Picturing Us

By hernameisnanii

488 3 6

Best friends are everything. They're always there for you, no matter what. Hanson Carter has two best friends... More

Picturing Us (1)
Picturing Us (2)
Picturing Us (3)
Picturing Us (4)
Picturing Us (5)
Picturing Us (6)
Picturing Us (7)
Picturing Us (8)
Picturing Us (9)
Picturing Us (11)
Picturing Us (12)
Picturing Us (13)
Picturing Us (14)
Picturing Us (15)
Picturing Us (16)
Picturing Us (17) {Final Chapter}

Picturing Us (10)

20 0 0
By hernameisnanii


"Levi, I-" I began.

"What?" he interrupted.

"I-I just need to be alone." I stuttered.

His expression changed. I can tell that he wanted to stay with me, and honestly, I wanted to stay with him. But I couldn't.

The theater door opened, sending shock into my body. I thought it was Ms. Reynolds, wanting to ask me about what happened. But it wasn't. He was finally here, in the flesh, with that same innocent look on his face.

Levi turned and looked at him. "I guess I'll leave you, to talk I guess."

"Thanks, dude." Finn said, bot even taking an eye off me. "I was debating on whether I should or shouldn't talk to you." he said, once Levi left inside. "But then Rachel convinced me, so now I'm here."

I came up to him. I stared at his innocent face and pushed his chest. "How dare you let me go up there and embarrass myself, Finnie." I said.

"Well, it was a bit funny." he smiled, making me smile. I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. His hugs were always the best.

"Don't you dare, leaving me again." I said.

"I won't."

And then I kissed him.


It was shocking. But it was also great. I've been waiting for her to kiss me and yet, here it is. Her pink lips finally touching mine, something I've always waited for.

"Wait, no." she said, pulling away. "This is weird.

"No, it's not. It's perfect." I said, pulling her closer to me and kissed her.

She pulled away again. "No, Finn. I can't." She turned away and looked out at the sky. I looked at her, but she just kept pacing slowly.

"Why?" I asked.

She looked down at the grass, then ran her hand through her hair.

"Hanson, you can't just kiss me like that, then expect everything to go back go normal."

"Finn, I'm sorry. I just...I just wasn't thinking."

I went up to her and looked into her eyes. "It's fine. I guess we can try. I just don't wanna lose you. You're my one and only best friend."

She smiled once again.


I watched everything go on as it did. I don't get why she could love a jerk that much. She even kissed him. How could she forgive him after about an hour.

"Hey." I said. I pretended to be cool, even though I was in pain. "Everything's okay?"

"Yeah, I guess." Hanson said, smiling back to Finn.


"Yeah." Finn added.

Hanson spoke up. "How about we go out and eat. You, me, Levi, and Julia." Say what?

"I don't know about that." Finn suggested.

"Why? You love free food."

"No not that. Julia and I...broke up."

"What? Why?" I asked, confused as ever.

"She saw me toss that ice coffee in your face." he said, pointing to Hanson.

"Oh, yeah. Why did you do that?" I asked, intimidating him. It was really funny every time I did.

"I dunno. Just felt confident, I guess. BUT, I'm really truly sorry."

"It's okay. Because we are going to get Julia back. You love her. Call Matt and I'll get Rachel. We are all going out tonight." Hanson ordered. She walked back into the auditorium to get Rachel.

"No, I love you." Finn mumbled, thinking that I didn't hear him. But I did.


Sorry it's sooo short...but I had to write because a CERTAIN SOMEONE....you know who you are...told me to write something....it'll get better...


Will Finn and Julia get back together?

Will Levi tell anyone about the kiss?

Who will end up together?

When will these questions get answered???

Stay tuned...

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