A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

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It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
Chapter 5
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

Chapter 7

52 2 0
By haleycomet246

Chapter 7

Words are words unless you give them a meaning. Actions speak louder than words, is this true?

"Oh Ryder...Oh Ryder that feels so good, give it to me harder. I want it all." The silence soon followed, then more. "What the hell Chrissie!" His voice screamed. "Why are you not wearing anything?" Chrissie said nothing at his words. "I came here to see you Ryder, you are mine," her voice said. "What the fuck I am not yours!" He hissed between clenched teeth. "You are mine," she screamed. Silence it lingers longer. "How the fuck did you get into my house?" He seethed. "I followed you after you left campus, and you forgot to lock the door behind you in your fury". "Get the hell out of my house!" He screamed. The movement of clothes could be heard as Chrissie proceeded to get dressed from the sounds that played out. Ryder sighed in content as seeing he was still dressed minus his shirt. "I called Emma" her voice stated simply. Silence lingered again.

"What do you mean you called Emma?" His voice was dangerously low.

"I called Emma when I got here from your phone; you see I knew she wouldn’t answer the phone because she would be afraid to get yelled at by you since you stormed off."

"What the hell!" He screamed.

"I told you, you are mine." She stated simply.

"She won’t believe you"

"Oh I think she will Ryder, I am her best friend and I wasn’t the one to abandon her all those years ago." She said.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" He screamed then silence.

Silence had become my friend, someone who always helped me through right or wrong.

Tires squealed on the pavement as I stopped. Looking to my left I saw Chrissie's red Porsche still parked along the street. Without bothering to knock I barged into his house. Voices floated down the stairs and reached my ears. As I went to shut the door, it stopped. Turning to look for the cause I came face to face with Jace, a look of concern on his face. He shut the door quietly behind him and just as it locked a noise sounded from the back of the house. Then a SMASH! The voices upstairs stopped after a loud screamed sounded. In an instant Jace pulled me with him around the corner and pushed me against the wall shielding me with his body.

"Quiet" he whispered.

Squeak, squeak, and squeak

Someone's shoes echoed across the wood floor as they gained entrance into the house.

"Jace" I whimpered.

"Don’t say a word Emmie, please," his voice sounded pleading. As I starred at his chest a thought crossed my mind, why was he here? As if he could read my mind he spoke.

“I saw you rush off in a hurry and wanted to make sure you were okay so I followed you,” was his sound whisper against my head.

Squeak, squeak, and squeak as someone began to climb the stairs though that wasn’t the only intruder.

Soon a second noise came closer to the heart of the house, my fear escalated to new heights in that moment.

Squeak, thump, squeak, thump.

Jace pulled me quietly from the wall and proceeded to move towards the front door. As we rounded the corner a loud SMACK Sounded in the air before a loud groan followed shortly after. I turned suddenly to see Jace on the ground a figure covered in all black standing over him with a bat in their hands.


Sounded from upstairs, the figure turned towards me sharply a sly grin on their face as they lunged at me. In a matter of seconds I jumped out of the way the THUMP of his body hitting the floor where I had just stood a moment ago.

"Agh" I squeaked as I took off up the stairs and into the hallway of doors.


My feet carried me down the hallway and I barged into the closest room I came to.

"Emma" a shaky voice spoke. Catching my breath I looked up and into the frightened eyes of Chrissie. Before she could speak I placed a finger to my lips as I heard footsteps echo out in the hallway.

Chrissie looked at me with scared eyes.

I leaned against the door, a sigh leaving my lips that was until the door shook behind me.


"Chrissie" I squeaked, in a flash I dove from the door under the bed the same time she slide underneath it as well.


Yells echoed. Slowly the door opened and someone walked in. We moved closer together as we both shook with fright. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket; slowly I slide my hand down to retrieve it. As I pulled it out I noticed the shoes get closer to the bed, we held our breath. The shoes stopped as the person sat down onto the bed, the mattress squishing down with their weight. I slid the phone in front of my face and saw a text. 
I still had no idea how this person knew where I was or what was going on when they couldn’t see me.

Unknown number 1: do not move from where you are.

I squeaked as I read the text. I jumped in the air when I felt something touch my hand before I realized it was Chrissie grabbing it.

"Get out of my house you crazy asses!" Ryder screamed, his voice cracked in the process. Then the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs could be heard before a loud…


The sickening sound of flesh hitting flesh made my heart jump with worry. The person who was on the bed jumped up and ran out of the room, their footsteps racing down the stairs.

"What the hell, you were supposed to let me do that," the voice snapped though it was hard to hear what they sounded like.

Crawling on my stomach I slowly made my way from under the bed, but before I could escape from the darkness I heard Chrissie speak.

"I never thought they would do this, I’m sorry."

"I got your voicemail," I told her shortly. No sound left her lips and I knew she knew I heard the first bit, but was clueless to the rest. "I heard it all Chrissie" my voice dangerously low.

"I know," she whispered, turning as best as I could I sent a deadly glare her way.

"No Chrissie I heard it ALL you didn’t turn his phone off after you called me" shock registered on her face, she looked surprised which I knew she was. Without anything more I moved out from under the bed. It was silent once again then....


The sound of the back door slamming shut.

Taking a tentative step forward I glanced left and right in the hallway to make sure that no one was there. Stepping forward I made my way to the stairs where groans and moans echoed from somewhere below. Slow steps I made my way to the bottom, I could hear the noises coming from the kitchen. The moment I rounded the corner the breath was stolen from my lungs. The kitchen was a mess. Plates and other kitchen appliances lay scattered around the room.

“Emmie” a voice said. Turning wide-eyed I gazed upon a beat up Jace, he was facing me while two other bodies had their backs my way. I literally just stood there starring at him.

“Jace” my voice faltered as I took in the scene around him.

A cloth hung from his neck as if it had covered his face as they tied him up to the chair he sat strapped to. Scanning from him I noticed two hunched over figures that were tied up to the chairs across from him. Then the last chair made my heart jump, the ropes sat on the chair and it was bare. Snapping my head back to Jace to ask him more and that was when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Then slowly tingles shot up my spine before I had time to ask who was behind me, strong arms wrapped around my middle and pulled me flush against their chest.

 “Agh!” I screamed in terror as the arms pulled me tighter to their body, my eyes were wide as I starred at Jace. I barely caught the faint smile as I whirled around in the unknown arms and socked the person in the jaw. His arms instantly let me go, the tingles vanished. The tingles were all too familiar and I should of known that it was him just by his touch but since my mind was still scrambled with fear I had not realized it was him until it was to late. Because soon I stood there starring wide eyed at the boy before me gripping his jaw with his hand and his all to familiar blue eyes flaring with anger and torment.

“Oh shit,” I mumbled, because that so-called “attacker” was none other than… Ryder.

His hand still cupped his jaw where my fist had landed, I saw him wince slightly at the force I tossed his way from the hit. Well it’s his own fault that I could throw a punch that hard since he was the one who taught me how to. I just stood there starring at him, his eyes locked on mine as they held a pissed off glare, though his glare was soon directed at the boy sitting tied to a chair behind me. Who decided it would be funny to erupt in a fit of laughter at that exact moment.

“Damn dude you got socked by a chick” Jace said between fits of laughter, turning slightly I watched his face go red as he just continued to laugh his ass off.

“Oh yeah?” Ryder challenged.

“Yeah man that shit was hilarious, you grabbed her and she flipped on you.” Jace said, whoops I thought because he shouldn’t have said I socked Ryder again.

“Well I’m not the dumbass currently tied to a damn chair, am I?” Ryder’s eyes flashed in challenge before they went back to the glare that he previously had on his face after I punched him.

“I heard the voicemail,” I told Ryder simply. His blazing blue eyes flashed back to me with an unreadable look on his face. Before he could say more the noise of running footsteps could be heard before the front door opened and slammed shut signaling Chrissie’s departure.

“Your best friend just left” Ryder snarled.

“So?” I said.

“Well don’t you want to follow her like the good little obedient dog you are, you may be president but she has control over you. Well do I look like I care?” He stated simply his eyes flashing with hurt and anger.

“What? I know you care Ryder,” I asked looking at him with wide eyes; I could hear Jace move behind me.

“You won’t even hear me out will you, because I am simply not worth listening to am I?” his voice rose to a whole new level, fear crept through my bones. Not wanting to face him any longer I turned towards the table where the three bodies sat, looking closer I noticed who the two others were. Mike and Bryan sat unconscious and tied to the chairs. How long had I been hiding? Why were they here? It certainly couldn’t have been that long though because I would have heard them enter the house. I was probably to preoccupied with staying quiet and dealing with Chrissie to hear them enter the house. Plus my mind was too busy and distracted at that time, a sigh left my lips as I heard him inhale sharply.

“You’re lucky I don’t punch that son of a bitch for kissing you I cant not believe he is even in my house after that,” he snarled bringing my attention back to him. I just gazed at the boy before me and behind the pissed off glare that shown in his eyes I saw the fear and crushed look.

“Ryder” I whispered my heart breaking as I took a step towards him, I winced myself at seeing the red mark I had made on his face among the others he received today.

“Anything I say will not matter, because your mind is already made up about that damn voicemail you have no idea wh-” “I believe you” I told him cutting off his rant midway, though what I said seemed to fall on deaf ears because he kept on going on.

“What went on earlier, I was so pissed because I saw you kiss another guy. Why, I do not know but I was so mad about it and so I left school because I was hurt to see you do that.” “I believe you Ry” I said once again but like the first time my words went unnoticed so I just sighed in defeat and crossed my arms over my chest as I listened to him go on.

“I get why you would listen to her, she didn’t abandon you all those years ago like I did but I swear I did not touch her. I have no idea how she even got into my house. There are reasons why I stopped being your friend all those years ago Bell and your so-called “best friend” knows why. I know why I was mad but that doesn’t matter now does it? Do you know how hard it was seeing you kiss him, he is your friend yes but that made it all the worst in every way. Even now as I explain to you how I felt and I know you won’t believe me and all you have to say happens to be that you believe me.” The moment the words left his lips, I knew that was also the moment he realized what I had been saying for the last few minutes while he ranted on and on. A smile broke out across my face as his eyes went wide and the pissed off look vanished from his striking blue eyes.

“She didn’t end the call after she pretended to get it on with you” I told him simply; the look of surprise crossed his face. Though as the smile was there it soon vanished as he remembered the other event that went on today and his eyes zoned in on Mike. His eyes flashed deadly. I watched him take a deep breath through clinched teeth as he made his way towards mike that sat defenseless in the chair and still unconscious.

“Ryder don’t!” I yelled reaching for him as he walked by me but he just shoved my hand away and closed the distance between him and Mike.


The sound of his fist hitting Mike in the face broke the silence, I watched as Mike’s head snapped to the side wakening him up in the process.

“Bloody fuck” I heard Jace whisper his eyes wide as he gazed at his best friend like he was crazy, in that moment I think Ryder had literally lost his mind. Not even bothering about the two boys who were in an intense glare match I made my way over to Jace to untie him. The bounds were not that tight but the way they had tied his hands made it so he was unable to untie himself.

“Emmie” I heard Jace whisper, I made an hmm sound for him to continue.

“Ryder got jealous because he loves you” he stated simply as if he was simply just talking about the weather. My fingers still worked on the knots before I heard another voice join the other two across the table meaning that Bryan had regained consciousness.

“He really does love you Emmie; there is a reason why he lied to you that day.” Undoing the last knot his hands slipped free and he stood up rubbing his hands against his wrists. Red marks lined them.

“Thanks lovely” he stated before wrapping me in a hug, when his hands circled around me I heard a not so human growl come from across the table.

“Hands off Jace” Ryder growled out. Jace just shook with laughter as he held me in a hug way to long for the likes of Ryder I guess, a small laugh left my lips.

“He looks pissed,” Jace mumbled. Pulling back I looked around him to see that Ryder had gotten the other two boys untied and he stood there with his arms crossed against his chest. His eyes a raging blue no longer the soft blue of the ocean that they normally were. Oh boy did he not look happy at all.

Our eyes locked and it seemed those around us disappeared. The damage to his house was no longer there as well when he looked at me; I watched his eyes flash with determination. In three long strides he was in front of me and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me flush against his chest.

A loud “oomph” left my lips as he looked at me; I missed the groans from the boys as they turned their backs to us.

“Fuck it” I heard Ryder mumble before his other hand grabbed the back of my head and pulled my lips to his. I would be lying if I didn’t say sparks flew, because it wasn’t just sparks but a whole damn firework show shot off between our lips. His hand tightened around my waist as he pulled my head closer to him tangling his fingers in my long locks. Turning his head slightly he began to give more angle to our kiss. Our lips moved in perfect sync, I wanted more I needed more of him because one taste and he had become my drug. I slipped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, my fingers moved on their own accord and found there way tangled in his soft brown hair. With a soft tug I was presented with a small groan from Ryder’s lips and a deep rumble from his chest. Time stood still, footsteps walked past us but we paid them no attention. His hand that was behind my head slid down to cup my cheek, his thumb moving in a slow caress as we continued to savor each moment our lips we connected. Our lips seemed to want more but the need for air ruined the moment. Pulling back I breathed hard and my eyes opened, I hadn’t even realize they had closed prior. Ryder’s lips were pink and swollen from our kiss and I knew mine most likely looked the same. My fingers were still tangled in his soft hair, the hair I had been dreaming of running my fingers through many times in the past years. Moving the hand from my cheek he traced his fingertip across my face in a slow manner. His chest heaved up and down in deep breaths as he tried to catch his breath. I watched as his eyes lightened to a calm blue almost clear, a small shy smile played on his lips. I watched slowly as a deep red color made its way onto his cheeks, Ryder Jameston was blushing. My cheeks then began to burn. His fingertip now traced my lips the ones he just kissed, his touch sent fire through me. My arms still locked around his neck. 
"Your beautiful mia bella" he told me simply and that’s when I caught the emotion in his eyes, love. Ryder really was in love with me, he said it on the note but I didn’t believe he could love me like everyone had told me until now. 
"Ryder... I-" I started but he placed his finger over my lips to hush me, softly he pulled my arms from his neck and pulled me flush against his cheek. He tucked my head under his chin as he ran his hand up and down my back in a soothing manner. My words were there but he didn’t let me finish, was he afraid I would regret it? Hate him? Or not feel the same way about him? Ryder wouldn’t admit it but he was self-cautious and I believed he didn’t think he was good enough. 
I’m not perfect my mind whispered. But still no one heard me or listened to me when I said it. 

"You two done yet?" Jace's voice broke our little bubble. As I moved to pull away from Ryder he held me closer to him, if that was even possible and I felt him shake his head.
"Get the other two to help you clean up in here; I’m taking Bells up stairs." He didn’t give Jace or I time to answer because he had scooped me up into his arms and walked past a wide smiling Jace. 

"Ry I can walk" I said as I clung to him afraid to fall though I knew he wouldn’t drop me. Voices could be heard in the living room but Ryder just by passed them before he ascended the stairs to his room. The moment we walked in I noticed the disaster that lay before me, his lamp was on the floor smashed; clothes in his closet torn out and other random objects were thrown around. His desk was angled weirdly as all the objects that had lain on top of it were also scattered among the room. I could feel him move awkwardly around the discarded items on the floor, making sure he didn’t step on anything.

"Sorry for the mess" he mumbled against my hair before he laid me down on the bed where the disaster didn’t strike, weird I thought. As I dropped onto the bed I pulled him down with me since I had an iron grip around his neck. I didn’t want to let him go yet. His body crashed on top of mine, he supported his weight from crushing me by propping himself up on his elbows. Laughter filled the silent room as I watched him struggle to keep his weight off me with the support of his elbows. Our eyes locked and I watched fixated as the color in his eyes darkened to a certain degree not the angry dark but the darkness that shown with lust. 
"Bell" he mumbled softly his eyes flashing to my lips and back up. 
"Yes Ry?" I asked, my eyes doing the same as his. He seemed to hesitate about what to do, so I took the lead this time. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his lips flush against mine. He froze for a moment in surprise before his lips moved against my own.

It was heaven, I felt his tongue move against my lower lip begging for entrance but I denied him with tight lips and a giggle. I felt a growl rumble through his chest before his fingers moved to my waist and squeezed me. A gasp left my lips, giving Ryder entrance into my mouth, a moan slipped between or lips as I felt his tongue touch mine. Our tongues fought for dominance but he won in the end. My fingers moved from his hair down to his shoulders then skimmed their way down his chest. Every muscle could be felt and I was in heaven, he had a body that put the gods to shame. I traced the lines through his shirt with my fingers receiving a shiver from his body. With our lips still attached I felt his hands move underneath the t-shirt I wore, his fingers tracing the exposed skin of my stomach in small circles. After tracing his abs through his shirt I let my hands slide under the material and come in contact with his warm skin it burned under my fingertips. Our kiss became more heated, a longing now taking over. It was as if both our minds snapped in sync in that second because the passion flowed through us both. I was losing my air supply though I wanted to keep going but I knew we needed to breathe. Pulling back he laid his head on mine, our breaths coming out heavy. 
"Wow" he mumbled his voice taking on a husky tone that made me swoon if I wasn’t already on the bed I would have fallen. His voice was like honey to my ears, the huskiness sent shivers up my spine. How did his voice do that? I wondered. 

"Yeah, wow" I said, my voice sounding even more breathless than I intended it to sound like. We stayed like for forever it felt like with our foreheads touching for god only knows how long, our gazes never wavering.  

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