Our Secret Silence

By RinRinChan1414

11.5K 326 110

Meulin and Kurloz were two very different trolls. Meulin was raised in a nice family. Her mother, the Discipl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Final Chapter

Chapter 6

1.1K 26 17
By RinRinChan1414

I started to act reckless just to spite my family. I kept my own stash of Faygo and cat nip hidden away. It had been a few months since then and I got really close to Kurloz. We never grew tired of each other's company. I loved to spend time with him. I must have drunk at least a hundred bottles of Faygo as well as smoked 50 joints in those 5 months. It was always exciting; to feel that aura with Kurloz. His eyes grew purple for longer and more frequently and yet I was naive and never saw it. I'm almost positive that Kurloz caught my eyes doing the same. He never said anything.

"Urgh..." I groaned into his chest. "What's the matter?" He asked me. It was really early and I had snuck out to see him. We went to the park and he was laying on the ground, back against a tree. I sat in his lap and pressed my face into his chest, my hands around his shoulders. "I don't wanna go..." I complained. "To the sermon? I thought you loved those." He questioned as he ran his hand through my hair. I nodded, purring softly. "They chastise me because of my quadrants. It's no longer a positive experience." I explained, looking up at him. "I'm sorry." He said. "And to make it worse, if I don't go, I have to be locked in my house and don't get to go anywhere." I sighed. "I'd say you could go with me to my church but...." I got an idea. "Can I?" I asked looking at him seriously. "What?" "Can I go with you?" I asked him again.
"That's not a good idea."
"No. Your mom will kill me."
"Then she doesn't have to know."
"Just this once. Pretty please?"
"Fine. This once. I can't have you start worshiping the messiahs. It's not a good idea." I squealed a yay and hugged him. "Thank mew!!" I told him. He chuckled. "Alright! Awesome!" I said enthusiastically.

"I thought you didn't like my religion." Kurloz pointed out. That was right. At the beginning, I didn't. But I had changed greatly since then. I wasn't the same troll anymore. "I've changed since then." I countered. "Alright then. I hope it's a good change." He responded as he kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. "Can I redo your face paint?" I asked giggling. "Sure thing Meuz." He told me.

We stopped by my hive and I brought him in. "You aren't supposed to have him inside when no adult is here." Karkat pointed out from where he was sitting. "I don't really care, Karkat." I said with a smile. "Fine. But if I hear pailing, I'm telling." He said simply. My eyes widened. "Karkat Vantas, we don't do that!" I screeched, embarrassed. I blushed a dark olive color. "Well! You've been matesprits for almost six months. I would've assumed that you two would've needed a bucket by now." He responded. I blushed darker. "Shut up!!" I screeched again as I yanked Kurloz up the stairs and into my room.

"I am SO sorry about him..." I apologized embarrassedly. "That's a Vantas for you." He shrugged. I giggled and went to my closet. "What kind of clothes do I need?" I asked. "Dark clothing. A nice black dress perhaps?" I pulled out a simple black dress that reached my knees. It wasn't too fancy but it wasn't casual. "This?" He nodded. "Looks good."

I went into the bathroom and changed. I came back out and showed him. "It's beautiful on you." He admired as he kissed my cheek. I smiled and giggled. "Now, let's go back to my hive and get the face paint." He suggested. We left my hive and when we arrived at his house, we ran into the Grand Highblood and Gamzee. "KuRlOz, HuRrY uP!" His father scolded as we walked in. "WhO's ThIs?" Kurloz introduced me to his father. "I'm Meulin Leijon, sir. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kurloz's matesprit." He nodded. "NiCe To MeEt YoU. yOu CoMiNg WiTh Us?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes sir I am." "NiCe To KnOw!" He responded.

Kurloz led me up to his room and wiped away the old face paint. I got a good look at his face without the makeup. He really was handsome. He got the paints out. "You know the pattern?" Kurloz questioned. "Of course!" I responded determinedly. I pulled out the white paint and did the majority of his face. Then I took the gray and did the rest. It wasn't perfect but it looked good. "Well?" I asked as he looked in the mirror. "Pretty good Meuz." He praised. I giggled and took his seat. "Your turn." He told me as he opened the paint again. I closed my eyes and let him create a design for me.

He chose a cat based design. It looked similar to his but with a cat shaped skull not troll. I observed myself in the mirror. I looked like a juggalo for sure. Like I belonged next to Kurloz. I pulled my Capricorn necklace out of my dress pocket and put it on, accenting the dress and makeup. I looked like I belonged to a Capricorn. I had fully devoted myself to Kurloz and my appearance proved it. I smiled and took the black cloak that Kurloz handed me. I clasped it around my shoulders and pulled the hood up over my horns, fitting them through the holes designed for troll horns. I pulled the necklace over the clasp so it was visible, then turned to Kurloz. "Well?" I asked. He smiled proudly. "You look beautiful. The messiahs must be jealous that you belong to only me." He said, slipping a bit of mirthful doctrine into his sentence. I giggled, "Go get dressed, Makara."

He got dressed into his black suit and pulled his cloak on. I smiled and kissed him when he came back into the room. "You look charming." I purred happily. He smiled and took my hand as he led me down the stairs. "YoU lOoK lIkE a BuNcH oF MiRiCaLeS, cAtSiS." Gamzee told me when he saw me in the attire. I smiled. "Thank you, Gamzee." "No PrObLeM."

It was almost exactly parallel. Walking to their church with them was the same as walking to the sermons with my family. When we got there, Kurloz led me down a hallway to the largest room dedicated for the service. He got us seats and I sat down next to him, holding his hand.

The service started and I felt my head get fuzzy. I didn't know what it was, but a soothing feeling urged me to let down my defenses and accept the strange essence. I held onto Kurloz's hand, the only thing I knew I could trust. I looked at him and he smiled reassuringly. Finally I just let go and trusted him. I let the essence lull me and found myself completely interested in the service as well as inadvertently praising the mirthful messiahs themselves. My thought process changed a bit after the service. I had accepted the Messiahs.

When the service was over, Kurloz led me around, introducing me to other trolls. "DiD yOu EnJoY tHe SeRvIcE dEaR?" The Grand Highblood asked me as he came over to talk with other trolls. "Yes sir. It was very good and I look forward to learning more about Kurloz's religion." I said formally. Kurloz grinned at my response. A little voice reasoned in my head to stop this and to never come back. That voice, which used to rule over my mind, was barely a whisper at this rate. I didn't listen.

"Come on..." Kurloz whispered to me. "Let's ditch this place and go find somewhere for us..." He suggested. I giggled and let him lead me out of the service room and down the hallway. He found an empty room, (technically it was a large maintenance closet but whatever), and pulled me into it. Most people had gathered in the service room to talk and socialize with a few exceptions like the teens. No one would find us in here. Kurloz and I giggled to each other. My head was still a bit foggy and I still had voices in my head telling me to do stuff. One of them, the loudest voice, told me to touch Kurloz. It told me that he could be just an illusion and to find out if he was real.

"Kurloz..." I murmured as I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, getting closer to him. "Meulin...? Are you alright?" He asked confused. "I'm fine..." I pressed myself up against him and kissed him. He was taken aback by the sudden kiss, but after a few seconds, he kissed back, wrapping his arms against my waist. I giggled as he picked me up and pressed me against the wall, kissing me deeply. I kissed back and tangled my hands in his unruly hair. Touching and feeling him in any way I could. I made the strange mewing sound and he pulled away. "Meuz..." He warned.

I knew what he was saying. If we continued there would be no stopping. No backing out. I knew this. I looked up at him, clearing my thoughts and staring him in the eyes. "I know." And there, in the maintenance closet of the cult's church, I lost my everything to Kurloz Makara.
"Kurloz, have you seen my other sock?" I asked as I pulled the one that I did have on my foot. He looked through the the spare chairs and boxes of lightbulbs and other random stuff. "Found it." He said, tossing it to me from on top of a box. I smiled and tossed him his gloves that had been carelessly tossed away. I slipped my heels back on and patted my dress down, observing myself to make sure I looked acceptable. Kurloz came up to me and hugged me from behind. "You're beautiful..." He whispered in my ear. I blushed and giggled, looking away from the mirror.

"Oh put your shirt on already!" I said, hitting him playfully. He chuckled and turned to grab his shirt. "Oh my gog! Kurloz!" I said shocked. "Kurloz, your back! Look what happened!" Kurloz had claw marks down his upper back and had been bleeding from the cuts. He shrugged. "Oh well." "I'm sorry!" I apologized. "Nah. Don't be. They're nice memories of this." He told me, kissing my cheek. I blushed again as he slipped his shirt on. I made sure he looked good and stepped out of the room with him. Gamzee stood right outside the door. We blinked. "MiRiCaLeS." He stated, smirking as he turned to walk away. I blushed and took his hand.

We stopped at Kurloz's hive so I could wash the face paint off and drop off the cloak. Then he led me home hand-in-hand. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble." I giggled. "I know. It's exciting, isn't it?" He chuckled. I nodded, grinning. "Definitely!"

Karkat was pacing outside my hive angrily. When he saw us, he came storming over. "Where the heck were you?!" He demanded. "With Kurloz." I responded simply. I smiled and took Kurloz's hand. Karkat glared at me.

"...! What the heck is that?" Karkat asked as he reached up to touch my face. "What?" I asked confused. He looked at his fingers. "Face paint." He determined. I glanced at Kurloz. "Frick!" I muttered under my breath. I had left a tiny smudge of paint only face by accident. "Where were you?!" Karkat asked again. "No where you need to know about, Vantas." I snapped with a smile. He crossed his arms and glared. "You know what will happen if they find out you went to the cult again. Do you know what will happen if they find out you went there to WORSHIP?! Jegus, you're insane!" Karkat scolded. I shrugged. "I'll see ya, Meuz." Kurloz said, kissing my cheek. I smiled. "Alright. Bye!" I told him and I brushed past Karkat. "I wouldn't get in the way of the Mirthful Messiahs, Karkat.... Just saying." I smirked at him and walked upstairs.

Maybe I should've listened to their warnings. Maybe it would've been a good idea to listen to them that first time. But at that moment, I was nothing but a frenzy of happiness and love mixed in with a bit of danger. I loved every moment of it. There was a dark purple poison in my olive blood. I was becoming the darkness for him. And still, I loved every second of it. The pure good and the utmost darkness.

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