Demigods At Hogwarts | โœ“

By ClaireValdez

1.7M 40.1K 104K

Another prophecy, another quest. Seven demigods enrol as students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wiza... More

1-The Prophecy
2-The Sorting
3-That Night and Breakfast
4-Classes Part 1
5-Classes Part 2
7-Classes Part 4 and a Talk with Annabeth
9-Defense Against the Boggart
10-We Have Some Fun in Charms
11-Drew Has a Fan
12-Hogsmeade Part 1
13-Hogsmeade Part 2
14-Hogsmeade Part 3
15-Hogsmeade Part 4
16-The Lake and Something Sinister
17-Who is He?
18-Divination and Potions
19-Diagon Alley
20-Whizzbee is the Name
21-Songs, Skrewts, and Dreams
22-An Interrogation (Kinda)
23-Quidditch Tryouts
24-Capture the Flag
25-Leo Screams a Lot
26-We Sneak Into Rooms
27-I Nearly Get Brain Damage
28-Dumbledore Has News
29-Dumbledore Talks
30-What's a Netvor?
31-Leo Becomes FBI
32-Scissors are Genius
34-Even More Explanations
35-Draco Demands Details
37-The Valdezinator Returns
38-Ravenclaw Tower
39-We Discuss Insurance
40-The Chamber of Secrets
41-Hermione Reads the News
42-The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword
43-Circe is Bonkers
44-The Third Wizarding War
45-Hazel's Inconvenient Nap
46-Books Can Kill You
47-Guinea Pigs Save the Day
48-The Sun is Setting
49-Through the Dark

6-Classes Part 3

64.3K 1.5K 3.9K
By ClaireValdez


Ron and I ran to Headmasters's office like our robes were on fire and Dumbledore was a fireman.

We had no idea what the password was, just that it was probably related to candy.

We began randomly guessing the password. The gargoyle stared at us amused and annoyed at the same time.

"Fudge Flies," Ron said, and the gargoyle moved aside.

"14 tries," it muttered, "but hey, who's counting."

We burst into the room.

"Professor!" I yelled.

He turned around and smiled at us, "You should be in class."

"We know," I said, "but we heard a prophecy. From Professor Trelawney"

"Turns out she's not a fraud after all!" Ron added.

"Hm," Dumbledore said, smoothing out his beard, "does the prophecy happen to begin with Seven shall journey to the wizarding world?"

"Yes," I said, "how do you know?"

"Ah yes, I know of this prophecy. The seven are the transfer students, as you've probably guessed."

"Yes, but I think they are Death Eaters!"

Dumbledore suddenly got serious and unhappy, the twinkle in his eyes gone.

"Harry, do not say that about them. They have a horrible past, and are not with the enemy."

Him using that calm voice kind of scared me, but I couldn't resist. "How do you know? They act like they own Hogwarts! And Jackson's enchanting Annabeth!"

"Harry," he said softly, dead serious, "please leave and get back to your class."

We backed out the door. They've brainwashed Dumbledore too?

• • •


Annabeth and I went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, we were going to be teaching that class. We're going to teach them physical combat AND spells.

"I wonder what that meant," I said to Annabeth. "The empousa we saw in the crystal ball."

"Me too," she said, deep in thought, "but we shouldn't worry too much. We beat Gaea and Kronos, an empousa can't harm us."


• • •

Soon it was time for lunch, which meant food.

Dumbledore stepped up to the owl podium thing.

Everyone shut up, wow, Dumbledore didn't even need to do a hand gesture or anything! In my mortal school the principal has to take a microphone and shout for five minutes.

"I hope you are all treating the new transfer students fairly," he said. I swear he looked at Harry when he said it.

"Another thing, there will be a visit to Hogsmeade on Saturday. As always, only 3rd years and above may go."

A few of the younger people groaned.

I wonder what's this "Pigsmeades". This school has an unhealthy obsession with barn animals.

• • •

At the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Annabeth and I went to the front of the room.

"Hello," I said, "we're your teachers for your Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Everyone stared at me like, Is this a joke?

"No," I said, "this isn't a joke."

"We're going to teach you physical combat," Annabeth said.

Everyone started talking.

"Shut up!" Annabeth yelled.

They shut up.

"Sorry," Annabeth apologized, "we're teaching you guys physical combat, in case you lose your wand or something. You'll still be learning some spells, but mostly fighting without wands."

We taught them a few punches and kicks. Then we had them do some pushups and situps...most collasped at around 20.

"I can't believe Malfoy is able to do this stuff!" Ron said angrily. "He spends his whole day being carried around by Crabbe and Goyle!"

"I know right?" Harry said. "This is hard!"

"Okay! You can stop now!" Annabeth said. Some people lay on the floor gasping.

"Homework for tonight," everyone groaned. "10 pushups and 10 situps before you sleep. It'll help you fall asleep anyway."

Once they left, I asked Annabeth, "Will they even do it?"

She shrugged, "Some might. Now come on, we have Potions, then we have to teach another class. And guess what?"


"Did you see Severus Snape at the Teacher's table? Well, he's the Potions teacher."

"Wait, the old son of Hecate who visited Camp two times? The one who's sometimes in a really bad mood and grouches at everyone?"

"The very one."

• • •


It was the first day of Potions, and I wasn't looking forward to it.

"Take your seats," Severus said to everyone, eyes glaring and unhappy.

Percy gasped, "SEVVYYY!!!"

Everyone looked around wondering who he was talking to.

"SEVY SEVY SEVVYYYY!!" he jumped up and down and hugged Snape.

Everyone choked on their spit and dropped what they were holding.

Ha! Snape'll probably kill him on the spot!

But to the world's surprise, Snape smiled.

I nearly screamed, because Snape smiling is truly a horrifying sight. A super scary sight.

Snape patted Jackson on the back, then quickly pushed him away. "Alright, that's enough."

Ron started stuttering, "Wh-wh-wh-wh-what? What's wrong with Snape?"

Percy started talking earnestly to Snape in another language, who was also talking back in the same tongue.

When they were done, and Percy took his seat beside MY Annabeth, Snape stopped smiling and said, "Alright, stop staring at me like that. Today we are making the Insanus Potion."

He waved his hand and the instructions appeared on the board. Two instructions actually, one was in another language.

"Er..." someone asked, "what's that for?"

Snape glared at him, "For the transfer students."

"Yeah," Percy agreed, "we're dyslexic, we can only read Ancient Greek...or Latin whatever."

Ron and I exchanged a look.

Snape's textbook had probably been destroyed in the Room of Requirement, so I was unfortunately on my own. After brewing my potion for a while, it looked kind of okay.

"Very good, very nice," Snape smiled at Annabeth's potion. Then said the same thing to Hermione.

He even complimented Percy, Nico, and Thalia's even though they were horrible.

Snape towered over me as he looked at my potion, "What is this, Potter?"

I drew myself up, "My Insanus Potion, obviously." I couldn't help being rude. Why had he treated the Americans so well? It embittered me that he was proving himself to still be biased.

Snape's eyes glittered, "No, it is not obvious. It's quite the opposite."

"Sevvy what are you doing?!" Percy asked Snape.

Snape signed and whispered something to Percy.

It looked kinda weird, like two girls exchanging secrets.

Percy said something back, and Snape signed again.

Snape didn't come back to me, but went to Crabbe, "This is horrible."

Crabbe looked completely stunned, so did the rest of the class. Percy mouthed to me, you owe me one.

I ignored him. I don't owe anyone who Snape favors.

"But..." Crabbe trailed off. He looked at Malfoy desperately but was only ignored.

"But you thought this was great? No, it's not."

He gazed at the potion, "What did you put in here? I can't even tell where you went wrong. There have to be at least twenty mistakes!"

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other like, what is happening?

"So..." Crabbe said, "do I pass?"

"Absolutely NOT!!" Snape slammed his hands down on his table, and everyone jumped.

He scratched something down on a piece of parchment and continued along the aisle, writing down whether they pass or fail.

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