Kion & Fuli A True love story...

Oleh Kate_The_Master

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hey guys, this is a story about my favorite TLG characters kion and fuli! I love this ship since the beginnin... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 The final night?
Chapter 2 Kion's & Fuli's New Journey!?
Chapter 3 Janja & Jasiri
Chapter 4 Returning Friends?
Chapter 5 A heroic Save part 1
chapter 6 A heroic save part 2
Chapter 7 Reuniting
Chapter 8 Fuli's New power!?
Chapter 11 Returning home & Saving the king
Chapter 9 Star gazing date night?!
Update (every other times in my story)
Chapter 10 Fuli's Training & New couple!?
Chapter 12 Fuli's Preparations Part 1
Chapter 13 Fuli's Preparations Part 2
Chapter 14 Girls/Boys night out!?
Chapter 15 Reunion & Girls/Boys Sleepover Part 2
Chapter 16 Fuli's Aunt!?
Chapter 17 More Rescues & Final Preparations
Chapter 18 Fuli's Coronation!
Chapter 19 New Guest!? & New surprise!?
Chapter 20 Meeting Fuli's Aunt
Chapter 21 The Ultimate Rescue Part 1
Chapter 22 The Ultimate Rescue Part 2
Chapter 24 Fuli Leaves!?
Chapter 25 Kion's Search
*New Update 2020-2022

Chapter 23 Meet up?!

781 8 10
Oleh Kate_The_Master

(Hey guys! I just love the fact that you guys are loving my story! I just can't thank you guys enough! If there is anything I can do this christmas break, let me know!)

Kiara: FULI! WAIT! *running after her and notices her stopping walking up towards a high rock and sitting down*

-Fuli's Pov-

*Looking up towards the deep midnight sky while the stars shining below them* 

Kiara: *sits beside her* Gosh, You really are the fastest legend

Always have, maybe always will 

Cheyanne: *looking down at them* You sure will..

Kiara: *looks up* Woah, who are you?

Cheyanne: My name is cheyanne, I am known as the ancient one and I see you are Fuli's sister in law now correct?

*sighs* Yes, she is Cheyanne.. 

Kiara: Yes, yes I am

Cheyanne? What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with your sisters?

Cheyanne: Fuli, I always have to make sure your doing okay? And of course they are all doing just fine without me. 

*Bows* I'm sorry

Cheyanne: No need for that now your highness *bows with a smile*

*embarrassed and hides my face* 

Kiara: *laughs* It's what happens as future queen

Cheyanne: Ah, yes you are also the future Queen of the pridelands Kiara?

Kiara: Yes, Cheyanne *smile*

Cheyanne: I'm sure you both will have many adventures with one another and many with your fellow friends as well.

We sure do! *smiles*

Kiara: it was an honor on meeting you miss

Cheyanne: Please dear, your apart of the family now. You can call me auntie just like fuli does

Hey! I do Not! *looks away*

Kiara: *Looking at cheyanne and they both laugh*

Cheyanne: Were just messing with you dear

*Laughs with a smile* I know. 

Cheyanne: Well, I must go now. I'll be here whenever you need anything okay? 

Kiara: Yes ma'am

*Nodded and smiles before she watches her disappear*

Kiara: that was.. 

Incredible, yes I know.. *starts to walk down* 

Kiara: I had no idea.. I'm so sorry this is how you felt all this time..

It's okay, it's about time I told someone other than Kion

Kiara: I'm sure you both will be just fine. As king and queen

*Blushes* yeah, I'm sure we will. 

*Meanwhile With Kion & Kovu*

Kion's Pov-

*Keeping eye contact on a zebra before pouncing on it and biting it's leg off and dragging it away*

Kovu: *smirks* Your doing better

Uh huh- *not paying attention and continues to lead it back home*

Kovu: *starts to help him and notices him going farther into the forest and into the secret cavern towards the "entrance"* Where are we?

Were Almost towards our kingdom

Kovu: You guys have a kingdom now?!

Well.. Not exactly but it's been our home for a few months now. I remember mother told me it was a perfect place.


Nala: Kion, is everything okay? You seemed stressed

Kion: *sigh* Mom, I found a new home for me and fuli to live in peace together but I'm not sure how you and dad would react..

Nala: *surprised* May I come and visit? 

Kion: Of course mom, come on *leads her the way*

Nala: It's beautiful.. and it's clearly secret hidden

Kion: Of course mother, I wouldn't want my love to be in a crazy war without me by her side

Nala: I'm sure you won't let her down Kion, You both were made for one another and always have and nothing will change that

Kion: thanks mom *nuzzles her*

Nala: Anytime son *nuzzles him back* 

*Flashback ends*

Kovu: Wow- I had no idea

Kion: Well better believe it *opens door and leads him inside as the door closes*

Kovu: woah- It's beautiful

Kion: I know right, I always made sure that we kept it spotless and the way it naturally is

*After the tour they start to meet up with their love ones*

Kiara: Hey dear, Hey kion

Kion: Hey sis, *goes over to nuzzles fuli*

Fuli: *smiles*

Kovu: *nuzzles kiara*

Fuli: So, what happened?

Kovu: Just hunting

Fuli: Oh really? *raises an eyebrow* Well.. Kiara got to meet someone close to me

Kion: Your aunts I'm guessing hon? 

Fuli: Yes dear

Kiara: She was very kind and honoring

Kovu: Honoring ? 

Kiara & Fuli: *giggle* 

Kovu & Kion: *laugh it off*

Kiara: You guys are welcomed to join us for supper

Kion: No thanks sis, I got a surprise for Fuli

Kiara: *rolls my eyes* okay,You too have fun now. 

Kovu: *hugs kion then fuli* Bye guys, see you

Kion & Fuli: Bye guys! *start to head home*

*Meanwhile with Makucha & Chulunn*

Makucha: *watching his mate* 

Chuluun: What?

Makucha: Oh-uh Nothing *looks away*

Chuluun: *getting up and walking over to lick his cheek*

Makucha: *blushes before turning towards her*

Chuluun: Love you *nuzzles against him*

Makucha: Love you too *nuzzles against her*

*Back with our lovers heading back home and into their sweet humble home*

Kion's Pov-

Everything alright dear? *looking worried*

Fuli: Of course not Kion, Why?

I just thought something was bothering you

Fuli: *nuzzles you* Don't worry Kion, Like Nala said. We are one and I'm not going anywhere

*Blushes then licks your lips* Good cause your my one and only cheetah that I will never let go! *pounces on her*

Fuli: K-Kion! *giggles while blushing*

Mine! *nuzzles her*

Fuli: Mine *nuzzles back affectionately*

*Nobody Pov- 

As Kion starts to bring his love some dinner, they ate in silence then started to look up at the sky on this magical evening as the stars in the sky perk up in the bright lights shown around them.*

Fuli's Pov-

*Looking up towards the great kings of the past before looking at her mate*

Kion: *looking up and puts paw on hers* Someday..We'll be with them

You think so?

Kion: I know so because as long as your here, your on my side

 Always dear

*They cuddle up against one another*

Kion: I'll always be here to protect you

Always Kion? I'm not sure about that *chuckles*

Kion: Come here you- *tackles her to the ground*

*Laughs* that's my fierce Lion

Kion: *smiles* Don't you forget it *helps her up*

Fuli: *smiles and puts my forehead against his chest* I'll always be with you

Kion: *thinking; Best day ever.. *purrs*

(As our heroes are warming up, what will happen next? Find out soon peace!)

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