New Girl in 21

By Dreamforlovatox

674 35 8

Demi Lovato is the new girl in apartment 21. She moved to New York from California to go to the college she's... More

New Girl in 21
Chapter 1- New Girl
Chapter 2- Naked

Chapter 3- I Chose You

116 12 6
By Dreamforlovatox

The world stopped for Chloe. The only thing she could feel was Demi's soft lips moving and syncing with hers. Everything else was just a blur. Chloe didn't even bother opening her eyes when Demi pulled away. The butterflies in the very bottom of her gut still fluttered for she could still feel Demi's hand lying on top of hers. She could here Demi's rapid breath and she could feel her hand shaking. "Chloe.." Demi said, and squeezed her hand. "Come on say something," she pleaded and her voice trembled. Chloe's eyes fluttered open and she gazed at Demi. She noticed how Demi's face was flushed and her freckles disappeared in the blush. "You didn't have to do that," Chloe whispered in a deep yet soft voice. "I wanted to," Demi said with her eyes filled with lust. Chloe saw the way the younger girl was looking at her and she snapped her eyes closed. "You have Matt," Chloe shook her head as a small delicate tear dropped from her bottom lashes. Demi reached across the small table with her right hand and brushed the tear away gently, as if it would kill her if it fell.

"I know. I shouldn't of kissed you but I couldn't stop myself. I had to and right now my brain is telling me to go to Matt but my heart is telling me to stay here with you and kiss you again," Demi said, her face clearly showing how happy she was at the moment. As her smile grew wider and wider each second, showing her small dimples on each side of her rosy cheeks. "I think you should listen to your head. You're not even gay. You'd end up regretting not being with Matt. He's a really good guy and he likes you a lot," Chloe said, letting go of Demi's hand and standing up. "Chloe?" Demi asked, still sitting down. "Yeah?" Chloe said. Her hands trembled slightly and she couldn't bare to look Demi in the eyes. "Are we still friends?" Demi held her breath waiting for the older girl to answer her question. Chloe sighed and her head dropped to look at Demi. Her small body was shaking and her face was a bright red. "Of course we're still friends. We're still going to the movie tonight too," Chloe flashed her a bright smile and walked out of the diner as fast as she could.

Demi trudged home. Her feet slowly hitting the ground with heavy steps. Her hands were dangling at her sides and her head hung low. Even though Chloe said they were alright she didn't really believe it; it seemed like Chloe wanted to get away from her. Demi wanted to kiss her, she knew that for sure. But did she really want to chose Chloe over Matt? Now that was what Demi was debating. She knows she's not gay, but she feels something for Chloe. Something she's never felt towards another girl before. When she kissed her she felt the shock, the same shock she felt when she kissed Matt. It felt like a firework went off in the pit of her stomach.

Chloe closed her bedroom door and jumped on her bed, burying her face in the pink fluffy pillow resting against her headboard. A tiny scream jumped out of her throat and she started giggling. She had waited until she was home to show her excitement, well because she didn't want to freak Demi out. She didn't regret telling Demi to go to Matt because she knows she would be a lot happier with him but she felt like she needed Demi. She just wanted to hold her and kiss her again. She felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter at the thought about the movie they're seeing tonight. Who knows what's gonna happen.

"Come on Alex," Trevor said. His hands started to cramp while waiting for Alex to decide on what ice cream she wanted. "I think I want blue berry," she trailed off. Trevor groaned and the brown paper bags began to slip. "Alex I'm going to drop everything if you don't hurry," he whined. Alex rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll go with strawberry," she said with a smirk placed on her lips. The middle aged man behind the counter nodded and began to scoop three clumps of bright pink ice cream into a chocolate cone. Alex took the cone and paid the man $10. "Let's go you big baby" Alex giggled and pulled him along the busy street of New York.

"Hey Matt, hey Kevin," Alex mumbled while a trail of pink dripped off of her chin. "Hey Alex. God you're so messy, here," Kevin tossed her a rag that was sitting on the nearest counter. Alex chuckled and looked around the room. "Hey where's Chloe and Demi?" she asked which made Matt look up suspiciously. "Hmm.." Trevor muttered and placed all of the groceries he was holding onto the kitchen floor. "I don't know," Trevor while he began to put the food he was dying to eat away. Suddenly a door opened and everyone looked towards the hallway. Chloe came out of her room with a smile plastered on her face. She noticed everyone staring at her and she began to laugh but she stifled it.

"What?" she grinned. Everyone raised their eyebrows at her and looked at each other, silently asking each other if they know what's up with her. "Uh Chloe do you know where Demi is?" Alex asked, finally killing the silence. "I talked to her a couple hours ago, I thought she'd be home by now. We're going to a movie tonight," she explained. "A couple hours ago?" Matt growled. "Jeez Matt, calm down. She's an adult," Chloe snapped, her smile faltered. "So! She doesn't know her way around. What if something happened to her? Has she called anyone?" he looked around the room waiting for answers and everyone slowly shook their head. "Damn," he whispered. Chloe could feel her heart speeding up, what if something did happen to her? "Matt-" Chloe started, but she was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Demi slowly came in and avoided eye contact with everyone in the room. "Demi," Matt breathed out and rushed over to her. He held her by the chin and pressed his lips against hers.

Demi quickly pulled away and her eyes traveled to Chloe, and even though she told her to be with him she could see pain in her eyes. She looked back at Matt. "I'm sorry," she said quietly and pushed past everyone to make her way to her room. Matt's head snapped over to Chloe and he glared at her. "What did you do?" he hissed at her. Chloe silently begged for him to not get mad with her eyes. She looked at him with sorrow, which made him even madder than before. "What did you do?" he shouted which made everyone gasp. "Matt, bro calm down," Kevin tugged on his arm. Matt looked towards the hallway and then at the front door. "Dammit Chloe," he whispered and turned on his heel to head out the door. Kevin and Trevor went after him, closing the door softly on the way out.

Alex lifted her eyes and gazed at her best friend. "Why did Demi look at you like that?" she wondered. "Like what?" Chloe asked, her eyebrows furrowing. "I promise I didn't hurt her," Chloe put her hands up. "No, I know you didn't... Did you kiss her?" Alex asked, she raised her eyebrows in the process. "She kissed me," Chloe admitted quietly. "How did you know?" "I could tell. Something happened between you two and now she can't even kiss Matt-" "She can kiss him. She just can't do it with me in the room," Chloe clarified. "So she kissed you? Why?" Alex said, a small smile creeping on her face. "I don't know. She said she wanted to do it," Chloe said and shuffled her feet on the floor. "I'm gonna go talk to Matt and see if he's calmed down. You go talk to Demi, can you do that or are you gonna scream at her again?" "I'll be fine," Chloe rolled her eyes and watched as Alex left the apartment like everyone else did. She began walking to Demi's door. She couldn't hear anything coming from inside so she knocked on the door. surprisingly, Demi opened it. "Demi-" Chloe started but she was cut off from Demi's lips on hers. Her eyes widened and she let out a small gasp when Demi pulled her inside her room.

Matt rolled his eyes at his friends but he understood what they were saying. "Matt I found out what Chloe did," Alex jogged down the hallway to the other guys. "Yeah?" he said. "Yeah, and actually it was Demi. Demi kissed her, she's not gay I guess but she really has feelings for Chloe or something I guess," Alex explained, she put her hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off. "So she's gay now?" he asked. "I just said she's not gay, or she doesn't think she is. Jeez Matt calm down. Don't turn into one of those guys," Alex shook her head at him. "Fine," he breathed out and leaned his head against the wall. He was trying not to get mad at anybody but he felt some sort of hatred for Chloe. Demi was gonna be his and now Demi doesn't even know what to do anymore.

Trevor and Kevin went back to their apartment while Alex and Matt went back to hers. They heard something hit the wall in Demi's room and they both began to panic. Matt turned to Alex. "Oh god," he breathed out and walked down the hallway. He swung open Demi's door and immediately regretted it. The sight made his breath hitch and he suddenly grew angry.

Demi snapped her head towards the door and climbed off of Chloe as fast as she could. Chloe didn't even acknowledge Matt at the door. She took deep breaths and she kept laughing. "Matt I'm sorry, I-" he cut her off as soon as he saw the smile on Chloe's face. He felt his anger fade and his heart melt. He's never seen Chloe that happy, and Demi shouldn't be sorry if she really likes her. "You don't have to be sorry," he smiled at Demi. "But we're-," he cut her off again. "It's fine," with that he left her room. Demi sat on her bed, her hands settled in her lap and her breathing was content. But something inside her was aching. She's been here for almost two weeks and she feels as if she can't make any friends, or as if she's losing everyone.

"Demi?" Chloe sat next to the younger girl and she slowly moved her hand to grab Demi's. "Yeah?" Demi asked, her voice was soft. "Are you okay?" Chloe looked into her eyes and saw sadness. She didn't know why. If Demi wanted to be with Matt then why did she kiss her? "Yeah, I guess. I just feel like I'm losing everyone," Demi whispered. "You're not. Matt's still your friend and if you want to be with him then go," Chloe sighed. Demi took off running through the door which made Chloe laugh. Though her jealousy was through the roof she couldn't stay mad forever and if Demi did chose to be with Matt then she can be with him. Chloe hopes Demi keeps her mind made up because if not, she may lose one of her best friends; Matt.

"Matt?" Demi repeatedly knocked on the door. "Yeah?" he opened it and smiled at her. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I told you I don't-" Demi interrupted him. "No, I want you. I don't know what I was thinking but when you walked out the door it felt like a part of me died and I know I haven't known you for long, like seriously, but I want to be your girlfriend," she rushed out. "Are you sure?" he asked. Demi nodded her head and he held her head in his hands and kissed her softly on the lips. "So you finally made your decision," he smirked. "Yeah, sorry," Demi blushed. "What'd you tell Chloe? You know she's going to be upset," Matt said slowly. "She told me to come to you if I really wanted to," Demi said. She stared into his eyes, he looked worried. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing, do you want to come inside?" he asked and held the door open for her. "Sure," she stepped inside. Demi saw Alex sitting on his couch with Trevor and Kevin. "Hey guys," she blushed and waved her hand. "Hey," they murmured in unison. "Where's Chloe?" Alex glanced up at the two. "Home," Matt said. He grabbed himself a beer and offered Demi one but she shook her head. "Demi we literally just saw you making out with her and now you're here with him?" Alex said rudely. "She's my best friend if anything happens to her-" Trevor shushed her. "I'm sorry," Demi said. She really was. She liked Chloe but she couldn't ever date her, It'd be too weird for her.

Chloe flipped through the tv channels, not really finding anything good to watch. She knew Demi forgot about the movie they were supposed to go to because of Matt but she didn't let it bother her. This would probably be a thing now. So she knows not to ask Demi to go anywhere anymore. The door opened and she didn't take her eyes off of the tv. "Hey babe," Alex said and sat down next to her. "Hey," Chloe smiled at her best friends and laid her head in her lap. "You doing okay?" Alex asked and stared down at Chloe's beaming expression. "Yeah. It doesn't bother me. I knew she wouldn't of stayed with me even if she did chose me because she's not gay. I think the kiss was just to experiment, I think," Chloe shrugged. Alex grinned. "Good. You shouldn't let it bother you. There's plenty of fish in the sea," Alex said and looked up at the tv. "Whatcha watching?" Alex asked. Chloe handed Alex the remote. "Nothing, you can chose," she said. Alex turned on Netflix, and Chloe screamed. "Let's watch Orange is the New Black," she giggled and snatched the remote from Alex. Alex threw her head back and laughed. "We've watched it like twenty times already," Alex groaned. "So," Chloe clicked on the watch button and the theme song started to play. They were both too busy singing that they didn't hear the front door open. Demi stifled a laugh and went back to her room. She closed her door quietly to make sure they didn't know she was home but that didn't seem to work because Alex showed up seconds later. "Weren't you and Chloe supposed to go to a movie tonight?" Demi nodded. "I was busy," Demi said and hid her face in her blanket. "Busy with Matt," Alex rolled her eyes. "So you're going to pick a stupid boy over your friends," Alex sighed. "I've been here for less than two weeks, give me a break. Okay?" Demi tried keeping her voice down. "No, I will not give you a break. I'm surprised Chloe hasn't kicked you out yet," Demi grew angry. "If Chloe wants me to hang out with her than why is she always acting like a bitch?" Demi said and immediately felt a hard smack on her cheek. "You don't know anything about her. You can't call her a bitch. You can't judge her when you don't know her. She likes you Demi and I don't even see why. You're pretty but you're the bitch," Alex screamed and slammed Demi's door. Demi sat on her bed, she held her cheek in her hand and her mouth was hanging open. She heard another door slam and she sighed loudly to herself. Maybe things aren't going so great.

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