Is it friday yet? (6)

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As we get to the gates of the school I see Travis and instantly get closer to Larry, seeing him glare daggers at the blond.

We pass him as he speaks "faggots" he says and I try to ignore him. Larry glares at him again and keeps walking.

We get to homeroom and I collapse into my seat. Staring up at the ceiling "uh, shit I gotta piss" I say and raise my hand, keeping it up until the teacher calls on me.

I leave true classroom and go to the bathroom, opening the very squeaky door and checking all the stalls before doing my business. I go to the mirror once I'm done. Knowing no one was in here I unclip my prosthetic and take it off.

Looking over my face I can feel my eye start to tear up. I quickly put my prosthetic on and start to leave. As I open the door And start to step out I'm greeted by a bruised, frown face that glares down at me.

"Get out of my way, freak" he says and pushes me back "where's you boyfriend now?, faggot" he asks as he draws back his fist.

I quickly move away but he grabs me by my shirt collar and hits my stomach multiple times. When he lets me go I double over to the ground

"Fucking faggot, stay out of my way next time" he says as he walks to a stall "get out of here before I do even worse" he says and I quickly get up, stumbling out of the small tile bathroom and to my homeroom.

I almost miss my seat as I fall into it. Making Larry jump "holy shit dude, you okay?" He asks and I shake my head rapidly "wh...what happened?"

I try to speak but a knot forms in my throat and tears start dripping down my face under the prosthetic. I hold my stomach, feeling the places where Travis hit me burn with a sensation and I know my stomach is gonna be bruised.

Larry reaches to my shirt's hem and lifts it a bit. Showing the bright red spots the size of fists. "Who did this Sal?" He asks looking to my eye

"T...Travis" I choke out and his face turns to anger. Without another he stands up and half picks me up "I'm taking you to the nurse to get ice" he says and ignores the teacher as he asks why he's standing.

I try to help but my legs don't want to move. Larry ends up picking me up all the way, bridal style. We get to the office after a few minutes, Larry get me ice and instructs me to hold it to my stomach as he carries me again. He takes me to the bathroom and sets me down in the ground. Going over and grab some paper towels.

He walks back "does it hurt too bad?" He asks and I shake my head "not anymore, the ice is helping though" I say and he grabs the bag and wraps it with two paper towels, putting it back onto my stomach.

Larry's POV
Once the towels are wrapped around the bag I stand up. "What happened Sally?" I ask him and he takes a deep breath.

"I went to the bathroom, did my business and started to leave. Travis walked in as I stepped out. He pushed me back, he went to punch my face but I moved and he grabbed my shirt punched me in the gut many times. Told me to get it before he did more" he says as I start pacing back and forth, balling up my fists in anger.

"I should be okay now" Sal say and slowly stands up "see, I'm fine" he says but I can tell he's still in pain by his eyes as they squint.

"Okay, but cmon let's skip the day" I say, putting one of his arms over my shoulder before just picking him up. Running out of the bathroom then to our lockers and out of the school, heading to the apartments.

Is this loving wrong?(sally face x Larry) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now