Hemlock Chronicles (Hemlock G...

By Song_Wolf_Lover69

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(This is a Chronicles/Hemlock Grove cross over with addition of my own characters. I do NOT own the rights t... More

Prologue: The Discovery
Chapter 1: On the Run
Chapter 2: Welcome to Hemlock Grove
Chapter 3: Summer of Love
Chapter 4: First Day of School
Chapter 5: Welcome back, Matt
Chapter 6: Who Killed Brooke?
Chapter 7: Roman knows
Chapter 8: Halloween Homecoming
Chapter 9: Transform
Chapter 10: Can't Run
Not an Update!
Chapter 11: Digging up the Body
Chapter 12: Tequila Worm
Chapter 13: Banquet
Chapter 14: Searching for Clues
Chapter 15: To Castle Godfrey
Chapter 16: We're Done
Chapter 17: Watch Your Back, Doctor
Chapter 18: Not Ugly
Chapter 19: Coma
Chapter 20: Face Your Demons
Chapter 21: Stories
Chapter 22: Dinner with the Godfrey's part 2
Chapter 23: Roman's Home
Chapter 24: Protect The Wolf and Moon
Chapter 25: The Wrong Moon
Chapter 27: Praise the Moon
Chapter 28: Unhappy Birthday
Chapter 29: Darkness Falls
Chapter 30: Rebirth

Chapter 26: The Vargulf Comes

256 3 0
By Song_Wolf_Lover69

After sewing up Celena's arm, Norman takes off to find Tom.  After discovering Christina's room, Sherriff Sworn wastes no time to head to Hemlock Acres and search for her.  Norman catches up with him as he spies him in the hallway. 

"Hey, Tom. The latest one, was it was it Christina?" He asks, worried if it was. 

Sherriff shakes his head, "Deputies found some torn clothing and a ID for a Jennifer Fredericks at the site."

Norman's eyes widen in shock, "Jenny Fredericks?" He gasps. 

"You know her?"

"No, no. Shelley does. She's the only real friend she ever had. That means Christina's still out there." Norman says, sad for Jenny and Shelley.  He knew he will have to break the news to her soon.  But he was so relieved that it wasn't Christina.   

An orderly who was stocking up supplies was listening to their conversation and it pissed off Sherriff.  He gives the orderly a furious death glare. 

"You wanna say something to me, or you just gonna eye fuck me?" He scoffs at the orderly.  

The orderly frowns and takes off, leaving them alone. 

Norman tries to calm him down, "Tom, I know that you feel right now more than ever that you have a job to do, but with everything that's happen..."

"I'm not one of your patients, Doctor." Sherriff cuts him off, gritting his teeth. 

"As a friend. Maybe you should go home for a little while." Norman offers. 

"I'll go home when Christina's safe and Peter Rumancek is dead and in the ground." Sherriff snarls as rage fills his eyes.  


(Celena's change of clothes)

Matt and Celena arrived a few hours later after changing clothes.  Celena couldn't get it out of her head about what Viktor said.  About how the Vargulf knew the moon was a woman before all this happed. How did it know where to look?  

Letha walks into the kitchen and begins to boil some water, "Want some tea?" She asks. 

Celena sighs, "Sure." She rubs her eyes. 

"When's the last time you got any sleep?" Letha asks as Matt comes in.

"What's today?" Celena clears her throat.

"Saturday." Letha says. 

"Oh.  Two and a half weeks ago." Celena mutters and laughs.

Matt sits in front of her at the table, "Maybe you should take a nap."

Celena rubs her face and sighs deeply, "I'll sleep when this is all over." 

Letha sighs and turns  to the window.  She frowns when she sees someone standing in the yard.  It was Christina!  Letha gasps softly.

Matt and Celena sit up in caution and get up to look. 

"What is it?" Matt asks as he walks over to the window and sees a figure walking towards the front door.  Soon, they hear knocking.  

Matt and Celena follow Letha as she opens the door.  There stood Christina.  Celena could barely recognize her.  She was pale and her hair was snow white.  God, she heard of white from fright, but wow.  


"Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Christina apologizes. 

That's all right, sweetheart. Are you OK?" Letha waves it off.

"Is your dad home?"

"No. Uh, do you want me to call him?"

"No, no." Christina shakes her head quickly.  

Celena and Matt watch from the corners.  Celena couldn't help but frown at Christina, how she was acting.  

"OK. He's probably out wondering where you are."

"Well, please don't tell him I'm here, OK?"

"Yeah. Did you want to come in?" Letha offers.

Christina gives her a small smile and walks in.  She spies Celena and Matt.  Matt waves, but Christina looks over the Celena, giving her a small smirk. 

"I thought I heard a noise. It sounded like someone screaming." Christina walks into the kitchen with them.

"Yeah. I was just making some tea. Hey, sit down. Do you want a cup?" Letha offers. 

"I have tea all the time." Christina says. 

"Yeah, OK."

Celena nods at Matt to follow her.  Matt nods and walks over to the corner of the kitchen to talk with Celena. 

"Ok, does feel a little strange to you?  Why would she come here?  Christina doesn't even like Letha." Celena whispers. 

"How do you know that?" Matt frowns. 

"Homecoming dance.  Letha was chatting with a guy Christina likes.  She looked really upset seeing that.  Sure, they know each other, but I don't think Christina wants to be friends." Celena whispers. 

Matt frowns and looks over to Christina, watching her lips.  She muttered something way too low for him to hear, and it looked like Letha didn't hear it either.  

He looks back at Celena, "Can you pick up anything?"

Celena looks over to Christina and focuses, soft rumbling is made around her.  Christina mostly thought of the woods.  The Sworn Sisters.  Her family.  But most of her mind was blocked.  

"Half of her mind is blacked out.  I don't know if it's because of the meds she's been on or if she's doing it on purpose.  I still can't shake this feeling." Celena whispers.  

"Maybe you should call Roman and Peter." Matt whispers.  

Celena nods. 

"So, do you want to tell me what's wrong? Why'd you leave the hospital?" Matt asks as he walks back over to Letha and Christina. 

"It wasn't safe there." Christina says. 

"OK. Why do you think it wasn't safe?" Letha asks as she places a cup of tea on the bar for Matt and herself.  

"I don't know. Just a feeling, I guess. Like when you're in a dark room but you can still feel a hand in front of your face." Christina says, explaining how it's like.  

"What are you afraid of?" Matt asks.

"That it's coming after me." Christina says with fear in her eyes. 

"Sweetheart, I'm sure that's not true." Letha sighs and assures her. 

"Well, I-I had that feeling, and I just had to get away. I had to come here." Christina stutters.

"Why?" Letha asks.  

Christina looks directly at her, "To warn you. Because I think it's after you too." She turns to look at Celena who was walking around in the other room with her cell.  "And her." 


Meanwhile, Roman makes it back to the chapel with his supplies.  He was relieved that the alter was cleaned up, but he could still see some left over blood.  

"Is that the bacon grease? Oh, good. You did good." Peter says as Roman takes out the jars of bacon grease and exclaims in triumph.  

Roman moves and places a large case down near him, "What are you gonna do with that stuff?" He asks.  

Peter frowns as he lights up a cigarette and points at the case Roman brought, "What's that?" 

"It's a weapon, from my mother. We have her blessing, for what it's worth. You have your spells, she has hers." He says as he opens the case to show the axe. 

Peter laughs at the sight, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, "Just try not to poke your eye out with it."

"So how are you gonna find it?"

"It'll find me. I asked how to do what it did to turn on the wrong moon. I'm closer to it now, I can feel it.  And I can feel it feel me.  When I go out there tonight, I won't have to go far. It'll be waiting for me." Peter says as he prepares for tonight. 


Celena calls Roman as Matt and Letha keeps Christina busy in the kitchen.  Celena sighs as she listens the rings.  

"Hey, you ok?" Roman answers right away. 

"Yeah, I'm at Letha's with Matt.  Rome, you need to come here." She says softly.

"Why?  It's not really the best time right now."  Roman says. 

"Christina is here.  Letha let her in." 

"What?  Did you just say 'Christina' is there?"

"Yeah.  Letha wants to take her back to acres but Christina is refusing.  Something isn't right." Celena says. 

Roman sighs, worry was starting to build in his gut, "I'll be right there." Roman says as he cuts the call and turns to Peter who was frowning in confusion, "I gotta go. Celena needs my help with something important."

"Well, what is it?" Peter asks.

"Christina made a stop at Letha's.  Celena's worried how she's acting." Roman says. 

Peter gets up and grabs his coat, "I'm going." 

Roman stops him , "Hey, hey, do you really think that's the best idea right now, with everyone out there looking for you?" He scoffs. 

"I'll hide in the fucking trunk. I'm going."  Peter says determinedly.


Celena paces the floor till she finally hears knocking.  She rushes to the door and peeks, sighing in relief when she sees Roman but gasps when Peter was with him.  She yanks the door open and whispers furiously at him. 

"What are you doing?  The whole town is looking for you!" She says softly and hurries them both in.  

"Are you OK?" Peter ignores her anger and checks her.  

"What's going on?" Roman asks softly.  

"Yeah, I'm fine.  Matt and Vik healed me." She holds up her arm and sighs.  Peter frowns, and Celena sighs, "Oh, right, forgot to mention that." She mutters.  "Yeah, just add that to the list.  Anyway, try not to freak out.  Letha is trying to talk to her and get her to head back to Acres.  Don't know if it's working."  

Together, they walk towards the living room where Letha, Matt and Christina were.  She peeks and gestures Letha to come to her.

Letha nods and talks softly to Christina before getting up to meet with them in the hallway, "Hey, Matt told me Celena called you." Letha says and looks back over to Christina.  "She didn't want me to call my dad.  She seems really scared." She whispers.  

"Why is she here?" Peter whispers. 

"She said she came to warn me and Celena.  That the 'monster' is after us.  And her as well." Letha says. 

Roman and Peter both frown in concern as Letha walks back into the living room.  She sits in front of Christina as she eyes Peter with caution.  

"Hey, Christina. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you." Letha assures her.  

"Neither of us." Matt states. 

"This isn't a good idea." Roman whispers. 

"I agree.  We need to take her back to Acres." Celena nods, whispering.  

"Roman, she's really scared." Letha says as she feels Christina tremble.  

"Well, we're not just gonna..." Peter cuts Roman off.

"It's fine."

"What?" "What?" Celena and Roman frown at him.  

"It's fine." Peter waves them off and moves to stand close to Christina.

"Hi." She says.  

"Hi." Peter mutters back.

So, the plan they made was to take Christina back to Acres, but protect her with Letha and Celena. If the Vargulf was coming for the three girls, Peter was gonna stop it ahead on.  Roman drove everyone in his huge SUV.  Matt sat with Letha and Christina in the back while Peter, Roman, and Celena rode in the front seats.  Roman was driving a little too fast for Letha's liking. 

"Yo. Baby on board." She says to Roman.

Roman sighs softly and slows down just a little bit.  Celena takes his hand that was next to hers and intertwines her fingers with his.  Her other hand was already in Peter's.  She felt so safe with them.  Peter sighs as he looks at the hands.  One in hers and Roman has the other.  He didn't know how to feel about this.  It was confusing.  But he loves Celena.  More than his own life and he didn't want to lose her.  Roman is his best friend.  But could he share her with him?  He scoffs in his mind; no way could he have a threesome with him, but to share her...he can't really decide with that.  Which is very weird.  His heart trusts him with her and he knew Roman would never hurt Celena.  Not on purpose.  He sighs and rubs his face and scratches his beard.  He needed to think, but this will have to wait till after he takes care of the Vargulf.  That is, if he lives through this.  

"Christina, you know I won't let anyone hurt you, right?" Letha assures her 

Christina gives her a small smile and nods, "I know." 

"You know nothing's gonna go wrong now. Right?" Matt states.  

Christina nods and looks over to Peter, "I'm sorry I told everyone you're a werewolf." She apologizes. 

Peter looks over his shoulder and waves it off, "Don't mention it." He sighs and sees the fear in her eyes, "I know you're scared. I am too."

"Why do you think he's coming after you?" Roman asks.  

"It's hard to explain." Christina stutters, trying so hard to find the right words.   

Celena hears the soft whispering of Christina's mind, "Like a dark feeling creeping up your spine.  As if someone or something poured cold slime down your back and your heart feels like it's dropping out of your body.  Right?" She asks as she looks in the rear view mirror.  

Christina eyes her, but nods. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know the feeling." Peter mutters, then sits up fast as they were approaching a store.  He, suddenly, had an idea, "Oh, pull pull up over there." He points.

"What, the convenience store?" Roman frowns.  

"Yeah." Peter nods.  

"Why?" Roman asks.  

"I gotta take a piss." Peter says sarcastically. "Just do it, will you?"

Roman rolls his eyes, "Yes, ma'am." He scoffs and pulls over.  

Peter hops out with Celena following him and Roman gets out as Letha and Matt sits in the car, chatting with Christina.  

"All right, what the fuck's going on?" Roman asks, demanding Peter for answers.  

Together, they walk into the store as Peter walks around, scanning the items.  

"I think Christina's right." 

"About what?" Celena.  

"I think it's after her next." Peter says.  

"Why? It knows I'm the moon.  Why go after her when it's me?" Celena frowns.

"It's just a feeling.  Maybe it's hungry.  I don't know.  It might even know her.  It may come before sundown, so we need to be ready." Peter states. 

"What are you looking for? Fuck." Roman asks and mutters in frustration when Peter wouldn't answer. 

Peter stops at a row full of extension cords and pics one out.  Testing the durability, "This'll do." He nods and walks towards the register.  Roman takes the cord and stands before the cashier.  When the clerk turns towards him, Roman's eyes widen a little in recognition. 

"Oh, shit." He mutters as the clerk glares at him. 

Celena frowns until a flash roams through the man's head.

Roman was at a bar talking to this guy and the guy looked pissed off with Roman.   

"My brother lost his house because of your father."  The man snarls at Roman. 

"Why don't you tell your brother to be a fucking man, huh?" Roman's voice echoes with a scoff. 

Celena sighs and rolls her eyes at Roman, "You're a fucking idiot." She whispers. 

Roman sighs and looks over to her while giving her a guilty look.  

The clerk took Roman's card, but throws it back at him, "Card declined."

"Uh, I got cash." Roman says.  

"Want me to call your mother?" The man threatens. 

"No, thanks. I'm fine." Roman mutters, shaking his head.  He sighs and moves over to Peter, scratching his head.  

"What the fuck did you do to this guy?" Peter frowns at him, smelling the rage all over the guy.  

"We had a misunderstanding." Roman mutters. 

"Misunderstanding." Celena scoffs.   

"Jesus. I've seen your 'misunderstandings'." Peter turns to the guy and gives him a charming smile, "Hi. I'm sorry about this and him. No one knows he's a bigger asshole than I do, but we really need this, and I'm broke till payday." He shrugs. 

"Lots of people broke because of this asshole's family." The guy snarls. 

"How about an IOU? I'm good for it." Peter says with a smile. 

"I- O-fuck you, Rumancek." The guy says.  

"I'm sorry. I haven't said that much in my life, but I am. I insulted a lot of people, and, uh, you would have been right to kick my ass. I'm a spoiled prick and I would have deserved it. Look, if you wanna take a swing at me now, I won't stop you." Roman says quickly and prepares for a punch.  

Celena moves between them, "Ok, enough!" She shouts and turns to the guy with a furious look, "Look, I don't know what kind of problem you have with the Godfreys, but leave Roman out of it.  Okay, so his daddy and mommy made your brother lose his house, but why should you blame him?  He has nothing to do with that." 

"He's a Godfr...!" Celena cuts him off.

"Shut the fuck up!" She gives him a warning finger and look that could kill, "Yeah, he's a Godfrey and that's his curse.  He deals with his godforsaken mother 24/7.  How would you feel if you had to deal with that bitch as much as he does?  Torturing you and your siblings. Hmm?!  So, don't you fucking dare let Roman take the blame of what his parents did to you.  He shouldn't suffer the sins of the father when he suffers at home at the wrath of that c***." She grits out.  "So, apologize right now and be nicer to Roman.  And you, too." She turns to Roman.  "Both of you be nice." 

The man sighs deeply and looks over Roman who was in shock at Celena as well as Peter was.  The man looks back down at Celena and nods, "Fine.  I'm sorry for blaming you when it's really your dad's fault and your mom's." He mutters.  

Roman stutters and waves it off, "I'm sorry as well.  For what I said back then at the bar."

Celena sighs, "Thank you.  Now, please, can we pay for this?" She smiles and holds up the cord.

"Whew!" Roman exhales sharply as the exit the store.  "Wow!" He laughs and wraps an arm around Celena, smiling big.  "That was unbelievably sexy." 

"Can't believe you did that." Peter laughs.  

"He pissed me off.  And I'm tired of hearing people talk shit about you when what your parents did has nothing to do with you and, yet, you're still blamed for it." Celena mutters. 

Roman kisses her head and hugs her as they walk back to the SUV.  

"Everything all right?" Letha sticks her head out of the window. 

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" Roman shrugs and lets go of Celena.   

Celena couldn't shake a feeling that has been nagging her since they left Destiny's.  She turns and heads back into the convenience store.

"Where is she going?" Letha asks. 

Roman and Peter turn to see Celena talking to the guy again and he hands her something.  A map.  She hands him cash and thanks him with a smile.  When she turns to head back to them and unfolds the map she bought and lays it flat over the hood of the car.  Everyone gets out of SUV to see what she was doing, except Christina.  

"What are you doing?" Peter asks.  

"Something has been nagging me since what Viktor asked us at Destiny.  About how the Vargulf went after Brooke.  We didn't know that the Vargulf was marking women till a few weeks ago.  But the Vargulf knew then when this whole thing started.  But how?  Let's think back to beginning.  The Vargulf's first victim was Brooke.  She was killed at Kilderry Park, right?  But they found her car at the train tracks that were a few miles away from your place." Celena says as she draws a circle around Kilderry Park and points at where Peter's trailer was.  She draws a line from the park towards the mill.  

"Then it went to Godfrey Steel aka Castle Godfrey to attack Lisa." Celena says, then draws a line towards the suburbs.  "Then the Sworn Sisters." She circles the map.

"Then it went after you.  Near Destiny's." Roman points where the loft is.  

"Don't forget about the unknown girl it killed." Matt points out. 

"Where did they find her?" Celena asks. 

Letha points at the docks that was near the the country club, "Here.  I heard Dad talking to the Sherriff."  

Celena draws a line to the country club.

Matt frowns, "It's moving around Hemlock Grove.  See the pattern?" Matt trails his fingers over the lines Celena made. "It's stalking around the territory.  Like a hunter circling it's prey." 

"Or a wolf." Peter says as he eyes everyone's worried look. 

"So it didn't come from the White Tower." Celena sighs and turns to look up at Roman, "We were wrong." She looks back at the map, "If I'm right, the next attack will be...here." Celena says as she points at an area.  

"Where is that?" Matt asks. 

Letha gasps, "That's Hemlock Acres.  It's going to the hospital?" 

"We need to get back." Peter says as Celena grabs the map off the hood and all of them rush back into the SUV.


Norman took a hesitant step inside the Godfrey mansion, but he needed to inform Shelley about Jenny.  It would be best if she heard it from him and not the police.  He sighs deeply as he makes it up the stairs to her room and sees her with Viktor.  Viktor was sitting in a chair next to Shelley as she was looking through her computer. 

Viktor looks up and places a hand on Shelley's, making her turn to see Norman walking in.  She gives him a small smile. 

Norman smiles back and kisses her head.  He sits down in front of them both and sighs softly.

"The boys are in the chapel." He says.

"Are they going to stop it?"  Shelley types.

"Well, they have some ideas. Letha's home and fine.  Matt and Celena are with her." He rubs his mouth as he thinks about the last time they talked.  He knew that she knew about him and Olivia and he was ashamed of himself for keeping it a secret from her.  "Your mother your mother and I are complicated. I'm sorry that it meant lying to you. I've been lying about it so long I almost forgot there was anyone who still believed it, but doesn't make it any less crummy."  He chuckles softly, "You're a lamp. You shine on people. You're either gonna show what's best in them or what's most crummy. You always got to see the best of me because there you were lighting the way, so it's even worse how you had to learn about my shit-heel side, but that's your tragedy, and nothing breaks my heart more. You're always gonna be surrounded by people who don't deserve you." He looks over to Viktor, "Like this guy." 

Viktor snorts as Shelley giggles and takes Viktor's hand in hers.  

Norman takes a deep breath as he prepares himself to deliver the news, "Something else I gotta tell you. Um, the last victim...it was Jenny Fredericks." Norman says softly.

Shelley gasps as her breathing picks up and tears begin to roll down her cheeks.  

Viktor looks at him in horror, "Jenny?  It got Jenny?" He gasps.  

Norman tries to calm Shelley down as everything electric begins to go wild and soon, her whole room blacked out.  Only the sun was their source of light, "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I- I know what she meant to you. Oh, sweetheart." Norman sighs sadly. 

Suddenly, Shelley gets up fast and runs towards her elevator.  Viktor runs to follow her, but Shelley shuts the elevator before he could get in.

"Shelley." "Shelley!" Norman and Viktor shout.  

They race down the stairs, hoping to beat Shelley.  But when they reached the ground floor, the elevator door was open and Shelley was gone.  They look and see the front door was open as well. 

"SHELLEY!" Viktor calls out.

"Shelley!" Norman shouts out.   

She was gone.  Where could she go?


Roman skids to a halt in front of the chapel and everyone rushes out.  

Celena stops when her cell rings, "Hello?  Vik?  Woah, woah, slow down.  What?" She turns to Roman with a worried look, "Oh, my god." 

"What?  What is it?" 

"Ok, keep looking, we'll keep an eye out here.  Keep trying her cell." Celena cuts the call.

"What is it?"

"Shelley's gone." Celena says.

"What?!" Roman exclaims. 

"She ran away from home.  Your uncle was there visiting her.  They identified the girl.  It was Jenny Fredericks." Celena says. 

Letha gasps and covers her mouth in shock as Roman stumbles in horror.  

"Jenny?  She's dead?" Christina gasps. 

"Viktor said Shelley freaked out and ran out of the house.  They don't know where she went." Celena says.

"I gotta find her." Roman gasps out and turns to run back to his car, but Celena stood in his way.

"Roman, Roman! You can't go.  Not like this.  We'll find her.  Viktor will find her." Celena says and makes him look at her, he sobs softly. 

"I can't lose her, Cell. Not again. She's my sister." His voice cracks. 

"You're not gonna lose her." Celena says softly.  "Think, where would she go?" She asks.

Roman stutters, "She loves the library, but she wouldn't go alone.  She would go to someplace safe and familiar.  Either here or the White Tower." 

"Matt and I will go look for her.  We'll be back before sundown." Celena states.  

"No!" Peter protests strongly, "We can't split up." He states. 

"Someone needs to look for Shelley before the Vargulf does.  It's looking for the woman it's preying.  Any female in this town is marked." Celena argues. 

"She's right.  We'll look for her." Matt nods and turns to Letha, cupping her face in his hands and kiss her softly, "Stay with Roman and be safe.  Watch over Christina as well."

Letha nods, "You better be careful, too." 

Matt grins, "I will.  I love you."

Letha's breath is caught in her throat with those words, "I love you." she whispers.

 He looks down at her belly and kneels to give it a hug and kiss, "You take care of your mom.  Love you, too, ladybug." 

Letha smiles and runs her fingers through his hair before he gets to his feet.

Matt stands up straight and turns with Celena, "We'll check out Acres first and if she's not here, we'll go to the White Tower." Celena says and turns to head off into the office area.  

Once they went inside, Matt calls Viktor to tell him what's the plan.  He offered to go to the White Tower for them and they said to do it.  With no luck with Norman's assistant, they walked around to check for areas where she would hide.  

"God, I can't believe this is happening." Celena mutters when she tries calling for Shelley again, but no answer still.  

"We'll find her.  Try not to worry." Matt says as they go through the empty rooms.  

"Easy for you to say.   Shelley has been through hell these past few months.  She knew Brooke and Lisa.  And Jenny.  Sworn Sister, even when they were such bitches to her, she still shed tears for them." Celena sighs.  

"Like Christina.  Shelley's stronger, I guess." Matt says.

"I guess.  Christina did know a few of the victims.  She was close with the sisters from the way she described it." Celena mutters. 

"All." Matt points out. 

"What?" Celena frowns. 

"Christina knew all of them.  From what Letha told me.  Brooke was actually a girl Roman would go to from time to time, but she started seeing a teacher.  A woman teacher to be exact.  Wasn't a big secret.  But I'm surprise that no one reported it.  Brooke always had the best scores in her classes.  Christina was in all her classes, too.  Lisa...let's see.  She use to go to Hemlock Grove, but her family moved to Penrose.  She was pretty popular, but she was a bully from what I heard.  But Letha said that Norman was her doctor for a while.  She had a borderline personality or something.  Christina was a friend of hers till she moved." (ALL MADE UP; ROLL WITH IT)

Celena frowns as she listens, "Friend or victim?" She scoffs. 

"Probably both.  Look at the Sworn Sisters.  They were mind fucks." Matt shrugs. 

Celena sighs, "What about Jenny?"

"Well, you saw what happened at the Ice Cream Parlor." Matt points out. 

She remembers how Jenny was trying to be nice, but turned bitch on the Sworn Sisters.  

"Ok, so all victims are from Hemlock Grove.  All were bitches.  Well..." Celena points at herself and makes an 'eh' face.

"You're only a bitch when others are to you." He laughs. 

"Yeah.  I admit I was kind of a bitch to Christina.  Only cause..." Celena frowns and stops. 

Matt turns to her, "What?  What is it?"

"Just had a thought.  So far we think the Vargulf was at the country club where that girl was, but why didn't it come here?  I mean, it's in the path.  What makes us think it didn't stop by here?  And Christina went missing last night, too.  Why didn't it go after her?  She said it herself that it's after her, too." Celena thinks and paces the floor, "Something doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Matt frowns. 

"I need to see her room." Celena states and takes off with Matt towards Christina's room. 


Peter, Roman, and Letha all walk into the Chapel with Christina.  Letha guides Christina gently help her sit on one of the benches near by and walks over to Roman was.  Trying to calm him down.  Roman felt like he was experiencing a panic attack.  He hopes and prays that they will find Shelley for him.  And Celena will be safe.  He just wants every one he loves and cares about to be safe. 

"Are you sure we're safe here?" Christina asks. 

"As safe as we're gonna be. Hey. Nothing's gonna hurt you. I won't let it." Peter says, determined to protect everyone.  He begins to prepare for the Vargulf.  Unraveling the cord.  

Christina nods, then laughs softly, "You know I kissed you once." 

Peter freezes and frowns, he looks over his shoulder at her as she continues.

"It was right when you moved here. It was my first. I never told anybody that, not even the twins. They lost their virginity the summer before. It was all they ever talked about. I wanted the experience. You know, it's what writers do. That's why I researched how to turn. But where do you start?" She shrugs. 

Peter frowns at what she just said.  He looks over to Roman and Letha with a worried look and they catch it before he turns back to Christina, "What do you mean turn?" 


Viktor dropped in and rushed inside the building, meeting up with Celena and Matt inside.  His face was covered in worry and fear for Shelley.

"Hey.  Anything?" Viktor asks. 

Celena shakes her head, "No, sorry, Vik.  But come on, we need to check something out." She says as she rushes down the hallway towards the front office.  Celena peeks around the corner as a nurse was at the desk.  When the nurse turns her back, Celena wiggles her finger as she calls forth her powers to make the patient list clipboard to fly her way.  She grabs it before the Nurse could see.  Celena moves to the middle of the hallway and flips through the list.  

"Here it is.  Room 12." Celena says.  


"As far as I know, you're either born one, bitten by one, or in the rarer cases, a person chooses it. They drink from the paw print of one." Christina laughs at how silly it sounded, but Peter, Roman, and Letha all listen to her talk.  Roman and Peter watches her with caution. 

"It's like I said: experience is a writer's material. And you had so many stories, and I wanted my own, and I wanted to be as free as you. I wasn't optimistic. I mean, who thinks something like that is gonna work? I felt pretty silly. And then it came the harvest moon." She smiles at the memories.  Of her first turning.

Peter gasps as he realizes what he was dealing with here.

"Jesus Christ." 


Celena skids to a halt when they reached Room 12 and frown when they see the yellow police tape.  Celena unlocks the door with her mind and makes the door open.  They ducked under the tape and gasp at the sight.  The drawings on the walls and the writings of 'She is the Moon'. 

"Oh, my god." Celena gasps with wide eyes.  

"Is this...?" Viktor asks. 

"Yes.  It's the Ouroboros.  The pyramid with the moon."  Celena says.

"'She is the Moon.'  She can't know who the moon is.  I mean..." Viktor scoffs. 

Celena frowns as she moves to Christina's bed, seeing a large box with her personal items.  Including her book that she's been carrying around for god knows how long.  Celena remembers seeing her with it.  When she opens it, she gasps at the sight.  

First pages were normal thoughts.  Smart observations of people around Hemlock Grove.  There was several pages about Peter and herself.  Celena grits her teeth how she talks about Peter.  Admiring him and how his kiss felt when she watched him sleep.  She remarked over and over about Celena being a slut.  But, soon, the words became unreadable.  Mostly gibberish.  Then when Celena flipped more, she gasps. 

"Oh, my god." 

"What?" Matt asks and moves to look over her shoulder.  

Over and over again in harsh handwriting was the Ouroboros and 'Find the moon'.  Then it talks about Francis Pullman.  In a direct detail, Christina describes how she went to Francis Pullman's room and...

"She killed him.  Christina killed Francis Pullman!" 

"It wasn't suicide.  It was murder." Matt gasps. 

"Christina is the Vargulf!" Celena exclaims.

"Letha!" Matt gasps.

Together, all three run out of the room to head for the chapel.


"Get her out of here." Peter demands Roman and grabs Christina roughly to a private area. "I need you to come with me."

Roman rushes to Letha to get her out, but she kept refusing and yanks of Roman's grip.  She was confused with what was going on.  What was Peter planning to do to Christina?

"What's going on? Roman?" Letha asks as she moves to look and see what Peter was going to do, but Roman holds her back and she fights out of his grip. 

"Come on, you need to get out of here. You need to get out of here. Stay back. You need to let Peter do this." Roman states. 

"Do what? Where is he taking her?" 

"Get on your knees." Peter demanded Christina. 

"Get your hands off me! No! No!" Letha shouts and struggles out of Roman's grip.  She promised Christina she was going to protect her, why were they stopping her? 

"OK? Don't move." Peter begins to tie the cord around Christina's neck and restrain it to another part of the area.  Keeping her tied up in one area.  "Can you control it? Last night, was it something that happened, or did you make it happen? Did you make yourself turn, or did you hear did you hear your other name?" Peter demands as he thinks about what happened to Celena.  Seeing those injuries on her.  How much pain she experienced. How much fear.  He growls lowly and grips Christina by her throat, "Answer me or I'll choke the life out of you."

"I decided to. I wanted to." Christina says roughly.  

"If you decide to turn tonight, you're gonna die." He snarls.  

"Are you gonna kill me, Peter?" She asks with fear in her eyes.  


"Do you hate me?" She asks with a broken look. 

"No. I don't hate you." He grits his teeth.  "Why her? Why did you hurt Celena?! Why attack her!"

"I knew you were in here. I saw from the clinic window and then I went to look." Christina breaths heavily. "Because when I saw you in here with your ugly fucking thing in that whore!" Christina growls and yells.

Peter backs away when Christina and watches her wither and arch her body on the floor.  

"Roman, let go of me!" Letha demanded but Roman refuses.  He forces her to look at him. 

"Stop, OK? Stop! Listen to me! It's her. She's the fucking vargulf. It's fucking her! She killed all those people." He says. 

"No, it's not her!" Letha shouts. 

Christina's voice distorts, "I wanted more than anything to feel her fear on my tongue and her bones crunch beneath my teeth and her blood run down the fur on my neck.  Her blood is key.  Can't you smell it? Câine-lup?" She laughs and scoffs at Peter. "The great guardian of the moon.  What a p***y.  You can't protect her.  You won't be able to save anyone.  Her blood shall fill my belly and make me whole.  I shall feast on her."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Peter demands.

"Unbelievable.  You don't even realize what you have.  Her blood...holds the key for all of our kinds.  Luna lunii.  Isn't that how your people call it?" Christina snickers. "The Luna of the lunar."

Christina groans as she feels the wolf clawing inside her.  She wanted it to come.  She welcomed it to take form.  

Panting heavily, her voice returns to normal, "It's OK. You can kill me as long as you don't hate me. And you should do it now while you still can. It's already happening. You haven't got a lot of time. I can't turn it around any more than you can turn around night and day. You do what you have to while it's still day. You made me.  I'm yours. God help me." Christina begins to moan as if she was experiencing her first orgasm and roams her hands all over her body, "Oh! Oh, oh I can feel it coming 'cause I'm getting wet. So this must be what it feels like to come." Christina cries out in pleasure as she arches her body.

Suddenly, a harsh, cold voice that was full of evil expelled from Christina's mouth, "I've never heard my other name. In the summer, that place came back to haunt her dreams.  All their dirty little stories, all the things they did, those fucking c***s! All the things they expected of her but filled her with so much fear she couldn't even dream about them! She hid it all away in a hole. 'You're going to lose your soul'."  The voice giggles and mocks Francis Pullman's voice.  "But the more she filled it, the more she hid from those whispers, the stronger they became. That's the thing with whispers. You know, you put a thousand of them together and you get a howl. And so the night before the harvest moon she made a choice. She went down the hole. She didn't know. And she's very, very sorry for everything that happened." 

Suddenly, Christina lets out a loud scream of agony as the wolf begins to tear itself from her body. Peter jumps back in fright with wide eyes as Christina begins to transform before him. A white covered snout rips from her mouth and large sharp teeth rip their way through her jaw. 

Letha continues to fight Roman as she watches in horror and hears the terrible screams and ferocious roars erupting from the area where Peter left Christina.  Soon, body parts from Christina melts away and the Vargulf shakes the blood off his white fur.  Roman holds on to her with all his might as they watch Peter move to grab some of the bacon grease and begins to smear it all over his face.  

"Roman, let me go!" Letha screams continuously.  She didn't want them to hurt Christina and she didn't want anyone to get hurt.  

Peter walks towards the Vargulf.  Christina was no more.  She was dead and gone.  And Peter knew it.  Peter kneels before the Vargulf and waits for judgement.  For a moment, Peter wasn't sure if it was going take the bait.  But soon, the Vargulf pounces on Peter and begins to set its jaws on his skin.  

Roman and Letha could hear Peter screaming in agony with the mix of wet flesh ripping.  Peter didn't even fight.  He let the Vargulf take his face.  That was the price.  

Soon, Peter emerges from the corner and Letha screams in terror.  Peter's face was gone.  All there was left of Peter's face was his ripped up muscles and bits of flesh. His eyes were gone.  His jaw was ripped apart.  Peter couldn't even scream.  He crawls on the floor as blood pours from his wounds and, soon, he collapses on the ground. 

"Oh, my god!" Letha screams and cries.

Emerging from the corner, there stood the Vargulf.  It's cold, yellow eyes glaring at Roman and Letha.  It's white fur coated with Peter's and Christina's blood.  It growls lowly at both of them and roars.

"Run!" Roman shoves her towards the back door and grabs his axe as he prepares to fight.  Letha takes off towards the back way, but cries out when the doors wouldn't open.  A chain prevented her from opening it.  

"Come on, you little bitch! Come on!" Roman shouts at the Vargulf as it roars at him.  

"Roman, it's locked!" Letha screams as she continues to yank on the door.  

There was no way out for either of them.  

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