Unexpected Love

By jojoreigns

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Mature content do not read if you are sensitive to mature content More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 21

108 4 2
By jojoreigns

Raven  was coming  out of the ice cream  shop she bumped  into  a man she fell down.

Deja vu  he thought

He stuck out his hand she took his hand he was somewhat  fimiliar.

"Sorry  about that I wasn't  paying  attention"  Raven  said. "Its okay  " he replied .

"Are you lost " Raven asked. "Kinda I am looking  for my friends and brothers." He replied.

"Well who is your friend"? Raven asked

"Well I am mainly  looking  for Elizabeth"

"My mom's name is Elizabeth  but it's probably  not her because  everyone  calls her...."

"Ellie"  he said

"Yes" she  replied...

" Your  her daughter  " he looked  shocked 

Raven laughed  "yes"

" can you tell her Meliodas  is looking  for her?"

"No" she replied  he looked  at her...

" Come home with me you can have dinner  with us my mom  cooks really  good" Raven  said 

He was debating on it this isn't  how I imagined  seeing  her after all this time but.... he was snapped  out of his thoughts  by Raven  grabbing  his hand and pulling them to the house.

Yuki just finished  setting  up  the table Ellie  was putting  the chicken potatoes  and veggies  out.

"Mom I'm home " Raven yelled 

"hurry up and go change  your  father will be home any minute " Ellie  yelled 

Raven came in with Meliodas  Ellie's back was turned" mom we need a extra  plate I bought your friend home yuki went to grab another  plate when Ellie  turned  around  she dropped  the glass she had in her hand.

"Meliodas" she gasped  out.

"Sit here" Raven  said pushing  him into the seat.

"Mom stop acting  so weird  " Raven  said  sitting  next to meliodas 
Yuki put out a his plate in front  of  meliodas.

Ellie  stood  there speechless 

"This is my brother  Yuki we are twins but I am the best" she said

"You wish " Yuki said with Zeldris's smirk.

Zeldris  walked  in and came into  the kitchen  he looked  at Ellie's face "what's the matter  babe" he  said  sitting  down until his eyes locked onto meliodas.

"Mom stop being  rude this is your Friend right?" Raven asked

The word friend hurt meliodas but he stayed quite.

Yuki pulled  Ellie's  hand and guided her to her seat she was looking  at meliodas.

"Sorry  I. I. I'm... " Is all she could  speak.

"Hey why don't  you guys go over to Derieris and tell them you are going  to have to spend the night    there tonight  and we will come get you in the morning. " Zeldris  said in a firm tone one that his children  knew not to give any kinda  talk back to.

"Yessssss  " Raven  cheered jump up and hugging  Zeldris 

"Love you daddy" she yelled  as she was running  out the back door.

Yuki was standing  with his hand on Ellie's  shoulder  glaring  at meliodas.

"Mom are you ok  " She snapped  out of her thoughts , and stood up hugging  Yuki  " of course  I am, come on don't  worry  go ahead to Derieris" he didn't  budge  though , she took him by the hand out the back door.

"Don't  worry  I promise  I was just in shock  we haven't  seen eachother  in so long. " She said in the beat cheery voice  she posse could  manage. "

He was trying  to read her heart  but she was too experienced for him to read more than she wanted.

She hugged him as he was going  he glared  at meliodas.

She walked  back in and shut the door.

She sat at the table. None of them said anything  for a minute.

"Meliodas  how are you back" Zeldris  asked

Meliodas  was staring  at Ellie  his eyes landed  on her neck where Zeldris's  demon  mark  was.

" He composed himself  you have very  beautiful  children" he said still looking  at Ellie  scanning her until he reached  her hand that had two rings on it.

"Thank you " Ellie  whispered.

Meliodas  looked  at Zeldris " We were stuck in purgatory , we just made it back but got separated" meliodas  said scanning  Zeldris  and he seen Ellie's  name tattooed  on his arm and his wedding  band.

"We " Ellie  choked out.

Meliodas  smirked  "yeah we, you know me and Gelda  " Zeldris's  face flatlined.

Which  caused  Meliodas  to smirk 

"So you remember  her" meliodas  said in a cocky  tone causing Zeldris  to jump up.

Meliodas  laughed  "calm down baby brother  I'm messing with you, " his tone said differently

"Elizabeth  your really  quite  " Meliodas  said  looking  at her

"I don't  know what to say " she whispered 

"Well I do my little brother marked you , then you married  my  brother  and had his children that sums it up right" meliodas  questioned her.

"It wasn't  like that meliodas" she started  to cry . ....

Zeldris  flipped out throwing the table  across  the room Meliodas  jumped   up they started  fighting  breaking  chairs .

Ellie  tried  to pull  them apart  meliodas  went to hit Zeldris  but he hit Ellie  she was sent flying  threw the window. Which  caused  them both to stop. They both  raced outside.

"Ellie" Both meliodas  and Zeldris  yell. By this point all the sins and commandments  arrive.

"Don't  touch  her "zeldris  yelled  at meliodas 

Zeldris  picked  her up and brought  her inside. Everyone  follows them in.

"Ellie  please wake up " he was shaking  her

Merlin  held Ellie's  hand over where the wounds were serious.

"Quick thinking  merlin" Ban said

Ellie  started  to move zeldris  picked her up into a hug she wrapped  her arms around  him instinctively. He kissed  her forhead  and exhaled deeply.

They shared  a small kiss as they pulled  away both returning  to  back to reality.  Gelda  punched  him  meliodas  caught  Ellie  before  she Fell.

Gelda  turned  her rage towards  Ellie  she swung  at her but Ellie  dipped  it. The two started  fighting. Rolling  around  on the floor  when everyone  was trying  to break  them up. Meliodas  picked  Ellie  up  and Zeldris  picked  up Gelda.

Ellie  pushed meliodas  off her, but Zeldris  didn't  let go of Gelda.

Merlin  started  to  explain  to meliodas  and Gelda  why Zeldris  and Ellie  are together  and how it happened. Meliodas  began  to calm down and understand  but Gelda  didn't.

Zeldris  was still  holding  onto  her. It really  hurt Ellie  to see.

Merlin  was still explaining that it was three thousand  and some odd years later.

Meliodas  seen Zeldris  holding  Gelda  and how it hurt Ellie  that pissed   him right back  off . He punched him before  anyone  could  react.

"Why did you do that" Estrossa  yelled 

"Because  if my wife was standing  there hurting  I would be consoling her" Meliodas yelled

Zeldris  felt so guilty  he knew he should  be consoling her but Gelda  needed him too.

Raven  Yuki and shadow came in the back door.

"Mommy" Raven yelled  running  to her

Everyone  Froze, "Mom what happened  to your face " Yuki  said rushing  her knocking  her back a few steps.

Ellie  still had a cut on her face from before  she had blood on her clothes  and her lip was busted  from Gelda.

"Why is your dad holding  that chick" Shadow  said cause Raven and Yuki  to look at Zeldris .

Go back to the Derieris Zeldris  yelled  walking  over. Yuki stood in front of his mother "Not Until you explain  why mom's hurt the house is destroyed  and you are holding  another woman. " Yuki Yelled  back.

Zeldris  grabbed  Yuki's  arm to pull  him outside  he had to get them out of there way to much was going  on. Yuki  looked  at his mother  and snapped.

The entire  house started  to shake  half demon  half god marking appeared on his face.

This pissed  Zeldris  off and his demon  mark came out

Meliodas  and Gelda  were both  stunned  they looked at the children.

Ellie  seen her family  falling  apart  she lost it she started  to cry  and pulled  Yuki  back hard enough  to  make  him snap out of it and out of zeldris's  grasp.

She stood in front  of him and slapped  Zeldris  across  the face " knock it off" she was so many emotions 

"Ellie  I . "  was all he got out
She turned  to yuki and Raven  you heard your father  go we will explain  everything  tomorrow.

Raven  Yuki  and shadow  quickly  left out the back door.

Gelda  felt so guilty  now she started  to process  everything 

"Meliodas  I loved you with all my heart   I really  did I still care about  you so much it took so long for me to get over you , we didn't mean to  fall in love but we did, I'm so sorry Ellie  was still  crying.

Ban cut her off " she was so heart  broken  some days she didn't  even  get out of bed, we after a thousand  years we told her she had to move on but she wouldn't"

King cut him off " She was hurting  so badly  we actually  were scared  of  what would happen  she tried everything  to bring you bac"

Estrossa  cut him off "Gelda   same for Zeldris  they both  spent thousands  of years mourning  you both then trying  to bring you back then more suffering"

Derieri  cut him off " when they found  were leaning  on eachother  so much they built  a bond we tried  getting  together  several  times but they went ready"

Zeldris  cut her off  " I'm sorry  gelda and to you meliodas  we checked  purgatory  you weren't  there. We.... " he started  to break down both  Ellie  and Gelda  went to comfort  him both stopped  in there tracks looking  at one another.

To be continued . .....

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