Kakashi's daughter, is in lov...

By annimefreakxx

163K 4.9K 1.8K

This is a story about a girl who Kakashi found and was supposed to kill. But he felt something about that gir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

8.2K 233 49
By annimefreakxx


I watched all the genin's different expressions as they took their first look at the Forest of Death. It was kinda funny to be honest. They all look scared or at least a little nervous.

"They call it the forest of death and soon enough your gona find out why!" I giggled as Naruto mimicked Anko's voice and did some weird dance, with his hands on his hips and pointed out his ass.

"So," said Anko smiling, "Looks like we've got ourselves a tough guy,"

Oh now your in for it Naruto!

I watched as she threw a kunai which brushed past his face making a small cut on his cheek before she ran behind him and began taunting him.

Holy shit! That's gross! I thought as I saw one of the grass ninja hand Anko back her kunai with her tongue!

I shock my head in disgust. Man some people have some weird jitsu's.

"Kasumi," I turned to find one of the Jōnin appeared next to me and looking at me.

"Yeah? What is it?" I answered.

"The Hokage requests your presence."

Are you kidding me!? Now of all times? Come on!

I let out a sigh.

"Fine then." I said before poofing off into smoke.

"Ah Kasumi, I'm glad you could join us," said the Hokage with a smile on his face.

"Great to see you too." I said sarcastically.

He just gave a light chuckle.

"I know you want to watch the exams but I have a feeling that you might interfere,"

I looked at him suspiciously for a second and then I remembered.


"You mean it? He's going to be there in the exam and your saying I can't fight him? WHAT. THE. HELL."

"Kasumi. You need to let things play, even if you did fight him and kill him, it wouldn't help anything."

"BUT if I do I can stop so much from happening! I can stop him from putting the curse on Sas-"

"Kasumi." He interrupted me. "I told you, I can predict the future. But if it changes to much, then it won't help anything. I tried seeing what would happen if you intervened but it's just not possible."

I glared at hin before sighing.

---end of flashback---

"So I take it I'm staying here with everyone for the exams?"

He nodded and put his pipe back to his mouth.


"Yahoo!" I yelled as we stood in front of gate 16. "We rock in survival! Hinata you better be strong for this!"

"Oh... rite.." she said.

Well she doesn't seem to sure of herself! Oh well were gona ace this test no sweat! You better be watching Kasumi! I'll prove to you just how strong I've become!


I watched from the tower as everything began. All the teams rushing in reading to make their moves. I gotta admit it was hard to decide who to cheer for. I mean yeah Kiba my boyfriend and all but I'm also really good friends with everyone else! Accept Sasuke... He doesn't like me... Oh well he's a bit of a dick anyways.

"So Kasumi, who's your money on?" asked the Hokage.

"My money!? Let me get this straight. You can see the near future and you want to beat on who's going to win this!? No way!"

He chuckled.

"Well then, who do you want to win?"

I thought for a moment.

"It's not really a win or lose match though is it?"

"Hmm. I guess not."


"Ok, first thing we gotta do is to find it. You ready Hinata?"

She nodded.


I can't believe that our plan actually worked! The fact that rain ninja fell for it too! And well I guess you could say luck was on our side because they had a earth scroll!

"Don't get over confident, that's a dangerous mistake to make. No matter how small a bug is, it still has to guard itself at all times. We have to make sure we don't encounter any enemies. That is the only way to be safe."

"Yeah I know that Shino, but as usual you gotta say it in a weird vage way. Bug nerd!"I teased.

"Yeah but Kiba, what he said, he does kinda have a point you know." said Hinata.

"Yeah I know just come on!" I urged, Jezz why does everyone have to be so tense here?

Suddenly Akamaru and I picked up on a sent.

"Hold on guys" I said as I held out my arms on either side, stopping the other two as I laneded on a branch. "We have to stop."

"Why?" asked Shino in an annoyed voice as he turned and stared at me.

"Were being careful not to encounter any enemies right? Alright Hinata, I want you to check out a kilometer ahead in that direction," I said as I pointed North East of us.

She nodded.

"Here goes. Byakugan!" She said before her eyes changed. "Yes. There's somebody there alright.”

I turned to my right as Shino placed his ear to the tree trunk. Probably some weird bug thing. I thought.

"It sounds like there are... 6 people there."

"Alright! Let's check it out!" I said with a grin.

"Ah!?" exclaimed Hinata.

"Kiba? What are you talking about? Were not going to do that!" said Shino.

"Why not?" I asked "The test administrator said we have to get both a heaven and an earth scroll right? But she didn't say we couldn't take more then that! If we get more scrolls, then there will be fewer to go around. That means other teams will be cut out of the competition!" I laughed evilly.


"Look first we'll just check it out ok? If it looks to dangerous then we won't battle them. Now come on, let's go!" I urged as I jumped ahead.


I watched over the Chūnin exams over the 5 days. It was interesting to see how many teams looked at their scrolls and got knocked out. While others fought and some getting badly injured while others died.

But I gotta say, the most interesting thing would have to have been those Sand Village Ninja.

Beating the record time by for hours. And that one, Gaara. Using his sand to crush everyone. It was actually pretty gross but interesting at the same time.

I wasn't really listening while the Hokage rammed on about shinobi and all that. I just watched everyone's facials change as he told them what was happening until Hayate interrupted.

"There's something *cough cough* I would like all of you to do before the third exam." He paused for a moment with added a bit of a dramatic effect but I doubt that was what he was planning. "Ugghh... We have to have a preliminary exam before we can move onto the real one."

"HUH!?" I heard heaps of people gasp and some stared wide eyed. It was kinda funny.

"Preliminary!? Just what do you mean by that!?" yelled Shikamaru.

"Ugh I'm sorry. Sensai excuse me, but I really don't see the point. What's this preliminary all about? Why can't we just move onto the third exam?"

"Ughh... Well you see, the first and second exams might have been to easy. The fact is, that we never expected so many of you still to be here. According to the rules of the Chūnin exams, a preliminary round can be held at any stage. In order to reduce the amount of candidates remaining."

"Ugh but, is that fair?" asked Sakura.

Well of course it's not fair idiot! Who ever said that being a ninja was fair? Ugh I know I'm being a bit of a bitch but seriously!? Sakura is just so god dam annoying sometimes!

Ugh. I kinda spaced out as Hayate kept explaining and coughing.

Hmmm.... I thought. I wonder who's going to pass? We'll I guess it kinda depends who's going to fight who. But... The people who will defiantly pass are:

Gaara... hmmm Neji will.... Sasuke will.... I got a feeling the other two Sand Ninja will as well. Hmm Kiba might but I wouldn't count on it. Unless he gets to vs someone like Sakura.

"The names of each pairs of opponents are chosen completely at random for each match. The names will be displayed on the panel behind me. As there's nothing more to say, lets begin. In a moment, the names of the first two opponents will appear."

I watched the panel waiting to see who was up first. I glanced at every, their eyes were anxious. I could tell some were excited and some scared.

And there it was.

Yoroi Akado


Sasuke Uchiha

I saw Sasuke smirk. I can see he's one of the excited ones. The other known as Yoroi Akado, had his face covered by a piece of cloth and some weird glasses like Shino's. He looks excited as well.

"Alright now, those who's names have been drawn, Come forward."

Sasuke and Yoroi started walking out to the front of the crowd and faced each other.

"You have been chosen for the first match. Yoroi Akado and Sasuke Uchiha. Are there any objections?" asked Hayate.

"None here," said Sasuke.

"No." said Yoroi.

"Ugh. Alright then, lets begin the first match. *cough* Ok could anyone other then the two remaining candidates please move to the upper level."

I smirked and jumped up to the next level. This match is going to be an interesting one..

I leaned my back against the wall and waited for everyone to come up. I could see Kiba grinning as he made his way further up the stairs towards me.

I turned back to the match and saw Kakashi whisper something to Sasuke before walking away.

Must be something about the curse mark, I thought.

"So," I said with my eyes closed as Kiba came up and stood next to me with his hands locked behind his head. "I see you survived the second exam,"

"Of course!" he grinned. "We past it easy! No sweat!"

I giggled.

"And why do I find it so hard to believe you!" I said rolling my eyes as he pulled me into a hug.

"Oh you two." said Kurani as she walked up to us with Hinata and Shino. "Please we are in the middle of the exams."

"Sorry Kurani," I said pulling away with a cheeky smile tugging on my lips.

"So guys," I said to Shino and Hinata. "How was the second exam really?" I asked as Sasuke's fight began. I wasn't really that interested. I mean I was pretty sure Sasuke was going to win.

"It could have been a whole lot worse." said Shino glaring at Kiba.

"Hey! Nothing happened ok? We made it back safe and sound so don't worry,"

I chuckled to myself as Kiba and Shino began arguing. I knew they were talking about their run in with the Sand Ninja.

I mean I gotta say, I was pretty worried about them for a second as well but they're ok now.

"Hinata were you ok?" I asked her as she watched Sasuke's match.

"Oh..yeah it was..."

"You know it's ok to say if you were scared," I said with a small smile.

She looked down. "Yeah I guess I was.."

"Well it's over now," I said with a smile. "Until of course your match."

"Yeah.." she said looking back to the match.

I could see she was worried and a bit scared. It was all in her eyes.

I looked back to Sasuke's match.

He was dodging all of the other guys punches until he ran, well most people, he looked like he disappeared and re-appeared just in front of his opponent and kicked his chin, using his hands as a leaver to help the power of his kick, as he sent him flying upwards.

Huh. So he's copied Lee's moves. He really is just like dad.

He looked like he was about to attack but I watched as his curse mark made an appearance.

Hn. I wonder if this match is going to be over soon then. I thought but then to my surprise, I watched the cure mark receded. How the hell did he do that!?

He sent a kick up his left but it was blocked.

"Ha! Your no match for me!" said Yoroi.

But I saw a small smirk on Sasuke's face as he turned and sent his right arm smashing into Yoroi face. As they fell through the sky, Sasuke turned again sending a kick right on his stomach just before they hit the ground.

"Lion's Barrage!" he yelled.

But sadly he had an un-graceful landing of falling backwards and doing a backwards roll onto his stomach.

Not bad Sasuke, not bad

It took a few seconds before Sasuke got back on one knee, breathing heavily.

"I'm declaring this match over," said Hayate, "As the winner of this preliminary round Sasuke Uchiha, advances to the finals."

"Way to go!" yelled Naruto with a huge smile on his face.

I smirked to myself. As I turned to see Lee with a kinda of pissed off face but you could tell, he envied Sasuke.

"Wow. He was amazing." said Hinata.

"Nah. It wasn't anything that special." said Kiba putting emphasis on that. But by the tone of his voice, he knew Sasuke was awesome but he was too cool or cocky to admit it.

"Oh I don't know Kiba," I said smirking slightly. "He was pretty tough! I don't know if you could beat him..." I said trailing off.

"Yeah well we'll just see about that!! We'll win this stupid preliminary and advance right to the next match and kick his ass! Right Akamaru?"


I laughed. Kiba's so cute when he's over confident.

But still. How Sasuke controlled that curse, it's something amazing. But when is he going to lose control? I thought as I saw Kakashi and Sasuke walking off.


Okay that's the 7th chapter!

I don't know if anyone likes this story or not lol cause it has like no reads lol but it has gone up!! and I'm sorry if I can't describe the fights that well but hey! You've all seen this episode anyways.

Please tell me what you think! I need to know if I should just delete this story or what!




Please? x

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