I Love You

By BennettWinchester

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"What the hell? What are you?" you demanded, gun drawn. "Jack. Who are you?" the young man asked, holding hi... More

Chapter 1: Where It Began
Chapter 3: Are You Sure It's Just a Stomach Bug?
Chapter 4: Jack, We Need To Talk.
Chapter 5: Vida's Forest
Chapter 6: What If It's Out of Our Control?
Chapter 7: I Don't Like Yelling.
Chapter 8: You Listen to Me... Boy
Chapter 9: You're Coming With Me
Chapter 10: "I'm fine," he said.
Chapter 11: Leave My Family Alone!
Chapter 12: It's Too Late.
Chapter 13: Go Time?
Chapter 14: I Can't Do This.
Chapter 15:There's Something I Have to Tell You
Chapter 16: The Empty
Chapter 17: It's Perfect
Chapter 18: The Beginning of The End
Chapter 19: Where's Dean?
Chapter 20: The Transformation
Chapter 21: I Love You

Chapter 2: Enough With The Lucifer Crap!

4.4K 97 18
By BennettWinchester

3 Months Later

Well, what the boys don't know won't kill 'em!.... Right?...yeah... I know, that was a bad one... Anyways! Sam and Dean took you and Jack on a case this morning. All you were doing was interviewing a woman about the death of her husband.

Jack and you were walking ahead of your brothers, talking. "Look at that one." Jack said pointing to a poster that read New Restaurant: Dead Man's Booty You laughed. "Why would anyone want to eat at a place called 'Dead Man's Booty'? It sounds like you're eating..." he started.

You hit his arm. "Jack, stop! My brothers are right behind us." You said through laughter. He laughed, and you nudged him almost knocking him over. All you two could do was laugh. "I do have a good slogan for them, though. 'Come to Dead Man's Booty. you won't be disappointed!... What? no! You pervert, Booty mean's treasure.'.... What do you think?" You asked.

"You could be an actress!" He said through laughter. He gave you a nudge back, and you really did almost fall. Luckily, you caught yourself on the wall of the store next to you. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Jack said grabbing your hand. You laughed even harder. "I'm fine, Jack. You should've seen your face!" You said mimicking it.

"Y/N, can we talk?" Dean asked as he and Sam caught up with you. Your smile instantly turned into embarrassment. "Uh... aren't we on our way to that lady's shop?" You asked brushing yourself off. "Look at the sign." He said pointing up. You looked to see you were in the right place.

"Sam, you and Jack go deal with this. Y/N and I'll keep an eye out." He said looking back to Sam. Sam and Jack walked past you guys, and it felt like Dean was staring into your soul. "Dean, I.." you started. "What's going on with you two?" He interrupted. "W-What? Who?" You asked "surprised." "Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. I'm talking about you and Jack." He said annoyed.

"Nothing. Uh, why?" You asked nervously placing your hands in your back pockets. "Nothing. Really? Because you guys are always around each other. Giggling, goofing off, things couples would do." He said. "Dean, it's nothing. We're just friends." You insisted, rolling your eyes. "Y/N, look. You can't be with someone like him. He's not good for you." He went on.

"Oh my... Dean! I thought we were past this already. Jack is NOT like Lucifer, Okay? And we're just friends." Anger built up inside of you. "Y/N..." he started. "No. Just.... no. I'm done." You said turning away from him.

You felt a pain in your stomach, and a wave of nausea came over you. You wrapped your arms around your torso and hunched over. "Hey, are you okay?" Dean asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." You said taking a breath.


You laid in bed staring at the ceiling, smiling. Jack had just told you that he likes you, and you felt like a twelve-year-old girl finding out a cute boy likes you again. Giddy... You heard a faint noise coming from down the hall.

You sat up and heard it again. It sounded like someone was crying. And it sounded like it was coming from Jack's room. "No!" You heard him yell. You sprang out of bed, and bolted down the hall. "Jack?" You asked, knocking on the door. "No! Get away!" He yelled.

You opened the door, and saw him tossing and turning in his bed. You walked into the room, and gently placed a hand on his head. "Jack? Hey, Jack, you're okay. It's just a dream." You whispered stroking his hair.

He gasped as he sat up. "Hey, Hey, it's just me." You comforted. He rubbed his eyes, and looked to you. "I'm sorry." He said coldly. "It's okay... you wanna talk about it?" You asked. "N-No. I just...Why do I keep having these nightmares?" He asked. "I don't know. Are you gonna be okay?" You asked. He nodded, and laid back down. You stood up to leave, but he stopped you.

"Wait. Can... Um, can you stay with me? I don't really want to be alone." He said shyly. "Yeah. Yeah, of course." You said closing the door. You laid next to him, and ran your fingers through his hair until you both fell asleep.

Present Time

You and Dean had been waiting outside the shop for a while now, and it was getting awkward.

That's actually how the rest of the night went. Very awkwardly. Dean would barely let you look at Jack. "Dean, Stop." You finally said as you sat next to Jack at the table.

"Stop what?" He asked. "Don't be dumb. I know this is about what you were asking me earlier today." You said with a sigh. "Of course it's about earlier today, Y/N. I'm trying my best to keep you safe!" He yelled. "Safe?! Really? 'Cause last time I checked I'm perfectly fine." You argued back.

"Perfectly fine? Even being around him as much as you have is just... weird." He said back. "Okay... I think I should go. Y/N, I'll talk to you later. Uh, goodnight, Dean." Jack said as he stood up. You nodded.

"What is wrong with you? I thought we were over this Lucifer crap! Jack has been staying with us for months now, longer than I've known about apparently. I've tried so hard to tell you that we're just friends. What more do you want from me?" You yelled after making sure the Nephilim was gone.

"It's not even about Lucifer anymore!" He shouted louder than he meant. Startled, you looked at his face that was full of anger. "Then what is it about?" You asked calmly. He sighed. "You're my little sister. If I lose you.... I just... I just want you to be safe." He said as he took a sip from his beer.

You laughed. "Well you know what?" You yelled as you stood up. "I'm not little anymore, Dean! You can't  just keep me away from the world. I wanna have my own life." You said putting your hands to your head. "Well, tough luck. This is how life is for us, Y/N. I just..." he started.

"Dean, enough. I'm not feeling well. I just wanna go to bed." You interrupted as you felt your stomach begin to hurt again. You didn't think much of it, but decided it was probably stress. You headed to your room and laid down.

The next day, when you woke up you still weren't feeling the best. You got ready and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, Y/N." Jack greeted as you walked through the doorway. "Hi, Jack. How did you sleep?" You asked. "Good." He replied with a smile.

"How are you feeling?" Dean asked, turning the page of a newspaper before closing it. "Uh, I'm okay." You replied coldly. You were still upset with your oldest brother. "Were you sick last night?" Sam asked as he sat at the table. "No. My stomach was just bothering me." You said with a tight grin.

Suddenly you felt a wave of nausea inducing pain come over you again. You held your stomach and hunched over. "Ugh, that didn't feel so good." You said as you pulled a chair out, and sat down. "Are you okay?" Jack asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." You nodded.


You walked into the library still not feeling the best, but this time it was worse. You yelled out in pain as you clenched your stomach. "Y/N?" Dean said as he rushed to you. "Hey, what's going on?" Sam asked as he watched you collapse.

"We need to get her to a hospital." Dean said. "No, no, please." You whispered. "We have to go, Y/N." Sam said. "Where's Jack?" You asked. "I'm here." He said as you looked up to see him hovering over you. Then everything went black.

🐾🥀I hope you like it! This one's a little on the slower side, but it gets better and speeds up as it goes!🥀🐾

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