Chapter Fourteen - Confrontation

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After accepting Cyclonis's challenge, the Storm Hawk Clan as well as Detective Starling made their way to the abandoned storage facility. Starling saw thugs patrolling it.

Finn: Looks like that storage facility isn't so abandoned after all

Starling: I'm not seeing any of Cyclonis's Talons patrolling the facility.

Aerrow: It does not matter who stands in our way. They stand between us and Piper. Nothing will stop me from freeing her.

Starling: Once more unto the breach....

Starling took a sip from her flask to calm her nerves. Soon, the Storm Hawk Clan charged into the building.

Thug: We're under attack!

The thugs were overwhelmed by the strength and anger of the Gargoyles. Starling herself was at a loss of words at the fury of the Gargoyles. She simply followed as the Gargoyles defeated everything in their path. 

Aerrow: Gargoyles! Let no obstacle stand in your way! Search every room in this building! We'll find Piper even if we must take this building apart brick by brick!

With that, the thugs guarding the facility were no match for the Gargoyles as they took them down. 

Finn: I got 8 of these bastards taken down! 

Junko: I got 9!

Finn and Junko continued to take down the thugs in some sort of friendly competition. Starling kept her distance while allowing the Gargoyles to take down the thugs that stood in their way. As they entered the facility, Ravess and Snipe saw this from the rafters. 

Snipe: Looks at all these freaks! 

Ravess: Keep your trap shut and open fire!

Snipe fired a Light Machine Gun at the Gargoyles while Ravess fired a pistol at them. A group of thugs then swarm the Gargoyles in an attempt to overwhelm them. That plan failed as the Gargoyles took them down. Upon seeing this, Ravess and Snipe began running away. 

Starling: You go on ahead! I'm going after Ravess and Snipe!

Aerrow nodded as Starling began climbing a ladder that led to the rafters where Ravess and Sniper previously were. As Starling chased after Ravess and Snipe, the Gargoyles of the Storm Hawk Clan tore their way through the facility in search for Piper. Radarr screeched in Aerrow's ear.

Aerrow: Do not fear, my friend. We will not allow anything to stand in our path. If they wish to stand against us, they will fail. 

Aerrow led the Storm Hawk Clan in a charge that was reminiscent of the battles they fought in the days of old. They were fighting for the ideals of justice and to save their fellow Gargoyle from captivity. 

Aerrow: Never lose faith, Gargoyles! They will not stand in our way! We will not pause! We will not falter! We will succeed or die trying!

As the Gargoyles progressed through the facility, the Gargoyles were ambushed by a group of armed thugs. 

Finn: Aerrow! You go on ahead! We'll stay behind!

Aerrow: I will not leave you behind!

Stork: Against my better judgement, you have the better chance to free Piper. As slim as our chances are, we will make are stand. 

Aerrow: Very well. Do not fall, my friends. I will not lose any more brothers. 

Aerrow went ahead while the Gargoyles stayed behind. Eventually, Aerrow reached the room where Piper was. He saw her bloody and beaten. On instinct, he ran to her. 

Aerrow: Piper, my love! 

Piper: A....Aerrow?

Aerrow: It is alright, my love. I am here. 

As Aerrow said this, Cyclonis and Ulric entered the room. Upon seeing Cyclonis, Aerrow was filled with rage.

Cyclonis: Aerrow. How pleasant of you to join us!

Aerrow then lunged at Cyclonis and grabbed her by her suit. Despite this, both Cyclonis and Ulric remained calm.

Aerrow: Lark Cyclonis! Does your treacherous nature know no bounds?! 

Cyclonis: I meant no harm to your mate. I only sought your attention. 

Aerrow: My attention?! You kidnapped and harmed my mate to seek my attention?! You have my full, undivided attention, Cyclonis! 

Cyclonis: Make no mistake, Aerrow. I only wished for us to work together. We both know the injustices of the world. In a way, you and I wish to change it for the better. 

Aerrow: I will not fall for your lies! I know what you are! You are a parasite that seeks only to benefit yourself no matter what harm you cause! Killing you would be a boon to this world. 

???: But we both you would never go that far. 

Upon hearing that voice, Aerrow was at a lose of words. He lets go of Cyclonis and looks up to see Dark Ace jumping from the roof and into the room. 

Aerrow: Dark Ace....

Dark Ace: I've long awaited for this day, Aerrow. 

Aerrow: How are you....

Dark Ace: The same way you and the remnants of the Storm Hawk Clan are here. Lark Cyclonis. 

Aerrow then turned to Lark Cyclonis. 

Aerrow: You are a fool to trust Dark Ace, Cyclonis. He is a liar and a traitor by nature. He will turn on you the first chance he gets. 

Dark Ace: Let us not waste times on the exchange of words, Aerrow. I've been waiting to kill you for centuries. Let us end this!

Dark Ace then charges at Aerrow and begins savagely attacking him. In that moment, a rivalry that spanned centuries finally came to a head. Aerrow and Dark Ace would clash in a life or death struggle. Cyclonis and Ulric watched with interested as the two Gargoyles clashed in an epic struggle that spanned centuries. 

Storm Hawks Volume I: Defenders Of The Night (Gargoyle AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें