The Northern King

By ImAWandererxo

81.8K 3K 442

She was to look for a husband. Instead, she found a King. -ā™ž- Princess Mikayla is the only heir in Aurelian... More

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5K 222 52
By ImAWandererxo

Chapter Eight

           CRESCENT WAS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ONE COULD IMAGINE. Having never travelled to the far north, I was astonished by the stunning evergreen trees coated in sheets of glistening snow as the horses trotted, tugging the carriage where I hid. Though, it didn't do much seeing as I had about twenty soldiers donning the Aurelian crest protecting me on their white steeds. Peeking behind the curtain, my eyes widened as we moved through the Eclipse Forest. This was the furthest anyone who lived to tell reached the forest. I guess I had Christian to thank for that.

Whilst my two lords prepared my journey as well as preparing an excuse to hide my journey for the rest of the court, I had carefully drafted a message to Christian. I wasn't sure whether he was being honest about having his subjects in Aurelian, but when General Midas and Leuitenent Cindar rode out to the borders that separated our kingdoms, I was surprised to hear that there was a wolf setting camp in broad daylight. Successfully having sent my message to Christian, it was less than a day later that I got a reply. Regretfully, he didn't give it to me in person but when I found a letter on my bed with a lingering scent of fresh rain, I knew he was here. 

Preparations went smoothly and secretly without raising the awareness of the court, who believed I was travelling to Venilia. By the dawn of Friday, I jumped into a carriage with Genevieve and Lord Nox, waving goodbye to Grandclain and Leuitenent Cindar. I knew Grandclain wasn't enthusiastic about my visit to Crescent, but he spoke no words of disapproval and kept his promise of trust. I shifted in the carriage, my behind beginning to fall asleep due to the long hours of unable to stretch my leg.

Crescent, after Aurelian, was the second-largest kingdom, with land that stretched as far north as one could think, bordered off by the Eclipse Forest from the others. Based on my map, I knew there would be a bridge we'd have to cross soon in order to reach the kingdom. It had been decades since anyone travelled to the northern castle which meant we only had old maps to rely on. That didn't make General Midas very happy as it meant he wouldn't be as prepared as he normally would. 

I have never been to the far north. It was an experience I wasn't lucky to have, but I did hear the stories my father would retell after his journeys. He would say it was a completely different world. The mountains could be seen from miles away, peaking into the cloudless sky, and the snow was the purest type of white. The grass was a lush green and the trees would tower over the villages to protect the people from unwanted visitors. 

He had said that the first time he ventured into the Forest had been the most exciting moment in his life. As the carriage rode through the path that hadn't been used for several years, I could finally understand my father's excitement. From my lessons, I knew that Crescent consisted of several villages, each housing possibly up to 50,000 people. After the War, I didn't think that was possible. Crescent saw the most devastating loss across Elysium, yet I wondered whether Christian's ability to hide an entire kingdom's reconstruction was part of that deception.

The villages were spotted around the forest but seeing as we had yet to pass through one, I doubted that Crescent was thriving as they once did before. Lord Nox was in deep thought as he scribbled in his book whilst Genevieve snored beside me, her head jolting along with the carriage but it didn't wake her. 

Tossing my gaze back out the window, my fingertips touched the pane that frosted from the dramatic temperature drop. Immediately, the ice began to thaw as my power surged, warming the carriage. I became fascinated with the way the coldness clashes against my warm hands, gold swirls slowly slithering against the glass.

"Your Majesty, why is the carriage feeling like a furnace?" Lord Nox murmured without looking up, glasses perched at the bridge of his nose.

I immediately moved my hands away. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

He hummed in disbelief but didn't press any further. After a heartbeat, I glanced back out the window, watching as the trees blurred into one. From my father's journal, I knew that the King would live in the mountains, his castle shielded by a stronghold. The castle was tall, disappearing into the clouds, and mighty, built from silver and steel. Statues of wolven creatures were moulded from granite and sat atop of the castle, warding off anyone that dared to enter. 

He spoke about the packs, more specifically the hierarchy of a pack. I reached into the bag kept by my feet and pulled out one of his journals that managed to survive my wildfire. The familiarity of his penmanship brought tears to my eyes which I quickly blinked away before they had the chance to escape and ruin what little I had left of my father. 

Brushing my fingers over the cursive words, I mouthed silently what my father had learnt. Within each pack, there was an Alpha, a Beta, and finally the Gamma. The latter two were responsible for overseeing the security and militia of the village. The Alpha was responsible for everyone. Then, there was the Luna, the Alpha's mate. Like Christian had said, every wolf had a fated other half and when an Alpha found theirs, it had meant they would become the Luna. For a second, I mused whether that applied to me. However, it must be different when it came to the King.

The King was the Alpha of all Alphas; he had the authority over all wolves in the province. The fact that he was capable of having a mate was a blessing in itself, wrote my father. He also noted that Crescent had its own court; instead of nobles, the court was filled with the Alphas and Betas from the surrounding villages. On one occasion, he was lucky enough to see the council gather and was in awe when he saw the type of power the former king's commanded. 

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of Christian's dominant aura attached to those intense silver eyes. Glancing down at my attire, I was dubious at whether it would protect me from the bitter cold. My maids had me dressed in a gown as white as the snow and a fur cloak with hints of blue. Gloves reached my elbow yet I could still feel the coldness nibble my flesh hungrily the further we entered the forest.

"How long do we have left to go?" I asked, noticing the sun on the horizon, rays of lights streaming through the gaps as it eagerly searched to dispel the darkness.

It looked like something out of a painting: ethereal and surreal.

"We have yet to cross the Silverstone River so maybe another three hours," Nox replied, glancing at his pocket watch before tucking back into his coat. "You should rest, Your Majesty."

"I can't even think about closing my eyes," I revealed, quietly. He peered up and I sighed. "I'm nervous."

"Why is that?"

"What if I'm not capable to be their Queen? I'm not a wolf. I don't understand their customs or traditions."

"It will be a bumpy transition at first, I'll admit, but you are to be their Luna, Mikayla. That's all that matters to them. You may be a fae but you are more than capable of ruling another kingdom. I assure you."

"How are you so sure?" 

His gaze fell onto Genevieve, who slept soundly, her head falling onto my shoulder. "I'm never wrong, Your Majesty. Any King, let alone kingdom, would be lucky to have you as their Queen. Kindness is a rare quality in creatures nowadays, and yet here you are."

"What if I'm not good enough for him?"

The words felt like a sin, but they were rooted deeply within me. They reminded me of my family, of my people, of the grief I had suffered. They reminded me of my duty and the prophecy. They tasted like fear but I couldn't shake the feeling off.

Lord Nox's gaze softened. "He'd be a fool to let you go, Your Majesty."

Smiling graciously at my advisor, who rarely show such emotion, I allowed my apprehension to be eased by his words. Returning back to his book and I back to staring out the windows, the route we were taking no longer became unsteady and jolty as it morphed into a smooth path. Then, up ahead, I noticed smoke puffs drifting into the air as a town appeared. The closer we got, the more I saw.

These villages were nothing like the ones in Aurelian. The homes built were stretched across the land, giving people enough space to call their own. They were bigger and wider, rather than taller. Steel and silver were the frameworks of the architecture but brick built the foundations of their homes. My heart raced when I saw people leaving the houses, laughing and chatting as if the rest of the world didn't think they were dead. 

At the sound of the horses nearing, even from miles away, I saw their eyes shoot in our direction, bodies tensing, even going to the point of herding the children back into the houses. There was thickly tense energy in the air as the carriage slowed down when the road became blocked by the wolves, a protective stance threatening our safety. 

"Halt!" General Midas yelled, ordering my carriage and soldiers to stop down.

Even with twenty soldiers surrounding me, I still shot Nox a nervous look, but he didn't even flinch nor was he surprised as he jumped out of the carriage with a scroll in hand. At the same time, another man took a step out from the crowd, rolling his shoulders back as he leveled his gaze upon Nox.

"Who might you be?" someone asked.

"Are you Alpha Xanthus?" my noble responded instead.

"Who's asking?"

"I have a message."

I peeked out the window just as Nox passed the scroll over to the man, who I instantly gathered must've been the alpha considering how everyone around him nearly bowed in his presence. Goddess, if the aura he emitted could do that for a village, I couldn't even begin to think how powerful Christian must be. Alpha Xanthus was apprehensive at first but when his gaze fell upon Christian's seal, three crescent moons imbricating one another, he was more than keen to take the message. 

I could almost see the cogs in his brain churn as his eyes skimmed the letter before he glanced up, meeting my wide-eyed gaze. He was stunned. Even though his face didn't flex a muscle, I could see the surprise in his pale blue eyes before it disappeared. Then, he bowed. It was unnoticeable and brief, but I saw it. 

"My apologies," he muttered. "I was aware that the King would be having guests. Please, excuse my people. It's been a while since we last saw... Lumen creatures."

"We mean no harm, just safe passage to the castle."

"Of course. I'll have some of my wolves assist you to the castle safely," Alpha Xanthus offered, generously. 

Lord Nox bobbed his head before returning to the carriage as Alpha Xanthus barked out orders. As soon as we were ready to set off, with the addition of six wolves, the carriage began to move down the path that began to clear up, the people moving the side and watching us with intrigue. Just before the carriage left the village, it passed by Alpha Xanthus. 

His stoic expression broke when he whispered, "Luna."

My heart stuttered as shock plastered across my face. Of course, Christian would tell him - it only made sense for him to do so. Hastily recovering, I smiled politely, blushing as his eyes sparkled with joy. Finally, we returned back on our path and I released a breath of relief, collapsing against my chair and jerking Genevieve, who blinked sleepily at me.

She yawned. "Did I miss something?"

Lord Nox's lips twitched as he returned back to his book, whilst I stared at my Maiden with a dumbfounded expression. "You have no idea."

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Two towns later and three more exhausting hours of being unable to move, we eventually arrived at the castle. My jaw dropped. The castle was boarded by a tall stone gatehouse, a guard in every metre of the wall, either standing across the top or on the ground. My throat went dry as I licked my lips, admiring the architecture. It was truly impressive with its barred gates and spiked walls. As we slowed in front of the gates, two wolves greeted us, dressed in very thin armour compared to my own soldiers, with the Crescent symbolic moon on their chest. 

They were large like Christian with indifferent looks across their face as they neared us, heightening my anxiety. They didn't waste any time as they searched my carriages and people, looking hesitant when they saw the guards but their eyes suddenly flashed silver before reverting back to their original blue, this abrupt look of respect flickering within the depth of their iris as they finally allowed us to pass. As the portcullis wheeled up, I noticed the guards all staring at me, bowing when they saw me.

"Christian's doing?" I muttered to Nox in which he sent a short nod.

"Holy Goddess," Genevieve mumbled, practically pressing her face against the window as she stared in awe.

I followed her gaze and mirrored her stunned expression when I came face to face with the magnificent castle. As if it couldn't have gotten more beautiful, the closer the carriage got to it, the more beautiful it was. Exactly how my father had described it. Tall and mighty. A stronghold. It was made from granite stone, glittering under the sunlight, snow blanketing the tips of the spikes but never setting as it melted a second later. Instead of gargoyles, there were statues of wolves, and the Crescent symbol engraved in the centre of the castle. God knows, how many rooms there were.

Tearing my eyes away, I noticed the large crowd waiting at the foot of the stairs; rows of soldiers and servants, poised and positioned in an orderly manner. I felt the air knock out of me when the carriage finally halted and my soldiers shuffled to the front in a defensive position. Nox gave me a shot nod just as Genevieve squeezed my hand before they both got out. I waited for my door to open, my hands feeling clammy and my heart hammering against my chest like a caged animal. 

Then, I practised those breathing techniques Gen once taught me; I couldn't have a panic attack now. I wasn't sure how long it was until my door opened, it had felt like hours when it was mere minutes, but eventually, I felt a gush of icy air hit my face, my eyes flickering up from my lap and onto the people who'd be my subjects.

Wide eyes and scatter of gasps welcomed me as Nox helped me out of the carriage. I could feel their beady eyes as I slipped my arm through his, stiffening my spine when the chilly air kissed my cheeks. I didn't falter for a second, counting the steps we climbed until we stopped in front of a man donning fine material with the Crescent emblem embroidered on his navy surcoat. 

He was dashing with dark blonde strands and brilliant sky blue eyes, greeting us with a smile that lit up his face. It was then that I had realised I seen him in Bazzara.

"You were there," I blurted out, surprising both him and Lord Nox.

For a moment he was stunned before quickly recovering. "Ah, yes that was I."

"You have met before?" Lord Nox narrowed his gaze onto the man.

I fumbled with my words but the man chuckled, evading the question as he tucked his hands behind his back and bowed. "It pleases me to know you have arrived safely, Queen Mikayla. I hope the journey wasn't too tumultuous."

"Please rise," I felt my cheeks burn,  his ears pricking slightly before he straightened his spine. "What is your name?"

"Jasper Kaneq, Your Majesty. The royal Beta of Crescent and the King's Hand."

"It's lovely to meet you, Jasper."

His smile broadened. "You're as beautiful as Christian described, or more like ranted."

The corner of my lips threatened to spread into a large grin, but I did my best to fight against it, unable to imagine a stoic Christian gushing over me."He spoke about me?"

"Oh yes, Your Majesty. Every day since he first saw you. He is rather loud, or perhaps his thoughts are rather loud when he is distracted," Jasper commented, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes when he tapped his head. I gathered he was talking about the mental communication that wolves shared. "But, let's keep that a secret between us."

He finished off with a wink, making me smile as the tension eased away. "Of course."

Jasper's smile broadened, his eyes flickering over to Nox, finally acknowledging his broody presence. "And this must be Lord Nox. A pleasure to meet you."

Looking wearily at Jasper's outstretched hand, Nox reluctantly shook it. "Very nice to meet you, Beta Jasper."

"Please, call me Jasper. No need for formalities," Jasper chuckled before his eyes glazed over, suddenly turning from brilliant blue to ice-cold silver. With a stiffened jaw, his iris returned back to its normal colour a fragment of a second later, his smile dropping only the slightest. "Our King is a bit restless, my apologies. Shall we, Your Majesty?"

Gesturing for me to enter the castle, I gladly did so, wanting some shelter from the glacial weather. Jasper led us down maybe two or three hallways, I didn't keep count; I was too distracted by the beautiful ornaments and architecture of the place to even focus. But soon, we were in a ginormous stone hall, glistening with granite plated pillars, engraved with a wolf howling, and the steel throne resting above a stone podium. 

My breath caught in my throat when I caught the eyes of the Northern King.

Sitting on his throne, his gaze was piercing as I drank him in. He looked devilishly handsome, dressed in a dashing white shirt with a navy blazer, emblems pinned on the clothing, finishing off the look with a fur cloak – the colour of snow - that had silver embroidery, hung over his shoulders. His bronze skin glistened when the sunlight broke through the stained glass windows. His dark hair was pushed back and for the first time, I saw him adorn a glittering silver crown with diamonds intricately attached at the tips.

"Christian," Jasper greeted, surprising me with his casual tone. "Queen Mikayla, First of Her Name, Queen of Aurelian, and her advisor, Lord Nox."

Christian leaned forward, his cold eyes scrutinizing me before he spoke, the words bouncing off the stone walls, allowing me to hear him loud and clear, despite the distance.

"Thank you, Jasper. Please escort Lord Nox to his rooms, I'd like a word with Queen Mikayla," His eyes squinted briefly at Nox, who tensed as soon as he spoke. "Privately."

"If I may – " Nox began to argue but I interrupted him with a soft smile, gently touching his arm.

"It's okay, Nox. Settle in. I'll find you as soon as we are done," I whispered, an attempt that was futile as wolves could hear everything. Even the sound of my thundering heartbeat. Nox gave me an uncertain look before accepting my order, following after Jasper.

As soon as the iron doors shut with a loud thud before I could blink, Christian was standing in front of me, my breathing hitching and my eyes widening until they looked like saucers.

I swallowed, nervously, before saying, "Hi."

"I'm glad you chose to come, Mikayla," he replied in that deep voice of his that had a shiver run down my spine.

"Only for a few days. Then, I must return," I reminded, trying to ignore his heated gaze. His fingers reached out, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear before tracing my jaw.

"A few days is all I need," His thumb reached the pulse on my neck, his silver eyes darkening as I gulped at the cool sensation. "Would you like a tour?"

"The King giving tours? Now, that's unheard of. Don't you have servants to do that for you?" I teased, pride swarming me when I saw his lips twitch momentarily.

"The kitten has spunk," he regarded me, in surprise and amusement.

"I also bite," I threatened when I caught the flicker of dark intentions in the depth of his moonlight abyss.

"Don't tempt me, quamari."

His chuckled stunned me, rendering me frozen for a brief second. But a second was all he needed, twining his fingers into my mine. My cheeks began to burn as he hauled me out of the throne room, goosebumps scattering across my arms. I couldn't tell whether it was because of Christian or the cold. My fingers tingled as my powers threatened to surge forward, having a mind of its own in Christian's presence. 

My eyes narrowed. "You're a real pain in the ass, Christian."

He glimpsed down at me. "So I've been told. Where would you like to start?"

I sighed, trying to ignore how much I liked his hand in mine. "How about my bedroom?"

Moonlit eyes twinkled. "You mean, our bedroom."


last chapter for a while because it's Ramadan (Happy Ramadan to everyone celebrating!) and I won't be writing, so the next update might be later than usual.


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