The Twisted Gift

By Joshuas_Space

2.6K 156 75

The ability of the mind is an endless supply of power. It can be used for good, or for bad. This unique power... More

First Day
Problems at Home
Turning Points
Almost Fatal
Looking for the Unknown
Falling Toward Nowhere
The True Power
More Than Friends
The Deadly Game
Twists And Turns
The New Recruit
Playing Catch Up
Only Three Will Know
Asleep and Awake
More Lies

Old Faces

41 4 0
By Joshuas_Space

Old Faces

'Eight is approaching. Everyone knows the risk on eight but they don't know the true risk. Don't use your powers, people will try to make you, don't let them. Choose three people to tell, that is all. Choose carefully, and remember that the one closest to you may betray you. Once you tell the fourth, one will die, this is not a good thing. You may only have three, for each additional one who knows, one additional one will perish. The oldest die first. Now listen closely, keep secrets. Secrets are what keep you alive. Between the keeper and you, have no secrets. For secrets will tear you apart. They build you up, but can also tear you down. Lastly, listen to what your gut tells you, not your mind. Whatever you do, ignore your mind.
Signing off, X'
Page 13 of, The Legend of a Twisted Knight


"Casady?" Thomas says, hanging on to the 's' sound.

"What are you doing here Thomas? And how the hell are you still alive?" Casady asks, coming out of shock.

"You see, I was never really there, I was, but I wasn't. I will explain that later. For now, all you need to know is that everything is from endless games of Sotonoya. I know that this is going to sound crazy, but you have to listen to me. I was forced to do and act everything. Sotonoya had my family taken and tortured. She killed my mother. She would kill someone every time I screwed up. I know you think that I am lying but I'm not."

"Thomas, even if I did believe you, which I don't, why are you here? Wouldn't Sotonoya kill someone else?" Beverly says flatly.

"She would, but that is where she didn't think things through. She killed everyone that I cared about. My mother, father, older sister, older brother, and younger brother. I have no one left, except you too, that is."

"Complete bull! You tried to kill me." Beverly shouts, causing people to turn in there direction.

"Shh!" Casady says to Beverly, warning her to quiet down,"I hate to say this, but you put up a convincing argument. I am not sure whether I should trust you or not."

"Well, what does you gut tell you?"

"To trust you."

"Look, if you trust me and let me be apart of the team, I will do anything that you want. Plus, if I do something you don't like then kill me."

"Casady?" Beverly asks, curious to know what her decision will be. Beverly trusts Casady's judgment.

"Okay, we have a deal" Casady says, sticking out her hand to shake hands with Thomas.

"So you guys were going to go over the book?"


"Okay, I have your drinks. A iced mocha, double espresso, and a iced decaf mocha for the young lady." The barista says, returning from making the drinks.

"Thank you, here you go." Thomas says, handing her twenty dollars. "You can keep the change."

"Really? Thank you sir!" She says with wide eyes.

"No problem" he says, then turns his attention back to the three girls, "so how far have you gotten?"

"We are only on page nine."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"There is something that you need to know but I am forbidden to speak what the books says before it has been read."

"Then we need to read it."

"I'll read. Do you want me to start from page nine?" Mary says, wanting to help.

"Sure." Casady replies.

"It says, 'Teleportation, talking, locating, telepathic talking, and seeing the future can all be seen in the mirror. When the time comes, a hand or two has been lost, even to the extent of death, you will need to know what you are searching for. When you need to know, you will know. Ask for help and help will be given. People are no good, but a book is best. Peer inside and you will see the light. You must see it. You will see it. Can you see it? It is the illuminating light at the end of the road, death. But death is not the end of all existence of life, no, it is just the beginning.
-Signing off, X

Betrayal, the worst feeling. What is betrayal? When you are betrayed, are you truly betrayed, or do you just think that you are? Don't jump to conclusions over a word, or an action. Though, most are right, some are wrong. Keeper, don't let this feeling enter into you. When your whereabouts are unknown don't think that they are unknown to others. This is when that are just known. Don't go down a path with no return. Don't take the wrong path to where you are left alone. Remember, Beverly and Casady, you must always stick to one another. And remember, never trust the liars. The headquarters may be called a home to you in the future, as do many others. But remember, you must always be on high alert.
-Signing off, X

This is a warning to all who may have the twisted pleaser of reading this book, do not trust eight. Also, you must not abandon your life, act normal even though nothing of normal that exists for you. If you do not act in this manner, terrible things will befall you. You must find the secret hidden within. This key will lead you to what you search for so desperately. You must tell no one the truth of your capability, unless they already know. If they know your ability, tell them the truth so that they do not stay from your side and onto the enemies side.When it comes to you, gain control, and never loose it. Even if it means not using abilities in order to survive. And whatever you do, stay away from eight, do not use your powers then!
-Signing off, X'

That's pages nine, ten, and eleven. I don't understand it though. Who is X?" Mary stops and asks, confused.

"I don't know either Mary. That's why we need to read them, so we can understand them." Casady says, comforting Mary, as she always does. Then she glances over at Thomas and it is obvious that he wants to say something. "What?" She asks.

"You need to keep reading."

"First answer this, do you know what it means by eight?"


Then tell us!" Beverly says.

"I can't"

"And why is that?" Beverly says, challenging him.

"Because you have not finished reading yet. You need to read at least twelve and thirteen, then I can't talk at free will."

"Fine, I'll read" Beverly says, taking the book from Mary. Realizing that what she just did was rude, she asks, "Is that okay Mary?"

"That's fine."

"Okay, it says, 'Be normal, when not normal. Don't stand out, when you stand out. Fade into the shadows, when you are in the light. Be yourself, but not your new self. A storm is coming, it is on the horizon. Listen to what you are told. Hide your ability. Blend into the crowd, don't be in the center. Be careful to not use your power on eight. Go back to normality while it seems like there is none. Listen to these words and will certainly survive. Choose to ignore them, and you will be dead by morning. Stay careful.
Signing off, X

Eight is approaching. Everyone knows the risk on eight but they don't know the true risk. Don't use your powers, people will try to make you, don't let them. Choose three people to tell, that is all. Choose carefully, and remember that the one closest to you may betray you. Once you tell the fourth, one will die, this is not a good thing. You may only have three, for each additional one who knows, one additional one will perish. The oldest die first. Now listen closely, keep secrets. Secrets are what keep you alive. Between the keeper and you, have no secrets. For secrets will tear you apart. They build you up, but can also tear you down. Lastly, listen to what your gut tells you, not your mind. Whatever you do, ignore your mind.
Signing off, X'

Okay, I think I understand the format of this book." Beverly says excitedly after she finishes twelve and thirteen.

"What do you mean?" Casady asks, intrigued.

"Well, each page is a passage, or a message. It's not a normal book, obviously, instead, it is like a journal. That is why it says 'signing off, as' at the end of every page."

"That's makes sense!"

Yes, so may I tell you what I know now?"


"Okay, you want to know what it means by eight, right?"


"Good, eight is not just a number, it is a symbol. Most people think that the number thirteen is a symbol of bad luck. They are all wrong, it is not unlucky. In fact, there is no such thing as 'bad luck', instead, there is just reality. The number eight is not a good number. Bad things always happen with this number. It is said that the eighth day of a person having your powers is the worst day. It is the hardest day to not let your mind take control of you. The more you use your powers, the harder it get's to stay in control. Also, the eighth person in a group is always not good, usually it results in betrayal, or something of that sort."

"Okay, so I can't use my powers the day after tomorrow. What does it mean about only telling three people? Does that mean a total of six, with me and Beverly combined?"

"I am not sure, however, I can tell you that there will soon be another person developing powers. You cannot trust this person, Sotonoya has already gotten to him. If I remember correctly, I heard her say that his name started with a T. But I cannot be for sure."


"What?" Beverly asks, worried that something happened.

"His name is Timothy. After I escaped from Sotonoya, we found him. He developed his powers today. If you are right, then we are all in big trouble."

"How so?"

"Well, we already took him back to our head quarters-"

"There is a head quarters?! And I didn't know about it?" Beverly interrupts.

"It is classified and I will tell you about it later. But if we took him there, and he is working for Sotonoya... I need to warn the others! They are all in big trouble."

"Casady, they are fine. They have been at this for a lot longer than you have. They will and can take care of themselves. If you wan't, I can even give you a whole file on each of them."


"Before I ran away from Sotonoya, I stole all of the case files. Which includes, all seven of you, and everyones keepers."

"I will take a look at it later. For now, we need to understand everything else in the book. Like when it says only three can know the truth about Beverly and I? We have already told six people! If we only get to tell three total, than the other three are dead. They are all family members!"

"Do you think I will die, Casady?" Mary asks with a rising fear.

"No, it says that the oldest die first. Who are the three oldest?"

"Oh my god!" Beverly yells, making everyone in the coffee shop glare at her.

"What? What is it?" Casady asks, completely white out of terror.

"Mary counts as one, Thomas might count as one. If Thomas counts as one than that means only one out of both our parents will live."

"Oh my god is right! What are we going to do?" Casady asks in complete fear, as Mary starts to allow tears to run off her face.

"Can I offer advice?" Thomas chimes in.

"What Thomas?"

"Well, I would make a list, from oldest to youngest in each of your families. And don't blame yourselves, it is Sotonoya's fault."

"Your right it is all her fault! She is going to pay for this!" Beverly says with rage and anger racing through her veins.

"Before we do that, we should make a list. We need to see who will die first."

"Casady!" Mary screams, forgetting about the others in the small coffee shop.


"We are going to be orphans!"

"Mary, we will never be orphans, I promise. Do you remember what I told you? I will buy a house and you will move in with me. I promised that, and I will fulfill my promise."

"I'm so sorry Casady."

"For what?"

"I didn't mean it when I said that I hated you, I only said that because I was mad."

"I know, it's okay."

"Um, guys?" Thomas says with a sense of warning and urgency.

"What is it?"

"The cops just pulled up."

"What? Why does that concern us?"

"I have a bad feeling about this." Beverly says, with a horrific look planted firmly on her face.

"Are one of you here named Casady or Mary?" One of the police officers asks as he approaches the group of four.


"I am very sorry to tell you, but there has been a terrible accident," Before he can even finish, both Casady and Mary are broken down in tears. Within seconds their tears turn into sobbing. "Your mother was in her car and, well, we are not sure what exactly happened, but she is in a coma. We would like to take you both with us to go see her. Is that okay."

All Casady can do is nod numbly toward the general direction of the police officer. She is completely in shock, as is Mary. They are both speechless and have momentarily lost the ability to speak.

"If they go, we would like to come also." Beverly says firmly.

"I'm sorry but I only have room for three in the back seat."

"I don't care. We are their best and only friends. Call another cop car to take all of us, I don't care!" She says, rising her voice until she is screaming. Without realizing it, she has tears running down her face as well.

Casady and Mary are taken out of the coffee shop and into the police car. By the time they are both in the car, another police car has already arrived for Beverly and Thomas. They both get in the car and wait for the two officers to stop talking. In the back of the car that hold Mary and Casady, they are both hugging each other with muffled sobs into their shirts. Things like this should never happen to a kid at this age. The worst part of it all is that Casady feels as if she responsible for it. After all, she is the one who told all three of her family members. Now she has to pay the price of others knowing her secret. All she can wonder is, is all of this her fault?

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