
By amorawrites18

84.9K 3.4K 1.4K

If you had a second chance at life, what would you do differently? - Second Book in the Shea Butter Baby Seri... More

Face Claims
Back to Reality
Straight Forward
Wishful Thinking
Take It And Run
Down Bad
Pretty & Afraid
The Night Is Still Young
A Fresh Start
Worth The Weight
Stone Cold
Mind Games
Don't Throw It Away
Quality Time
Physical Touch
You're the Reason
In Your Corner
BelieveοΏΌ Me
Just Cause You Waited
Meet Me Halfway
Home For Now
Don't Be Scared
The Inevitable
The Big Q
Tunnel Vision
Family Values
Her Apprentance
Pray You Catch Me
Wide Awake

A Leap of Faith

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By amorawrites18

Vote/Like/Comment enjoy!

"Donnie..." Bria starts, looking up at him.  "It's been 5 years since I've been in a relationship and as much as I want to say 'yes' I just don't know if I'm ready.  I don't want to put all my weight on you, and you don't deserve that." She admits truthfully.

Adonis takes a step back, nodding knowing how emotionally wounded she was before looking down at his hands trying to come up with a response.  "I understand... and the crazy thing is, is that we've known each other for almost a year now and I kinda knew that your response would be the same when I asked you out earlier.  I just wanted you to know that my feelings for you haven't changed."

Bria nods, nervously rubbing her arm and walks up to him to cup his cheeks in her hands. She peers into his eyes feeling sorry that she hurt his feelings.  "I'm working on myself okay? Trust me I want this just as much as you do, but if I don't work on myself then our relationship will just be another statistic.  You'll know when I'm ready." She says looking into his eyes. He then tilts his head down to kiss her softly on her lips. 

As the two pull away, Adonis half smiles placing his hands on her hips lifting her shirt up and bends down to kiss her stomach. 

"You're not alone in this," He says looking up at her.  "I've got you, I've got us." He reassures her. 

Her eyes water from his outpouring of love that he already had for his unborn child.  She sniffles, nodding before placing her hands on his shoulders watching him stand back up. 

"Are you staying the night?" Bria asks him.

"I thought that was already implied." Adonis chuckles watching her roll her eyes.

"Oh my god." Bria mumbles shaking her head, chuckling at her last comment.


As Bria laid against the examination table in her doctors office, she held onto Adonis' hand tightly as the two waited anxiously for the results of their ultrasound.  She smiles at the sound of the fetus' heartbeat, and watches as the doctor moves the small device around her stomach while looking up at the monitor.  The image of a fetus appeared on the screen, she was indeed pregnant.

"Well look at that little thing right there," The doctor says with a smile on his face.

Adonis watches in admiration of the being that they've created and looks over towards Bria who was smiling from ear to ear. 

"It appears that you are eight and a half weeks pregnant." Dr. Samuels says with a smile on her face.  "Everything seems fine, your baby is a small little thing right now, about the size of a raspberry." The doctor chuckles, and continues. "But nevertheless he or she is a healthy baby based on the sound of that heart beat."

"Wow." Adonis says, still speechless and covers his mouth in awe. 

"I'm going to leave you two alone and print off your first ultrasound photo and get you two in to schedule your next appointment." The doctor says with a smile before leaving the two on their own once again.

After the door closes, Bria slowly sits up wiping underneath her eyes with her knuckles.  She pulls her shirt down and wiggles her legs around nervously.  She breathes out slowly, taking in everything that transpired before her and looks at Adonis with a smile.

"What's going on through your mind right now?" Adonis asks, getting up to look at her.

"I know we're not officially together but I want to have this baby with you." Bria says, reaching out for his hands to hold.  "I'm sorry that this isn't an orthodox relationship, but I couldn't imagine anyone else being the father of my kids.  You've shown that you cared about me even when I don't deserve it.  You're selfless and in that I owe you everything.  You're my best friend but if we do this I'm going to need you to be 100% with me.  I can't do this alone."

Adonis nods and responds.  "I'm with you, 100%."

"So, we're doing this?" Bria says with a smile on her face.

"We're doing this." He says leaning in to kiss her passionately.

Later that week, Adonis and Bri both sat next to each other with their friends at a restaurant in North Philly.  The group of friends sat at a private section of a bougie French Cuisine restaurant to be free from any fans or press eager to sneak photos of them to leak online. 

"So are you two like a thing now? Or what cause Adonis doesn't even go home anymore most of the time he's with you." Sandra points out in a low tone, loud enough only so that she could hear.

"It's complicated..." Bria points out.

"He cares about me, but we're working on ourselves before we dive head first into a relationship."

"He's working on himself or you are?" Sandra asks, looking at her best friend.

"I am..." she admits truthfully.  "...but I'm not ready for another relationship right now."

"Why not? That man isn't Brian, look at the way he looks at you, it's like he's willing to take a bullet for you." Sandra observes as she watches Adonis talk about his upcoming match with Terrance and Joe.

"You don't see it but literally everyone else does.  He's not this man that you've conjured up in your mind.  He's different and in order to fall in love both parties have to have mutual feelings for each other and right now it's 60 / 40.  The 60 being Adonis." She clarified. "He loves you, you've just gotta have faith in him and trust me relationships aren't always going to be perfect. But you've got to start somewhere." She encourages her.

"He's not going to wait forever," Sandra says putting her glass of wine to her lips.

Bria looks over to where Adonis was and watches him laugh at a joke Joe told about one of his previous matches she slides her hand through his and holds onto him.  Sandra was right, she thought to herself, but was she ready to let her heart be vulnerable to another man again?

"So, what was it that you guys wanted to tell us when you sent out that mass text to us earlier this week?" Joe asks looking at his two friends.

Adonis and Bria both look at each other with a smile on their face. Bria bashfully smiles and asks him: "you want to tell them or should I?"

"I'll tell them." Adonis responds, and breathes out.  "Bria and I are having a baby."

"You're fucking with us." Sandra laughs, unconvinced.

"No, we're dead serious." Bria chuckles.  "I'm about eight weeks pregnant."

Sandra screams excitedly and pulls her best friend in for a hug.  "Holy shit, holy shit! I'm going to be an aunty Awee my baby girl, congratulations I'm so happy for you two."

"Wow, congrats gen Creed on the way..." Joe says leaning back in his seat taking a swig of his beer.  "Big ups to you fam."

"I'm The Godfather right?" Terrance asks laughing. 

"Hol' up if anyone is 'The Godfather' it's going to be me." Jay says.  "We've known Bria longer than you two have."

"Yup." Sandra co-signs, nodding her head.

"First of all that don't mean shit we're all family." Joe says defensively.

"Really Joe? Cause last time I checked you had a crush on Bria." Jay pointed out, causing Adonis to look at him weirdly.  "That'd be fucking incest."

"Woah, guys chill relax." Bria trues to break up the argument. 

"Wait, Joe you had a crush on my girl and you ain't tell me?" Adonis asks angrily.

"Fuck was I supposed to do, hmn?" Joe shrugs.  "While you were out here playing games with her I actually liked her and wanted to be with her but I knew she was off limits because she's your fucking girl man.  You two aren't even together and now you're expecting a child together I hope you're done fucking around with her feelings because you may have her convinced that you like her and want to be with her but she ain't Bianca.  Which just last week you were claiming to still have feelings for her after she dumped your ass nearly a year ago.  You don't fucking love Bria, you're just using her as a fucking rebound."

Adonis lunges at Joe across the table, attempting to hit him but was stopped by Terrance and Jay holding him back. 

Joe chuckles lowly, feeling invincible that he was being held back and stands up in front of him mocking him. 

Bria stands back where Sandra was trying to calm the friends down.  "Adonis calm down! Baby calm down!"

Adonis huffs angrily and pushes Jay and Terrance off of him.  "Fuck!" He groans, fixing his tan bomber jacket and walks out of the back entrance to get away from his friends to calm down.

Bria looks at Joe with a disappointed look on her face and follows Adonis shortly after. She watches as he paces in the back and forth in an alley way, wanting to do nothing more but to punch something to calm his nerves.  He  mumbles something under his breath, and walks over to where his driver was waiting in the black Escalade to drive them home.

Once inside of the vehicle, Adonis sat by the window looking out at the street waiting to pull off.  Bria looks at him, not wanting to say something that would upset him even more.  She sighs, and gently placed her small hand on his thigh lightly caressing it to calm him down.

"Do you still have feelings for her?" Bria asks in a low whisper.

"No,  what?" He asks, looking at her.  "You believe him? What he said? Joe's just jealous."   

"Really?" Bria sighs, never wanting to get in between the middle of their friendship.  "I'm not asking you because of Joe I'm asking you this for reassurance on my end because I'm ready to take that next step with you and I don't want to take it unless you still have feelings for her."

"Y-you want to be with me?" Adonis asks looking over where she was. 

Bria nods silently.

"I always just takes me a while for me to be able to trust anyone for that matter and the way that you were ready to defend me, shows me how much you really care about me and this unborn child." Bria sighs.

"I don't have any feelings left for Bianca...I don't she's moved on and so have I.  You're my present and my future and I want to be with you.  If you'll have me." Adonis reassures her, looking into her eyes. 

The driver looks up at the two, fully invested in their conversation and briefly looks into the mirror at the two who were sitting in the back of his vehicle.

Bria bashfully smiles, moving her hair out of her face and holds onto his hands.  "Okay, you have me.  I'm yours." She solidifies.

Adonis smiles, leaning in to give her soft butterfly kisses,  before planting a hard lingering kiss on her plump lips.

The two returned to Donnie's apartment hand in hand laughing at something that Bria said earlier about Joe.  He unlocks the door to his apartment stepping aside to let her walk in and watches her take in her familiar surroundings.  He lived by himself in a penthouse suite in the same complex that his ex girlfriend lived in before she left for LA. The hardwood floors creaked underneath her heels as she stood by his bedside and took off her heels while Adonis freshened up in the bathroom. She slips off her dress and walks over towards his closet to pick out one of his flannel shirts to wear so she was more comfortable lounging in. She finds a red plaid shirt and slips it on wearing it like a dress. After leaving his closet, she walks back over to where her purse was and takes out a pair of socks to keep her feet warm.

Adonis re-emerges from the bathroom now wearing a pair of grey Nike sweat pants and a 'Stranger Things' graphic tee. Bria looks up at him with a smile and pushes her braids back to get a clear view of him.

"Oooh, look at you handsome where do you think you're going dressed like a thot." Bri's teases as her eyes trail towards his dick print in his sweats.

Adonis chuckles and and sits next to her as she fiddles with the remote in her hands to find something to watch on TV. Adonis keeps his eyes on her while hers was fixated on some Reality show she found. With her hand still in the air, Adonis pushes her hand away gently and takes it out of her hand, intertwining their fingers together. He reaches up to kiss her lips but was stopped by her moving her head to the side, landing his lips to her cheek.

She faintly smiles at his puzzled reaction, and pecks his lips mumbling softly. "Not tonight."

Adonis nods, pulling away to clear his throat and scratches his head before falling back against the bed to look up at the ceiling.

"In nine months I'm going to be a father." Adonis breathes out slowly still trying to wrap his head around life's blessings.

Bria laid down next to him and turned her head to face him as they talked. She then places his hand on his chest, fiddling with the fabric of his shirt.

"How do you feel?" Bria asks, picking his brain.

"The same, just flabbergasted."

Bria chuckles at his use of vocabulary, and uses her elbow to prop her head up to look at him. "Flabbergasted?" She snickers with him.

"Is that that shit you LA niggas on?" She teases him, watching him roll his eyes.

"Boy, have i never heard you say that word." Bria pushes him gently.

"Well, you learn something new everyday." Adonis chuckled.

"Point taken." Bria says.

There was a brief moment of comfortable silence as Adonis leaned in to kiss her on her lips, this time she accepted and let his hands roam freely across his body. She smiles against his kiss and leaned in again pecking his lips before he pulled away.

"I think we should fly out to LA before my fight to see my mother and tell her that we're expecting." Adonis suggests, watching Bria sit up trying to wrap her head around meeting his mother for the first time.

He sits up with her so they were now both eye level to each other and watches as she carefully comes up with something to say.

"You think that's a good idea?" Bria asks quietly.

"Yeah I mean I think it's better than telling her over the phone besides she'd be happy to know that her son is having a baby." He tries to convince her and continues, "I'll pay for everything, the flight we can stay with my mother at my fathers house..."

"Baby this is a lot." Bria breathes out slowly.

"I know, which is why you don't have to answer right away it was just a suggestion. If you say no we can always tell her over the phone..."

"I know, I know. I just need some time to clear my head before I say anything. Let me sleep on it okay?" She asks, watching him not and kisses him for reassurance.

"Okay," Adonis nods. "We'll sleep on it."

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