Is this loving wrong?(sally f...

By redhead132

15.5K 402 192

In an au where Lisa and Henry never had love interest, Sal didn't murder anyone, Larry didn't kill himself, T... More

New town. New start. New me? (2)
School sucks! (3)
Sleepover (4)
Morning (5)
Is it friday yet? (6)
A bit later...(7)
Where are you? (8)
Surprise!οΏΌ (part 1)
Surprise! (Part 2)οΏΌ
The morning after Part 11
School is Hell Part 12
Should have stayed(13)
Visiting Jail(14)

Welcome to addison appartments (1)

2.2K 50 4
By redhead132

(In Sal's POV)
I stare outside the window as the rain pours down around the car. Seeing the plain brick building come out of the dark I look over to my dad "why did we have to move?" I ask, maybe for the hundredth time. He sighs and looks over at me after parking "you know why kiddo. A change of scenery, new beginning for us" he says then unbuckles "we can unpack in the morning, for now I'll bring the mattresses up with blankets, you go ahead" he says and motions for me to get out of the car.

I step out, my hood over my head, Gizmo in my arms and I run to the door. Walking in I look around and take off my hood. Making sure my prosthetic was placed correctly before walking to the elevator. I press the button to summon it and it opens after a quick minute, a boy with long dark brunette hair starts to walk out before he sees me and stops. Staring at my prosthetic he smirks "cool mask dude" he says in a rough voice. I feel myself get nervous

"'s a prosthetic..." I say softly looking up at him. The instant change in his face kinda startles me "shit dude I'm sorry" he says "uh I'm Larry, you're the new guy in 402, right?" He asks and I nod "yea, it's me and my dad" I say and stuff my hands into my pockets nervously "me and my mom live in the basement, well I gotta run maybe we can hang out later, okay?" He says and begins to walk away "okay, cool" I say and walk onto the elevator after looking back at him for another second.

The elevator closes and I click the "4" button waiting for the doors to open again. When they open again I walk out and go to our new apartment, I unlock the door and start to look around, letting Gizmo go explore on his own. I go through the kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms.

After a bit my dad brought my bed up along with his. I lay down after taking off my prosthetic and take out my glass eye, setting one in a glass of water and the over next to it. I start to drift off to sleep for the night when my dad opens my door and walks over. I quickly put my prosthetic over my face "going to bed already kiddo?" He asks "you know it's only nine o'clock right?" He asks as he sits down on my bed "Yea I know, I'm just really tired right now" I say looking up at him, hoping he'll leave soon. After a bit of silence he just gets up "okay, well see ya in the morning" he says and walks out, closing the door then I quickly fall asleep.

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