My Complicated Life! (AU Harr...

By sassygirl93

1.3M 32.8K 9.7K

Eva Jackson was that one girl in high school everyone knows about. Nearly all of them thought she was the coo... More

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Chapter 56:
Chapter 57:
Chapter 58:
Chapter 59:
Chapter 60:
Chapter 61:
Chapter 62
Chapter 63:
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65:
Chapter 66:
Chapter 67:
Chapter 68:
Chapter 69:
Chapter 70:
Chapter 71:
Chapter 72:
Chapter 73:
Chapter 74:
Chapter 75
Chapter 76:
Chapter 77:
Chapter 78
Chapter 79:

Chapter 32:

19.9K 478 46
By sassygirl93

A/N: I couldn’t wait any longer to post this chapter even though you didn’t reach the 55 vote thingy, but I hope you don’t mind…. Hope you enjoy it, it’s very long!

Eva’s POV

“Eva, are you going to school?” Harry shakes my shoulder, waking me up from a very light sleep. I was up most of the night due to horrible cramps. I must have eventually fallen back to sleep.

“What time is it?” I ask.

“School starts in ten minutes.”

“WHAT?” I sit up in a panic, but quickly hunch over in pain. My cramps are normally bad, but they aren't usually this bad. They are probably worse due to my stress level...

“What’s wrong?” Harry places his hand on my back.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” I force myself to sit up, Harry scuffs.

“If you are in this much pain maybe you should stay home.” Harry suggests.

“I can’t afford to miss school.”

“You would only really be missing English.” He sits down at the foot of my bed.

“I need good grades so I can get into a good college… If I don’t go to school, I can’t get good grades, which means I can’t get into a good college.” I ramble, Harry watches me with wide eyes. I really need to get into a good college, so I can have a good job that pays well. I want to actually live the life I’ve pretended to live all these years.

“Your grades won’t be affected if you miss one day.”

“I need to go to school.” I try and sit up, but my cramps prevent me from doing so.

“Eva--- just stay home, I will bring home your work during lunch.” Harry tells me sternly, as he stands from my bed.

“Crap, I’m supposed to have lunch with Perrie today.” I remember. 

“I don’t want to cancel on her.” I add.

"Go back to sleep, maybe you will feel better when you wake up, and then you can go to lunch with her."

"No, I need to go to school." I protest, midterms are coming up sooner than later and I don't want to miss anything important.

“Ok, go take a shower and get ready, and I will make you something to eat. We will leave here in thirty minutes.” He tells me.

“I can’t ask you to---“

“I really don’t mind missing thirty minutes of class Eva.” He cuts me off.

“Now hurry up and get yourself ready.” He smiles as he walks towards my door.

“Harry?” He stops and turns around.

“Thank you.” I smile.

“Anytime.” He smiles back before leaving my room. I get myself out of bed and into the bathroom, I use the bathroom and take a quick shower. I put on a pair of black leggings and oversized blue sweater, and a pair of black knee high boots. I throw my hair into a messy bun, wrap a scarf around my neck, and pull on my black parka. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen, where Harry is pouring me a glass of juice.

“You look nice, did you do something different with your make-up?” He asks.

“I’m not wearing any." I look down at my feet, embarrassed.

“You should not wear it more often.” I look up at him shocked, he stares at me with a sheepish smile on his face.  How can anyone think I look good without makeup?

"Thanks." I give him a small smile. He passes me my plate and I begin to eat breakfast. Harry sits on his phone while I eat breakfast. We don't say anything to each other until I'm done eating.

"I'm ready to go." I tell him as I put a piece of gum in my mouth.

"Okay, one second and I will be ready to go." He puts his phone in his back pocket before he runs out of the kitchen.

"Okay I'm ready to go." He comes running down the stairs a few minutes later. Even though I want to know what he was doing I don't ask.


We get to first period and everyone is paired off, so Harry and I are put together for the assignment, which is creating an eight clay tile sculpture that shows what we want for our future. Everyone is paired up, so we can help each other. Apparently this is our midterm for this class, the grade we get on this will be sixty percent of our final grade.

"I can't do anything." I point out when Harry and I sit down. I can't do crap with my sprained wrist.

"Come up with what you want your four tiles to be and I can help you make them." He places his hand on my shoulder, he doesn't say anything else he just stares at me...

"Think about what you want for your future." He adds, looking deeply into my eyes. He pats my hand, before getting up and walking over to the supplies. I sit back in my chair and tap my fingers on the table, and think about what I want my future to be.

"Think of something?" Harry asks, as he places the supplies on the table (paper, color pencils, rulers, etc.).

"Not really." I lie.

"Don't lie to me, what did you think of? What was the first thing that popped into your head?" He pushes.

"Family, I want a real family." I whisper so only he can hear me. He leans in close, lifts his hand, placing it on my cheek, his thumb caressing my cheek, as he stares into my eyes.

"I wan-"

"Eva and Harry, this is not the place nor the time." Ms. West, our teacher interrupts him. Harry pulls away and I stare at the table to try and ignore the tingling sensation where his hand was, to hide how red my face is, and to try and block out all the ooo's and whistling that's currently being sent our way.

"Shut up." Harry demands, but that only encourages everyone.

"Class be quiet." Ms. West booms, everyone quiets down and goes back to their work. Neither Harry nor I know what to say, so we go back to the assignment. Harry helps me draw out the ideas for my family tile. I still have to come up with the other three ideas. Harry wrote down ideas for his tiles, but he won't show them to me.

"Everyone start cleaning up, class is over in fifteen minutes." Ms. West announces. Harry and I put our rough drafts in our bags before Harry gathers the supplies to put them away.

"Here." Harry picks up my book bag and hands it to me, I put it over my shoulder, grab my purse, before I start walking out of the class. Harry is right behind me until we get into the hallway, he then moves to walk next to me.

"I will meet you by my car after class and I will drive you to lunch?”

"No thanks, Perrie is picking me up." I tell him.

"Oh okay, well ummm--- have fun." He runs his hand through his hair.

"I will see you later, thanks for this morning." I smile at him when we get to Mr. Payne's room.

"Anytime, have fun with Perrie. Don't forget my parents get home tonight." Harry smiles.

"Yeah I remembered, see you later" I smile, he nods before he walks away. I watch him for a second before I walk into Mr. Payne's room. I can tell he has been watching me and Harry by how frigid his body is, so I ignore him and walk to my seat.

"The last thirty minutes of class Mrs. Davis would like to see you." Mr. Payne hands me a hall pass (I didn't even know he followed me to my desk).

"Okay." I put the pass in the pocket of my parka. He doesn't say anything he simply walks back to the front of the class. Class goes by quickly and before I know it I'm sitting in Mrs. Davis's office. She is the guidance consular, she isn't very old maybe thirty, which is why everyone likes talking to her.

"Eva Jackson, lovely to see you. How are you? How is your arm?" She asks as she walks into her office with a mug of coffee in her hand.

"My wrist is okay. Why am I here?" I ask, trying to get to why I'm here.

"I would like to discuss with you scholarships. You have excellent grades and your GPA is amazing. Any college would be lucky to have you--" she pauses.

"Did you have any colleges in mind, I can look into them and see what scholarships are available." She smiles. I list off a few places and remind her that I really need a full ride somewhere in order to go to college. She claims to understand and tells me she will let me know what she comes up with and she will let me know. As I leave her office (the bell just rang) I want to be excited about college and scholarship opportunities, but all I feel is stress. I've been looking forward and dreading this semester for years. This is the only chance I have to get into college and to hopefully get a full ride. If I don't get a full ride somewhere then I can't go to college…

"EVA!" I turn to see Perrie hanging out her car window waving like a crazy women. Thankfully there aren't too many people around...

"Hi." I laugh as I quickly get into her car.

"How are you love?" She asks.

"I'm good, how are you?" I ask as I put my seatbelt on.

"Great, now what the hell happened to your arm?" She asks as she puts her seatbelt back on. I forgot I haven't seen her since the slut hurt my wrist.

"Well it's kind of a long story... It's been a long weekend." I look over at her as she drives out of the school parking lot.

"Well start talking." She commands, I take a deep breath and start to tell her everything, from the moment I got home from dinner with her, Zayn, and Niall... to today.

"Wow!" She smiles widely, why is she smiling?

"He really likes you." She adds when she sees my confused expression.

"What? What do you mean?" I'm so confused. She pulls into Chili's parking lot and parks her car.

"No, he loves you, which he already told you he does, do you feel the same?" She squeals as we get out of her car. We walk to the entrance and greet the hostess and she sits us down in a booth.

"So--- do you feel the same?" Perrie asks again after we order our drinks. I think about the answer until the waitress brings out our drinks.

"I don't know what I feel." I look down at my drink and play with my straw.

"I think you know, but you won't admit it." She raises her eyebrows.

"Admit what?" That familiar husky voice comes out of nowhere, I almost spill my drink. I look up and see Harry standing behind me with a small smile on his face. His friends are sitting down a few tables away from ours.

"Nothing." I tell him.

"Hi, I'm Perrie--- you must be Harry." Perrie holds her hand out for him to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Perrie, and yes I am Harry." Harry shakes her hand, but he looks down at me with that cheeky look in his eyes. Yes Harry I talk about you to my friends!

"I didn't know you were British--- where are you from?" Harry sits down next to me. I tense and keep my eyes on Perrie.

"South Shields---you?" She asks sweetly.

"Holmes Chapel." He smiles.

"Oh okay, I know where that is." She smiles.

"Harry, stop flirting and come order, so we have time to eat before we go back to school." Tim laughs, I feel Harry tense next to me, and I look up and see he has a smile on his face.

"Have a nice lunch ladies. It was nice to meet you Perrie."

"You too." She smiles back.

"See you at home." He smiles at me, I nod and turn my attention back to Perrie.

"Oh my god, he is hot." Perrie whispers excitedly, I roll my eyes, and smile at her.

"How can you be mad at him?" She asks.

"Easily." I laugh.

"You guys would make a perfect couple, and your babies would be gorgeous." She squeals.

"Keep it down, I don't need him to hear you." I tell her.

"Ah who cares." She giggles.

"Are you girls ready to order?" The waitress asks.

"Yes." I almost shout... I would do anything to get out of this conversation. Perrie and I order our lunch a little too quickly for my liking.

"You need to make him beg for your forgiveness." Perrie blurts out.

"What?" This girl is confusing me.

"You want him to work for it yeah?"

"How'd you know?" I didn't tell her that.

"I would do the same." She smiles, I shake my head as I smile.

"You need to dress to impress and make him dribble over you."


"You guys call it drool." She laughs.

"Oh, I knew that." I laugh, embarrassed, but I'm still not sure why she thinks I need to dress to impress him.

"I'm not in a dress to impress mood, if you know what I mean." I widen my eyes hoping she would get the hint.

"Oh I get that... You can still dress to impress and be comfortable, love." She smirks at me.

"His birthday party is Saturday night."  I blurt.

"I don't know why I said that."

"That would be the perfect time to impress him." She claps her hands.

"We are going shopping after this, so eat up and take some Advil." She winks.

"I'm not in a mood to try on dresses." I groan.

"I know but you will be thankful that you did on Saturday. Now what kind of party is it?" She asks.

"Semi-formal." I tell her, while the waitress puts our lunch in front of us.

"Okay." She smiles, I can tell she is thinking. It's a bit weird to think I only met Perrie on Friday, we get along so well, and just like Zayn I feel like I can trust her...


I slip on the black long sleeve fit and flare dress, with a plunge V-neck with a sheer mesh insert to give the illusion of modesty. I stare at myself in the mirror and I know I'm not going to be able to wear a bra with this dress, boob tape will be my friend if I get this dress.

"Eva, hurry up." Perrie is overly excited about helping me find a dress for Harry's party.

"Oh that is the one" Perrie squeals as soon as I walk out of the dressing room. I turn around and look at myself in the full length mirror.

"I guess it looks okay." My cramps came back with a vengeance ten minutes ago. I'm completely over shopping, and I just want to go home and crawl into bed. 

"You look amazing. Hell I might just dribble a bit." She fans herself dramatically, I roll my eyes and look back into the mirror.

"So this one?" I ask, I really do feel good in this dress, well as good as I can feel at the moment.

"Hell yes." She smiles.

"I'm going to need boob tape." I sigh when I look at my chest in this dress, right now it's not attractive.

"I will get that stuff while you change." She laughs, I thank her as I go to change. I change as quickly as I can and go to the register to pay for the dress, boob tape, and pasties (Perrie said they are a must with this dress).

"So Saturday you're coming to mine and I will help you get ready, I will also drop you off at the party so you can make an entrance." She smirks as she pulls me out of the store.

"Why am I making an entrance? I don't want to be the center of attention." I groan.

"Yeah, but you want to be the center of Harry's attention." She nudges my shoulder.

"Fine." I smile at the idea.

"See it’s a good idea right?" She loops her arm through mine.

"I guess." I'm not sure how feel about this, but I know Perrie isn't going to give me an option.

"If it goes bad then you can yell at me." She smiles.

"But if it goes well I want an invite to your wedding." She laughs.

"Like we would ever get married." I roll my eyes. It's so unrealistic to think we would date in high school, all through college, and still love each other enough to get married.... Yeah that never happens, maybe in movies or books, but not in real life--- not in my life.

"Never say never." She winks at me.

"Do you want me to drive you home?” Perrie asks as we walk out of the mall.

"Yea, do you mind stopping at CVS so I can get some Midol?" I ask softly, I don’t like asking people for help, but it feels like Perrie is my older sister and best friend. After today I know I can ask her for anything and she will do whatever she can to help me.

“Of course. That stuff works miracles.” She smiles.

“Does it? I’ve never taken it before, but these cramps are horrible so I thought I would try it.” I tell her.

“Oh it will definitely help, well it should.” We get to her car and we hop in, she starts her car and starts driving to CVS (we pass one on the way to Harry’s house). We quickly go into CVS and get some Midol and some chocolate, then she drives to Harry’s house (I give her directions).

“Damn, I didn’t know he was rich.” She gasps when she pulls into the driveway.

“His dad is the CEO at Samsung.” I tell her, she looks shocked.

“That explains the giant house.” She giggles.

“Yeah.” I laugh and unbuckle my seatbelt.

“I know I complained today, but thank you for everything today.” I smile at her.

“It’s no problem, I’m just glad that we found the perfect dress for you to wear Saturday.” She smiled at me.

“Yeah I really do love it.”

“Text me Friday, so we can figure out our plans for Saturday.” She smiles.

“Of course.” I gather my things (only using my good arm) and get out of her car.

“Had a blast girl, we need to do it more often---“

“Definitely.” I close the car door with my butt, and start walking towards the front door. Perrie honks her horn and I turn around and give her a smile, when I turn around Emily is opening the front door--- ahhh I see why Perrie honked.

“Here let me help you.” Emily grabs my dress and purse from me.

“Is this your dress for Saturday?” She beams.

“Yes, my friend Perrie wanted to help pick it out.” I tell her, she smiles and unzips the bag to look at it.

“A little inappropriate---“she trails off, biting her lip. Is she not going to let me wear it? Can I be mad or annoyed at her if she tells me I can't wear it?

“But you are going to look amazing in this.” She smiles at me, I sigh in relief.

“Thanks.” I smile. Over her shoulder I can see Isaac and Harry talking while they make their way to the kitchen.

“How was your trip?” I ask her when she turns around to see what I'm looking at.

"Oh, it was so much fun. How were things here? Harry said you tripped and fell in your bad wrist, only making it worse?” She stated more then asked.

“Yeah, clumsy me…”

“Other than that everything went well.” I smiled.

“So glad to hear that--- would you like some help bringing this stuff upstairs?” She asks.


“I can help her.” Harry interrupts me.

“Okay, I will go order dinner.” Emily claps her hands together, turning around, and walking away.

“Have fun with Perrie?” Harry asks as he takes my book bag and purse, as I hold my dress.  

“Yeah I did.” I smile, he looked over his shoulder and gave me a breathtaking smile.

“Feeling better?” He asks.

“Not really.” I don't feel a need to lie to him.

“Do you want some Advil or a heating pad, cause I can get them for you?” He offers, I raise my eyebrows at him.

“I might be a guy, but I'm not stupid Eva--- I know about peri-“

“Okay I get it.” I cut him off, we don't need to be talking about periods.

“So do you need anything or want anything?” He laughs softly.

“No thank you, Perrie stopped at CVS for me.”

“Okay, well if you change your mind about the heating pad.” Harry opens my bedroom door and places my things by my closet door.


“Anytime.” He rubs the back of his neck, while looking down at the floor.

“Would you come get my when dinner is ready? I want to hang this up and just relax for a bit.” He looks shocked by my request, I’m kind of shocked myself.

“Y-yeah, wait is that the dress you’re wearing Saturday?” He smirks and takes a step towards me (and the dress).

“Yes it is.” I take a step back.

“Let me see.” He grins playfully.

“No.” I step away from him.

“Come on let me see.” He walks closer to me. For every step he takes towards me I take a step back.

“Harry you can see it Saturday.” I whisper as he backs me up against the wall.

“Why can’t I see it now?” He smirks.

“Because you can’t.” I whisper.

“HARRY, CAN YOU HELP ME WITH SOMETHING?” Emily shouts from downstairs, I release the breath I didn’t think I was holding.

“I guess you win.” He winks at me.

“Go help your mom.” I place my hand on his chest and gently push him away.

“Okay, I’ll come get you when dinner is here.” He laughs, he slowly steps away from me and walks towards my bedroom door. He winks at me before he leaves my room. I take a deep breath and lean against the wall. I take a few minutes to compose myself before I push myself off the wall and walk over to my closet, I hang up my dress before going to the bathroom. After I use the bathroom I go to my bed and curl up in my pillows and blankets.

“Eva, are you sleeping?” Harry whispers.

“No.” I groan and turn over to look at him.

“Well dinner is here.” He smiles.

“Okay.” I slowly get out of bed and follow Harry out of my room.

“Feeling any better?” he asks.

“A little bit, thanks for asking.” I tell him honestly, he shoots me a charming smile, as we walk downstairs and to the kitchen. We join Emily and Isaac at the dining room table and we begin to eat. I look over at Harry and watch as he listens to his parents talk about their trip. My stomach erupts with butterflies when he rests his leg against mine. I see him look at me through the corner of his eye and a small smile makes its way onto his lips. Maybe actually giving Harry a chance to earn my trust back isn’t such a bad thing.

A/N: This chapter is 3,950 words (not including A/N), so I hope it’s long enough for you lol I just couldn’t find a good ending point, so I kept writing and writing! I hope you liked the length and the content :D

Please comment and let me know what you are thinking while you’re reading… I would love to know what you think will happen at Harry’s Party. Will it go as Perrie and Eva planned (well mostly Perrie) or will it be a disaster?

50 VOTES for the next chapter!



Allie <3

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