You're Mine

By jiyuuchie

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She was just a masterpiece trying to master peace,...But of course there's always that one fuck up. Zephyr, a... More

Vivid Dreams
Deeper than Still Waters
Reach 4 You...
Running Away is Easy...


141 2 2
By jiyuuchie

A/N: This chapter is a bit shorter but I do hope you enjoy it the same. XOXO

Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own anything that is Bleach. Only this story and my Original Characters. I also do not own the songs listed as well. They're pretty cool so def give a listen.

“Like why would I even believe such a piece of shit right!? He almost had me, almost. Pfft. Never again!”

“So what are you going to do now?” the random man asked.

Zephyr shrugged. Chugging back her drink. “If he wasnt my ride, I would have left already.” Who wouldve thought the handsome bastard would push her to vent her problem to some random guy who seemed willing to listen.

The random moved closer to the point Zephyr confirmed his intentions. “You could leave with me, you know. We can go to my car. Forget all about him..”

Rolling her eyes. “Ugh, nevermind.”

He pushed further until Zephyr glared at him. Her stare cold and menacing. Her voice the same. “I will break this bottle over your fucking head and cut your dick off with it. Fuck off!”

It didn’t take long before the random man scurried off with his drink in hand. Looking back so he was sure she wasn’t following him like the mad women she sounded.

“Geesh…that’s pretty messed up.” A voice spoke from the side of her. “He had it coming though.”

Sighing. Zephyr stared at the bottom of her glass. “I wasn’t….excuse me...” She corrected. “….I’m not in the mood for that kind of attention.”

Chuckling. “I heard.”

Finally she looked to the owner of the voice. Her eyes widened. Surprised beyond belief.

“What’s that look for?”

“I—I'm so sorry.” She stammered. That smile, those eyes, that tan skin. Only difference was that…”why did you dye your hair?”

“What? No…why would I dye my hair?”

“Its just…wait...I remember your hair being a different color. Brighter. And your eyes." Then it clicked for her. "What’s your name? if you don’t mind me asking.”

“I don’t and my name is Kaien. Your’s la bonita?”

Clearing her throat. She shook her head lightly, gathering her bearings. “Zephyr.”

“A gentle wind? Nice. You’re the one that the Kuchiki's hired to take pictures?”

“Yeah. How do you know all that?”

“Word get around. Plus I was there. In the background of course. Never caught your name though.”

“I’m pretty sure I would have seen you.”

“Honestly I’m glad you didn’t. It’s kind of complicated.” Zephyr stared at him bewildered. The resemblance to Ichigo was uncanny. He laughed from the awkward moment. “I can only hope you would stop staring at me like that.”

She too laughed. “I cant help it. You just look like someone I know.”

“I thought you weren’t in the mood for that kind of attention.”

“No. No. No. That’s not what I’m getting at. You look like someone who I really like. Any chance you’re related…a man named Ichigo?”

“Oh ho!” He laughed. “My little cousin?”

“You are!” he had to be. He looked too much like him.

Kaien nodded his head. “He the one that have you in a funk?”

Humming. “Mmm part of it. But the majority is someone else.”

“Lemme guess…” Kaien smirked. Leaning his back against the bar. “the guy who looks like he want to kick my ass?”

Keeping her eyes ahead of her to order a drink, she didn’t need to look to confirm. She knew exactly who he was talking about. From a far, she could feel her back was on fire..“Blue hair, sitting next to a big dude and a women with red hair?”


“That’s him.”

Chuckling. “Well he is a sexy son of a bitch. If I didn't know any better I’ll even try my hand at him too.”

“Please stop!” putting her hand up as she laughed. “that’s the thing. I never blamed him, I don’t care who he's with, just don’t lie to me about it…ever.”

He leant on his elbow. “That’s why you’re here drinking until you pass out?”

“Right on his tab.” She cheered with a shot glass before taking it back." What about you? Drinking your sorrows away?"

"Hmph. You're as intuitive as ever."

"Well spill. You already know what's my funk."

"You ever just faded into the background. Letting someone else shine while you dimmed your own light because it was too late?"

Zephyr stared at him looking to the floor. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled. "I'm just glad Rukia is happy."

"I see." She cleared her throat of the slight burn when she took a shot. Offering to buy him a drink but he refused. “I didn’t want to be here in the first place. I just wanted to stay home, watch a movie, eat and sleep. Instead I’m here, regretting.”

“Sound like something he would say..” Kaien laughed again. Sipping his own glass of regrets.

“Like who?”

“Ichigo. The kid hate going out. Like a damn hermit. I told him to come out with me tonight and he turned it down.”

Zephyr laugh. Butterflies fluttering in her stomach at the mention of Ichigo. “You’re the first of his family I’m meeting. Strange coincidence I might add. Like what are the chances that I meet you here?”

“I'm the social one. Its expected.”

“You’re here by yourself then?”

“Nope. My brother is the drunken fool dancing on the table outside. The red and white bandanna. My boss with the white hair. And some other friends from work.”

“Looks like you have some competition for the self-proclaimed ‘social’ title.”

“Eh, give him a few minutes. He'll be passed out in no time. He's the drunk.”

She couldn’t help to stare at him. Kaien looked toward the glass window. Giving her the opportunity to at least satisfy her fill. He might not have been the original, but she was complacent.

They looked exactly alike with little differences. The ones she noticed obviously was his hair and eye color. From the little she knew about Kaien, he wasn’t guarded. She didn’t know him from a can of paint and she already knew his brother was a drunk, the way his boss looked, and Ichigo is his cousin. This had to be more than a coincidence.

On the other side of the penthouse. Some of the women didn’t approve of her being here. More like they didn’t approve of her being here with Grimmjow. She had all his focus right now. No matter the amount of skin shown, all he could see was her back to him. Avoiding him completely. Eventually they would have to leave and she would have to ride back with him, so of course she would have to say something to him.

Grimmjow lounged back in his chair. Drink in hand. “Damn lighten up bro. There’s plenty of women here!”

If he was being honest with himself, he should have left when she said so. But he wanted to be here to prove a point. Now look what that got him. Both of them separated.

Grimmjow had already approached her when he went to grab a drink and she ignored him like he had the plague. He didn’t want to cause a scene but he also didn’t want her to stray further from him. He had no choice but to back away and watch from far away. Focused but distracted in the eyes of others. Three pair of eyes, to be specific.

Evidently things would have been different if Yammy looked to him sooner and shut his fucking mouth even sooner.

“She clearly look like she getting over you.”

“If it wasn’t for you running your damn mouth this wouldn’t have happened.”

“I swear I thought you were alone.”

“Means shit now.” He'll worry about her later.  “when Ulquiorra showing up?”

“Don’t know, just said he wanted to meet here. Talking about another oppurtunity. You know how he get.”

“If it has anything to do with that bastard Szayel, I’m not in.”

Yammy laughed. “Brother we work with him. What difference does it make?”

“Those side deals per-fucking-se?”

“Ah…those. Can't lie and say they didn’t pay good. Earned you a few fans.”

“Compared to that, he looks more like a pimp and I’m no ones bitch.”

“I hear ya. What's done is done. I would do another side job. Paid for my house, and new car”

“Go ahead and sell your ass then.” Grimmjow shrugged. His eyes looking at Zephyr laughing, tapping the shoulder of this Ichigo look alike.

Loudly Yammy laugh. “Aye, I have no shame. If the clients wife want a piece of me, who am I to not give it to her? But you know that’s not where the money is at.”

Grimmjow smirked shaking his head. “Sick. And I know.” Grimmjow vaguely remembered the fights. He also remembered how Zephyr treated him like a son more than her lover for a whole month.

If everything remained the way it was, maybe he could salvage what was left of tonight. That was if he could ignore the attention of those that wanted him.

“Grimmjow…” Veronica whined, taking a seat on his lap, crossing her leg over his. She was joined by another from her posse, sitting on his other side. Her hair short in a cute pixie cut, highlighted with subtlety of blues that went perfectly with her eyes and heart shaped face. “we were waiting for you all night.” She whispered in his ear.


“For you to look exactly like him, your personality is so different from his. Not saying he isnt cool to get along with, but there’s some sort of wall there.” Using her hands to describe more than talk. “like he…I know he just knew me for a couple of days, which I completely understand. Just I want to know more about him. I never seen anyone like him, except…you.”

Kaien watched her drop her head laughing before she massaged her temple. “I cant tell you much about him more than what you already know. Also it’s not my place.”

“Ha! He gave me the silent treatment last time I seen him. “

“Maybe that will change?”

Zephyr slowly lifted her head to look at him. “How? You gonna call him right now?”

Kaien bounced his chin to where the entrance were. “He's right there.”

Turning her head to where Kaien looked. Her pupils dilated at the scene. There he was. Ichigo in the flesh wearing that same scowl. Easily recognizing the chain tattoo of his right arm with his sleeves pulled up to his elbows. They were out to the side as the creep Nnoitra checked him and the bracelet he wore. Visibly you could see if there were any weapons. The cream long sleeve he wore stuck to his form. Loose just enough for it to flow when he walked down the steps; tight enough to know he worked out well. His hands tucked in the light grey jeans as he looked around attempting  to find Kaien.

Zephyr watched from a far. Everything slowing. Confused on if it was just the slow music playing or the fact that her heart was coming to a sudden stop. The case of the matter is why did she even feel this way when the man she came with was only a few paces away from her.

Ichigo blinked from the threshikd of the open balchony doors, the center of the dance floor, to the bar. If he had turned a second earlier, he would have caught her gaze. But he knew who she was. If it wasn’t for Nnoitra being on the clock, Yammy flexing his muscles, and Grimmjow occupied by two other women, Ichigo knew very well who stood with her back to him.

She was pretending she didn’t see him. It was only a matter of time before he would see the surprised look on her face. Ichigo made his way to where Kaien waved him over. Greeting him. “Sup little cousin?”

“Little? I'm the same height as you if not taller.” Embracing in a handshake and the usual one arm hug. “Starlight…” He spoke looking to the back of her, wasting no time.

Zephyr turned her head, returning the greet with a head nod. “Talking to me?”

“I am.” Fully facing her.

Smirking, Zephyr turned around, matching him. Leaning her back and elbows on the bar, she shrugged her shoulders. “What made you want to speak to me now?”


The three of them heard a squeal. The woman from before, the one Nnoitra couldn’t keep his eye off, ran full force into Ichigo. Thankfully he was able to take the impact. Ichigo embraced her and the brush of wind she brought. “Nel.” He grunted when she squeezed him. “nice to see you too.”

Nel, noticing Ichigo speaking through gritted teeth, released him. “I havent seen you in a while! What made you come out tonight?”

He looked to Kaien who turned back into the bar. “I was forced to.”

“No he wasn’t…” Kaien spoke into his glass before sipping.

“My cousin just came in to town. Wanted him to come out and enjoy himself.”

“Aww that’s sweet of you Itsygo!” she hugged him again, looking up to him. “what are you doing after this? Can I come over and play with you tonight?”

Zephyr, along with Kaien, almost choked on their drinks.

“Not tonight Nel, it’ll be too late.”

Groaning, the woman rolled her eyes. “You’re always too busy. This has nothing to do with your girlfriend here?”

“Girlfrie—What are you talking about?”

“Oh please.” She looked at Zephyr, a innocent bystander between two. “you two together right?”

Shaking her head. “Oh no. Kurosaki is too selfish for me.”

“The hell does that mean?”

Kaien snickered into his drink, the meaning of the remark obvious from his laughing alone.

“That’s not true.” Nel crossed her arms under her chest, switching her weight to one hip. “Ichigo is very kind.”

Shrugging, as she sipped the straw of her long island ice tea. Murmuring to herself. “Selective with who he's kind with.”

Tilting his head, his eyes narrowed on her. “Do me and you have a problem?”

“Nope.” Zephyr dead panned.

“Can we go somewhere and talk then?”

Zephyr snickered, only to hear Kaien clear his throat, and a slight elbow signaling for her to go. “Sure but what is there to talk about?”

“Can I come?” Nel spoke.

“We'll be back.” Ichigo called back when she pouted.

“Stick around with me. I could use a companion.” Kaien spoke up, welcoming the the beauty.

Zephyr looked to where Grimmjow would have been only to see a empty section. No wonder she didn’t feel someone staring hole in her back. If he knew Ichigo was here, he would have already made his presence known.

'Must have passed each other.'

She walked behind him, catching a whiff of his cologne when they made it to the balcony. He reached for her hand so he wouldn’t lose her in the crowd, moving to a empty corner. Before he could say anything, Zephyr spoke first. The result of her rising anxiety. “Look, I was a little too pushy and should have backed off. If I offended you in any way, or pissed you off. I apologize.”

Ichigo leant against the railing. Looking from her to the view. A gentle smile forming. “My mother died when I was younger…my first heartbreak.”

Her hand came to her lips. Feeling the guilt. “I'm so sorry Ichigo.”

Lightly he shook his head. “You didn’t know. So you shouldn’t apologize.”

“I am apologising.” She too leant on the rail, pulling her sleeves up to her fingers, shielding from the slight breeze. “I should have never ran my mouth. Making you think about such a horrible time.”

“Yeah. I just haven’t moved on from it.”

“I don’t think people ever can. Losing a parent take a toll on people.”

“You’re right.” He sighed looking at her.

She returned his stare. Giving him a smile. “We just learn to tolerate it. One day at a time. At our own pace of course.”

“Your mom passed away too?”

It was her turn to sigh deeply. “Not really.”

Ichigo eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I’m not quite catching you.”

“Well my mother…we have a complicated relationship. I haven’t spoken to her in two years almost.”


She shrugged, with a convincing smile. “Hey we're even now right?”

“It wasn’t my intentions to be.”

Bumping his shoulder with her own. “You didn’t know, is what I’m saying.” Smiling still.

They stood quiet for a moment. Watching the city view, letting the music behind them play out the scene. “I didn’t really know how to say something like that, to somebody I just met. Everyone else knew. So it’s kind of new to me saying this to you.”

“Well...” Lightly she shrugged. “It’s not something you want to mention on the first date. Then again if the other person is just babbling their mouth, clearly affecting you, then speak up, it’s totally fine. At least with me.”

Ichigo, smiling gently, looked towards her. “First date huh?”

“Did I say that? Sorry I didn’t mean anything by it. Just speaking…”

“Cool with me. You want to get out of here? You can be my excuse for bailing.”

A dead give away when her eyes widened. “Now? You just got here.”

Ichigo shrugged his broad shoulders. “I can take Kaien to some other party another day. I just don’t like being here with some of my ‘co-workers' and my other drunk cousin because then I get left to babysit and I’m not even working.”

“Where are we going to go?”
He looked to his watch, reading 10:27 p.m. “I have a idea.”

“Lead the way then.” Zephyr smiled harder, showcasing her pearly whites walking behind him.

He was the silver lining for tonight. Everything went to shit soon as she realize Grimmjow’s groupies were here. He did right by keeping a distance from her too. She didn’t know the reason for why he would lie to her. Telling her the nonsense that he just wanted her and to be only hers. She would have respected him more if he was honest. Hell, they’re not even in a relationship for her or him to be loyal to each other. With that in mind, she looked to Ichigo. If he ever consider her, she would have to do this one right.

Ichigo looked behind him, making sure she was behind him. Briefly he stopped when arms wrapped around his neck. He looked down seeing Nel moving to the beat against him, losing Zephyr hand in the process. “Starlight?” he called, looking behind him. To his surprise, she was smiling, shrugging her shoulders, bopping and dancing to the song as if to let him enjoy himself for a moment.

The music fast and upbeat. Blasting through the speakers. Another feeling coming over her. A sensation she hasn’t felt in a long time. The occasional bump from others on the dance floor didn’t deter her rhythm. Dancing was another way for her to express herself and she wanted to give Ichigo a show.

Since Nel had him preoccupied, it only last for a moment until she started moving away from him and dancing by herself. Ichigo looked behind to see Zephyr rolling her hips to the bass inside the cage she casually, and impressively fast, climbed in.

She knew he wanted to leave, but she also wanted him to watch her in her element. Her wish was granted when she seen that he walked to the side of his cousin, his back to the bar. Keeping his gaze behind those fiery bangs on her as she intended.

Remembering her words all too well ‘I feel some way when you watch me…

Kaien spoke up. “Talk went well I presume?”

“Yeah, I told her a half truth about mom. She took it well. Kept apologizing though.”

“She didn’t know…”

“That’s what I said.”

“You also need to work on your communication..”

“Yeah.” He sighed. “kind of figured.” He smirked. “my mind was focused on one thing. Didn’t mean for her to feel uncomfortable.”

“I know little cousin. No need to explain it to me. We'll catch the bastard. No doubt about that.”

“Right. And stop calling me Little.”

The song changed. Pomo - So fine, still upbeat for her to swing and rotate her hips. Teasing him with the way she move, but Ichigo resolve was stronger. She had a few fans, whispering and pointing at her direction. Even some cheering her on surrounding the bottom of the cage. She swung her hair, her curly afro flying showing off the small gothic ‘6’ so foolishly tattooed on her shoulder blade. Teasing him further when she slowly descended down one of the poles. Her hand pulling her dress in between her legs to block his view. Amazing how she can do that and still look so hypnotizing.

The beat was consistent and so was her movements. Her lips singing the lyrics in his direction. Seeing from a far whenever she made him laugh he shook his head briefly. ‘Such a shy boy.’

Ichigo looked to Kaien, speaking a few words then turned his attention back on her. Teasing him was great. But now it was up to him. Ichigo figured why not? His boots led him to her. Looking up until she turned to notice him. She kneeled down. “Ready to go?”

“Dance with me first.” Holding his hand out.

Kaytranada mix of Cytil hahn - Perfect Form came on. Lyrics befitting their situation. She climbed down automatically wrapping her arms around his neck moving along with him. She smiled, impressed with how he kept up with her movements. When her hips rolled, he caught them. “You keep surprising me.”

“Because I know how to dance?”

“Yes.” she snickered, turning her back to him. Flipping her hair when she bent forward so he got a better view of the way she snaked and rolled her waistline. Zephyr slow whining against him, riding along the beat. She felt his hand on the middle of her back, moving to settle on her hip. Zephyr then stood up, keeping his hands on her hips as she leant into him still moving with one another “Who taught you this?”

“Just because I'm japanese you think I dont know how to dance?"

“So, a natural?”

“You can say that.”

If their movement were any indication, then it was best that they left the rest to their imagination. “You enjoy the ‘fun’ as much as I do huh?”

“Its something about wanting but cant have.”

“Its torture almost.”

“On whose end?”

“For both of us.”

It wasn’t as if she didn’t speak the truth. Ichigo didn’t say much but he stepped away from her grasp and held his hand out. “let’s see what unfolds then.”

Having to ponder on it, Zephyr smirked, taking his hand walking towards the elevator. Was he fully open to anything that might happen? Or was he still playing with fire?

“Oi. Grimmjow know you’re leaving with this bastard?” Nnoitra spoke when they got closer. He was leant against the threshold of the elevator. Ignoring Ichigo and looking straight at Zephyr.

“Never get enough of me putting you in your place huh?” Ichigo spoke with a smirk.

“Its okay. And Grimmjow is busy with red head Veronica and her friend.” Zephyr shrugged stepping in to the elevator. “I’m not sticking around anymore.”

“Pfft.” Nnoitra scoffed, mumbling low enough for her to hear. “your funeral.”
Zephyr wasn’t afraid of Grimmjow. Sure he had a terrible temper and she seen the worst of it. But he never put his hands on her. Maybe threw something. Yelled in her face. Put a hole in her wall. But his hands never grasped her in malice. There was still something eery behind Nnoitra words however.

“Funny how he have his friend watch over me while he…ugh!” she shouted once the elevator doors closed.

“That’s always been Nnoitra. Pay him no mind.”

They both leant their back against the elevator. She crossed her arms looking before her. She turned to Ichigo as he placed his hands in his pockets, resting his head against the elevator before looking to his side. Catching each others gaze. Both of them chuckling then turned away. The silence expected. They were alone. Didn’t know what to do with their time other than appreciating each other presence. She was able to leave and Ichigo had a excuse to leave. But the tension, growing each second that passed. Heightening to another level between them.

This was dangerous.

But welcomed.

Both fighting the urge to push each other against the wall.


“So what you’re telling me is I have to go all the way to New Tree just to collect?”


Grimmjow stood in front of a monitor. The camera directly on him as he spoke to a dark figures on the screen. “When?”

I’ll call you.” the deep voice in the middle spoke.


“I assume that wouldn’t be a problem for you.


You will speak to your superior with respect Grimmjow. Know your place.

That is not needed. Am I right?

Sucking his teeth Grimmjow glared at the other monitor knowing exactly who the deep baritone belonged to.

You’re dismissed.” The dark figure in the middle spoke again.

Grimmjow walked away, meeting Yammy in the hallway when he slammed the heavy door shut. “Tch.”

Yammy stood with his arms crossed, following Grimmjow down the corridor when he walked passed him. He knew what it meant when his brother got this way and thought nothing of it.

Grimmjow stopped before opening “Was this the reason why you wanted me to come here Yammy?”

“Yep.” Still standing with his arms crossed.

“You knew I would bring her too?”

“Sure did.”

Grimmjow laughed for a moment. He should have known something was up when Yammy kept pushing for him to come out. He just thought it was his usual annoying self but on the contrary the large bastard actually had a plan to recruit him on another bullshit mission. Grimmjow went through the door. Walking past the girls lounged on the loveseat practically naked. High, drunk, and ready for him.

He ignored them. Wanting just one if she would allow it. Despite everything Zephyr eased him and right now, he needed that reminder. She probably hated him for this moment or disgusted by his ways. But he promised he was going to turn over a new leaf.

“Where is he going?” one of the girls mumbled, snorting a whitr line of powder off the marble table.

“Who knows?” another one giggled, breaking away from kissing her companion.

Yammy sighed closing and locking the door behind him. Watching Grimmjow disappear behind the elevator’s closing doors.

He was anxious. Rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck and knuckles. The elevator ride seemed longer than usual before he was back at the first floor of the penthouse. His eyes looked all across the floor for her. Only to see Nnoitra waving him over. Grimmjow still looking around didn’t give the other man a chance to speak before he asked his question when he didn’t see Zephyr. “Where is she?”

“She left…with Ichigo.”

“You didn’t stop her!?”

“The fuck I look like!?”

“Tch. How long ago?”

“Ten minutes.”

“The fuck good are you if you cant even do this small task.”

“Could probably catch them using the other elevator.”

“Useless.” Grimmjow muttered, making his way back to the elevator.

Of course Ichigo would be here. He had a knack for showing up at the exact wrong time. Now he ran off with the one person that’ll keep him calm for this night. Truly irritating. Everything was so smoothly between them and he just had to have been the wrench in his plans. Yes Zephyr was pissed, but he knew how to make it up to her afterwards. Maybe the fact of disappearing and the girls following did have something to do with it, yet he went to chase after her when he could be getting his dick sucked by three women. Grimmjow didn’t know whether he was crazy or if she was worth it, but now he had to commit. The elevator was already on it’s way down. Once he left here, he wasn’t coming back. Perhaps his ego had something to do with it.


“Whats taking so long?” Zephyr rolled her eyes, shifting her hip to the side and arms crossed.

“You’re in a rush to go…”

“Yeah I never liked being in casinos at all. I don’t know what it is about them, I just hate being near them.”


Zephyr shrugged her shoulders. “What about you? What’s one of your fears?”

“Never really thought about it. I’m not too sure.”

“Everyone has a fear.”

Shrugging himself. Ichigo couldn’t come up with satisfying answer for her. “Not saying I don’t have one. Just I don’t know what it is.”

Zephyr lips curled. “Suuuuure. You just dont want to tell me.”

“Oi. You were leaving without telling me goodbye?”

Zephyr turned watching as a toothy grinned Grimmjow slowly walked towards her. “Well I thought you were busy with red head Veronica and her friend, tongue kissing your ear.”

“Tch. Isnt it obvious. I'm standing right here.” Throwing his hands to the side. “you’re really going to leave with him?”

The fuck does he have that I don’t!?’ Words that never made it to his mouth. ‘what do you see in him that you don’t see in me?

“I wanted to leave from the start. I only came here because you wanted me to come along. And now that you have your company. You should go back.” She turned back to Ichigo who surprisingly stayed quiet during their ordeal. She thought he would feel peeved instead he was calm. Permitting her a gentle smile when their eyes locked.

“Zephyr!” Grimmjow shouted. Almost like a demand but when she turned to berate, she seen the intensity in his mien. His eyes softened almost as if he was pleading her but she knew that wasn’t his nature.

Stuck in the middle, Zephyr looked back to Ichigo. She fixed her mouth to speak. Staggering for words until they heard his Lexus and the valet standing next to his car. Ichigo spoke gently when she didnt say anything. “Another time Starlight.”

“Ichigo…” She sighed. Watching the back of him walk to his car. He left a tip, looking at her one last time before climbing in and the red carlights left as a remembrance in her sight.

She held herself. Feeling the chill until Grimmjow wrapped around her from behind. She didn’t know if this was the right decision. His car was down the street mixed with other tail lights going to their destination. Grimmjow was speaking. His words were muffled, falling on ears that were seemingly closed off. It was the roaring of his truck that took her out of her trance. “Huh?”

“Your place or mine?” unwrapping his arms from around her as he opened the passenger door.

Zephyr looked to the floor as she climbed in. “You can drop me off home.”

“Drop you off?”

She nodded her head. “Yeah. I just want to go home.”

“Tch.” Grimmjow slammed the door. Snatching his keys from the valet. Speeding off after throwing the truck in drive.


He didn’t know what jumped into her. It was a complete one-eighty. She was quiet during the car ride looking out the window, once in a while catching her smile to herself, lightly shaking her head. And once Grimmjow stopped in front of her building, she grabbed his hand, kissing his palm, asking him to join her because she needed his company. He thought she was teasing him, but she was serious.

It didn’t take long before her little game of teasing led them into her shower. Zephyr head on the shower wall as she moaned to the ceiling. Her hands looking for something to hold on too but Grimmjow had her secured. His head between her legs as she sat on his shoulders. Her back against the wet shower wall, once in a while arching from the result of her grinding her hips against his mouth. Grimmjow hands gripped her ample breast, rolling both her nipples between his thumb and pointer digits.

It was a thrill. Her gasps were a mixture of pleasure and a subtle surprise when she assumed that she was about to fall. Grimmjow’s vice grip wasn’t going to let that happen. Before succumbing to the orgasm threatening to release each time his tongue traveled her love, Zephyr desperately tried to rid the image of fiery hair between her fingers tips.

She looked down, reassuring herself that it was Grimmjow blue hair she was feeling. Yet her mind was playing tricks on her again. Zephyr threw her head back again, imagining Ichigo groaning into her legs as he ate her out. His warm tongue covering every part of her womanhood. She took in a sharp gasp, her toes curling as her other foot pushed against Grimmjow's back. Her body convulsing when she went over the edge, releasing her flood right into his mouth. “Oh my…” she panted, biting her lip, still high off her orgasm.

Grimmjow didn’t let her touch the floor as he stood up. The back of her knees hooked on his forearms. Zephyr finally opened her eyes, looking into his, bright and blue like sapphires, behind his hair that fell on his face. Quiet panting, leaving her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, taking his lips into her own. Feeling his thick head at her entrance. He was ready. Always ready for her. If he had his shit together, this would be cosmic.

Slowly his lips danced with her. Never really the one the make love, just fuck and be done. But there was something different each and everytime they got intimate. Grimmjow knew that the love she had for him had a great amount to do with it. And it was infectious.

His eyes remained opened to enjoy her facial expression when he penetrated her core. He smirked when she quickly broke their kiss, using his own arm to slightly run from him, but he was in control. Still smirking, he continued bringing her down. Slow. Drawing out every sound she tried to hide.

Taking all of him, caused her to bite his earlobe, moaning through her nose as Grimmjow pushed himself deep with in her, grinding her ass against the shower wall. He felt her scratching on his back, her heavy breathing in his ear, all of it making the confident smirk he wore deepen.

Her snatch contracting after the pleasurable invasion of him. ‘Damn she’s wet.’ Taking a moment. He knew she was ready when she started moving herself. The audacity of her thinking she was in control. “Silly girl.” He spoke.

First, he lifted her just so she knew who was running things. Grimmjow then brought her back down on him slowly. Slightly groaning when she purposely flexed her womanhood against the thickness of him.

“That feel so nice.” Moaning to the ceiling, her eyes close.

Grimmjow allowed her to grind herself against him. Letting her feel just what she wanted before he gave her what she needed. She use his arms as a way for her to move how she wanted to in the air. She was slow, her snatch gripping him like no other. Growing with in her everytime she circled her hips on to him. Unknowingly pushing himself deeper into her to the point that they might even go through the wall. “time for you to stop playing with me.” He spoke into her lips.

Her eyes remained closed. Speaking back. “What are you going to do about it?”


Everytime she heard that, he made her eat her words. There was always a motive to her taunting, which was why everything went well in these situations. Zephyr voice caught in her throat as he slammed her on to him. Sharply she screamed. “Fuck!”

“Love talking so much shit. Now look at you.” He slammed her on to him again, making her cry out. Grinning as he watched her face grimace  By now Grimmjow slammed her to no end, loving the sounds she was making. Gucking her silly. “don’t stop there! Keep screaming for me!”

Zephyr mind was gone. Grimmjow rammed her but in her mind, it was Ichigo. Her toes curled hard, her nails dug deep, her eyes shut tight, her vocals loud in his ear. How can she not think of him? All she could see was his eyes on her, watching her as she danced in the cage. Like there wasn’t any other person there. Just the two of them. It amazed her how he could churn up this much inside of her just from a look. What the fuck was it about Ichigo? “Harder!” she finally forced out a word.

Leaving Grimmjow to think that she wanted him to murder her. His grin far from fading, speaking lowly. “As you wish.”

He lifted her higher, using the force of gravity to slam her harder against him. Crying louder that one would think she was being killed. Thankfully the walls to her condo was thick. Zephyr kissed him hard. Forcing him to fuck her against the wall now. She spread her legs further on his arms, showing off her flexibility.

Moaning into his mouth as her body started to shake. Her orgasm imminent with no need to scream that she was. Grimmjow felt another form of liquid running down his leg. She came hard again and he felt it all. Her muscle gripped him tightly still, almost making him spill. “Shit.” She panted, heavily.

“Uh uh, I’m not done yet.”

“Me neither.” She sighed. Coming down from her high.

Seconds it took for the change from the shower to on her bed. Zephyr hands pressed against his chest as she rode him. She bit her bottom lip, feeling all of him. Grimmjow gripped one of her ample breast as the other grabbed her throat. Slowly contracting around her flesh. Her waist rolling. Rotating on him so he felt how she gripped him even more. He leant against her headboard, watching the curvature of her full lips change with each moan and bite she did. “ride me just like that Ze.” Trying with all his might not to finish.

Ichigo was all she could think about. She felt sorry, but the euphoric sensation of lust overpowered her guilt. The way her body rubbed against his when they were dancing. How his touch heightened every nerve of her body. Simply how good she felt to be around him. By now Zephyr climbed on her toes. Slamming herself on to him.

Grimmjow hissed in delight. “Damn…” watching himself disappear inside of her just to come back wetter than before. Loving every second of it. Zephyr grabbed her railing of her headboard to ride him better. Biting her lip harder as she imagine Ichigo manhood rubbing against her backside. Grimmjow reached under her thighs, gripping her legs helping to fuck her harder right back. "Fuck Ze!" He groaned. Trying to gain control but it was too late. She was too far gone from him. Making her cum harder than she ever did when she imagine it was Ichigo's thick member inside of her instead.

He felt her core, contracting and releasing, ready to explode on him again. This time Grimmjow would join her. She whimpered, her mouth held open as she grinded herself back and forth. "I—Ichig-gaah!“ she screamed to the ceiling despite Grimmjow grip around her throat. Also too late.

Grimmjow brought her down to him, kissing her forcefully as he too emptied inside of her. She still rode out her orgasm until their kiss softened. Leaving between them panting from her end, and a contemplating Grimmjow on the other. She was so close to saying his name and his ears picked up on it quick. With sex, he loved this about her. He studied her body, her emotions, and most of all the things that left her lips. It was obvious he was nowhere near her. Despite being rock solid inside of her, it was him that made her orgasm. It was Ichigo.

Grimmjow stared at the ceiling as she passed out on his chest. Breathing heavily with her eyes still closed. His jaw tightened growing furious because he couldnt tell if she was really going to call Ichigo's name, or just his ears playing tricks on him. His breathing coming to a slow pace. But his heart started thumping erratically.

“What’s wrong?” she spoke sleepily.

All Grimmjow could do was wrap his arms around her, letting her fall asleep on him. 'She wouldn't fucking dare.'

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