Kryptonian Blood

By Smallville02

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people see the videos, they watch the news, they read news papers with headliners like "robbery stopped unexp... More

Chapter 1: Revenge Never Hurts Me.
Strange Kid
The Beginning Of The Fall
Saving Superman
Haunted by the Past *Prt 1*
Leave The Past Behind *prt 2*
Sibling Bond
Christmas parade
home alone *prt 1*

I'm coming home *prt 2*

9 1 0
By Smallville02

I walked into Dylan's room, she wasn't there, and the window was open. Panic set it. The same panic I felt when I caused my sister's twin to die, the same panic I felt the first time Dylan got hurt seriously leaving her right arm in a cast, the same panic I felt when her doctor told mom and dad she was autistic and would have so many issues *such as bullies possible therapy and special classes to strive* the same panic I felt when Lois had to have an emergency C-section because there were complications with Lara, the same panic I felt when mom died and I got appointed to raise my sister, the same panic when I got a call saying Dylan was fighting for her life while I was six hours and five minutes away. The panic feeling was, I was helpless to do anything, I couldn't fix it, even if I had my powers I couldn't fix it. I looked over and saw a note stuck to the wall I walked over and grabbed it

I'm sorry, I tried to push them down, this is the last time I'm using them, I'm leaving and time you find this I'll be flying over the North Atlantic.

He stole the necklace and I got it back, that's why I did it. I'm sorry I disappointed you.

Oh my God. I muttered as I knew what she was doing, she was running from her mistake. LOIS!

Clark year before

I woke up to my phone ringing. Clark, I thought you turned the sound off. Lois muttered half asleep. I promised Dylan I wouldn't. I said answering.


Is this Clark Kent?

Yes this is he.

Mr. Kent my name is Madison Wood I'm calling on behalf of your sister.

I was awake now I sat up and Lois who had been laying on me frowned.


Mr. Kent I need to you to come to the Smallville's regional hospital.

Why what happened?!?

Mr. Kent I need you to stay calm.

Look I need to know right now what happened.

Dylan... Your sister's been shot.

My stomach dropped I felt like I was going to throw up.

We have to get her stable before we can take her back to surgery.


The bullet didn't go all the way through.

I'll be there as soon as I can, I'm in Metropolis.

I then remembered the girls had been with her.

Were there two girls with her?

Lois was now very awake and worried.

Yes sir but they're fine. I'm going to level with you, it's not looking good for her, she's lost a lot of blood and she's not stabilizing.

I'll be there. I hung up and looked at Lois. Dylan's been shot.

I woke up to the sun poaring into my window I frowned and sat up. Dylan-oh good your up. M-mom? She smiled. Come on get dressed your father needs help. Father? She smiled more and walked out my jaw was dropped. I got up and ran into the bathroom and closed the door locking it I looked in the mirror and frowned. DYLAN! BREAKFAST! What the hell? I muttered about to cry. I frowned some trying to think of the last thing I remembered but it wasn't coming to me.

I came running into the hospital that had been the longest six hours of my life. I'm here for Dylan Kent. The nurse at the desk and nodded. Right we spoke on the phone. She stood and walked me back to the room and I saw the small pale little girl in the bed, she had a pair of jeans still on and they kept her in a sports bra I looked over at the nurse. She was so unstable we didn't even attempt to change her. Who called it in? Clark. I looked up and over at Lex and Harris, Harris was in tears as the nurse walked out. Harris-I was the one who called it in, I was over there with her, she made me go outside with the girls I didn't want to leave her, she made me. I nodded some. I called him when she first said someone was in the house. I got in and sat with her. There's something else. Lois walked in with the two girls Lara in her arms and Martha by the hand. She jumped in front of Martha. I looked at Martha and back at Dylan. What happened to the guy? She- I knew what that meant I nodded.

I pulled my shirt up and saw the scar from the bullet I frowned some panic setting in. I got dressed and walked downstairs. Ah there you are. I looked at mom there was a boy sitting there he was around my age, and I didn't know him but he felt so familiar. Mom she's giving me that look again. I frowned some at mom. Keith, you know your sister's like this in the morning. Hey, good you're up, after breakfast I need your help Dylan. I looked at dad and felt my stomach drop. Why don't you ask Clark. They all three frowned. W-where is Clark? Who's Clark sweetie? Uh that would be Luther's adopted son. I looked up and frowned. Lex? Uh Alex and yeah you act like you've never met your older brother. My stomach dropped. Are you feeling ok? Do we need to make an appointment with- I shook my head I felt for my necklace but couldn't find it. Dylan? I took off.

I sat there holding her hand. I kept looking at the monitor almost in tears. The girls are with Kara, and they're asleep. I nodded and she sighed. I was able to go get some stuff from the house, but it's currently a crime scene, but they said Dylan wouldn't be arrested or anything, because it was self defense. Clark-I should have just come home when she first said something was wrong. You can't blame yourself. I didn't answer I was starting to panic more. Clark Martha thinks you're angry with her because Dylan jumped in front of her. I looked up and shook my head. I'm not angry with Martha. Mr. Kent? I looked at the doctor and she sighed. She's stable enough we can take her back to surgery. I stood eyes wide I was trying not to start sobbing again. But if we're going to take her we have to take her now. I turned and looked at her, I smoothed her hair out of her face, and then kissed her forehead kinds lingering there I moved back and nodded and watched as they rolled her out I felt myself shaking and I felt like I was going to throw up. Mr. Kent? I looked at the sheriff and she sighed. I'm sorry about your sister, I have some personal belongings here of your sister's and I thought I would give them to you. I didn't move and Lois took them. Thank you sheriff. She turned to walk away but stopped. Remember, she's a Kent she's a stubborn lil booger, she'll make it.

I was walking around this Smallville, the Meteor shower seemed to have still Happened but somehow Lex wasn't a Luther and Clark wasn't a Kent. Lex was a Kent and Clark was a Luther and I was about to find out how bad he really was, it was like he was constantly wearing a red Kryptonite ring or something he didn't care I was panicking I didn't like this.


I paced I was worried. Lex didn't leave and I wasn't talking to him and I guess he knew how  I felt. Clark just let's put our differences aside, Dylan is who we're here for, we're all worried. I just looked at him. I saw her as a baby sister I- if you say you loved her then you would have know, not to even remotely try to hurt me. I snapped standing Lois got between us. Everyone calm down. Fighting won't change what's happened and won't help the situation. I glared at him. Clark. I looked down and sighed.

I went running to the caves when I got there I saw the construction stuff that was all because of Lionel. I swallowed hard and went to the wall which was a short cut to the fortress. I did the combination and walked in and went to the fortress. Hello?!? Jor-el?!? Anyone?!? Dylan Kent, daughter of Martha and Jonathan Kent... You found the safe place. I frowned some. S-Safe place? You understand that things are different in this place. Yes what's that about?!? Why is Lex my brother and who was the other boy and why is Clark- I shall explain while you wait in the safe place.

I went into an empty room that she would probably be moved to when she was out. I opened her personal belongings and dumped it out onto the table and looked through it, her necklace was there and turned on I turned it off just out of habit even if it wouldn't hurt me. I saw her pocket knife and two rifle shells I laughed some and then saw her phone I turned it on and saw a picture of the family as Lois insisted we do family pictures. I sighed softly and frowned and looked at the password and tried her birthday, it was wrong I sighed and tried a few more and had one more try left. 5 3 87. It unlocked and I smirked as I saw the twelve year old Dylan from the dance. I frowned some as I checked the last call she made and my stomach dropped, she had called my phone, about the time she got shot. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a voicemail.

Hey Clark... I'm uh- *shaking wince sound in her voice* I was just shot. *Deep breath* I just wanted to say you're amazing and I'm so sorry that I got in the way of your life, that you not only have to worry about the girls but also about me... I'm sorry Clark that I've been such a disappointment. I love you.

I just looked at the phone and felt a wave of sadness hit me and I started crying. About that time Lois came in. Clark! I frowned and came out and saw them wheeling the bed back to the room. Will she wake up?!? I asked looking at the doctor and she sighed. It's up to her. They walked out and I sat down. Come on Dylan, fight baby.

It's time, Dylan. I stood and frowned. Time for what? For you to make your choice. Choice for what? He laughed some and sighed. It's time you decide if you want to live or die. I looked down some as I saw the floor go clear and I saw my past. You started feeling depressed when your father died, you realized something was wrong when you were eight. Then your mother died... You've been very depressed. It shifted to Clark helping me with homework or having to be there for me because I was on the verge of suicide and it shifted to what was happening inside the house. You feel angry and you feel like you're in the way and that it's not fair for him. I looked up about to crym if I choose to die what will it do to Clark? Kal-el is human now, he can die now. I looked down and it turned to real time in the outside world. Come on Dylan, I'm right here, fight honeybug. He stroked my hair some starting to cry. You gotta fight sweetie. I looked up. So what do you choose?

I sat there holding her hand I looked at the monitor waiting for some sign she was waking up. Come on Dylan- I sighed and looked down squeezing my eyes closed tightening my grip on her hand. I lost my parents, I lost two brothers *Ryan and the twin* I lost dad, I lost mom, I could live with that but if I loose you Dylan, I WON'T be able to live with that, you gotta fight.

Slight skip
I had gotten a pillow and I stayed sitting in the chair I kept ahold of her hand but before I knew it I was falling asleep Lois was sitting in the recliner chair asleep. I had heard the nurses and doctors saying that she probably wasn't going to make it. Anyway I had to have just been falling asleep when I felt her hand twitch I laid my chin on my arm and frowned she twitched again I looked up at the monitor there were some abnormalities I kept frowning. C-Clark? I sat up and looked at her. Dylan? She looked over at me she was pale and looked half dead but she smiled and frowned some. Where am I? Do you not remember what happened? Not really. I smiled and looked over. Lois, Lois wake up. J threw the pillow at her and she woke up. The hell Smallville?!? She looked over. Dylan! I'll get the- she took off I turned and smiled. Hey Dylabug. I said smoothing her hair out of her face she started crying some I sat down on her bed and hugged her. You're ok, I got you, you're safe. I sighed about to cry again and it started. You aren't a disappointment, and you're not in the way, I wouldn't have changed a damn thing because you are apart of this family, our family would not be a whole without you here Dylan. She took a shaky breath in. I love you Dylan. Love you too Clark.

Year later
I looked at Kara as she read the note. This is bad. YOU THINK?!? Why would she fly over- I don't know! I looked down and sighed. Can we find her? Probably, she's probably left a small trace without knowing it. I nodded. Fly me over there with you. Clark- Lois I'm not taking my powers back I'm having Kara fly me, there's a difference. I said before standing up from the couch and walking to the door. I had to find Dylan and fast.

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