
By labyrinth-

306K 11.7K 3K

In which Daisy Carter's nights become sleepless because of the Pianist living in the apartment just below her... More

FAQs + sequel talk


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By labyrinth-

I was really excited to show up, Charlotte however was a little nervous which was bothering me a little. With her deep oceanic colored ball gown which made the blue pendant resting just above her chest line looked immensely gorgeous. Her hair were left opened, curls loosely hanging adding more beauty.

"What is up with your mood?" I asked as I spat the chewing gum out of the cab window. I smiled sheepishly realizing the window wasn't open and the pink gum along with my saliva stuck directly at the window. I started removing it while the driver gave me a cold glare from the rear view mirror.

It took us one whole hour to get ready. I decided to wear a peach colored ball gown with the upper blouse shimmering against the moonlight. My hair were left open with lose curls just at the ends. Charlotte had done my make up which was almost similar to hers. Our eye liner was very thin making the bronze foundation very prominent making our skins look a little more tan than usual.

"If I tell you, there's a high chance of you getting mad." She bit her lower lip.

"Are you on drugs?" As soon as I said it, the driver shot me a confused look.

"What? No." She exclaimed.

"Then? What is it?"

"I may have accidentally being seeing a guy since two days.'' She whispered gritting her teeth together.

"What the hell?" I roared loudly.

"Sorry." She muttered.

"You didn't tell me. Wow talk about being a best friend." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"I was about to tell you but then..'' She trailed off.

"Yeah what?" I pressed.

"I was about to call you but I thought you might be with your father and I didn't want to disturb your time.'' She looked down with sincerity lacing in her tone.

"Okay, I forgive you. Who is it?" I asked desperately. I didn't want to go all 'Why the hell you didn't tell me? We are never ever talking again. Good day to you!'. 

"Noah Westwick." She blushed at his full name.

"Noah library-card Westwick, you mean?'' I asked with my mouth hanging open.

"Yes, quit over reacting please."

"Oh my God Char, you didn't tell me." I could feel glint in my eyes. I knew she had a crush on him since three months but I wasn't expecting things to escalate so soon but who am I kidding, Charlotte is a darling, anyone would want to go out with her.

"Yeah, well he asked me out the other day and I agreed."

"That is so good. I am so happy for you.'' I hugged her and later after talking for a while about things, we finally pulled over to the large mansion before us.


It almost felt like we were in old beautiful era. With males dressed in tuxedo and females in ball gowns, everything looked perfect. From the huge chandelier that was glowing and dimming with the intensity of each song playing to the long spiral stair case with Christmas lights swirled beautifully around it.

After Mr and Mrs David had expressed their feelings about their charity program being successful, they asked and I quote, 

"If all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.'' 

Charlotte had already flee with Noah in the ballroom. While I was sitting on one of the bar stools swirling my lemonade and realizing how single I am.

I took out my phone and started playing some stupid game until I heard someone approached me.

"Excuse me," his deep voice grabbed all of my attention and I looked up, "My friend, he is on his way and I am afraid he is a little lost. I was on phone with him until my battery died down. I really need to guide him with the directions. Do you mind giving me your phone for a moment?"

Now I know trusting strangers with phones isn't the right choice but when a perfectly sculpted face with immensely gorgeous features and mysterious eyes approaches you, would you deny? You probably should if you are too young. But for me, when his coca brown eyes pleaded, with his sharp jaw line that clenched each time he talked. His finest tuxedo matched perfectly with a smile so contagious. I couldn't refuse.

"Sure." I smiled and handed him my phone. He excused himself for a while and came back with my phone in his hand.

"Thank you so much!" He smiled.

"No problem."

"So, um since we are here, would you like to dance with me?" He asked politely making my heart beat faster than usual.

"I'd like that." I nodded and we both escorted towards the dance floor. We both danced in a sync.

"What's your name?" He broke the silence.

"Daisy, What's yours?"


"Colton." I repeated his name checking how it sounds when I say it. But then mentally slap myself for such thoughts.

"You look lovely, Daisy." He admired my gown and stared long enough at my face causing jolts of sparks to run down my body.

"Thanks! You don't look bad yourself." I smiled causing him to chuckle. A very deep chuckle I may add.

We learnt a few things about each other.

I learned he lives in Ontario with his family. He was in Calgary for a family holiday with his parents. His father was a surgeon in Ontario and his mother was an English teacher. I also learnt Colton likes indie folk, playing board games specially chess, poetry and art.

Things he learnt about me were that I was still in University studying law. About my father, my interests including sky diving, gatherings, parks and pizza with extra cheese.

Two songs ended and Colton pulled away.

''As much as I loved dancing with you, I am afraid I have to leave,'' he stared at my orbs long enough before continuing, "Thank you for the dance, Daisy."

I was feeling a little nervous under his gaze but I managed to speak anyway.

"It was fun dancing with you."

After he told me he'll see me soon and after he had bid his goodbyes, I see him leave the room.


I dont know.

Piano is #109 in short story. I am so happy. Thank you for reading it.

Please do Comment and Vote it means a lot.



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