5SOS bร—b smut

By usernameistakenUwU

227K 1.2K 438

The ultimate collection of kinky 5sos Bร—B & OT4 smut I hope y'all enjoy, please give me validation ๐Ÿ˜ณ ~curre... More

HEAVEN AND BACK - Lashton (Part 2)
A/N ( sorry :/ )
Oops (A/n)
Sorry lmao


12.4K 82 22
By usernameistakenUwU

What's up fuckers,

It's a little late again. And I haven't actually read through this entirely cause it was LONG, like over 9,000 word long.
So I deleted the first like 3,000 so if it doesn't make sense that's why, I just didn't have time to make sure it'd work. I also don't think it's even that kinky. I have a 2 parter for next week prepared, I just didn't want to post them this week cause I needed to space out the ships ya know. Anyway here it is, I'm sorry if it's bad.

Enjoy Xx
Original title: where do you dare me to draw the line.
Credits to: maluminspace (AO3)

Calum reaches for the laptop and closes the music editing programme. In his tipsy state, Ashton's brain doesn't work as fast it should and he only processes what's about to happen when it's already too later prevent it.

The bassist clicks the internet browser icon, still babbling about the particular performance he's thinking of, only to stop abruptly when the last tab Ashton had been using loads up and the video auto-plays from the moment Ashton had closed it down the previous night.

Calum's attention is immediately drawn to the group of fully naked people on the screen. Ashton had been in a pretty indecisive mood when he'd tried to choose his 'entertainment' for the previous night. In the end he'd opted for a video involving a bunch of different things, including the group sex scene that's playing right now.

The older man scrambles to turn the porn off but Calum takes hold of Ashton's wrist, preventing him from closing the window. "Don't be a spoil sport, Ash!" He smirks, his dark eyes twinkling mischievously. "I've always wondered what kind of porn you watch."

Ashton's taken aback by Calum's reaction. He feels as though stumbling across porn on your friend's laptop should invoke some degree of a shocked or embarrassed reaction. The older man stares at his friend, his eyes wide and his cheeks rapidly reddening. "Just let me close it." He tries to laugh it off but his tone is much more of a pleading one than he initially intends.

"No way!" Calum smirks, "I'm curious as to what you get off to, Ash." He places the laptop on the coffee table in front of him and then sits back, hooking one arm around Ashton's shoulders to drag the drummer with him.

The redhead is pretty sure that he would die of embarrassment right now, if it was possible. He can't bring himself to look up at the screen, the moans and dirty talk filling the room are already enough to make him wish that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

"There's a lot going on in this, Ash." Calum muses, keeping his grip around Ashton's shoulders tight enough to prevent him from trying lean forward. "I never had you down for watching gang bangporn."

"Can't we just turn it off?" Ashton asks, uncaring that his question sounds much too like he's starting to beg.

Calum's chuckle is suspiciously too jubilant, like he's enjoying this much more than he probably should be. "C'mon, Ashy!" He giggles. "Friends can totally watch porn together, it's not like anything will happen."

Maybe it's the alcohol fuzzing Ashton's brain, or maybe it's part of some buried hope that he's been trying to forget about, but he's pretty sure that there's a teasing undercurrent to Calum's tone, like maybe the younger man wishes that something will happen.

"But, Calum..." The drummer begins to protest, making a half-hearted attempt to free himself from Calum's hold. If Ashton really set his mind on it he could easily wriggle free of the bassist's grip, but on some level the older man feels that even the crippling humiliation of his best friend seeing what porn he watches, is worth it if he gets to be pressed against Calum like this.

"Oh, relax!" Calum giggles. "I used to watch porn with Mike all the time..." There's a definite undercurrent of teasing in the younger man's tone. It's almost as if he knows that the mere mention of Michael will get Ashton wound up tonight.

"That doesn't mean it's normal!" Ashton huffs, covering his beetroot coloured face in his hands. "You two have a weird friendship that no one else can understand. Please can we just turn this off?"

Calum's grip on Ashton's shoulder slackens a little as he shifts to look his friend in the eye. "Are you jealous of him, Ash?" He asks, despite the mischievous glint in the bassist's eye, his tone hints at a level of concern.

"No!" The answer bursts out of Ashton like the blatant lie that it is.

Calum's lips curl up into a smirk. "Oh come on, Ashy!" He whispers like he's trying to coax a secret out of his best friend. "You know I love you as much as I love him, Mike's just way better at accepting it than you are."

Ashton knows that Calum is just teasing, he can tell by the glint in his chocolatey brown eyes and the roguish lilt in his voice. Only, there's at least a little truth in the younger man's words and the realisation hits Ashton like a truck. Despite his well hidden fear of what people in the outside world think of him, Michael is probably the most open and honest person the drummer knows. He doesn't seem to care too much when those closest to him see the less desirable sides of him. The guitarist will be freely grumpy, overly annoying, annoyingly excitable or even a bit flirtatious when the mood takes him, with seemingly no fear at all of the others loving him or caring for him any less. Ashton isn't like that though, not even with the person he loves and trusts the most in the whole world, not even with Calum.

The younger man seems to notice that he's unintentionally hit a nerve and he tries to hastily break the suddenly tension in atmosphere. "It's just a bit of fun, Ash." He smiles, much softer than his previously teasing smirk. "I promise I won't judge, and I'll show you some of the weird shit I watch to make you feel better, if you want?"

Calum's pretty eyes and soft expression make it hard for Ashton to say no. He simply nods and decides to take the opportunity to cuddle in closer to his friend. "Promise you won't judge?" He asks quietly, still embarrassed but determined to be a little bit more like Michael for once in his life.

"Of course not!" Calum replies honestly. "I've gotten off to way more embarrassing stuff than this." The bassist's cheeks redden a little as he gestures at the screen and Ashton feels weirdly comfortable all of a sudden.

As the minutes pass, Ashton kind of forgets that it's Calum he's cuddled into. The alcohol flooding his veins and the porn making his brain feel fuzzy, means that he just knows he's pressed against a hot, strong guy and the attractive people on the laptop screen look particularly inviting as they writhe against each other.

As uncomfortable as the whole situation should be, Ashton's body reacts the way it always does to porn and being in very close proximity to attractive people. It's only when he's fully hard and the friction caused by his tight jeans pulls a tiny whimper from him, that he remembers it's Calum next to him.

The younger man looks down at Ashton with an unreadable expression. For a moment the drummer has no idea if Calum's disgusted, amused, surprised or feeling anything at all. To his utter horror, Ashton realises that being caught out by and looked at makes him all the more turned on, it's the unexpected revelation that he particularly likes the fact that it's Calum watching him with what's rapidly becoming a lust-filled gaze, hits him in the gut with all the force of a large hammer. "Shit..." He hisses, "Sorry... I... I'll go..."

Calum cuts Ashton's sentence short with a sharp shake of his head. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Ash." He whispers. "It's probably just been a while for you, yeah?"

Ashton nods silently, feeling kind of dumbstruck.

"It has for me too." Calum confesses, shifting in his seat so that Ashton can see the growing bulge in his own jeans. "It's a normal reaction."

As if this entire situation couldn't get any more mortifying than it already is, Ashton's hard cock twitches, with far more interest than it should, at the knowledge that Calum's hard too. A tiny moan escapes him as he stares at his best friend's crotch, frozen with fear, unable to look away even though he knows he really should.

"Was that little moan for me, or this horny lot?" Calum asks, forcing Ashton's attention back to his friend's face as he nods towards the laptop. The younger man's tone of voice is playful but his eyes are sort of luring and expectant. There's a part of Ashton that just knows that Calum hopes the sound was for him.

Panic unfurls in Ashton's chest he shakes his head. "It's for girls!" He lies, his voice much higher pitched than he'd have liked.

A quickly disguised flicker of disappointment momentarily interrupts the intensity of Calum's eyes as he continues to gaze at the older man. "Wow..." He snorts. "Can't even give me the satisfaction being even a tiny bit responsible for your boner, huh?"

Ashton hadn't expected Calum's obvious disappointment and it kind of hurts the drummer's heart a bit.

Perhaps his desire to be less controlled and a bit more like Michael is the driving force behind the tiny shred of confidence that leads him to whisper. "Well maybe you're a little to blame." He doesn't realise until that very moment how close his face is to Calum's. Ashton could practically count every one of the younger man's long, dark lashes and he can almost taste the tequila lingering on Calum's breath.

A seemingly involuntary growl escapes Calum's throat as an unmistakable lust filters across his soft face. "I guess it'd be very rude of me if I didn't offer to help you out with it, then." His eyes glisten enticingly in the dim lamp light, almost daring Ashton to accept whatever it is, exactly that Calum is offering.

Ashton's heart feels like it's trying to escape from his chest, his mouth is too dry and his tongue feels much too big for his mouth as his lips part in a soundless expression of his exasperation.

It sort of feels like he's being called out for, or being tempted to act on, those impulses that stem from all of the times that an image of Calum might have popped into his head on those long lonely nights on the road when his hand had been his only option to help relieve the sexual tension that understandably builds up during those exciting adventures out on tour.

"It's not weird for two buddies to help each other get a release, Ash." Calum insists quietly. "It can be just a more interesting way to get off than using your own hand." He bites his bottom lip seductively and places a hand on one of Ashton's muscular thighs.

The fact that Calum is the most trustworthy person Ashton knows, is the only reason that older man doesn't immediately assume that this is all just a joke that's gone a bit too far. If it was anyone else at all putting the moves on him in this way, Ashton would definitely either laugh in their face or run a mile... But this is Calum. It's Ashton's best friend in the universe and despite how tipsy they both are, there's a definite energy between them that can't be ignored.

"Won't it ruin our friendship?" Ashton asks, painfully aware of how lame and unnecessary the question sounds now that it's been spoken out loud.

A tiny huff of laughter escapes Calum as he leans that tiny bit closer, his eyes sparkling dangerously. "Our friendship has survived things that are a lot more serious than a bit of cum."

A shocked burst of laughter tears out of Ashton as his hand subconsciously finds the back of Calum's neck. "Well if you put it like that..." A smile lingers on his lips as he closes his eyes, silently consenting to whatever Calum has in mind.

"We can always blame the tequila if you regret it afterwards." Calum mumbles, his lips grazing Ashton's softly as they move around his reckless words.

Unable to handle the tension any longer, Ashton gives into his urge to taste the younger man. He presses his lips harder against Calum's, parting his own easily the second the bassist's tongue silently begs for access.

Surprisingly, it feels about as far from awkward as possible. In fact, kissing Calum feels, for want of a better word, right. As their lips move together seamlessly, Ashton finds himself wondering why this has never happened before, it's not like he hasn't thought about it a whole lot over the years.

"You can just pretend I'm that busty blonde, if you need to." Calum mumbles between kisses, apparently still a little scared that Ashton is nervous enough about this to stop it progressing any further.

The drummer offers no response other than to tangle his fingers in the short hairs at the nape of Calum's neck.

Before he knows it, Ashton is laid flat on the sofa with a very eager and lustful Calum pressing down on top of him, kissing like it's a pastime they've been indulging in for years. The bassist's tongue is hot and wet against Ashton's, coaxing a stream of needy whimpers from the redhead.

Without warning, Calum's hands slip up beneath Ashton's shirt, the younger man's cool fingers brushing over the warm skin of the drummer's waist. "Mmm, Cal." Ash mumbles into the kiss. "Want you..." the words leave his mouth before he can stop them. In the back of his mind he starts to panic, but he's calmed by the gentle way that Calum deepens his kisses and presses his finger tips against Ashton's skin in a comforting manner.

The obscene noises from the laptop continue in the background, only adding to Ashton's sense of urgency. He's almost blind with lust and need as he ruts up against Calum.

The younger man's delicate but very deliberate touches over Ashton's soft skin, pull an almost desperate whine from the redhead, causing the flush on his face to deepen even further. Usually he'd be embarrassed at how fucking needy he is, that such a tiny physical contact can invoke such a raw reaction, but for some reason he's incredibly comfortable being vulnerable with Calum.

"See..." The younger man groans thickly as he drags his lips over Ashton's lightly-stubbled jaw so that he can suck kisses into the drummer's neck. "I told you it wouldn't be weird."

The bassist sounds just as turned on as Ashton feels and the older man finally begins to relax into the moment, allowing Calum to take control of the situation. "Shit... Cal" He hisses needily as his friend rolls his hips teasingly, creating enough friction to make Ashton arch his back off of the cushions beneath him. "Please..." the word escapes him in a tiny whisper and it seems to light a fire in Calum.

The younger man rolls his hips harder and more deliberately, ensuring that Ashton feels every inch of his hard cock beneath the denim of his skinny jeans. "You like that, Ash?" He asks breathlessly, nipping at a sensitive spot on Ashton's neck.

He can't help the moan that tears out of his throat, hearing his name in Calum's gravelly, lust filled tone, is hotter than he dares to admit. "Yes!" The drummer replies, somehow remembering that Calum was awaiting an answer "need more... please, Calum..."

The younger man nods, pushing a hand between their writhing bodies to work open the button of Ashton's jeans. "Never seen you hard before, Ash." He mumbles, "I wanna see..."

Ashton nods his permission, too desperate for a release to worry about the possible damage that seeing each other's hard dicks could do to their friendship. They'd already crossed several lines and this one wasn't likely to make much more of a difference, now.

Calum lifts himself off of Ashton, making the older man whine at the loss of contact. The bassist smirks as he sits back on his knees before reaching forward to pull down the older man's jeans and underwear.

As his flushed cock springs free of his boxers, Ashton feels mildly self conscious but the way that Calum eyes it hungrily rids the redhead of any niggling fear and self doubt that may have been lurking just beneath the surface.

The silence between the two men is broken only by the moans of the people in the porn movie still playing on the laptop. Ashton's not even tempted to look over at the screen though, his eyes are glued to Calum, watching with intense interest as the younger man licks his lips seductively, still gazing at Ashton's hard cock like it's something particularly delicious.

When Calum finally meets Ashton's eye again, his cheeks are distinctly redder than they were a moment ago and despite his apparent confidence up to this moment, he seems to struggle with finding the words he really wants to say.

In an attempt to ease Calum's nerves, Ashton paints a smirk into his face. "Well now you've seen me..." He says quietly. "Are you really gonna hold on me, Cal?"

The bassist looks mildly shocked, his dark eyes widen a bit as he shakes his head. "I didn't know if you'd want to..." He shrugs.

Ashton uses his elbows to prop himself up a little. "Of course I want to see." He states, ensuring that his eagerness shows in his voice. "Show me... please."

Obliging easily, Calum scrambles off of the sofa and pulls down his jeans, dragging his boxers with them in one go.

It's impossible for Ashton to hold in the tiny gasp that escapes him when Calum's hard dick springs free of his underwear. The drummer has seen Calum naked on countless occasions, in the past. They've changed together more times than Ashton cares to remember and there's been a ridiculous amount of streaking and skinny dipping over the years, yet he's never seen Calum like this before. The younger man looks like he could have simply just stepped right out of the porn movie still playing on the laptop behind him. Calum's soft, caramel coloured skin is so taught across the toned muscles of his thighs, his flushed cock hanging heavily between them. "Fuck..." Ashton moans, unable to take his eyes away from his bandmate's long, thick dick.

Calum seems to revel in the attention Ashton provides him, biting his bottom lip as he steps back towards the sofa.

Ashton holds up a hand in a 'stop' motion, the smirk still playing on his lips. "I'm drunk enough to want to see all of you, Calum." He whispers, "I know how much you've been working out lately. I kinda want to appreciate all of your hard work."

Calum doesn't hesitate even for a second, he pulls off his hooded sweater and the old band t-shirt beneath it, in one fluid motion. Once his discarded garments are laying on the floor at his feet, the bassist meets Ashton's gaze again, that ever-present mischievous glint still daring the drummer to take this thing even further.

Calum's always been pretty proud of his body and Ashton can completely understand why. He bits his bottom lip to stop from moaning again.

"Your turn." The bassist insists, "I deserve some eye candy too, Irwin."

The need to get a release is more urgent than ever, it overshadows all of the minor insecurities that Ashton harbours. It doesn't matter if his body isn't as toned as Calum's, it doesn't matter if he has more body hair than his friend either, the most important thing is that Calum wants Ashton naked and the drummer just can't deny him anything tonight.

The redhead pulls off his t-shirt and throws it to the ground. The garment has barely hit the wooden floorboards when Calum steps forward, his eyes flashing with a burning lust. "Now we're even." He smiles before pushing Ashton back into the cushions beneath him and laying on top of him again.

This time Calum's kisses are much more desperate and even more lust driven the last ones. Ashton accepts them all too willingly, digging the tips of his fingers into the soft, warm skin of Calum's back needily as he moans into the younger man's mouth.

Ashton shudders at the way Calum's strong, naked body feels on top of him. He loves the way that the bassist drags his tongue over the older man's bare shoulders and nips the skin occasionally just to draw broken little gasps from Ashton.

As their bodies move together in perfect synchronisation, Calum slips a hand between them, taking hold of Ashton's cock, as well as his own in a tight grip. The redhead hisses at the much needed friction on his achingly hard dick, throwing his head back in pleasure as Calum begins to stroke him enthusiastically.

The bassist creates a gap between his own body and Ashton's as he pumps their cocks. He proves to be very skilled at this and in the back of his mind, Ashton wonders if this isn't the first time his best friend has 'helped out' another man.

The pleasure boils quickly and hotly in Ashton's stomach, his muscles all tensing tightly at Calum's touch. His breath becomes ragged and laboured within such a short space of time that it's almost embarrassing.

The drummer is fully expecting to cum within the next minute or so on Calum's fingers. It's only when Calum slows his movements, that Ashton suspects that the younger man might have a different plan.

The redhead's suspicions are confirmed when Calum whispers huskily. "Fuck, Ash... Wanna taste you."

The deepest groan that's ever escaped Ashton accompanies his eager nod in response to what's possible the hottest sentence he's ever heard. "Please!" He whines, shuddering with pleasure at the very thought of Calum's mouth wrapped around his aching cock.

The bassist shuffles clumsily lower, kissing his way down Ashton's body as he does so. The older man can't help the way his body instinctively moves in reaction to Calum's lips trailing over his sensitive skin.

"God... Cal!" Ashton chokes on the broken words as Calum wraps his strong fingers around the base of the older man's cock, his breath ghosting over the leaking tip teasingly. "Fuck." The drummer hisses, his hips subconsciously lifting to get his dick closer to the much needed contact.

A tiny smirk curls Calum's lips as he grips Ashton's hips, firmly pinning him to the cushions of the sofa. "You ready?" He asks, his voice deep with lust.

Ashton nods eagerly, his red curls falling haphazardly over his forehead and into his eyes. "Need it, please!" He whines quietly, testing Calum's grip on his hips by attempting to move them slightly. The drummer lets out an unintentional groan at the strength with which Calum is holding him. Apparently Ashton is veryinto being subtly controlled like this and he files it away in the back of his mind, fully intending to experiment more with this knowledge next time things take a sexy turn with someone. He doesn't even have chance to think over the fact that he really hopes that the next time something like this happens, it's with the same person, because Calum chooses that precise moment to to wrap his sinful lips around the head of Ashton's cock. "Holy fucking shit..." The redhead moans unashamedly as he reaches down to grab a fistful of Calum's bleached blond hair.

The bassist meets Ashton's heavy gaze through his dark lashes as he starts to work his tongue over Ashton's tip, humming at the pleasurable pain of the older man pulling his hair.

The feeling of Calum's hot mouth surrounding his already flushed cock, is almost enough to send Ashton over the edge immediately. Coupled with the lustful gaze the younger man fixes him with and the vibrations of his humming, it's only with a great effort that Ashton manages to retain his self control.

As Calum begins to bob his head, working his tongue along the pulsing vein on the underside of Ashton's throbbing dick, the drummer lets out a stream of gasps and whines that he can only imagine that he'll painfully regret if Calum ever mentions this thing after tonight.

When the younger man sinks deeper onto Ashton and the tip of the drummer's cock hits the back of his throat, the older man practically sobs Calum's name. It almost sounds like a plea and the bassist strokes Ashton's hips comfortingly with the pads of his thumbs. "Fuck, Calum..." The older man whines, "I'm so fucking close, I can't..." He arches his back as possible in the bassist's strong hold. "I need to..."

Calum hums around Ashton's cock as he opens his throat a little more to take almost the full length of the drummer. As much as Ashton wants to yell out a warning for Calum to move, he doesn't have time. The older man's orgasm hits him like a steam train, sending him hurtling over the edge in a muddle of whines and cries of Calum's name. Ashton's whole body shudders with the force of the pleasure coursing through him as he grips Calum's hair like a lifeline.

The bassist swallows Ashton's mess as through it's nothing, before gently pulling off of his friend, continuing to rub gentle circles on to the drummer's hips. "Fuck that was so hot, Ash." Calum whines, his voice croaky and a little weak. "You looked so good, holy shit..."

After a moment, through the fog of Ashton's post-orgasm daze, the drummer suddenly realises that Calum is only holding one of his hips now, and the tiny pants escaping the younger man are due the fact that he's vigorously jerking his own cock, chasing a release of pressure that Ashton was, at least partly, responsible for.

"Need a hand, Cal?" The drummer asks, feeling guilty about allowing Calum to pleasure himself when he's already given Ashton the best blowjob of his life.

Calum shakes his head, still pumping his dick with swift, hard strokes. "Just need to cum." He groans. "You looked so fucking good..." The bassist repeats.

His brain is sluggish due to the alcohol and his very recent orgasm, but Ashton is determined to have some sort of active role in Calum's release. He reaches up to place a gentle hand on the bassist's face. "Come here..." He whispers seductively. "Wanna see how pretty that face looks when you come apart thinking of the way you just sucked the life out of me."

Calum hisses as he shuffles up the sofa a little. "Uh, Ash... Keep talking, please." He urges as his caramel coloured skin begins to glisten with sweat.

Happy to oblige, Ashton drops his hand to play lazily with one of Calum's hard nipples. The unexpected contact drags a longing groan from Calum's gravelly throat. "You like that, Cal?" The drummer asks, trying to make his languid voice sound more like a sexy drawl. "Imagine what else I could do to you with my fingers." He strokes a strand of damp, blonde hair out of Calum's eyes with his free hand as he continues to watch the bassist intensely.

"Shit..." Calum moans, sucking in a breath as he forces open his eyes to meet Ashton's gaze. "Tell me what you want to do to me, Ash!"

The desperation in the bassist's voice sends a crackle of electricity through Ashton, threatening to turn him on again already. "Wanna be the one that gets you off next time, Calum." He whispers seductively. "I need to feel the way you throb in my grip and hear you moan my name as I use my mouth and tongue to get you there."

Calum hisses out another stream of curses, sweat beading heavily on his forehead now.

"Would you like that, Cal?" Ashton asks, twisting the bassist's nipple harshly. "Wanna see me on my knees in front of you, kneeling between your thighs, my lips stretched round your thick cock?" A weak smirk curls his lips as he twists a strand of Calum's bleached blonde hair around one of his fingers.

"Yes!" Calum hisses. "Holy shit, Ash, I want that so bad..." He tenses under Ashton's touch, speeding up the movements of his hand even more.

"Next time..." Ashton promises as an idea springs into his mind. "But I think I know how I can help right now."

"Just keep talking." Calum insists, his heavy lids sliding closed over his pretty dark eyes. "Please!"

The drummer pinches Calum's nipple harder. "I will!" He hisses. "I just thought you might like to cum on me instead of your own hand." Ashton suggests, ensuring that he uses an enticing tone.

"Shit! Are you serious?" Calum's asks, his eyelids flying open in order to meet Ashton's gaze again.

The drummer nods slowly. "Do you wanna make a mess of me, Cal?" He asks, his voice all too innocent for the filthiness of his words.

Calum moans weakly. "You sure?" He enquires, already adjusting his position so that more of his body is over Ashton's.

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't want it, Calum." The drummer confirms. "I'm happy to do, or be whatever you need..."

Pumping his fist faster and harder than ever, Calum's hips start to stutter and the arm he's using to hold himself up begins to visibly weaken. All of this tells Ashton that his friend is close, he knows that the younger man only needs a tiny nudge to reach his climax. The drummer leans up to suck a hot kiss to Calum's throat as he continues to twist the blonde's nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "Cum for me, Calum..." Ashton mumbles into younger man's skin.

That's enough for Calum to come apart with a long whine. His face scrunches up with the intense pleasure as he paints a streak of white across Ashton's stomach.

The redhead barely has chance to admire the results of his dirty talk before Calum collapses on top of him, completely spent. "Shit, Ash." The bassist gasps as his hot breath ruffles the fluffy hairs on Ashton's chest. "You're so fucking dirty, I can't remember the last time I came that hard with my own damn hand."

Feeling pretty smug at the praise, Ashton let's out a tiny huff of laughter as he raises a hand to stroke comfortingly over Calum's hair. "You haven't even scratched the surface of what I'm capable of." Ashton promises.

The drummer has always kind of had a knack for dirty talk and his skills at teasing and most other areas of sex had developed pretty well over the years. He sort of prides himself on being able to work out what a partner needs from him and adapt his skill set to suit every given situation. He feels that Calum is fairly complex and could offer a lot of challenges that Ashton is more than willing to face.

As their breathing slows and the silence surrounding them becomes heavier, Ashton realises that the video on the laptop has ended. He's sort of thankful for that, because the obscene sounds would surely have changed the whole atmosphere of the room and he kind of loves the peaceful lull they've fallen into.

Despite the fact that he's never been sexual with Calum before tonight, Ashton feels a lot less awkward than he'd been expecting to. They seem to fit together and their mutual need for a little comfort during their recoveries was just another thing to add to the growing list of things they have in common.

"I should let you get cleaned up." Calum mumbles drowsily, shifting a little in Ashton's hold.

"I'm not the only one that needs to wash up." The drummer laughs. "You just lay in it!"

Calum groans as though he hadn't even processed the fact that he had just flopped into his own mess. "Shit... I think I'm still too drunk to shower."

Still stroking Calum's hair softly, Ashton hums his agreement. "Wet cloth it is then..." He announces.

"Not just yet..." Calum insists, holding Ashton's upper arm loosely. "You're too comfy, I can't move yet."

Ashton rolls his eyes fondly as he fiddles with a strand of Calum's bleached blonde hair. "Wow..." He sighs in an almost mocking tone, "you're throwing me all of the compliments tonight! I'm hot, comfortable... what else, Cal."

"A bad influence." The bassist retorts dryly. "You really know how to leave a guy wanting more." Calum groans weakly. "If I wasn't so tired and drunk I'd already have you on your knees, Irwin."

The authority and dominance in Calum's voice makes Ashton's whole body shiver in anticipation. "Maybe I won't give you as much tequila next time, then you can really show me what you're capable of..." The drummer whispers.

"If you let me stay over, then next time could be during our morning shower." Calum drawls, swirling one of his fingertips softly over the skin of Ashton's upper arm.

"What if you don't want me when you're sober?" Ashton asks, a note of fear creeping into his voice.

Calum lets out a huff of laughter as he tilts his head up to meet Ashton's gaze. "I don't think there's much danger of that." His dark eyes are glistening with an emotion that Ashton can't quite place but it's much softer than the lust they were burning with earlier. "Do you honestly think that tonight was the first time I'd thought about putting the moves on you?"

Ashton shrugs, slightly dumbstruck by the revelation that Calum's wanted something like this to happen before now. "Why did you never do it before?"

Lifting himself into a sitting position, Calum drops his gaze. "I just wanted to be sure you were up for it, I couldn't risk losing you over what could have been a passing crush." He shrugs.

Ashton sits up and pulls Calum into a tentative kiss. "I think we have some making up for lost time to do." He whispers.

A relieved smile brightens Calum's face as he pulls away from the gentle kiss. "I can't wait..."


Sorry if it was bad I've been really disorganised recently.

Byeeeee Xx

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๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ Ellie Sloan reunites with her older brother when her hospital merges with his jackson avery x ellie sloan (oc) season six โ” season se...
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"๐™๐™ค๐™ช๐™˜๐™ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง๐™จ๐™š๐™ก๐™›, ๐™œ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ก. ๐™„ ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™– ๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™ž๐™ฉ" Mr Jeon's word lingered on my skin and ignited me. The feeling that comes when yo...