A Woman In Hijab

By fann___004

192 15 5

This is about a girl who is too afraid to come out of her shell . She has gone through something that has put... More

A Fresh Start

A Good Muslim Friend

25 1 0
By fann___004

Chapter : 02

I thought friends aren't people who just help you and be by your side always they should also remind you of Allah (s.w.t) . So I thought will Fahmidha be that kind of a friend for me? My brain was running haywire with all these thoughts . That was when Faridha's turn came up .

She said ," I am Faridha fathima , my father's name is Rahman , my ambition is to become a good Indian citizen and spread harmony , democracy and secularism ." The teacher was quite impressed . She said ,"Quite a tough one huh , work hard and I hope you achieve your goal , and yeah dear what's your hobby ?" She stood up again ,"My hobby is art." She said and sat down again .

She turned towards me and asked ," how was it , Nawal?" I was like 'me....?' 

" It was good." I didn't want to jump right into this friendship without knowing her well , so me and my brain came to a conclusion to keep her at arm's length  .

The class got over and it was break time . I was walking in the corridor when I saw a few girls being bullied by the seniors , like twelfth class students . The seniors nowadays think that they are above all . I've heard a few even badmouth the good teachers . Who doesn't badmouth teachers , but everything has a limit .

Despite all , I wasn't brave enough to stop them or question them . Tell them that what they are doing is wrong . I've always wanted to be brave . But i always end up being saved , atleast I'm being saved .

I wanted to wash my hands so I can't go back I took the effort and walked towards the restroom . Itseems I caught someone's attention , one of the girl stopped me , my heart filled with dread as I looked at her with fear filled eyes . She was tall and scary , her face was caked with makeup that didn't look good on her , it looked like she was in a hurry this morning , my thoughts did little to ease my fear , as her booming voice brought me back to reality .

She asked me my name and I replied with my soft voice , she seemed to be having a bad day , she yelled at me "Speak louder , you dumb head ."

I know that I'm not the brightest kid in my class , but I'm sure that I'm not dumb .

I looked at her and said "Nawal ."

"Great , now which standard are you in?"

"Tenth ." I said .

"Do you know how to dance ?" She had an evil smirk on her face . Suddenly , her buddies seemed to like the situation too . They came and gathered around me . Wher are the teachers when we need them the most ?!!!

I was scared , I started seeing my future with an RIP , so I just said something that might please her even thought that's going to be a lie , I especially didn't want to be hit . So , I said , "Yes" .

"Then let's go to my class , you will stand in the centre and dance for a song with the best beat ." Her smirking face seemed evil and scary , it boosted my fear and I could slowly feel my vision starting to cloud .

My eyes were filled with tears . The Bully started pulling me , that's when I saw light at the end of the tunnel  , she was here to help me .
"Ragging isn't allowed here." I turned and looked , it was Faridha . My saviour , my knight in golden armour . My only friend . That's right , I'm going to be her friend .

She spoke again "You sisters keep forgetting that it's wrong to bully others . You do know that if I tell your names to our sports teacher and say that you're ragging and asking our school students to do Haram  things they won't be happy . And I'm sure that they'll be no less than mad ."  She had a smile of triumph on her face .

They let go of my hand and scoffed at her , for a second I was really afraid that she has gotten herself into trouble , but that did not happen .

The bullies didn't reply , they just got annoyed and walked away.

"Huh , see their pride." Faridha scoffed at their retreating backs . "Nawal , I hope you're alright ?"

I gave her a weak smile and nodded in response . I was really thankful to her for what she has done . It may not seem like a big thing to outsiders , but they have no clue about my past and what kind of stuff I've been through .

So , her help was something I was really grateful about .

She patted my back in a comforting manner , as if she can really understand how that felt . I'm not sure, but she looked like she did .

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