By LisaHarithas

168K 7.8K 1.5K

A clandestine affair right under the noses of his huge family... Where does it lead to? It's not a continuati... More



9.7K 495 53
By LisaHarithas

Continued from Last Part:

With the new branch coming up in Bombay, Aravind & Arnav were going through long stressful days at work. Arnav was, however, completely contended at heart...he was relaxed with Khushi's acceptance of the relationship. The romantic entanglement helped him unwind from everyday's hectic activities.

Usually Khushi would get him a cup of coffee once he returned home after work. Her shy eyes... the salacious smile...the lingering fingertips would get his urges high, so all he could think about- was them in the bed... He looked forward to their time together every night. Their liasion was completely kept under wraps from everyone by Arnav slipping in and out of her room in the wee hours of the night.

"Khushi, you look more tired now-a-days", Roma observed one day, "Are you okay beta?"

That jolted Khushi out of her daydreaming, "I am fine Romaji", Khushi blushed, trying hard to regain her composure fast, "sometimes the extra work..."

"You work hard beta", Roma spoke affectionately, "Now that there is a lot of time before dinner, why don't you rest a while?"

Before she went back to her quarters to rest, Khushi went to check on the affable HP kaka if he needed any help. As she passed through the vast living area, one of the maids opened the door to an excitedly chattering Jha family. The Jhas had gone to attend the wedding of their distant cousin.

"Ma", Anjali shouted throwing her bag on the couch

"Anju, Damadji welcome back", Ratna invited them warmly, "How was the wedding?"

"It went well Ratna Ma", cooed Sheetal as she bent down to take Ratna's blessings. 

As Ratna ran her fingers over Sheetal's head affectionately, Shyam and Anjali shared a smile.

When Shyam signaled with his eyes, Jatin rushed to bend at Ratna's feet. 

Khushi was stuck in place watching the interactions. The word 'Ratna Ma' had caught her attention. 

As Jatin stood up, he leered straight at Khushi. 

Feeling uneasy under his gaze, Khushi turned to leave.

"Khushi, can you get coffee for Anju and me", Ratna spoke authoritatively, "My room"


"Why don't you all get freshen up and rest for a while?" Ratna conversed with the others.

A few minutes later, Khushi made her way to Ratna's second floor bedroom with two cups of coffee. When she raised her hand to knock on the door, she heard an excited squeal from Anjali.

"So did Arnav agree to marry Sheetal...Ma?"

Khushi's breath caught in her throat.

"He will Anju..", Ratna grinned at her daughter's enthusiasm, "I convinced your dad to talk to Chote"

"Chote can never refuse Papa", Anjali declared

"Yes", Ratna settled comfortably on the bed, "I like Sheetal as much as you do Anju"

"Ma, she loves Arnav"

"I know beta, I have noticed", Ratna smiled, "She will be the best one for my Chote"

Khushi's feet felt glued to the ground. She didn't know for how long had she stood at the doorway.

"What are you doing here?", the sharp voice of Shyam brought Khushi out of the shock.

"I...I...", unable to talk and trying hard to control her tears, Khushi showed him the tray with coffee cups.

Looking suspiciously, Shyam opened the door letting Khushi in.

Luckily for Khushi, the mother and daughter were completely oblivious to Khushi's state as they took the coffee mugs from her. Khushi bolted out of the room right away.

"Ratna Ma", Shyam interjected softly, "since how long has this girl been working here?"

"Who Khushi?"

Shyam nodded.

"A little over three months", Ratna supplied, "Good girl; Poor thing she has no one. Her husband is in Qatar" 

"Why are you asking Shyamji?", Anjali was curious

"She was standing outside listening to your talk", Shyam said irate, "she wouldn't answer when I asked her what she was doing"

"What?", Ratna was surprised

"How well do you know her Ma?"

"Not much", Ratna responded to Anjali lost in thought...

As Khushi ran down the stairs to hide the sobs trying to break out of her chest, she was stopped by a muscular guy in her path.

"Hi", Jatin moved closer while Khushi stepped back, "can I get a snack", he spoke suggestively, eyeing her lips, "I am really hungry"

Khushi was extremely uncomfortable in his presence, but there was only so much she could do as he was a part of the family that she worked for.

Nodding her head reluctantly, she led him to the dining area.

While she warmed up some samosas for him, Jatin ogled at Khushi blatantly. He was smitten with her from day one, but he had to keep up appearances if he had to stay in that house. Shyam had strictly told him to be in the good books of older Raizada couple. 

Finding her alone today with no-one around, the coward was tempted to make a move.

As Khushi handed him the plate of snacks, he spoke with mock concern, "I heard your husband is in Qatar, how are you doing here?"

Khushi didn't want to answer the lecherous man. Her heart was already bleeding at the thought of Sheetal's proposed marriage with Arnav.

She took one sharp look at him and averted her eyes. 

"I asked you a question", taking a step forward arrogantly, he held her left wrist

"Let me go", Khushi hissed

"Wow", he laughed, his fingers tightening around her wrist, "I like the fire in you.. If this fire continues in bed...."

He was interrupted by a stern male voice, "What's happening here?" 

Jatin let go off Khushi's hand immediately, mumbled an incoherent reply, and left.

"Are you okay?", NK asked Khushi genuinely

"Yes", Khushi spoke, her eyes low.

"Your name...", NK paused

"Khushi...", she said grateful for his intervention, "did you need anything in the kitchen?"

"Just water", NK was back to his chirpy tone, "please carry on Khushiji. I can get it myself"

That night Khushi couldn't sleep. The wait for her husband felt very long. She wanted to ask him about Sheetal, though she didn't know how. 

She was scared to tell him about Jatin's behavior- She wasn't sure if he would believe her; Even if he did, she was worried about retaliation from Ratna & the Jha family in case Arnav confronted Jatin. She was scared and confused. 

In the meanwhile, the Raizada & Jha families along with NK, had assembled on third floor balcony chatting under the starry skies. Realizing the time, Arnav tried slipping off from the family gathering, unnoticed.  

"What is the rush Chote?" Ratna interjected

"Lot of work to do Ma"

"Tomorrow is Sunday Chote" Aravind smiled at his son, "Give it a break. This is family time"

Arnav couldn't refuse his dad.

Akash & Manoj Chacha had returned to Delhi from Bombay with Aman. As they started talking to Arnav about the status of the Bombay office, Arnav got absorbed.

"Did you talk to Chote, Aravindji?" Ratna whispered to her husband

Aravind nodded his head with a smile.

Ratna's eyes lit up. 

"What did he say?' she was impatient 

"He will think about it"

"When?", Ratna interjected, "How soon? Can we get them engaged at least?"

"Hold your horses Ratna", Aravind was firm, "Don't push him too much. Give him time to settle things at work first."

Aravind remembered his long conversation with Arnav & Robert a few days ago. Arnav had mentioned that he didn't trust Jatin, hence until the mystery of the accident was solved, he didn't want to be tied to Sheetal. Aravind & Robert had whole-heartedly agreed with him.

By the time Arnav decided to retire to bed, NK, Akash & Shyam were playing cards. Arnav couldn't sneak out to see Khushi while they were still awake. He bit back an expletive and headed to his own bedroom. As his body tensed with need, he slipped into a restless sleep.

The next morning:

The loud chirping of birds and pinkish hues of the eastern sky woke Khushi. As she got up hurriedly, she realized that Arnav had never come to her that night. Panic seized her.

"Did something happen to him?"

"Did someone say something against me?"

"Did the deceitful Jatin poison Arnav's mind against me?"

"Arnav has never missed coming to me even once", Khushi thought as tears swam through her eyes, "He cannot stay away from me even for a night, What changed suddenly yesterday?"

Khushi was wrought with fear and uncertainty. 

It was still early by the time she showered and stepped into the kitchen to help Roma with cooking. Sundays always started late with the Raizada family gathering for a late brunch. 

"Khushi", Roma spoke pleasantly, "there is still a lot of time for everyone to come down. Can you please make coffee while I go out to get some fresh vegetables"

Khushi nodded with a plastered smile.

While Khushi was lost in thoughts making coffee, she felt a hand sliding on her tummy from her left side. Khushi tensed momentarily.

"Shh, it's me baby", Arnav moved closer to her, trapping Khushi with his right hand on the kitchen counter, and his left hand rubbing circles on her stomach.

"Arnav", Khushi sighed ,relaxing in the familiar musky scent.

"Sorry I couldn't come in last night Khushi", Arnav apologized genuinely, "My annoying relatives were awake for a very long time"

Khushi smiled. 

"So nothing had happened after all. I freaked out for no reason", Khushi chided herself.

"I need coffee...and you", Arnav spoke seductively as he pressed his hand deeper into her belly.

"Arnav behave", Khushi slapped his wrist, trying hard to control the fire burning at the pit of her stomach, "Anyone can see"

"They are all sleeping", he tugged at her earlobe with his teeth, "moreover the kitchen is well concealed. We will know when someone enters through the door"

"Not now", Khushi tried disengaging his hand and chuckled at his tight hold, "Wait till tonight"

"I can't", Arnav rasped, "at least a quickie?"

Khushi's cheeks turned a rosy color.

That's when they heard foot steps towards the kitchen. Arnav moved back a few strides and spoke to Khushi with a passive face as Roma entered. 

"Can you please get me some coffee soon?"

"Arnav baba, why did you take the trouble of coming here?" Roma asked him as she put her bags down, "You could have called us on intercom"

"I wanted to take a walk Roma Kaki", he flashed a quick meaningful look at Khushi and left.

A few minutes later, Khushi climbed the stairs with coffee in her hand and a faint smile on her lips.

She knew he was waiting for her. Her heart thudded with anticipation. She chuckled at her craziness; even after all this time, he could still make her as nervous as the very first time. She wasn't aware that she had the very same effect on him.

Soon as Khushi entered his bedroom, Arnav closed the door softly. 

He took the coffee mug from her, and placed it on the side table. Pushing her back to the wall, he murmured in her ear, "I missed you Khushi"

"Me too", she responded albeit shyly

Flashing one of his rare smiles, he crushed her midriff to his. He then caught her lips in a rough kiss. 

Khushi gasped softly.

"Honey", Arnav's voice was hoarse, his kisses turned urgent. Lifting her up, he carried her over to his recliner. She knew what was to come.

"Arnav, what if anyone notices?", Khushi tried stopping him half-heartedly

"Baby I am this close to exploding", he gestured as he snatched the pallu away. Arnav sucked on the exposed portion of her chest, leaving a trail of red marks. 

Khushi moaned at the sweet torture. As Arnav invaded more of her skin, Khushi's resistance fell away completely. Running her hands under his shirt, she felt him to her heart's content. Gradually Arnav's hands moved under her saree. He bunched up her saree to her waist and gently positioned her closer.

Having been deprived of each other's touch the previous night, both reached the zenith quickly.

"Are you okay?" he asked her as their breathing slowly returned to normal.

Khushi nodded with her eyes on his chest. Arnav raised her head up and place a soft kiss on her lips.

"Arnav", she started uncertainly, remembering the events of the previous afternoon. 

"What's wrong baby?" he heard the hesitancy in her voice.

"Woh", she paused, "did... did your father talk to you about your marriage... with Sheetal?"

She was wary...she wasn't sure if it was too early in their relationship... What if he takes it in a wrong way... what if he thinks that she is trying to ascertain her rights on him... true, they have made love, multiple times... but he never professed his love for her vocally... 

Her musings came to a halt as Arnav responded to her question.

"Yes", Arnav exhaled, remembering the conversation, "how do you know?"

"Your mother & sister were discussing about it", Khushi maintained a neutral face.

"Hmm. Trust me Khushi, it's nothing to be worried about. It is absolutely not going to happen and I will take care of it", Arnav spoke with a finality in his tone.

"I trust you", she said implicitly

Arnav smiled at the damsel in his arms, having understood her insecurity and worry.

"Thank you darling", Arnav tilted his head to kiss her again

They stayed in the moment, Khushi's apprehensions forgotten, savoring their time together, blissfully unaware of the cyclone their way.

After a while, adjusting her crumpled sari and tousled hair, Khushi gingerly stepped out of Arnav's room with a flushed face and a shy smile. It was still silent in the mansion, nobody had stepped out of their rooms yet. Khushi took a deep breath and hurried to the kitchen.

She missed a pair of shocked eyes that followed her movement from Arnav's bedroom to the kitchen.


Comments please....

There you go... a  long update... 

Happy New Year dears,  I will be gone for a vacation.... Will meet you next year.... ;-)

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