The new me(Reincarnated as La...

By CraftyOwl060

8.5K 239 39

okay so please don't judge me after all this is for a bet that one of my friends challenged me to do which wa... More

Why him/me?
The Truth Can Become a Lie
Will it be solved?
My Night?

The new me/him?

1.8K 46 15
By CraftyOwl060

When I opened my eyes I was in a room filled with pervy posters and other stuff

“What the? How did-!”

I got a flashback of everything that happened

‘That's right, so it wasn't a dream Wait In That Case!’

I jumped off the bed and saw a mirror, I ran up to it and looked inside


I thought but then a sudden flash of memories had appeared causing me to have a huge headache

‘Are these, laito’s memories?’ I thought as all his memories had begun to settle and I was able to catch my breath and my headache to settle as well

I looked around at the room and glared at all the pervy stuff

‘*sigh* Dammit laito why did you have to be such a perv’

“Yeah there is no way in hell that i am going to live in this room like this”

I said as I snapped my fingers and all the pervy stuff was gone, I was able to use my new powers thanks to laitos memories

“Well now that that's been taken care of I wonder what's going to happen next”

I was interrupted when I felt another presence and judging by laitos memories it was a human girl

“Wait don't tell me”

I teleported to the living room and saw Ayato, Reiji, and Yui!


Reiji:”Hm? Laito how long have you been there?”

I snapped out of my thoughts with reiji’s question

“Oh maybe about two minutes”

Reiji:”Well now that you're here do you know anything about this girl?”

“Can't say that I do”

‘Of course that was a lie, like hell I would go ahead and ruin the first episode’

Reiji:”I see”

Ayato:”Hey laito how are you feeling”

“A Lot better compared to before that's for sure”

Reiji raised a brow at me

Reiji:” I have noticed your changed in attitude, laito is something wrong?”

I looked at him and smiled as I teleported sitting next to yui on the couch

“Everything is fine Reiji, but let's just say that I have 'turned over a new leaf'''

I said as I put on a closed eye smile and when I opened my eyes I saw that yui was looking at me with a small smile on her face

Reiji:”Is that so?”


I paused as I felt kanato’s presence right behind me

‘Dammit i forgot about him, i think kanato was my second least favorite character on the show’

Kanato:"Then let's have a taste, shall we?"

He said as he leaned over to you and licked her ear

'Sheesh, I'm glad that I didn't become yui. I can only imagine the hell she is going to go through'

Ayato:"Hey knock it off Kanato, have you forgotten that yours truly has already claimed her. So yours truly will be her first everything!"

Subaru:”Lame, i'm so sick and tired of you calling yourself ‘Yours Truly’”

‘Jesus christ i forgot the fact that I had a crush on subaru’

“You know I kind of agree with him”

Ayato:”Shut up Pervert! Dammit Subaru i know that's you!Come out and show yourself!”

Subaru:”I’m right here!”

Everyone looked at his direction

Subaru:”I thought I detected the smell of human, guess i was right. who is this mortal that interrupted my precious sleep!?”

“Chill out subaru we’re just as confused as you are”

Subaru:”Shut up!”

Yui:”Ho-how did you enter this room so quietly?”

Subaru:”You will answer my question first!”

He yelled at her as he punched the wall leaving a hole in it

“Ah jeez give it a rest subaru, it's not like she did it on purpose”

Subaru:”Be quiet and since when are you not a pervert?”

Reiji:”It appears that laito has supposedly ‘Turned over a new leaf’”

Subaru:”Yeah right, the day that happens is the day hell freezes over”

“Wow, shows how much faith you have in your brothers Tsunbaru”

Subaru:”TSUNBARU?!” he shouted while blushing at his new nickname

Then Kanato fell to the floor laughing so hard while ayato was sitting on his chair also laughing hard while holding his sides and reiji was smirking at me and what surprised me the most is that yui’s shoulders were shaking while she was holding her hands over her mouth to hold in her laughter



Subaru:”S-SHUT UP!” he yelled while he was still blushing and glaring at me while I just smirked

“What?it's true you are a Tsundere so I gave you a new nickname and besides I think it suits you well”

Subaru:”NO IT DOESN'T!”

Reiji:”alright alright! Can anyone of you explain this, I must find out why this woman has come to live with us”

“Shouldn't you be the first one to know pigeon face?”

everyone laughed even harder then before including Subaru who was leaning on the wall he punched while reiji glared at me

Shu:”Are you the women ‘He’ mentioned?”

Shu asked which stopped our laughter

‘He's probably talking about KarlHeinz and also when did he get here I didn't sense him’

Reiji:”Shu do you know the reason why this woman is here?”


Kanato:”Don’t give us this “Maybe” crap! I think we would all appreciate an explanation!”

‘Damn I forgot how much of a spoiled brat he is, but then again you really can't blame him. His or should I say ‘our’ mom  did treat us horribly especially Ayato’

Shu:”It was ‘That’ guy…. He contacted me a couple of days ago...he told me that we would have a guest coming from the church and that we should treat her with respect”

Ayato:”huh, are you telling me that pancake here is the perspective bride?”


Kanato:”Oh, is that all?”

‘Shit I really don't like the idea of draining her so i'll try to keep sane’

shu:”Oh yeah… he explicitly said were not suppose to kill her”

“Oh really? Well that's going to be a new change of pace”

‘Yui looked like she had seen a ghost, no surprise there after all any one in her position would be the same.’

Reiji:”It appears that there was no misunderstanding after all so allow us to introduce ourselves, that is the eldest son shu”

Shu just sighed and went back to sleep

Reiji:”My name is reiji and I am the second son, next to the triplets Ayato”

Ayato:”I won't let you get away from me next time”


Kanato:”I hope to taste you again soon”

Reiji:”And laito”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you 😉” I said giving a wink with a natural smile that was nothing close to laito’s perverted smile and what surprised me was that yui looked at me with a smile and a small blush

Yui:”U-um you to”

Reiji:”the last son is subaru”

Subaru:”Tch what a waste of time”

“Not true subaru, after all this could have been a bigger problem in the future”

Subaru:”Oh shut up!”

Yui:”I-i still think that this is all some big misunderstanding, nobody told me that I was going to be a bride also ...your all kind of weird except laito”

“Aw come now don't you think that's a little rud i mean you are insulting my brothers after all”

Yui:”Oh!right im sorry but i have to call me father”

Suddenly a click was heard and i looked at ayato and he was holding her phone

Yui:”Hey! Thats my cell phone! You give it back to me right now!”

Ayato:”Should i really?”

Ayato asked as he raised her phone into the air to keep out of her reach while laughing

Yui:”Come On Please!?Give it back!”


“Come on ayato it's not fun to tease others because of their height”

But my words were useless as i watch subaru grabbed her phone from ayatos hand

Yui:"What are you doing?"

Subaru:"this is what I'm doing"

He said as he crushed the phone with his hand

'Jeez I'll have to remind myself to Not piss him off’

Yui:"How could you?!"

Subaru:"tch get lost!"

"Awe come on Tsunbaru that was just plain mean"


"No way"


But we were so caught up in our glares until we heard a loud thump and we looked over to see you on the floor and her knee was bleeding.

‘Oh dammit!’

I looked at my new brothers to see all their eyes were glowing red and im taking a guess that mines were as well

‘Oh crap i forgot about this part’

yui:”Y-your all Vampires!”

Yui said in a panike as she  pulled out her roserie

Yui:”Take that you Monsters!”

But nothing happened then a moment of silence


I said laughing my ass off as shu began to chuckle as well and i fell off the couch

Reiji:”Honestly did you really think that would work on us that trick is nothing to us”

Yui got scared got up and ran out the door to try and escape

Reiji:”Honestly her manners are deplorable”

“You really can't blame her reiji after all i'm pretty sure a majority of humans would do what she did”

subaru:”He has a point”

Reiji:”Well who will catch her?”

Ayato:”Yours truly will of course!”

And ayato teleported out of the living room to find her

Subaru:”*Sigh*im so sick and tired of him calling himself that”

“Then how about we get a little payback

Shu:"... what do you have in mind?”

“Let's start calling him Oreo”


“Yes because yours truly in japanese is ore-sama so to insult him we’ll call him oreo”


“Alright let's go ahead and catch him before he does something stup-”


“*Sigh* to late”

We all nodded and teleported to cordelia's room

Reiji:”Honestly out of all the rooms you had to pick this one”

Yui gasped as she finally noticed our presence

Reiji:”We took a great deal of time to seal off this room so you shouldn't have been able to enter this room so easily”

“Well i guess we'll just have to put a new lock on it later but for now can you please tell me how or why you came into this room?” I asked while crouching to her height

yui:”W-well i don't know i just saw this door open and I felt drawn to it”

‘So even now she is trying to come back’

I thought as I looked in the direction of the window and saw ‘Her’ standing there with a big smirk looking at yui not even acknowledging our presence then disappeared like mist in the wind

‘I wonder if ‘she’ will notice that i'm not the real laito probably not?’

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw ayato a kanato licking her about to bite her

‘Guess i have to be the hero here’

I thought as I got out  of my crouching states and walked to the painting shu was next to and “Accidently” knocked it over, breaking it and everyone looked in my direction

“Hehe my bad looks like i broke something”

I said as looked at yui who had fainted on the floor

“Aw man look what you two did, oh well it's best if we get her to bed”

Reiji:”Yes i believe that is the best option, laito will you please take Ms.kamori to her new room?”

“Yes sir!”

I said playfully as i went to yui and picked her up bridal style while secretly grabbing the diary she was reading. I teleported to her room and placed her carefully on her bed and called a few maids to change her clothes. When they finished I looked at her and placed the blanket on top to keep her warm and after that I looked at her face and sighed and sat on her bed carefully so she wouldn't wake up.

I took the diary out of my pocket and flipped through the pages expecting to see letters but

‘It’s Blank?! But I thought that one of the brothers would have done that later but- wait a minute’

I looked through the pages and saw the photo of yui and her father but it was covered in my uncle Richters scent

“I see, he planted this to deceive her so our mother would come back sooner by making her feel despair and lose her confidence in herself not only that but he put a spell on it so that when she appears and grabs it the letters will disappear when she drops the diary”

I said as I looked away from the picture and at yui looking at her sleeping body with eyes filled with pity

“I'm sorry for this happening to you but i promise to try and help you as much as I can”

I said as I stood up from her bed and put the diary back in my pocket and left yui’s room and started to walk back to my room

‘So not only am i laito but from the looks of it the others see me as him but differently because of my attitude. I guess that would catch them by surprise’

I thought but my thoughts were interrupted when i suddenly felt shu’s presence

shu:”Your not the real laito, are you?”

My blood ran cold as I heard him

‘ I guess I shouldn't be surprised, even though he is the laziest of the brothers he is a little sharper than the others’

“What gave it away?”

I asked in a cold voice

Shu:”Laito would never defend a human and even if he would change he would never respect a human”

“Yeah i guess that's true, so are you going to tell the others?”



I looked at him in surprise

Shu:”It would be too much of a hassle and it would be a nice change of pace”

“That’s a surprise, I thought you would have told everyone. So do you think any of the others found out about it?”

Shu:”Reiji maybe but definitely not the others, so you mind telling me how you got here and where the real laito is?”

“You are usually a lot more quiet but to answer i was a human but i died when a car hit me, I don't know who did it but someone took my heart and placed it inside laito because my soul was so big. And I have a pretty good idea who did it and as for Laito's soul I don't know”

Shu just nodded as I said this and I placed my hand over my chest to feel my heartbeat but it wasn't there


Shu:"what's wrong?"

"I can't feel my heartbeat"

Shu:"I'm not surprised, you have laito's body now"


Shu:"*Sigh* so annoying, now that you are in laito's body your heart adjusted to his body"

"Oh I get it"

Shu:”Oh yeah, who do you think is the person who did this to you?”

“Oh right, Your- or should i say our uncle richter”

Shu:”At this point I wouldn't be surprised, so that means that you met laito right? So what did he say”

“He asked me to keep you guys safe then the next thing i know i wake up as him”

Shu:”Well i won't tell anyone until its needed but for now let's get ready for school”

I nodded as I grabbed the things I needed for school

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