Issei KeyWielder (Cancelled)

Naisu9 tarafından

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Issei at age 12 was separated from his family where he went was someplace really new for him on a beach with... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Adventure
Chapter 2: Separated
Chapter 3: Kung Fu
Chapter 4: Our Lord
Chapter 5: The land of the Dead
Chapter 6: Berk
Chapter 8: 358/2 part 1
Not a Chapter

Chapter 7: Issei & Sora vs Ansem

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Naisu9 tarafından

Issei was standing next to Sora with his friends and Soras friends sanding behind them.

Issei: Have you gotten stronger since the last time i've seen you Sora?

Sora: I should be asking you that Issei!

Riku: You two just love getting in the way well no more! I will take you both out right here right now!

Issei: Really now?

Sora: Sorry Riku but no longer will i lose to you!

The three of them clashed keyblades together with Sora and Issei pushing Riku back what Riku wasn't expecting was a direct punch to the face by two people.

Tannin: Don't leave me out of this fight!

Tiamat; If you think i'd be left out you are dead wrong!

Donal: Whoa.

Goofy: Garsh um Issei sure met good people to join him on his adventure...

Alan: He also has us.

Goofy: Who are you two?

Elen: Remember the two small creatures Issei had.

Donald: Those are you two!?

Alan: Yep we can just switch from those into this.

Goofy: Wow.

Back to the fight Issei wielding only his keyblades layed several hits on Riku who was getting annoyed he was about to launch a ball of darkness at him till Sora threw his at Riku who tried to block it but with his keyblade Issei came from under him and deliver a slash leaving a mark on his clothes.

Riku: This is getting annoying!

Riku aimed for Isseis friends and Sora friends but they were ready as Goofy took the first hit with his shield Donald fired a fire ball Riku hitting straight in the face Tannin choose to get in the fun grabbing Riku by his hair and slammed his face into his knee before kicking him towards Tiamat who went at him full force with her fist on fire and landed a deadly punch into Rikus stomach making lose his breath but he didn't go down he just stood there losing his battle armor and his keyblade disappearing Riku just looked at them before running away.

Issei: Now hold on Riku!

Sora: Issei stop I know Riku isn't right at the moment but he's still our friends we can't just go after him like a villain.

Tannin: Says you, you haven't been stabbed with giant with giant icicles

Sora: Wait seriously?

Tannin: Yeah lucky enough Issei healed me.

Issei: Riku summoned two giant heartless that could have killed everyone in the world I was in...Riku isn't right thats for sure but i don't want to kill him he's still my friend...

Tiamat: So im guessing we-

Sora: Lets save Riku and get Kairi back!

Tannin: Well than lets finish our little adventure.

Alan: One final battle before we actually find a way to send everyone home.

Issei: As much as i want to see the island again i can't yet.

Sora: Huh but-

Issei: Sorry Sora but once i send you back with Riku and Kairi i need to find where i belong...I need to find who I really am please understand i need to find my past.

Sora just stared at Issei upset that he would have to say goodbye to one friend for a while but he understood.

Sora: Alright but promise you will come and visit us on the island once this is all over alright Riku and Kairi will really miss you.

Issei: Of course you're my little brother after all an older brother always has to be there for his little brother.

Sora: Heh thanks Issei now come on lets go find Riku and try to talk some sense into him!

Issei: Right behind you bud come on guys!

Goofy: Lets go Donald!

Donald: Alright!

Everyone began following Sora and Issei going through the whole castle going through rooms trying to find Riku but they ended up encountering a certain person Maleficent.

Issei: Seems like we will have to deal with you first huh?

Sora: No I deal with her Issei you focuse on getting Riku!

Issei: You sure Sora?

Sora: Yeah believe in me I'm not as weak as you think i am!

Issei just smiled and bust down a walk following a weird power signature he believed in Sora Issei made his way towards Riku but he notice something wasn't right this time he could tell this wasn't him.

Issei: Who are you! You are Riku that's for damn sure!

Ansem: Heh I am Ansem the Wise! And it would seem it's just.

Issei: Huh?

Issei looks to he left to see him friends behind a barrier trying to break it down with no effort.

Issei: Tch so what I can easily take you down myself!

Ansem: Oh can you now with those 4 things you call a keyblade?

Issei: You bet!

Issei using the Oathkeeper and Oblivion while his other ones floated right beside him.

Ansem: Let's get this over with I need Sora to fully complete this keyhole you're just in the way!

Issei: No way in hell I'll let you lay a hand on my baby brother!

Issei clashed keyblades with Ansem he began bashing him with both of blades but Ansem just sent him flying with his dark barrier he recovered himself midair and began firing a bunch of fireballs Ansem slid from side to side dodging each attack before flying towards Issei ready to stab him Issei dodged it grabbed him by his wrist and shot a dragon shot up close sending him to the floor Issei threw his keyblade at his stabbing his arms he got his other two and stabbed Ansem legs Issei charged towards Ansem and punched him with all his might.

Ansem: You pesky brat!

Issei: By the looks of it we are the same age!

Ansem: Not likely kid! Unlike me I have years of practice!

Issei: And you're getting you but whipped by me!

Issei charged at Ansem spinning around in a flaming circle before landing a deadly punch in his guts making his crashing into the wall.

Issei: Homerun!

Ansem: That's it I'm done playing games!

Ansem began releasing more darkness than Issei expect pushing him against the wall he saw Ansem charge at him with his keyblade in hand aiming for his heart smirking Issei couldn't block it so he was just ready to take the stab but he never felt it until he notice someone in front of him it was Sora...

Sora: Hey Issei...I saw you need some help...

Issei: Sora?

Sora: We are brothers Issei even if I'm the little one I will be there to protect you as well...

Issei: No Sora you can't leave me!

Sora: Heh sorry Issei but this is the end of the road for me...please save Kairi and Riku for me...

Sora fell forwards landing in Isseis arms before disappearing Sora dropped his keyblade in front of Issei leaving him in shock state.


Issei: ANSEM!!!!

Issei began releasing a fierce aura the broke the barrier that blocked Isseis friend and Soras friends.


Tanning went in to punch Ansem but he moved out of the way and sliced his arm off.

Tannin: DAMIT!

Ansem: Out of my sight.

Ansem was about to blast Tannin away till Issei wielding Soras keyblade sliced Ansem hand off.



Issei in his defensive balance breaker began fighting Ansem once again who was being pushed back.

Ansem: What are you!?



Draig: Partner stop! You can't control this form! Your magic storage is good enough to not kill you but in the state of mind you're in you'll just end up killing everyone!

Issei: Kill...kill...KILL ANSEM!

Issei pulled out a new type of armor one that scared Tannin and Tiamat.

Tiamat: No way...

Tannin: No Issei stop...

Goofy: Garsh what are we going to do!?

Donald: I don't know but this is not good at all...

(Isseis new armor ignore the giant cannon)

Issei using Soras keyblade commanded his own flying at Ansem who barely managed to dodge them but felt himself being stabbed by Issei.

Issei: DIE!

Issei sliced Ansem in half watching him turn to dust himself but that wasn't him as we all know...

Ansem: To think you would be able to destroy that shell of mine...

Issei turns to see another white hair man.

Issei: Ansem...

Ansem: Now than how about we actually get serious.

Ansem grabbed Issei by the back of his helmet and froze him.

Tiamat: What!?

Ansem: You honestly thought that little thing you call a power boost was enough to stop me?

Issei: You honestly thought freezing me would do something?

Issei release so much heat burning Ansem hand before delivering a barrage of punch and smacked him to the ground with Soras keyblade.

Ansem: Tch pesky brat.

Issei: DIE!

Issei was about to deliver the final blow till someone got in his way.

Kairi: Stop it Issei...this isn't you please stop it...

Issei: Kairi...

Kairi: Sora wouldn't want to see you like this please come back to your senses Issei!

Issei: Sora is gone and all because of him!

Kairi: And you think he would want to see you like this!? This isn't you Issei what happened to the caring Issei we love and care for...

Issei wasn't in full control his anger was getting the best of him he just shoved Kairi out of the way before punching Ansem once again.

Tiamat: I'm sorry girly but Issei is in full rage mode no matter what happens he has one goal to defeat this man.

Tannin: I gotta beat the crap out of him for slicing my freaking arm off!

Donald: I can't heal that...

Before the group could continue talking they got surrounded by more heartless.

Tiamat: Not right now!

Tannin: Its the door we have to lock the door but Issei is in rage state that he won't listen!

The group was ready to fight even Tannin with his one arm what they didn't expect was one heartless get in front of Kairi.

Kairi: Sora...?

Goofy: Kairi don't let them hurt you!

The group began their own fight with the heartless Alan and Elen back Tannin up mostly since he was now incomplete Tiamat as well Goofy and Donal tried to protect Kairi but it was too late as she got jump by a bunch of heartless but with a shine bright of light the hearless that piled on top of her were gone and what the group saw shocked them.

Goofy: Sora?

Donald: No way...

Tiamat: Huh that was anticlimactic...

Sora: Thank you Kairi...

Kairi: Sora you're back...thank god.

Sora: Yeah I am right all because of you.

Sora looks to see Issei enraged fight Ansem it was a stalemate.

Sora: I have to help him...

Tannin: Don't you won't be able to actually get him under control hes to raged up...

Sora: I have to try!

Sora ran towards Issei summoning back his keyblade from Isseis hand confusing him.

Sora: Issei!

Issei just stared at Sora in shocked his mind being broken even more he couldn't believe Sora was back he felt like his mind was playing tricks on him it took over and charged towards Sora.

Ansem: Hmp I'll have to thank you brat you've made this easier for farewell.

Tannin: Tch...he got away.

Tiamat: Forget that we have focuse on Issei right now!

Issei just kept gaining more power by the second thanks to Draig.

Sora: You leave me no choice Issei I will free you one way or another.


Draig: Sora please stop him!

Sora: You got it!

Sora was already for battle joined by Donald and Goofy but not just them Alan Elen Tannin and Tiamat came to help.

Sora: Let's do this!

Sora ran towards Issei bringing down his keyblade Issei put both of his arm to block it but Sora notice Soras strength he was strong pushing him down to the floor.

Sora: I don't want to hurt you Issei but you've left me no choice.

Sora at great speed appeard behind Issei and fired a ice attack on him Issei grabbed Sora by his face and threw him towards Goofy who caught him Tiamat drilled kicked Issei in the face sending into wall breaking the mask seeing his face everyone notice tears running down his face.

Issei: So...ra...

Sora: Its me Issei please stop I'm back.

Issei armor slowly started coming off revealing Issei.

Issei: I'm sorry...

Issei passed out with his keyblades disappearing as well.

Sora: He needs to rest seems like he was too tired.

Tannin: Leave him with us that Ansem guy needs to be stopped.

Sora: First I need to close this.

Sora shot a beam of light at the keyhole locking it up.

Sora: And with the hearts of the princess return back to much as I'd like to talk with them I have to end this.

Tiamat: Hey kid good luck don't go killing yourself...

Sora: I'll be fine just make sure Issei wakes up well rested...and tell him I'll come back safe.

Tannin: Careful kid you are strong even stronger than Issei but that Ansem guy hes something else.

Sora: Alright.

Goofy: We are going with you Sora!

Donald: Yeah we can't have you going off and dieing on us again.

Sora: Heh thanks you guys now come on let's end this so things will go back to normal.

Sora and Donald went towards their gummi ship leaving Issei to rest.

(1 hour timeskip)

Issei began waking up feeling his body in total pain the Juggarunat took to much magic out of him.

Issei: What the hell happened...

Tannin: Short story you went beserk and destroyed the husk of Ansems but hes now stronger than before only one that can really handle him is Sora he even managed to actually damage your armor in Juggarunat drive...

Issei just sat there ashamed he let himself take control of him again what's more even with it Sora of all people easily could handle his new strength.

Issei: Heh I really am weak why in the world did these keyblades choose me as their wielder...

Tiamat: Issei...

Alan and Elen went little and hugged Issei on his cheeks.

Kairi: Issei.

Issei looks at Kairi remembering how he shoved her out the way he only looked away in shame but Kairi looked at him face to face and smacked him shocking his friends.

Kairi: This isn't you Issei what happend to the guy we found who always smiled who took care of us? The guy who never gave up even when times where tough I remember even you fighting a shark with Riku.

Issei just smiled a bit.

Kairi: There was a reason these weapons chose you Issei while I'm still trying to process all this right now these keyblades saw something in you that no other keyblade saw just have more faith in yourself and trust the people around you stop putting everything on your shoulders.

Issei looked at Kairi for a moment till he began having another flashback.

???: Issei sweety always remember even when times are bad I always be there to support you no matter what.

Issei: Really?

???: Of course honey its a parents duties to support their kid no matter what.

Issei: Can I support my real friends...if I ever make any...

Isseis mother just grabbed Isseis face and gave him a small kiss on his forehead.

???: When you make those real friends not only will you support them they will support you no matter what the question is will you let them support you?

Issei: Yeah I will...

Kairi: Huh?

Issei: Heh nothing Kairi thanks for getting my mind straight.

Issei got up took out his wings.

Tannin: Where do you plan on going?

Issei: I'm going to help Sora hes my friend and I will support him anything right now!

Tiamat: Not to sound rude Issei but Sora is stronger than you what help would you be able to give?

Issei: Trust me ok.

Kairi just smiled Issei was feeling confident again so that was good.

Tannin: Just be careful you saw what he did to me...

Issei: I know and Tannin I promise we will find you something for your arm.

Tannin: Just go and help your brother.

Issei: Heh alright see you guys I will be back I promise.

Tiamat: Freaking better.

Issei flew towards the final world where he sensed Ansem and Sora fighting.

Issei: Sora!

Sora: Issei!?

Issei: I won't let you do this alone!

Issei healed Sora and stood next to his side.

Sora: Are you sure about this Issei?

Issei: Yeah let's end this nightmare and bring back our island!

Sora: Yeah lets do this!

Before the battle began Issei did the unthinkable and fused all four of his keyblades together his Pure Ultima and Bloody Ultima and his Oathkeeper and Oblivion together.

(Ying Yang Ultima)

(Two Become One)

Sora: Whoa.

Issei: I won't hold you back no more Sora let's do this!

Issei dash at Ansem ready to attack but he just passed right through him confusing him till everyone notice that they were now in a dark place.

Ansem: No more will you two get involved with my plan! None of you! The hearts proper power is darkness! It came from darkness and it will return the darkness which it came from!

Issei: That's where you're wrong...

Issei clashed keyblades with Ansem with a calm look actually surprising Ansem.

Issei: That's not a hearts true essence at all!

Sora appeared behind Ansem cutting the cords that were holding him in place.

Sora: The heart may be weak and sometimes it gives in to easily.

Issei and Sora stood side by side pointing their keyblades at Ansem and shot a beam of light at Ansem heart stunning him.

Sora: I've learn that theres a light that never fades out!

Issei put a barrier around him and Sora blocking all the light beam attacks.


Issei: Sora is right because in the end KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIGHT!

Issei began emitting so much light that it engulf Sora as well Ansem looked away to see Issei in his Kingdom Balance Breaker and also Sora gaining armor as well.

(Soras Armor)

Ansem stared at both at them and saw more than could meet the eye Issei sliced the giant heartless ship in half with not just two but 6 keyblades now on his back appeard his Pure Ultima Bloody Ultima Oathkeeper and Oblivion while still wielding Two Become One and Ying Yang.

Issei: Thank you Light for choosing me as one of the guardians...

Sora charged full speed at Ansem stabbing his keyblade through Ansems heart finishing him off.

Issei saw the door open releasing more light than he ever could.

Draig: Amazing...

Issei: really is but we can't leave it open or darkness will just spill out of it!

Issei: Sora come on!

Sora: Yeah!

Goofy: Wait for us!

Donald: We will help too!

Issei: Where were you guys during all this?

Donald: Sorry we got sent to another place thanks to Ansem!

Issei: I'm joking come on let's close this thing!

Issei Sora and his friends began pushing the door to close it Issei saw within to see so much heartless but he didn't give up he started using his thrusters to keep pushing but it difficult still but they got more help.

Riku: Don't give up!

Issei and Sora: Riku!?

Riku: Come you two together we can do this!

All three of them smiled and with all their might began shutting it a bit but it was still too tough.

Issei: Dang it come on!

Tiamat: Issei!

Tannin: Brat!

Alan: We've got your back Issei!

Elen: Always have!

Issei: How did-

Tiamat: We honestly don't know we just appeared and saw you struggling so we chose to help!

Tannin: Heh and look!

Tannin showed his new robotic arm to Issei.

Issei: Who made you that?

Tannin: Some guy names Cid nice guy!

During the whole thing someone else appeared a mouse that Donald and Goofy knew well.

Goofy and Donald: YOUR MAJESTY!

Mickey: Now you two let's close this door for good!

Donald: Come on everyone!

Issei: But they will-

Mickey: Don't worry. There will always be a door to the light.

Goofy: Trust King Mickey!

So with everything the group had the pushed not before Riku said one last thing.

Riku: Take good care of her Sora and Issei watch those two for me would you.

Issei: Don't need to ask Riku I will do it for you buddy!

Riku: Heh see you guys.

They shut the door but to make sure Issei pointed his Ying Yang blade into the sky Sora with his Kingdom Key and Mickey with his keyblade closing the door once and for all.

Issei: Its over...

Sora was just staring at where the door stood remembering the time he had with Riku...

Issei looked behind him to see Kairi he shoved Sora to point her out he saw her and quickly ran towards her Issei was about to do the same but he felt a force pull him back separating him from Sora.

Issei: Sora!

Sora: Huh Issei!

Issei: Heh seems like my adventure isn't done yet...Sora becareful out there! We will see each other again I promise!

Sora: Issei...yeah!

Issei: Now go say goodbye to your girl little bro!

Sora: Its not like that jeez!

Sora ran towards Kairi blushing while Issei just laughed.

Tannin: You know you could have just flown towards him...

Issei: No something pulled me back as if Sora has a different destiny than mine...

Draig: But as you said you will meet again won't you?

Issei: Yeah we will...

Tiamat: So where to now Issei?

Issei: I don't know where ever this things leads us to...

Issei saw the island coming back making him happy his home was back and he will be back one day too....

(Somewhere Unknown)

???: And so introduce our new member...Roxas!

Vali: Well than...

Kiba: A keyblade user as well.

Vali: No matter this isn't important to us remember we are after Issei only.

Kiba: And than what?

Vali: I actually don't know after that...we will just have to make the plan as we go.

Kiba: Alright we better hurry Gremory will wonder why we've been gone for too long.

Vali: Yeah...

(I'm Skipping chain of memories and go to the end)

Issei: So Sora is in this now huh...

Namine: That's is right he needs to get his memories back it will take him a while for him to actually get them back after what I've done...

Issei: Don't blame yourself you did it because you had no other choice no one could blame you just glad I wasn't the one who's memory you didn't mess with.

Namine: Why?

Issei: Than we still wouldn't be friends! While you are Kairis nobody that doesn't change the fact you deserve friends.

Namine: Issei...thank you...

Issei: Heh well than guess I should be off and Namine...thank you for returning everything back to me...

Issei points to his head and smiles.

Namine: Its the least I could do for everything you've done for me.

Issei: Yeah but now that I remember I can't see them just yet I have to get stronger...

Namine: Than go back to your world Issei theres how do I say this without sounding weird...lost hearts looking for a new host.

Issei: Huh?

Namine: In the world of Kuoh there are hearts there that are strong and refuse to pass they want someone worthy to hold them I think you can be the one Issei so if you want to get stronger I'd go there.

Issei: Hm...alright thank you Namine but before I got you got any disguises for me and my friends?

Namine: Actually I do.

Namine pulled out two coats for Tannin and Tiamat to wear while she handed Issei mask which he put on changing his style completely.

Namine: With this you can hide your true identity so to not be detected so easily by the organization.

(Issei new look for now)

Issei: Thank you Namine.

Issei walked towards Namine and gave a quick hug.

Issei: See you till than...stay safe.

Namine: Thank you Issei...goodbye for now.

Issei walks out of the castle with his friends but he also saw someone else.

Issei: Son of a bitch Riku...

Riku: Heh good to see you again Issei.

Mickey: Pleasure.

Issei: Seems like we are in for more of this hell huh?

Riku: Yeah I find it funny how you get a mask and I get this blindfold.

Issei: Because I'm better than you~

Riku: Oh really now!

Issei: Want a rematch here and now Riku I'll gladly fight you~

Mickey: Stop it that's not what we are doing we all have our roles don't we?

Issei: Yeah I have to go to Kuoh...and get stronger Sora still passes me which is sort of embarrassing heh...

Riku: I know that pain he easily beats me too.

Mickey: Well now guess we should be off than.

Issei: Yeah...Tanning Tiamat you ready?

Tannin: Honestly not really...after what Namine showed me of my people forgetting me and replacing me with Crom I really have no reason to go there...

Issei looks at Tannin upset but quickly hits him on the head annoying him.

Tannin: The hell Issei!?

Issei: We are here to support you Tannin remember what I told you a while back.

Tannin: That even if they left me you would stick with me...

Issei: And have we gotten back on that promise?

Tannin: No...

Issei: Than stop whining! Stick with us from now on pal those dragons lost a good leader.

Tannin: Heh thanks Issei...gah enough of this than let's get going!

Issei activated his balance breaker and began traveling towards Kuoh where he was to get stronger no matter the cause...

(With Vali and Kiba)

Vali: Can believe we have to help with his training...

Kiba: Could be worst...

Roxas: Is everything ok?

Vali: Yeah just didn't want to deal with this.

Roxas: Sorry.

Vali: Stop apologizing jeez it's getting annoying!

Roxas: Sorry...

Vali: Why I otta!

Kiba: Vali cool it jeez!

Roxas: So where do we begin?

Vali: Well one let's see how you fight new guy follow me.

Roxas: Yes!

And with that we are about to see the adventure of Kiba and Vali with Roxas and from time to time switch to Issei and see his progress with his training so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

(Also I've recently gotten back in dragon ball legends and I gotta say they improved the game by a lot so if you want add)

Okumaya devam et

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