Medically Blonde

By ShauniNicole

4.9K 188 10

Legally Blonde, in Med school! More

Perfect Day
Baby Come On Over
We Could Still Belong Together
Another Brick in the Wall
Get Down On It
Wish You a Good Day
Watch Me Shine
I Do, I Did, I'm Done
So Good
Come As You Are
What I've Done
Long Black Veil
Policy of Truth
Unlikely Friends
Blinded by the Light
Don't Need You to Tell Me I'm Pretty
Scene of the Crime
Find My Way

The Sound of Milwaukee

240 6 0
By ShauniNicole

“Harvard Medical school?” The guidance counselor asks, clearly not expecting this from a fashion major.

Jess smiles, “That's right.”

The guidance counselor has to remind her, because she can't be serious, “But that's a top three school.”

Jess informs her, “I have a flawless GPA.”

The counselor tells her, “True, but your major is at FIDM. Harvard is not gonna be impressed that you aced Trend Analysis.”

Now that that's settled, she sets it aside, and asks Jess, “So what backups do you have in mind?”

But Jess isn't budging, “I don't need backups. I'm going to Harvard.”

Seeing that Jess is serious, the counselor tells her what she needs. Who knows? With that determination, she might actually make it.

“Here's what you're gonna need.” The counselor says, writing it down. “Letters of recommendation from all of your professors, one hell of an admissions essay, and at least a 518 on your MCATs.”

Jess takes all of that in, the tells her, “I was able to dismantle old sexist traditions in all of the Greek houses on campus. Harvard is gonna be child's play.”

With that, the counselor rips the page off her notepad, and hands it to Jess. The rest is up to her.

Jess takes it, says, “Thank you.” And walks out. Time to get into Harvard Medical.

Charlie and Cass are talking about something right when they walk past Jess’ open bedroom door, and see a bunch of textbooks on the floor, along with Jess sitting on the floor reading one of them.

They slowly enter the room, and Cassie asks, “Hang on. What the hell is going on here?”

Jess looks up, and answers, “Just reading about the MCATs.”

The other two look at each other, and shrug. They're smart, but not that smart.

Seeing they're lost, Jess tells them, “It's an exam. Ladies, I'm going to Harvard.”

The confusion clears, and Charlie gets excited, “You mean for a vacation? Can we come too?”

But Jess has something else in mind, “No, silly, I'm going to Harvard Medical school!”

Now that they know what's really going on, they're back to being confused, and it's Cassie that asks first. “Why?”

They both decide to sit down and talk to Jess about her plan, and Charlie goes first, “Look, Jess, I know you're still upset about everything, but can't you just take a Valium?”

But Jess can't let them put a damper on her plan, “Come on! Get excited for me! Once Brady sees me as a med student, he's gonna want me back on the spot!”

But of course, Cassie has to point out the problem with this, “But isn't it nearly impossible to get into medical school? Like harder than law school even?”

Jess reminds them, “I have the highest GPA in the entire sorority.”

Seeing she's not gonna stray from this, they decide to be supportive.

“Well then, you're gonna need our help. Let's get started.”

As Jess speaks, she looks straight into a camera, and says,

“Hi. I'm Jessica Moore, and for my admissions essay, I'm gonna tell all of you at Harvard why I would make an amazing doctor.”

The scene changes to a sorority meeting, where Jess is speaking, but she can also be heard narrating,

“As president of my sorority, I'm skilled at commanding the attention of an entire room and discussing important issues.”

Then, the Jess on camera can be heard, “It's come to my attention that many members are experiencing chafing because the maintenance staff is skimping on our toilet paper and switched from Charmin.” she holds up one roll of toilet paper, then sets it down. “To generic.” She holds up to the other one. “All those in favor of making a formal complaint, please say aye.”

In unison, all the members at the table, raise their hands and say, “Aye!”

And voila. The toilet paper issue is resolved.

Elsewhere, Amy is helping Jess study for the MCAT, reading a question out loud.

“A. Strain Q has only one mutation. B. Strain P has a mutation in argF only. C. Strain P has mutations in argF…”

While she half listens, Jess can't help the look of longing as she sees a fraternity suddenly pull up with a keg, clearly about to have a party.

Amy notices this, and stops her reading to get Jess to focus, “Hey.” She says, tapping the paper. “Uh uh.”

The moment passes, and Jess is back to focusing on studying.

The camera returns, with Jess lounging by the pool as she tells the camera,

“I'm able to recall many important details with the snap of my fingers.”

That's when Cassie pulls up and asks her in front of the camera,

“Hey, Jess. Do you know what happened on General Hospital yesterday?”

Jesa responds, “Why, yes Cassie, I do. Today we join Finn as he joins Chase for a workout at Sonny's. As it turns out, Finn's bought a ring for Anna.” and smiles at the camera knowingly.

Later, her friends are doing pilates while she does a practice MCAT at the table, while Charlie hits a timer and says, “Aaaand go!”

Jess fills it out the best she can, and before she knows it, times up and she's done.

Once Charlie finishes grading, she puts the final score on top and tells Jess, “487.”

Naturally, Jess is disappointed. It's good, but not enough for Harvard. She's gonna need to double down if she's gonna pass this damn test.

Jess walks down the street, telling the camera,

“I feel comfortable using medical jargon in everyday life.”

Just then, someone walks right past her and lets out a loud wolf whistle, prompting Jess to turn her head and say,  “Was that agonal breathing?” Then turn back to the camera and smile.

Much later, she's finally here, at her MCAT exam, going through sections 1-6. This is what she'd blown off all her duties as sorority president for. Time to prove that it was all worth it.

Her score doesn't arrive in the mail until much later, and the second it arrives, Charlie grabs it from the mailman and rushes inside to bring it to Jess.

Upon hearing the news of the arrival, all the sisters follow Charlie and Cassie to the staircase where Jess is coming down, and they shout,

“Jess, it's here!”

That makes Jess heart pound loudly, and she rushes to grab it.

As she tears open the envelope, all her sisters are shaking with excitement as she gets to the paper where her score is.

Once she reads it, she turns around slowly with a deadpan look, before she jumps, and shouts the results,


The screams heard are deafening as they lift her up onto their shoulders and start squirting silly string and tossing confetti everywhere.

Jess is in complete ecstasy. She seriously can't believe that she actually took one of the hardest exams known, passed, and then some. This is definitely a good day.

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