
By RVHeart

15.7K 370 3

A story about the famous Alex Blackwood, gorgeous, millionaire and yet broken hearted girl who turned bad. N... More

1. Cara
2. Cara
3. Cara
4. Cara
5. Drew
6. Cara
7. Cara
8. Drew
9. Cara
10. Cara
11. Drew
12. Cara
13. Maeve
14. Cara
15. Maeve
16. Cara
17. Maeve
18. Maeve
19. Maeve
20. Cara
21. Maeve
22. Cara
23. Cara
24. Sarah
25. Sarah
26. Sarah
28. Cara
29. Maeve
30. Maeve
31. Cara
32. Cara
33. Maeve
34. Cara
Author's Note

27. Cara

193 4 0
By RVHeart

Alex is asleep after I gave her another ten minutes of hell. I applied those shitty cream she hates on both of her thigh and her arm by force.

Sarah told me that Alex was still losing her sleep due to her pain on her thigh so I gotta use the cream to reduce it, hoping she will be sleeping nice during the night.

Now I'm looking at her sleeping from her bedroom door, my heart sinks. She's still sweating heavily though the temperature in her room is cold as fuck. Her face is just so calm, looking so exhausted that she needed rest after the pain she has gone through.

I close the door and walk away to the living room, probably gonna crash on the couch for tonight. Alex's room is just so fucking cold for me to sleep in.

"She's sleeping already?" Sarah asks as soon as I appear to her sight.

I nod and sit across her.

Sarah came by to our loft an hour ago, just to check on Alex's conditions.

"You must be so worried," I say, looking a little bit sympathetic. I know she is worried because she loves Alex. She wouldn't have come here if she didn't. She would have just called.

"I am..." she says, quietly.

And knowing she has been fucking Alex back at their cabin... I know exactly those feelings.

"You love her, don't you Sarah?" I ask, trying to make it sound casual.

"What makes you to say that?"

I smile and look at my feet. "Because it is obvious."

I offer her a drink, pouring her more orange juice from the fridge I placed on the table earlier.

Slowly I hand her the glass of the juice and I sit comfortably next to her.

Sarah nods and she licks her lips, after taking a sip. "Yes, I do Cara."

I look at her, just nodding my head. She doesn't have to tell because I already know.

"You haven't told anyone about what we did, right?" she blushes.

I scoff right away. "No, of course not. Why would I?" I lean forward, grabbing a candy from a jar. "You don't have to fucking worry, Mrs. Walker. I don't share stories with people."

She nods again. "Well..." Her fingers tapping on her drink. "I just want you to know that I care a lot about Alex."

"Mm," I nod again. "May I ask?" She smiles. "Are you not scared of what you're doing? I mean, you're the fucking HR Director and you're having an affair with Alex? Aren't you worried about rumors?"

She laughs. She takes another sip on her drink and looks at me. "I am scared," she says, clean."But most of the time I can't help myself, you know. She's hard to resist. If only I wasn't married, I would have gotten Alex to be my wife."

Sarah and share some giggles then I clear my throat. "You're aware that she's that bad girl, right? Trust me keeping her in your heart is just a huge mistake."


"Mhmm," I wink at her. "It's better to just keep your relationship with her as friends. Try don't get too attached."

"Why is that?" Sarah tilts her head, furrowing her brows.

"Well," I swallow. "I don't know why but Alex keeps saying that. She also mentioned she can't be in any serious relationships right now. You know her, right? I'm sure she has told you all of that."

Sarah nods. "Because everyone is literally in love with her? And that would make the situation harder? And I just happen to be married to someone else? Yeah, I know."

I shake my head. "No, Sarah. It isn't just because of that." I glance at the kitchen real quick. "You're the HR Director, I'm sure you know all the shits she has done."

Suddenly she just giggles, covering her mouth with her fist. "I know some of it."

"Okay," I shake my head again. "Now that you're saying you love that goddess in the other side of the room, mind telling me what made you in love with her?"

After few seconds of saying it, I realize I sound like a cautious daddy.

"Apart of her being so hot, fucking pretty and all that cliché shit you're gonna say," I add. "What else do you love about Alex?"

Sarah runs her fingers through her hair, giggling. "Well," she says, nodding. "She gives a hella sex for a start."

I shrug, agreed. Alex really gives a hella, addictive sex. I know exactly how she touches and the way she seduces that makes us want more of her.

"But it is just a bonus though. I can't explain how, what and why I love her. But all I know is just that: I fucking love her."

I smile at her swearing. "In general, you love how she makes you feel during sex. True?"

She shakes her head. "More than that, Cara. Explaining what more I love about her is pointless. It's not like I get to make her mine one day, right? Because I am fucking married. And I don't wanna risk my marriage just to make her mine knowing I have so many competitors." She laughs. "I'm fucking aware that everyone is hustling to own her heart and I know Alex is a kind of person that so hard to fall in love."

"Mm, okay," I bite my lip, nodding. She has all the points. "Well, if you love her then fine. If you still wanna keep fucking her too, that's fine too. All I want for my best friend is out of any problems or troubles. Okay? Stay out of rumors. You know how they work here, right? They spread fucking fast."

I rub my eyes while I let out a giggle. "I'm sure we don't wanna have bad reputations."

Sarah makes a twirl on her drink and smiles. Her puffy lips stretch beautifully that I find myself enjoy looking at it.

"Do you think I'm just gonna fuck her only?" she says I barely can hear.

I look at her in confusion. "What now?"

"You don't think that I may come to you for a fuck?"

I accidentally let out a scoff. "Why me?"

"Oh, you know," she smirks. "You're the second Alex Blackwood. The second hottest woman ranked in the planet."

"Um, okay," I say unbelievably. "So I'm more like, your second option in your fuck list?"

"You're not seeing anyone right now, are you?" the smirk is still on her face.

"Dude," I shake my head. "You're married and you're still doing this? Really?"

Well, deep down. I don't have any problem with that. Sarah is sexually attractive just like Alex and I'm not dating anyone so why not?

"I can't fuck Alex that often," she smiles. "And you're just as good as her."

I just let out a laugh. I tilt my head and meet her eyes. "Has your husband stopped giving you the sex you need?"

She giggles, shaking her head and licks her lips. "Um, we still have it. But you know, it isn't the best."

"And so you think we're giving you the best pleasure?" I smirk.

"Mhmm," she blushes. "Though you girls don't even need dicks or any sex toys, your pleasures are the best, I don't know why."

I laugh again. Not gonna lie Alex gives the best pleasure as far as I know. I don't know where and how she learnt it but god damn, she is just so fucking good. That was how I learnt my way of pleasuring. I learnt from the best.

"See, Sarah," I smirk. "You need to keep us all confidential. No one should know about us."

She shrugs. "Duh. I have a marriage to keep."

We stare at each other for a few seconds and Sarah leans closer to me. She cups my cheek and then her lips just meet mine.

Her smell runs through my nostrils and I pull away.

"What's wrong?" she asks, our heads are just an inch away.

I squinch my eyes, biting my lip. "You smell just like Alex."

She really does smell like Alex. I know that scent exactly. That sweet, cherry blossom scent I always love. Well, I always love how she smell so...

She sniffs her blouse right away and look right back at me. She raises her eyebrows. "Um, I didn't notice that..."

I shrug and smiles, touching her hands.

"Well um...," she tucks her hair behind her ear. "I think I should go home and let you rest."

I look at the time and it's already ten.

Sarah gets up and takes her bag. "I'll see you girls tomorrow?"

I nod my head and walk her to the elevator. My mind is still thinking about Alex's scent on her as she walks.

"Tell Alex I said hi," shesays before the elevator closes.


"Hey sleepyhead," I smile as soon as Alex opens her eyes. "Wake up. Come on."

She groans, stretching her arms upwards and I slowly pull the covers off her.

"I need to check your wounds." I quickly say when she closes her eyes again. '"Babe, come on."

Alex moves slightly more and she struggles to open her eyes. "What time is it?" her voice is still husky from sleeping long enough.

"It's already past twelve," I tell her. "I've been waiting for hours now for you to wake up, you know."

I help Alex sits up. She rubs both of her eyes with her fingers, slowly squints them to the dim light. I haven't opened the curtains yet.

Slowly I lift her top up, unwrapping the white cloth on her body. "Does it still sore?" I ask as I touch the wound gently.

Alex shakes her head downwards.

I move my hands on her thigh, removing the bandage slowly as I lift her leg up. "Mm. It stopped bleeding. Is it still hurting badly?" I throw another question when her wound looks dry.

"A bit, yeah."

Alex unwraps the one on her arm herself and she immediately shows me. "That's looking good too. Now how are you feeling?"

"A bit better," she clears her throat, her voice is still husky. "Much better than before."

"Good then. Go shower."

Alex frowns right away. She rests her head back on the pillow and closes her eyes. "Shower with me?"

Her face does the look and I lean closer and plant some kisses her neck. "You're fine now. You can shower yourself."

"Na-ah," she mumbles. "I still want company in the shower."

I tap her jaw multiple times and I bite my lip. "Are you thinking about shower sex?" I tease.

"Dude," she eyes me. "Really? I just want you to shower me because I am so fucking lazy."

I scrunch my nose and laugh at her statement. Well that is odd. Since when she talks like that? Usually she goes hype when offer her but this time she catches me by surprise. That is the first time ever she denies the sex. The fuck was I thinking?

Alex moves from the bed andwalks to her bathroom, a bit limping and I follow her from behind. 

After Alex has done her shower, which, I companied her in the bathroom, actually showering her (and we actually left without sex), we then moved to the kitchen. I made her pancakes for lunch as she requested.

"Sarah was here last night and she said hi," I say to her. "And guess what?"


"She loves you." I laugh.

"Mhmm," Alex mumbles with her mouth full of pancakes. "I know."

"And I'm gonna fuck her whenever you're unavailable." I say again, teasing.

"Mhmm, I know."

I furrow my brows, a bit surprised with her reaction. "And we kissed last night before she went home."

Alex looks up at me, raising her eyebrow. "Well that I didn't know but expected." She giggles, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Is she gonna come here often?"

I nod my head.

We talk for a little while and I'm telling her how that happened and the conversation I had with Sarah last night. Alex just shrugs it off and she laughs a little, showing a less interest.

And then suddenly the intercom makes a sound.

Beep. Ms. Vega. Carmen Diaz is here.

Alex and I exchange looks. "Agent Carmen?" I frown.

I immediately reply the doorman through the intercom to send her up.

"Damn," Alex says. "What does she want?"

I laugh. "I don't know. Maybe you?"

Our heads shift to the opened elevator and Carmen walks in without her uniform. She's wearing a pair of black jeans and just a t-shirt.

"Hey you," Alex says from her seat, looking directly at my trainer.

I roll my eyes when I realize Alex bites her lip as soon as Carmen walks closer to her. She sits herself across me and I just stare at her, sinking my body in the chair and fold my arms.

"I just wanna talk," she says, looking at me. "I'm sorry."

I glance at Alex, who is looking completely clueless, chewing her pancake.

"You mean it?" I ask, glaring back at Carmen.

"If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have come here." She says.

"Or maybe you're here just to see her." I shrug, taking a quick look on Alex.

"No," she quickly says. "I wanted to apologize."

I fix my eyes on her for a few seconds more, remembering the way she hit me in the eye the other day during our training out of anger. She blurted out she was so pissed at me for kissing Alex and she was so jealous.

Alex doesn't know about it. I haven't told her yet.

I nod my head. "Yeah, accepted."

I force a smile when she gives me that sympathetic look and then I flinch when she touches my hand.

"Um, what's going on?" Alex questions, leaning her body forward.

I lick my lip and turn my head to the clueless girl. "Carmen thought you and I are dating."

"Huh," Alex says, tilting her head to Carmen and places her hand under her chin. "Really?"

"Well, um" Carmen says, her hand moves to Alex's, being flirty. "If you're not dating anyone..."

Alex shakes her head. "Baby," she giggles. "Don't start. I assure you, you're not gonna like what I'm gonna say next."

Carmen makes a confused look. "What do you mean?"

Alex gets up, wiping her mouth again and get herself more water. "But tell me what you want first." She leans herself on the counter.

I watch Carmen leaves her seat too, following Alex and touches her by her waist. I roll my eyes when Carmen glances at me and smirks.

I lean my back on the chair as I see Alex wraps her hand around Carmen's waist, actually enjoying what I'm gonna see. She pulls Carmen closer and stare her eyes, doing what she does best: flirting.

I nod my head when Carmen runs her fingers on Alex's front hair.

"Obviously, I want you," Carmen mutters quietly.

Alex just smirks. "I know." She shifts her eyes on me and I immediately give her an annoyed look.

"Well I thought you wanted to talk to Cara," I giggle quietly when I hear Alex says.

Carmen breaks free from Alex's grip and look at me. She forces a smile as she stands right in front me, blocking my view of Alex.

I admit Carmen is pretty hot. She has this sexy figure that some inches of her remind me of my best friend but I'm not really attracted to her because she intimidates me and it's not a good way.

"What?" I ask when she's already standing in front of me for long enough without saying anything.

I stand up, walking pass her and make my way to leave the kitchen.

Alex grabs my waist. "Where are you going?"

Before I can answer, Alex pulls me and she hugs me from behind, sniffing my hair and kisses my neck on purpose.

Ah shit. Carmen's gonnahate me more now

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