the rabbit r6s

By sniperbrother

712 11 6

the first story of mine that the main character is a girl like almost ever other person I made another bad ba... More

the end.


6 0 0
By sniperbrother

It's been a week of nonstop prison work when a guard tosses you into the visitor area and slams the door behind you getting off the ground seems to be a hard task when your helped up. Taking a look to see who it was helping you up seeing the painted woman you embrace her into a big hug and breakdown.

thank you for showing up you say still holding the woman close who hugs you back surprisingly. you let her go and take a seat at a table with the painted woman. Taking a look around you don't see mango at all.

Why is no one surprised you ended up here Caveira says and leaves the room. your tossed back into the cell you sit there wondering how this could be worse. The alarms go off as if it was a air raid c'mon bitch don't you wanna live forever a random woman says shooting the lock on the cell door. it opens and you exit the cell and follow the group of shooters. You find mango and stick close to him.

Finding a armory one of the shooters to shoot the door open you go in and grab your stuff after mango grabs his things you both make a fast getaway out of the prison you see a car window opens and climb in it you can't find the keys when a cop starts running at the car. Mango I can't get it started you say.

A bullet drops the guard you open the door and stick your hand into the dead cops pocket and steal his phone you smile when there's no password. But the internet page the cop had up you kinda wish there was a passcode on it you call Caveira to ask a question.

Hey uh how do I hotwire a police car you say and the line is silent for a second. Bandit says the red and blue wire Caveira says. Red and blue mango you say to mango. dragon starts talking on the phone with you. The car is started when mango is dragged out of the door another shot drops another person mango jumps in the back. You start driving running a person over. You drive out of the town and into the woods the car comes to a stop in front of a large drop and get out of it.

push dragon says and mango helps him push the car over the ledge it doesn't seem to be moving at all you say while your pushing. the car goes over like nothing you almost go with it when your tossed to the ground. You look to see who tossed you seeing rook and Caveira standing there staring at each other.

Harry and everyone are pissed dragon says with a smile. Definitely deserve it you say and get in a seat on the helicopter. Making sure to sit far away from the doors as possible the chopper lifts off with everyone inside of it the doors are closed. I'm sorry I was not able to stay out of trouble and well got you arrested mango you say. Mina that guy didn't have a reason to do that I didn't have a reason to listen but I will not drag you into a firefight because the cops a idiot that's saints job mango says.

If there's to big of a problem I'll deal with it rook says and gets smacked by Caveira. I'm sorry okay about I will make it up to you all I swear you say. We didn't do it for you or we would have left you there we went cause we needed mango back Caveira says. You lean back in your seat and drift off to sleep only to be woken up by dragon who makes sure you don't sleep the entire flight.

Landing at the base you feel the heat of what's soon to happen. Already your fucked bandit says opening the door for you and the others. I know you say and walk into the building to have a spoon tossed at you it bounces off your head. You're in a lot of trouble young lady Ash says.

To your room now mango says. Yes mango you say and follow bandit to your room he takes your rifle and pistol the door is closed and locked behind you. Not wanting to make anymore trouble you go to sleep and are awoken by someone shaking you awake.

Leave me alone everyone hates me should have stayed in the prison you say looking at the wall while laying on your side. I don't hate you I just don't want you to be hurt again I thought I was broken when you got hurt losing you it tore a hole into me I don't want to lose you mina not again a week in that prison with you I got stabbed twice and shot at a lot mango says placing a warm hand on your shoulder.

You can lose me mango it won't change anything for anyone else mango we tried to call but when I couldn't get in touch with anyone you were there you can even say that we tried to get in touch with someone you say.

We did try I'll give you that mango says. Mango I'm really sorry I got you arrested I wish I knew what we did so I could avoid it again you say. Stop just stop with the apologizing please I can't keep hearing you say sorry that many times I get where you came from but still mango says.

Your right I will be here till I die of being 70 when I can leave the room you say. Enough just get some sleep mango getting louder. Stop yelling please you say. I'm trying to keep you safe I'm sorry mina that I failed at the only job I actually needed mango says. Why do you hold so tightly you ask mango who sighs.

Mina wounds need more time then a year to heal especially ones like that I hold tightly to you because I can't for someone else who needs it as much as you mango says and walks to the door.

Wait mango who else needs it you ask and mango looks at you. Saint went to where he was abused mina it's been almost ten years for him we haven't seen or heard from him in days that's what I'm afraid of for you mango says and leaves the room. I'm sorry mango you whisper and close your eyes and think. The room gets pitch black as the sun sets you don't move an inch you shiver then go to sleep.

Waking up in a cold sweat you get out of the bed and open the window a little bit. An alarm goes off bandit opens the door and looks at you then the window. You get confused on why your window is screaming at you so you slap it while shushing it.

What are you doing bandit says annoyed. It's hot I opened the window a bit and it's screaming at me now you say trying to make the window shut up. Bandit closes the window and the alarm stops you just look at him then the window. Shut the fuck up you damn window bandit says.

IQ enters the room half asleep. Is she trying to escape she asks. You no ma'am you say and sit on your bed. Dom go to sleep I'll just sleep here tonight IQ says and bandit leaves in a hurry. So why'd your window scream IQ asks. I'm not sure I wanted to open it you say. Go back to sleep I'll fix that tomorrow IQ says and you lay back down.

Mina mango says on the other side of the door. Yes mango you reply. What's going on in there mango asks you. It got hot in here so I opened a window you say and cover up. Go to sleep young lady we will try to do something later mango says then walks away. Back to sleep you go facing the wall to avoid looking in IQ's direction of the room and off you are to dream town.

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