Corvidae(Male Reader Insert)

By humfry7

824 50 31

I promised a few chapter ones of future fics so here one is. I actually wrote this before Arcfall, but never... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

377 19 11
By humfry7

Sigh... I'm really doing this aren't I? Why finish the stories in progress when you can just start a new one. Fuck me I'm actually writing a reader insert. I already broke the other cardinal rules of fan fiction, might as well go for broke.


  Raven looked down at the boy in her arms. He had beautiful (E/C) eyes, but if he was anything like her, they wouldn't stay the same forever. Tai was holding her daughter in his arms. She had lilac eyes, and was bawling.

  "Twins... although I think our little girl might take after me more," Tai said, shushing his daughter. Raven looked down at the little boy sleeping soundly in her arms.

  "You always were a crybaby, Tai," Raven responded. Tai beamed at that, chuckling. "We should name her after you."

  "What, you want to name our daughter Yang?" Tai asked, a little surprise showing on his face.

  "I think it fits. What about this one?" Raven looked down at the little bundle of joy in her arms.

  "What about (Y/N)?" Tai asked.

  "(Y/N)... (Y/N)..." Raven cooed, gently brushing the side of her son's cheek. "I like it." For the first time in your whole life you looked into your mother's eyes. You were too young to see it, but it was the saddest she had ever looked.


  Tai was asleep, finally. Raven looked down at her son, before setting him on the couch next to his sister.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered to her children, before giving them each a kiss on the forehead and heading out the door. She had barely made it five feet before she heard (Y/N) crying. She didn't even make it one more before Tai was in the doorway, making leaving all that much harder.

  "I had hoped you might at least stick around a few days," Tai said, a sad smile on his lips. Raven swung her sword, cutting open a portal before turning back to the man she loved,

  "My offer still stands. The tribe could use a man like you. And now that I lead my people, we can raise the twins the right way, without worrying that they'll have the same childhood Qrow and I had."

  "I'm sorry Raven, but I became a huntsman to help people, not to hurt innocents." Raven nodded silently at Tai's reply, before disappearing into the portal she had just cut without a word.


  "Just hold still a little longer!" Your older twin Yang shouted as she grabbed another fistful of hair. You let out a sigh as you wrapped up Ruby's hair into another braid.

  "I can't believe you're taking this long. I finished Ruby's already!" You had been tasked with the job of braiding Ruby's hair, while Yang assured you that she would make yours look 'cool'. After showing you the basics, Yang had moved behind you, and started fiddling with your (H/C) locks.

  "Just trust me! This is going to be perfect!" Yang said as she reached for a hair tie.

  "Kids! I'm home!" You heard your mom call as she opened the door.

  "They're upstairs Summer. Been awfully quiet too." Tai called back from his place in the kitchen.

  "Uh-oh, my Mom sense tells me they're up to something." Yang finished with your hair and scooted over next to you, picking ruby up and setting her in her lap. Ruby looked over to you with her big silver eyes and smiled through her pacifier. If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was thanking you for the adorable pigtails you had given her. Your mom opened the door to the room you and Yang shared. "Oh my god." She dropped her purse to the ground instantly, before bringing her hands up to her mouth. "Tai. Get the camera." You hear a drawer opening, followed by the sounds of your father's boots on the stairs. Your dad slid behind your mom, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before looking over to you, Yang, and Ruby on the bed. Tai dropped the camera before bringing his hands to his mouth.

  "Do we have any family photos?"

  "We're about to. Turn around, we have to match," your mom said to your dad. He obliged, Turning and facing the wall while Summer reached up and put his hair into two pigtails, before doing her own. Tai picked up the camera and set it on your dresser, before kneeling down behind your bed with Summer and waiting for the timer to go off.

  "Say cheese!"

  "Cheese!" Everyone, save Ruby, said as the camera flashed. Summer bolted over instantly. She passed the camera around to each of you in turn. Finally, you got to look at your family photo. Yang had braided your hair into pigtails, just like everyone else. Well. You might not look 'cool', but you had to admit that it was cute.


  "Ready?" Yang asked, a determined look in her eyes. This was it. The greatest moment of your life.

  "Ready captain!" Ruby replied from your lap, giving Yang an over the top salute. Your whole life had lead up to this moment.

  "Ready Ma'am!" You added, gripping the sides of your vessel tightly. It would be up to you to steer this beast of a ship, being in the middle. Yang would command from the back. While Ruby would be on lookout duty from the front. The waters in front of you were dark and stormy, with rapids that clearly descended below. Your brave captain gave the great vessel one final push before jumping in herself as your ship tipped forwards.

  "What are you kids doing—!" Your mother's voice cut off as she rounded a corner. Summer did not see three brave crew members about to set off on their first journey. Summer saw three stupid kids in a laundry basket that was about to go tumbling down the stairs. In hindsight, you're not quite sure what you expected to happen. "No!" your mother shouted as she ascended the steps two at a time. The bottom lip of the laundry basket hit the carpeted stair, getting stuck as it flipped upright like a catapult.

  "Uh-Oh," you and Yang started at the same time. Yang, being the brave captain at the bow of the ship, was launched out of the basket and straight into the arms of Summer. Soon, the ship tipped forward, capsizing in the stormy waters. You grabbed Ruby, holding her in your main hand as you fell forward, the wreckage of your once great vessel closing over you as you hit the black seas with your off hand outstretched. You let out a grunt as you clutched Ruby to your chest and the debris from your ship crashed against your back. But you held strong, rising upwards and pushing the driftwood off your back as you held what remained of your faithful crew in one hand. It was then that you saw her. White sea foam drifted off her back as locks of black seaweed fell over her steely eyes. Your faithful capitan was already locked in battle with the siren, her arms tightly clutching her flesh. Then, in a swift motion she lunged, closing the gap between you with super-human speed and precision before grabbing you in a tight hug,

  "Don't you ever do something that reckless again!"

  Oh well, you thought, I suppose the game had to end eventually. "We're sorry!" You said as your mom wrested Ruby from your arms.

  "Yeah, we should have realized what was going to happen..." Yang continued. Summer let out a sigh as she set Ruby and Yang down.

    "You're the oldest Yang, you know what that means?" Summer looked down at yang as she spoke. Yang only shook her head in response. "It means," Summer continued as she tickled Yang's sides, "that you have to look after these two."

  "We're twins!" You interjected with a pout.

  "I'll have to check with your father," Summer said, "but I think that Yang is about ten minutes older. Now, why don't you put this back while I do some baking." Summer handed you and Yang the basket she had picked up after your failed expedition.

  "Can we have chocolate chip?" Ruby asked as she tugged on your mother's pant leg.

  "No snickerdoodle!" Yang interjected as she led the way down into the basement. The sound of the front door opening drew your attention to a snow-covered Dad and Uncle.

  "How about oatmeal raisin?" Tai asked with a goofy grin. You and Yang let out an,

  "Ewwwww," while Ruby made gagging sounds. Your uncle and mom did their best to stifle a laugh while you descended into the basement to find the laundry room.

  "Here," Qrow said as he handed some chopped wood to Summer, while your father took another bundle upstairs

  "You know you could stick around for dinner..." your mother said as she gratefully accepted the wood. You didn't get to hear uncle Qrow's response, but when you returned upstairs he was gone without a word.


  "You have to keep stirring, (Y/N)," your mom said as she preheated the oven. You had offered to help which meant that you got to pick the cookie type. Naturally, you took Yang's side and started making snickerdoodles.

  "But my arm is tired..." you said as you lazily rotated your wrist.

  "Then switch arms," Summer said as she whisked you off the floor and set you on the kitchen counter. You gave your main hand a rest as you started to stir with your off hand.

  "Mom, can I ask you something?" You asked as you looked up at her.

  "Of course darling," Mom replied as she sat on the counter across from you. Now really was the best time to ask her. Dad had taken Ruby and Yang into town after the argument you had this morning.

  "You're my real mom, right?" Summer almost fell from where she was sitting.

  "O-o-o-f course! What would make you say such a thing?"

  "Do you remember this morning when Yang and I got into a fight?" Summer nodded wordlessly as you spoke. "I wound up locking myself in the bathroom. When you knocked on the door and told me that dad and Yang had left I finally came out. But before that, I took a good look in the mirror. I was crying and snot had covered my face and my cheeks were bright red but I was still mad. Until I saw my eyes." Summer looked solemn, but here hair hung down in front of her silver eyes preventing you from seeing her true thoughts. "My eyes were red, Mom. At first I thought I had unlocked my semblance but then I remembered something. That old picture you and dad keep on the nightstand. There's a woman on it, and she has red eyes. Then I remembered the other day when you said you would have to double check with dad which one of us is older and well... I..." You set the bowl you were mixing off to your side and began twiddling your thumbs. Summer looked up at you with sad eyes before letting out a sigh and taking you off to her and Dad's bedroom. She sat on the bed and sat you on her lap before slipping the photo out of its picture frame and handing it to you.

  "When we were still in beacon your father, your uncle, and I were on a team with someone named Raven Branwen. She pointed to each of the people in turn. They all looked very happy. "Before your father and I got married, your dad was in love with Raven. Raven was a focused woman, but she had a temper and didn't care what she had to do to achieve her goals. She and your father had a pair of twins in this house before she disappeared, leaving your father to take care of them on his own." Summer took the picture back and slipped it into its frame. "Those twins were you and Yang."

  What happens now that I know the truth? Is she going to leave with Ruby? Did I ruin everything? "So, I'm not really your son?" You asked as you looked up at her.

  "Of course you're my son!" Summer responded, offended by your question, "blood and family are not the same thing and If you think I'm going to leave you just because my old teammate happened to leave you with Tai before I came into the picture you're dead wrong! I raised you and I'm not going anywhere." You let out a few sniffles before hugging Summ-, no. Before hugging your mother. "Just don't tell Yang? Not yet."

  "Mmhmm," you cried in between sniffles.

  "Now, let's go finish your apology cookies."


  "Happy birthday!" Your family and a few friends shouted as you and Yang flipped on the lights to your house. Your dad had just finished walking you back from school. Living so far away from the city kinda sucked, but at least it meant that people had time to do this.

  "Aww guys!" Yang said as she threw her backpack to the side, rushing up the front stairs to your house. You sighed as you reached down to pick up your sister's pack, but a calloused hand got to it first.

  "I've got you covered Blackbird," Your uncle Qrow said as he took yours as well, "go enjoy your party with Firecracker." You nodded as you rushed up the stairs two at a time.

  "Hey! How come I don't have a nickname," Ruby pouted from next to Qrow.

  "You do, Shortstack," I just haven't seen you since I came up with it. You didn't catch the rest of Qrow and Ruby's conversation as you made your way over the the cake and presents that awaited you. You got some standard stuff, socks, a jacket, and some toys. The real highlights were the gifts you and Yang got from Qrow, as well as the gifts you got each other. Qrow had given yang a necklace that had a burning heart on it, which she refused to take off. You got one too, with a feather with a little bit of fire on the end.

  I guess he knows I know.

  "Okay you two, open your presents to each other!" Summer said as she handed you and Yang a small box each. Yang tore into hers without hesitation as you shook yours.

  "Aw yeah, Designer shades! I'm gonna be the coolest girl in school!" Yang put the yellow framed aviators on her eyes. "Thanks bro, but I think we need to start thinking differently."

  "What does that-" you started as you tore into your gift. A pair of similar sunglasses, with red frames sat in your box. "Well they say that great minds think alike," You finished.

  "But fools hardly differ," Qrow picked up, "Get back to back, we need a picture." You and Yand stood back to back while putting on your best bad boys faces. You adjusted your slightly too-big sunglasses as you pursed your lips. Eh, you'll grow into them.


  You looked out at the edge of the hiking trail you were on. You and Yang were in the lead, while Ruby barely tailed along a ways back, a hand in each of your parents'. The view was beautiful, the sunrise just barely poking out over the edges of the dense forest that was below you. Rays of red and orange shone through the leaves and lit the whole forest up. You and Yang both leaned against the fence that kept hikers from falling off the edge.

  "Woooooooooow..." You both said simultaneously. You had been in quite a state when Tai woke you and Yang up at four in the morning to go hiking, but Summer had calmed you down and gotten your ready and boy were you ever glad she did.

  "Yang! (Y/N)! Get away from there!" You turned to see Tai and Summer both rushing at you full tilt, a exhausted Ruby collapsed behind them, looking at you with her big silver eyes. In defense of whoever made that fence, it never broke. Yang stuck her tongue out and closed her eyes, like the rebellious little shit she was. She didn't see the ground giving way beneath your feet. To be fair, you heard it before you saw it. You almost took one step toward your parents as you felt the ground give way. It was a split second decision. You still don't regret it, to this day. You pushed Yang with all your might toward your mother who barely managed to grab her arm as you fell, skidding down the side of the cliff before free falling into the green leaves of the forest. It was a miracle you missed as many branches as you did. As you watched your family disappear from view, you let out one sigh. You didn't want to die. In fact, you were terrified. Luckily for you, someone had agreed to save you. Once. A red portal ripped open next to you as a masked woman launched through, catching you with both arms before you hit the ground. You were unconscious as she swung her large blade through the air. She stepped through the portal created in its wake, her unconscious son slung over her shoulder.


A/N: And that's it folks, the first chapter of my first reader insert. I'm currently writing another fic over at, but they don't generally allow reader inserts, so I had to move over to wattpad for this one. I'm not sure if I'll post this after I finish editing it, or if I'll wait until said fic is finished but either way I hope you enjoyed. If you want to read all the embarrassing things i've written in the past my self-insert on is called KWIL. I've also written two super embarrassing mtg fics, but I'm too scared to look at them to tell you anything about them. Anyways, I figured I might as well start making reader inserts since other people will enjoy them more than those monstrosities I wrote before. See you next chapter!

Side note: I actually wrote all of this before Arcfall, I just never got around to publishing it.

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