Eat A Treat! Foodie Recipes

By Yusa_A

24 9 55

Are you a lazy person that wants to prove they could at least cook scrambled eggs? Are you a food enthusiast... More

Microwave Mug Pancake

Scrambled Onions

8 4 25
By Yusa_A

Good morning, friends!

So you wanna eat an Omlete? Or maybe Scrambled Eggs? Or you can't decide?

Maybe it's your mom's birthday and you wanna make her breakfast in bed and breakfast in bed recquires eggs?

Well I have a recipe for you!

Introducing: Scrambled Onions!

For this delicious fantastic beautiful and smelly in a good way meal, you will need the following ingredients:

• Two eggs.

• One big white onion OR two small ones. A big onion is an onion almost the same size as your palm. A small onion is like half your palm.

• One pinch of black pepper powder.

• Two pinches of red pepper powder.

• Three pinches of salt.

•  A pinch of garlic powder.

• Cheese (parmesan/mozzarella) (as much as you want).

• Three cap spills of veggie oil.

Alright, on to the procedure!

So for context, you should know that I actually cracked five eggs and used two big onions cuz I wasn't cooking for myself alone, but I was making two servings, so while there might seem like a little too much in the picture, just stick with my words and I'll direct you so as not to get confused.

So here are the eggs that I've cracked in the bowl:

By the way, the fifth egg was just for someone who wanted to taste, so now you know what you can add if someone else got curious and wanted to try what you're cooking.

In the previous recipe, I told you the technique behind successfully and cleanly cracking an egg, so I won't repeat myself seeing as you can just go back and re-read for yourself.

I do welcome questions in the comment section though. Go ahead. (◡ ω ◡)

So you have the eggs cracked, you should turn your sights to preparing the onions.

Now, I know, onions make you cry, but I have a solution.

Face mask. Preferably one that can block out your nostrils.

You see, the reason why you cry when you chop onions is because the odor it brings out gets sniffed and absorbed by you which causes the reaction of eye itchiness and watering.

It's not your eye exposed to the fumes, it's your nostrils.

So, if you periodically block your nostrils, chop a little, then leave out of the room for a few seconds to breath non-onion-y air, then come back, you should be fine.

Or you could have that device thing set over the stove to suck out the fumes, so you'd have to be chopping your onions under it while it's turned on.

Or you could use a vacuum but that's not sanitary.

Or you can just bare with it like a real hero and carry on.

So, I don't exactly have a picture for that, but I'll try to describe to you the fastest way to get all your onions chopped as fast as you can.

So you peel your onions completely of the brown stuff until it's 90% white (cuz the brown crunchy parts on the outside aren't edible) and you cut off it's root base and it's antenna.

You know what I'm talking about.

Then, you cut your onion in the middle while it's standing up.

Then you lay the onion halves on the now chopped middle so the arc of the onion is facing you.

Now the onion is settled down and ready to get chopped and diced.

Actually we're almost done with chopping, now we're dicing.

What you do is take your knife and cut it diagonally (basically follow the faint stripes on the onion layer. Cut through with your knife blade parallel to those stripes.) all over the onion.

So then the onion is chopped in lines, but also remember to not chop the lines off each other completely; let them stay connected at the stem.

THEN you turn the onion 90° and start chopping those lines into squares.

Once you're done chopping, you'll realize that it ended quickly, and you just repeat the process until all onions are diced.

Do in the end, they should look like this:

A bunch of blocks.

You should know that you'll have to split the layers still sticking to each other and I know just how.

All you gotta do is finally pour in your three caps of veggie oil and start gently pressing on them over and over again with your trusty spatula.

Remember to add your onions to the pan when you wanna start splitting them up.

Plus, by caps, I mean literally screw off the cap on your veggie oil bottle and slowly pour in a little oil into the cap.

Make sure you're pouring the oil over your kitchen sink cuz there's a large possibility that you might spill some oil in the process.

Be extremely careful and don't rush the oil.

Let it pour out as slowly as possible.

Here's a picture to demonstrate how your onions should look after they're completely split apart:

(Oh my God the lighting by the stove is amazing. I really should be taking the pics over here from now on. Look at that beauty 😍)

I also recommend that you turn on your stove to low heat while you try to split them up cuz heat facilitates the process and oil makes them slip off more smoothly.

Also, you should turn them about and stir them in circles just to help spread Dem juices around more and soften them up a tad faster.

Here's a few pictures of me enjoying myself:

(I just can't get over the lighting. I've suffered too much!)

Okay, once the oil starts bubbling, it's time to prepare our egg sauce!

So you've already cracked the eggs before you started preparing the onions, so now all you have to do is add the seasoning, and boy do I have a collection for you!

You add a pinch of black pepper, two pinches of red pepper, a pinch or garlic powder, and like three pinches of salt all at the same time.

Then, you whisk them up together with your trusty whisk.

It should look like this:

(Before whisking)

(After whisking)

Your egg slush is now prepared and all you're waiting for now is for the onions to get mostly cooked.

How should your onions look like when they're mostly cooked?

I'll literally show you:

(Not yet. That's 10% cooked.)

(Still no. That's like 30 % cooked.)

(Now?... Actually... Yes. Your onions are now 95 % done. They're edible as they are, but you probably would still want them to be a little crunchier but we'll get to that.)

Now that your onions are mostly golden brown, it's time to add the egg mixture.

What you do is pour the egg goop slowly in the center of the pan until the whole liquid is covering the whole thing.

Like this:

(Do you see that whisky boy lurking? I do X3)

Now, this is the delicate part.

If your whisk is made out of plastic, like mine, try to avoid hitting the pan with it, but at the same time, don't over do it.

What I mean is, done press the whisk onto the pan, just let it bump into it from time to time, but don't go out of your way to press the thing on the heated metal cuz it'll melt a little.

So how do you whisk safely?

Easy. Imagine the whisk to be a pencil and you're drawing circles with it.

All the circles are interconnected and make sure you collect the now onion and egg mixture together in the process.

At some point, the mixture will look like this:

(Mr Whisk is still lurking...)

That's when the whisk has finished it's job.

It's time to say goodbye to Mr Whisk, cuz now we're going back to using Mr Spatula.

This is when you have to raise the hell fires to medium cuz we want our eggs lightly crunched with a little browning cuz it's cool.

You count 15 seconds in your head and then you flip pieces of the food like burgers (don't go all being dramatic and flippin em to the sky, okay? Just flip em an inch of the ground of the pan and it's be fine.) then wait another 15 seconds and repeat the process until you're satisfied with the browning.

Once you're satisfied, you can finally turn off the stove and put your pan away and get that cheese we talked about earlier in the recipe.

You could use either parmesan or mozzarella or any other cheese you want (but I mostly recommend these two) and add them on top the eggs.

Now the whole cheese thing is up to your own personal preference; whether you want to keep them on the top as decoration or you want then to be throughout the meal and how much goes in is totally in your favor.

If you want the cheese to be melted in the meal then just put the cheese and mix them together until they're complete blended in and the only trace of the cheese is when it does that thing like with pizzas.

You know when you separate a slice of pizza from the rest and the cheese just stretches? That's what I'm talking about.

This could be the final product:

I personally don't like having too much cheese on something so I just put one pinch of mozzarella and mixed them well.

I know it look like it lost some color but it's actually a little more deep in color than it appears on camera and I ain't gonna lie to you and try to Photoshop it and all, so take my word for it.

As for the taste? Delicious.

The smell? Magnificent.

Makes you feel like a pro.

That's all I have for today!

Hope you enjoyed!

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