratchet laying against on Wheeljack's lap, both in deep and calm recharge, while being close, holding servos.


((And with that, I wish you all Merry Christmas and happy new years! Stay safe out there, don't get hurt, wreck and rule, and of course, stay awesome.))

((2 472 words in total!))


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