Angel's Kiss, Demon's Touch...

By CherryBones

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The Origin of Species Chronicles: A psychiatric asylum plagued by demons. Two orphans destined to break free... More

4.Four Musketeers
6. Demon's Code
7. Colorful Isolation
8. Reporting Lies
9. Stars
10. Faeries Bond
11. Sign Language
12. Faerie Sitter
13. Caught in the Act
14. Burning Feathers
16. Small friend, Big Suprise
17. Clipped
18. Safe House
Authors Note.

15. My mǣnōn

252 17 0
By CherryBones


No part of this publication may be reproduced.

15. My mǣnōn

Eosthrathaeus surrounded me with an all too familiar warmth shield that Zophiel manifested every time we flew up towards the clouds. The sauna like environment brought along a new scent that immediately calmed all my senses. The only way to describe it was reliving every personal cherished memory with its accompanied scent. The loving scents completly engulfed me and the comfort overwhelmed me. “How can someone so cruel smell so safe.” I said softly. “That’s because I am safe my smalaz mǣnōn” Eos said as he held me closer.  “I don’t know what that means but to me you’re still a monster.” I stated angrily as I tried unsuccessfully to put some distance between us. “I’m not a monster my smalaz mǣnōn. I am but a righteous leader who keeps his men in check when they break the rules of our angelic society. Never the less it would have helped, if you weren’t covered in some others angel’s dust.” he said annoyed as he rubbed his large warm hands over my bare back. “Stop touching me! You have no right!” I said wiggling around in his embrace. “Please don’t be difficult my mǣnōn.” Eos said crushing me into his chest.

“Stop calling me that, it sounds like a disease and I’m only letting you carry me because I don’t want to plummet to my death for the third time in a row.” I spat at him. “You never used to be so difficult my smalaz mǣnōn. And it isn’t a disease but an old language called Proto-Germanic.” Eos whispered in my ear. “How old is old?” I asked curiously as I turned my face towards his. I was astonished by his handsome face, sapphire blue eyes and his tanned skin tone. His longer dark black hair made his eyes stand out even more. It felt like getting lost in his blue eyed star galaxy and before I knew it I was touching his face in awe. “Proto-Germanic originated some 2500 years ago my mǣnōn.” he said giving me a small smile. Its then that I realized I was still touching his face and I quickly pulled them away as I flushed completely red. “Hey, it’s okay to be curious my smalaz mǣnōn.” Eos said pulling me face to face again. “Stop talking to me and stop calling me that. Just get me safely back towards the ground. I want to see Zophiel.” I complained to him, obviously annoyed at myself for getting distracted.

Eosthrathaeus’ eyes went hazy and the next moment the white and Amethyst angel called Hermiel was flying next to us. “She does indeed look pissed off my lord, as am I. Serves you right!” Hermiel said chuckling as he stretched out his non occupied hand towards Eos. The next moment we were engulfed in light and then we were standing in a large chalet style living room with a large fire place. Confused I looked around at the moss and flower covered walls as Eos sat me down on the wooden floors. My eyes were pulled away from the beautiful eco-chalet when my ribs and breast started to feel constraint. I looked down and my bare chest was being covered with green vines and leaves. I stared confused in shock as my half naked body was being completely covered by nature itself. Not a moment later and I was standing in a princess ball gown made out of leaves, vines, flowers and it was completely glistening with dawn.  “You can thank me later my smalaz mǣnōn.” Eos whisper in my ear and I instantly had to blush.  

I had to admit this was damn right amazing and romantic but I was still angry at him for hurting Zophiel. “Very nifty trick and please stop calling me that. Where is Zophiel?” I demanded to know. “He is to be punished by death. Unless you want to watch his death for the love of trauma?” Eos stated pissed off as always when it concerned Zophiel. “You are such a monster do you know that. I hate you!” I yelled at Eos as I ripped off a handful of white flowers off my dress and threw them in his face.  Eos stared hurt towards me and I couldn’t help but feel a bit like a brat.

“My lord, I would love to see a little girl beat you up with flowers but I think we both need an explanation.” Hermiel said lazily as he walked around and took a seat in the large brown sofa positioned next to a large window that looked out on a beautiful waterfall. “Yeah monster lord, please do explain.” I said sounding as childish as I could. Walking off towards where Hermiel was sitting I dumped myself on the large comfy sofa. “Don’t be like this my smalaz mǣnōn” Eos said looking hurt over my previous statement. “Your smalaz mǣnōn?” Hermiel said outraged. The white and Amethyst angel centered himself and took a couple of deep breaths. “My friend. My lord. My Archangel. Explain please!” He demanded trying to contain his anger.  “Hermiel, you already know a big part but bear with me. Alexis listen up this is a story about your heritage.” Eos said as he took a seat across from us on one of the large logs covered by moss.

“Before I became the Archangel of this entire continent there was another angel in charge. The former Archangel was called Hermasius and he was the father of Hermiel. In that time I held the same position with his father as Hermiel does now with me. However at the age of 4681 Hermasius fell madly in love with your grandmother Allodia. However as I’ve explained contact is forbidden by angelic law so all he could do was gaze upon your grandmother who grew one year older every year. Until one day he couldn’t take it anymore and he lost control and forcefully pushed his love onto her. By the time I arrived it was already too late. He was sentence to death by the Archangel council and I became the new archangel. Your grandmother’s memories were altered and 9 months later your mother and Hermiel’s half Sister Alexandra was born.” Eos said with a big sigh. This was so much information and I just stared in shock as I tried to take in this unbelievable tale.

“The Archangel Council made me responsible to track this peculiar situation. However when your mother was murdered by demons the forbidden lineage was ended. What I however did not report back to the council was that Alexandra was pregnant with you Alexis. Your mother had no knowledge of her heritage, however when she was attacked she protected you out of love and used her angelic abilities unconscious.  Alexis your life was spared from death by her transferring all of her being in you. Normally you would just be a quarter angel, but because of your loving mother you are still half and it is because of this reason that you can see us when no other human can. Not to forget the important fact that you are Hermiel’s half niece and your white hair and indigo eyes are the colors of his family.” Eos finished with a large sigh.

In a confused state I turned my head slowly towards Hermiel who was already staring at me with big eyes. I had to admit some features were indeed very prominent. My hair was as white as his, and his feathers also my eyes were as purple as his eyes and his Amethyst feather tips. “So you’re my half-uncle?” I said puzzled as I moved closer towards Hermiel. I started tugging at his feathers and he flinched them away out reach. “So it seems and as your uncle I feel obliged to tell you that tugging at anyone’s feathers is inappropriate.” He said giving me a parental type look of disapproval. “Zophiel didn’t mind…” I started but was already interrupted. “Touching someone’s feathers is flirtatious and sexual, which reminds me I have some punishing to do.” Eos said annoyed as he got up and started walking away.

Grabbing my dress firmly I jumped up and hurried myself after Eos. “Don’t hurt him please!” I pleaded as we entered a large room that was also architected to tie nature and living space together. I saw Zophiel lying on the floor and instantly ran towards him but was halted by Eos before I could reach him. “Let me go, he is hurt!” I yelled at Eos. “It is his own fault my mǣnōn and don’t worry I will put him out of his misery.” Eos said in a stern voice but I wouldn’t allow such madness. “His fault? Nothing was his fault, I saw him! He didn’t show himself to me!” I pleaded. “I have to agree with my little niece on this one my lord.”Hermiel said backing me up. “If you kill him, I swear I will hate you with all my being!” I angrily yelled at Eos who was still not backing down. “My lord if you have any intent on salvaging your already broken relationship with my niece, I advise you to reconsider your punishment.” Hermiel said with a grin on his face. What was he on about? The ‘my-relationship-with-Eos’ part completely confused me.

A long silence took place and we all just stood there staring at each other for awhile. “Fine, I’ll retract the death sentence. However I will be taking his wings.” Eos finally said. I sighed at the relief of his life being spared but never the less his wings being taken was just awful. “Not his wings! He’s an angel! Angels need wings!!” I pleaded to Eos but I was already being pulled away by Hermiel. “They will grow back! It will take awhile, but they do grow back.” Hermiel said trying to comfort me as he dragged me out of the room. “I don’t want to leave! Let me go!” I yelled as I tried to get out of his grip. I stopped kicking and pushing when Eos appeared in front of us. “Such a noisy smalaz mǣnōn.” Eos said and before I could protest, I was being crushed into his comforting embrace. “Let me go monster lord!” I said with a muffled voice as I tried to free myself from his soothing touch.

Eos put me down and my feet touched something soft which felt like a thick carpet. Looking down and around I noticed he had brought me to his bedroom. My eyes drifted across the magnificent eco-chalet style room where plants, flowers and moss covered the walls and parts of the floor. “I don’t know what you’re thinking mister big shot but it ain’t gonna happen.” I said giving him the evil eye as I placed my two hands on my middle. Eos looked at me with an amused smirk. “Shower mǣnōn. I don’t want to see that adolescents dust on your skin any longer.” He said pointing towards a large clear glass window that separated his sleeping area from his bathroom. Walking slowly towards it, I could make out that the sinks were made completely out of stone and the walls and floor were covered with pebbles and tropical flora.  “It’s so beautiful, it’s almost like living in a tropical forest.” I whispered as my hands stroked over the stones and flowers. “Very pretty and all but I am not showering in your shower!” I yelled to Eos, as I continued inspecting the jungle bathroom. “Mǣnōn.” Eos whispered in my ear and I jumped up from fright. “Don’t scare me like that! And no, I am not showering here! I quiet like Zophiels sparkles all over me.” I said emphasizing the last part as vulgar as I could.

Eosthrathaeus’ handsome smiling face turned to anger and before I knew it I was being pressed against the mossy shower wall.  His knee was placed between my legs and his two strong muscular arms were at either side of me, I was trapped.  His face was so close to mine that I couldn’t help but blush. “If you won’t shower, I will personally wash you myself!” he said leaning in closer and his lips brushed my cheek as he switched on the shower. My floral dress started to disappear as the warm water hit us. “I’ll do it myself so please leave.” I said blushing complexly red with embarrassment as I clutched my exposed chest with my arms. “That’s my smalaz mǣnōn.” He commented and he pressed his lips to the top of my head and with that he was gone.


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