Storm Hawks Volume I: Defende...

By BillMclaughlinJr

752 36 6

After spending a thousand years in a deep slumber, the Gargoyle Clan known as the Storm Hawks awaken in a mod... More

Chapter One - An Archaeological Find
Chapter Two - Awakening
Chapter Three - A New Ally
Chapter Five - Comparing Notes
Chapter Six - Reflection
Chapter Seven - Ambush
Chapter Eight - Newfound Respect
Chapter Nine - Dark Ace
Chapter Ten - Face To Face
Chapter Eleven - An Old Enemy
Chapter Twelve - The Challenge
Chapter Thirteen - The Plot Thickens
Chapter Fourteen - Confrontation
Chapter Fifteen - Heat of Battle
Chapter Sixteen - Aerrow VS Dark Ace
Chapter Seventeen - Savior
Chapter Eighteen - Defenders Of The Night

Chapter Four - Press Conference

48 3 0
By BillMclaughlinJr

After her encounter with the Storm Hawk Clan, Starling went traveled to the Atmos Police Station. Once she got there, she entered the office of Police Commissioner Harrier.

Starling: You wanted to see me Commissioner?

Harrier: You should really learn how to pick up the phone. I tried calling you for hours and you didn't answer. I was getting ready to assume the worst.

Starling: Sorry about that. Had a rough night.

Starling then pulled out a flask and drank from it. Harrier gave a look of disapproval.

Harrier: Go easy on the liquor Starling.

Starling: I'm fine Commissioner.

Harrier: We've been getting reports of some creature of sorts attacking small time crooks. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

Starling knew exactly what Harrier was talking about. She knew that the creatures Harrier was talking about was the Gargoyles. But she kept that to herself.

Starling: This is the first I'm hearing of this.

Starling looked at her watch and saw the time.

Starling: Shit. That press conference is about to start soon.

Harrier: You should rest detective. You look like hell.

Starling: I'll rest when I expose Cyclonis for her crimes.

Harrier: This is a dangerous game you're playing. What do you expect to find in that press conference?

Starling: Something.... anything...

Harrier: Just be careful.

Hours later, Starling traveled to the headquarters of Cyclonia Enterprises where a press conference was being held. In her office, Cyclonis was researching on Gargoyle lore when Ulric entered the office.

Ulric: I apologise for the interruption, but the press conference is ready to begin.

Cyclonis then leaves her office and enters the room where the press conference was being held. In the room were several reporters. Starling looked around with interest as she noticed the lack of armed guards

Starling: (That's strange. Where are all the guards?)

Cyclonis: Greetings to you all.

Male Reporter: Ms Cyclonis! Is it true that the missing independent contractors were working on a project for Cyclonia Enterprises?!

Cyclonis: Yes. They were working on a security project for Cyclonia Enterprises.

Female Reporter: What about the rumors that you were responsible for their disappearance after a dispute.

Cyclonis: What these rumors are is slanderous lies devised by my rivals. Their disappearance breaks my heart and I hope for the best.

Starling dismissed Cyclonis's compassion as an act to fool the public. Suddenly, armed thugs burst into the room.

Thug: Everybody down on the fucking ground!

The leader shoots his assault rifle on the roof. While everyone began panicking, Cyclonis and Ulric remained calm.

Thug: Do what we say and no one gets hurt! Don't fuck with us!

Starling: (Dammit! There's too many of them!)

Cyclonis: There's no need for violence gentleman. I'm sure we can settle this peacefully.

Thug: Shut up! We're in charge here! Try anything and we'll blow your brains out!

Ulric: Shall I commence the demonstration Ms Cyclonis?

Cyclonis: With pleasure Mr. Ulric.

Ulric then walks over to the podium and presses a hidden button. The thug sees this and aims him gun at Ulric.

Thug: Hey! Don't try anything stupid old man!

Ulric: I'm afraid your jobs here are over gentleman.

Thug: What's that supposed to.....

Before the thug could finish his sentence, heavily armed troopers burst into the room and began firing on the thugs.

Thug: What the fuck?! It's a goddamn setup! Fucking.....

The armed troopers dispatch all the armed thugs quickly.

Armed Trooper: Area secure.

When the chaos ended, Cyclonis looked upon the display with satisfaction. While Starling and the reporters were gathering their bearings, Cyclonis spoke.

Cyclonis: May I present to you the future of law enforcement: the Talons! With elite training and weapons provided by Cyclonia Enterprises, the Talons will work alongside law enforcement to combat the criminal element running rampant in our city.

As Cyclonis began wrapping up the press conference, Starling couldn't help but be suspicious about the entire event. Something about what had just happened seemed off to her. As Starling was about to approach Cyclonis, she was stopped by a Talon.

Talon: Sorry ma'am. No unauthorized personal past this point.

Starling then showed her badge, but the Talon refused. Ulric soon intervened.

Ulric: Detective Starling. You're early.

Starling: Let's just say I'm eager to get some answers.

Ulric: As much as I would love to oblige, I'm afraid Ms Cyclonis will be busy for the duration of the day. I recommend coming back at the appointed time tomorrow night. Good day detective.

As Ulric and the Talon left, Starling was frustrated. She soon left the building. She saw the sun going down. She knew the only possible lead was the Gargoyles. 

Starling: Time to see if those Gargoyles have any information.

As Starling traveled to the abandoned apartment complex, Ulric met with Cyclonis in her office. 

Ulric: I trust the Talons lived up to your expectations?

Cyclonis: Very much so Mr. Ulric. I believe the Talons will make a great asset to Cyclonia Enterprises. Has that Gargoyle been delivered?

Ulric: Yes Ms Cyclonis. It's in the storage facility. Shall we move it to the castle?

Cyclonis: Not yet. I want to dive more into Gargoyle lore before we proceed. Besides, I'm still interested to see what these Storm Hawks are capable. I want to see if they can be controlled. 

Ulric: Understood Ms Cyclonis. 

As Ulric left the office, Cyclonis took a moment to reflect on her plans. She felt satisfied with the display the Talons gave. Now it was time to see what the Storm Hawk Clan were capable of and to see how or if they would fit into her plans. 

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