Kryptonian Blood

By Smallville02

245 25 3

people see the videos, they watch the news, they read news papers with headliners like "robbery stopped unexp... More

Chapter 1: Revenge Never Hurts Me.
Strange Kid
The Beginning Of The Fall
Haunted by the Past *Prt 1*
Leave The Past Behind *prt 2*
Sibling Bond
Christmas parade
home alone *prt 1*
I'm coming home *prt 2*

Saving Superman

26 3 0
By Smallville02

I sighed I didn't get why my life was taking this turn. The turn towards the darker side the eviler part. I looked down frowning and looking at something reflective as saw the scar at my hairline that ran down my left eyebrow so now I had this part of my eyebrow that didn't grow hair now I just hugged my legs and put my head down. I wanted to be like Clark so much... But I didn't see it happening.

Clark eleven years before

I smiled I was just a tad excited. I was about to have my six year old sister with me for close to two months. Mom was coming to Metropolis to drop her off. I straightened up the guest bedroom aka the extra room in my apartment, even though I had a feeling she wouldn't use her room she would probably end up in mine. It hurt not living close to them anymore, because my baby sister was just- I looked down but then smiled a huge toothy smile as there was a knock on my door I ran over and opened it. Hi Dyl- oh it's just you. I said seeing Lois and she frowned. wow Smallville, I'm hurt. Sorry I'm a little excited I'm getting my baby sister for two months. She smiled and nodded. Yeah how is that going to happen with work? I sighed and nodded. One of her friends live here, as they just moved, I asked and her mom was happy to watch her. Oh. I just kept looking at Lois and frowned. Something wrong? I'm just- she sighed. I'm over here a lot, kids don't like me and- I heard a little knock and smiled again. Don't worry, Dylan likes you. I said opening the door where I saw the serious little girl. I crouched and smiles. Hiya Dylabug. She just looked at me Lois looked up at mom and said hi but I was a little preoccupied. Do I get a hug? She shook her head and I smiled and poked her stomach some and made her laugh which she then wanted a hug. I picked her up still hugging her so her legs were just kinda hanging and mom came in with her bag. Ok, so are you sure you can- yes mom I'm sure! I said and she looked a Lois. Keep an eye on the kids for me Lois. Will do Mrs. Kent. Mom I think you mean kid? She meant kids... She was counting you cutie. I looked at Dylan who I was now on my hip and she shrugged, which caused her light brown hair to fall in the face I smiled some

Dylan was down for a nap because she was extremely tired and was over stimulated slightly by the car ride and of course the noises that the city brought. Lois looked over at the couch and smiled. She so cute. I nodded some and she frowned. You still worried this two months is going to be the biggest meltdown time in her life? I kinda nodded and she sighed. Clark, listen I know you're scared because she's autistic, so obviously you're scared to make one wrong move, and that's perfectly fine but you also have to remember this. I looked at him with a worried expression and she smiled. She's a Kent, she's your baby sister, she's a strong kid  I smiled some and looked back at the couch. You've got a point... I mean she was the one that made it after all.

Lois had just come back from getting the green beans as I had forgotten them, I was making dinner, and Dylan was sitting in the kitchen playing with her littlest pet shop stuff while I made dinner. I looked down and smiled some as she just kinda quietly played. Dylabug? Yeah? She asked looking up and I smiled. I love you. She smiled this weird grin and squinted her eyes seemed to actually be closed. Love you too Clark. She said before looking down. The setting sun caught her hair, it was a mix of red and brown with some blonde in there, it was kinda a dark strawberry blonde. I looked back and kept working on the green beans when Dylan looked up. Do you smell that? She said right before the smoke alarm went off. I looked at the stove. The hamburger steaks. Just stay. I said as she stood up Lois put an arm around her. I opened the oven door and saw the flames. OH SH*T F*CK SWEARING! *I got a tic tok* I looked at Dylan. Don't repeat that. I said before grabbing them out bare handed and sitting them in the sink while turning on the water. So dinners been killed. I said and Lois laughed some. Pizza? Anyone? Dylan smiled and nodded quickly. I'm down. Lois said while turning off the stove and oven. I turned and headed to get some stuff when I heard it. Why did he use bad adult words? Because he's a bad influence. I heard Dylan laugh and I shook my head

We got done with pizza and were walking back Dylan was yawning and starting to drag I looked down and back as even though she had ahold of my hand she was falling behind. Come here Dylabug. I said picking her up she made a noise. I got you. I said as she laid her head on my shoulder/ her arm as her arms were around my shoulder but she wasn't really holding on. You're really great with her. Lois said and I kinda nodded. I came back from Metropolis one day after running away and mom just kinda was like you have a baby sister. I looked at her some and she was out. And then dad died and I felt an even bigger responsibility for her, because I knew she was watching everything I did then, but now it was even more so. She nodded and smirked. What? I asked and she nodded. Well at least you'll be prepared for when you have a family. I just looked at her big eyed and she laughed some.

Skip three days later
We had taken Dylan and her friend Sydney or Syd to a science museum because apparently two six year olds liked science. Anyway they had both went to an interactive part and Lois and I were standing to the side talking. Ok out of everything that happens in Smallville, plus being related to you, how had Dylan ended up mostly normal? Like Smallville weird Hasn't even- we're pretty sure she's not as normal as she seems. Clark I get she has- no Smallville weird. I said and before she could answer I heard gun fires I looked up and saw a guy with a gun. Oh my God. I said and grabbing Dylan as she ran up, Lois grabbed her friend. EVERYONE DOWN!

I looked at the guy, I kept my arms around Dylan. Can you do it? Lois muttered and I shook my head. To many people. I said starting to hear/ feel the wheezing I looked at Dylan and then at Lois. I need her inhaler. It's in my bag. Just get it. I snapped lightly she reached for it. What are you doing?!? She looked at the guy. I SAID DON'T MOVE! I have to she has asthma if I don't get her inhaler She'll have an asthma attack. She said handing me the inhaler. I got her to use it and kept ahold of it she held onto my arm about to cry. Dylan you're ok. I muttered but knew I had to do something soon, but that was changed when he pulled two pipe bombs with something that glowed green. Clark it's Kryptonite. Dylan muttered while looking up at me. How do you know that Dyl? I didn't know how she knew I mean yes it was glowing green but it was still a little weird she knew I mean I wasn't even close enough for it to make me react. I have an idea. I muttered to Lois before sitting Dylan down next to Lois

I was scared, and Clark was going to go use his powers but there was Kryptonite, and he can't have Kryptonite. SO YOU WANNA PLAY HERO HUH?!? I'm just trying to defuse the situation here, I don't want anyone to get hurt or- SHUT UP! I watched as he took the Kryptonite tube and hit Clark with it. I bit my lip some and messed with my necklace that I had secretly worn all day... I then remembered something. Dylan... Pumpkin you can save him. I tapped Lois and she looked at me. Move back. She frowned. you have too, or you could get hurt. She nodded and scooted back but I didn't she frowned. Dylan? I moved forward the guy and Clark didn't notice. You just got everyone killed. I barely touched Clark then shoved him away with my powers over to Lois and jumped ontop of the thing right as it went off

I felt something lightly touch my shoulder I frowned but then felt something hit me in the stomach it had to have been Kryptonite because I was sick for one moment I looked up and saw Dylan. DYLAN NO! The bomb blew I covered Lois and Syd I looked up and saw the building now on fire. GO EVERYONE OUT! I yelled those who could got up and ran and others got carried out by firemen and Paramedics I stood and looked for Dylan and found her several feet away from the explosion I ran over. Dylan?!? I held her in my arms I rolled her head to face me. Dylan wake up, come on you're ok. I saw she had a gash on her head on the left side. Dyl?!? I felt sick, I looked at my hand Kryptonite was still around I saw her necklace was next to me. Dylan please. I muttered wincing she spasmed and started coughing I sighed some and she looked at me. Clark? Hey kid. I said and she obviously knew something was wrong she looked over and saw the necklace she reached over wincing but grabbed the necklace and suddenly I wasn't sick. I stood and went running out still holding her a Paramedic turned and ran a stretcher over I had just sat her down when he started looking at the injury on her head and looking for further injuries on her head. Sir go get checked out I have- no I can't leave her I- you need to get checked out. She's my baby sister if I'm giving a damn about anyone right now it's her I can get checked out later. He nodded some. She started wheezing I patted my pockets down for her inhaler. Sh*t I don't have the inhaler. He looked up. She has asthma. The guy stuck a mask on her as she started coughing. We gotta go, she's going into respiratory failure. The guy and another paramedic rolled her to an ambulance I looked at Lois and took off for the ambulance.

I was in her room she was asleep and still had a mask on I had my elbow propped on her bed resting my chin in my hand, about that time I heard someone walk into her room. How is she? I looked up at Lois. She's been in and out, doctor said she was stable but needed to stay a couple of days. I whispered back to Lois about to cry she sat down and took my hand in hers. How is she not- I shook my head. I don't know, but I have the feeling she does. She's going to be ok. I nodded some running my thumb over the back of her hand I then looked back at Dylan. If you need to, go home I can sit with her and you can get some sleep. I shook my head. I'm staying put. She sighed and nodded. She sat with me for a while and ended up and going home. I'll let Perry know you're not coming in alright? I nodded some not taking my eyes off Dylan.

I woke up because I felt her moving, they had taken her off the mask and just put the nasal oxygen tube thing on her not long ago so she probably felt something uncomfortable. I looked up as she looked at me. Hey Dylabug. I said lightly while sitting up as I had ended up taking a pillow and just kinda half way laying down. She looked around and then back at me. Do you remember why you're here? I asked as they said as hard as she hit her head she might have had a mild concussion but due to the low O2 levels she would be going in and out. We were at the museum, and a bad guy showed up. Yeah a bad guy showed up and you got to close to a bomb. I know. I frowned. Why did you get to close? It was Kryptonite, you would have gotten hurt. Dylan?

Slight skip
I went out to the hall as mom showed up. Oh my God, Clark are you ok? Yeah mom, just shook up... I have a question. Clark Dylan's- fine but I need to know something. What? Did you know she had Kryptonite powers? Mom looked at me frowning mouth gapped open a hair. What? Mom she's got powers, Kryptonite powers, that's how she was able to tell the bomb was made from Kryptonite, that's how she was able to not die, she mimicked the part of my powers that make me indistructable, that's how she's been able to wear the necklace with out me getting sick. She sighed and nodded. I've noticed strange things I just thought- how did you find out? She asked and I looked at Dylan who was sleeping. She told me, she said she had to save me, and so she used her powers when I asked what powers she showed me. I told her to save you Clark... I've known for a long time. I hated when dad and Jor-el just talked randomly in my head but thankfully it was dad I frowned. I told her the same way I've been telling you things. I then realized Dylan was going through the same people in her head issue... That her issues were just getting started. Kal-el she is just getting started, one day she will be a great protector of Earth, keep her safe or your world is to be damned.

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