Missing You (Sequel To Smokin...

By SunrisexCamren

57.4K 1.5K 198

Lauren always wonders to herself when she fucked up in her life. How she lost the love of her life? How she d... More

Twin's Party
Morning With The Twins
Hang Out With The Twins
Settling Things
FlashBack: To What Happened
Finally Given The Chance
Telling The Kids
Talking It Out
Uncle Chris And Aunt Taylor
Family Party
You're My Favorite Song
First Time In Forever
Loving You
Bahamas Night
Back Home


2.6K 61 9
By SunrisexCamren

1 year later...

Camila's POV

I'm cradling my little 3 month girl in my arms. Lauren is actually gone on tour with Halsey but she should be coming back today. As of for me I quitted for a while so I can take care of our kids.

"Mommy!" I hear the twins run into the room. I smile as I see the little ones. "Que paso babies?" I asked. "I wanna carry mi hermana" Emily says. "Ven" I said and help her sit down on the bed. She holds her arms out and I gently place Valerie down in her sister's arms. Yes her full name is Valerie Nicole Jauregui Cabello.

One thing about Valerie is she's just like Lauren and what I mean by that is that she was born with an extra part. I kneel down to Emily's height and fix Valerie's small hair.

"Mami was Vale born with an extra parte como papa?" Emily asks. "Si Emily but that doesn't make her algien diferente" I said. "Ya se pero did papa go through people treating her differently for being especial?" Emily asks. "No well I hope not baby" I said and Emily nods.

We hear the door bell ring off and the kids gasp. I take Valerie in my arms and Emily jumps off the bed. "Hey! Hey! Don't open it!" I said and follow after them. I go down the stairs and they wait anxiously for me to open the door.

I unlock the door and turn the door knob.

Lauren's POV

I'm leaning against the door frame. I can't believe I get to be back with my wife and my three kids as my break goes for I don't know how long. The door opens and the twins immediately jump on me.

"Papa!" They cheer almost making me fall over. After Valerie was born me and Camila decided to move to a place bigger since we are gonna have three of these kids running around. I kneel down to the twins height and pull them into a very necessary hug.

"We missed you papa!" They said making me smile and I melt in their little arms. "I missed you twins too" I whisper and we pull away. The twins run off and I smile. I stand back up and come face to face with the love of my life.

"Hi" She smiles. I look down and see my little baby girl in her arms. "Hi" I smile at her and caress my babies cheek. "Hi Vale" I whisper and she giggled reaching her little hand out for any grip of me. I hold my index finger out and her little hand wraps around it kicking happily.

"Can I?" I asked looking at Camila. She smiles at me and hands me Valerie. I take Valerie in my arms and cradle her. "Hows my little girl doing?" I smile and Valerie giggles at me. Just like me Valerie was born with an extra part.

One thing I am afraid for her is that they will put her aside for being different, for being extra special. That's what happened to me when I was younger but when I hit high school everyone didn't care but instead found me very attractive for that reason.

I hear small whimpers from Valerie and Camila giggles taking her from my arms. Camila lowers her shirt exposing her breast. She brings Valerie closer and she starts drinking the milk.

I smile at 2 out of my three favorite girls in the world. "We'll have time for ourselves in a bit" Camila whispers to me. I cup her cheek and kiss her lips. "I'll be waiting baby" I whisper.

Camila chuckles and I walk in the living room where the twins are. I sit in between them as they are watching Disney Movie Moana. Felipe finally learned that he shouldn't care what his sister likes or what he likes. He should just deal with it because he loved his sister. They were both born at the same time so not one of them is a little older than the other.

But since Felipe is the boy he counts as the older one since Emily still acts a little babyish. It doesn't matter because she's still 3 years old but Felipe acts a little more mature for his age.

For Valerie the twins absolutely love her and Emily is happy she has a sister. But it caught Emily in surprise that she figured out she had an extra part but me and Camila told her it doesn't make her any different.

Our kids are fast learners and very understanding so she understood easily.

"Vale looks a lot like Mami" Emily speaks up. "She does probably the only thing she has from me is my black jet hair" I said. "Papa" Felipe speaks up. "Yeah champ?" I asked curious what the youngster had to say.

"Who do I look like the most?" He asks. "Well you and Emily look like me and mom both combined but you guys have slightly different things" I said. "Like?" Emily asks. "Instead of Felipe having brown hair like you Emily he has black and he has my green eyes instead of having mami's brown ones" I said.

"Is that the only difference?" Emily asks. "Yes baby but there's small things but it doesn't make you two any different" I said. "Vale is asleep" I hear Camila whisper. "Well you two should get some sleep" I said. "Why it's like 3pm" The twins whine. "There's going to be a welcoming party for me for coming back at grandma's house" I said.

"Okie papi!" The twins say hugging mine and Camila's legs then rush upstairs to their shared room. Camila turns to me tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I think you didn't great me good enough yet" I whisper and she giggles. Camila wraps her arms around my neck sealing our lips. I moan lightly pulling her closer by the waist. For a couple months gone I absolutely missed her lips against mine. Camila pulls away resting her forehead against mine.

My arms wrap around her waist and one of her hands cup the side of my jaw. "I missed you so much" Camila whispers. "I missed you too" I mumble. Camila brushes our lips smiling. "Come" Camila whispers taking my hand and leading me to our room. We enter quietly due to Valerie sleeping in here. Sadly Valerie couldn't share the room with the twins since they both are pretty jumpy and hyper.

But also there isn't another room for her.

Camila's POV

Lauren quietly closes the door and picks me up bridal style. She lays me down on our queen sized bed. I cup her face pressing our lips together. Lauren lifts my shirt slowly and I get her message. I pull our lips away taking my shirt off quickly as well as Lauren's.

Lauren gently lays me back down kissing down my neck. Her warm hands go behind my back unclasping my bra. She throws it on the floor and goes down. Her hands squeeze my small breasts. Lauren's lips wrap around my left nipple her teeth grazing over it.

We start to hear crying and I laugh. Lauren groans and gets off me. "I guess your not the only one that loves to suck my nipples" I whisper picking Valerie up. I bring her up to my right breast and she starts drinking the milk.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and Lauren's hand goes down my arm. "How has Vale been behaving?" Lauren asks. "She gets pretty hungry but she behaves good" I whisper looking down at Valerie. Lauren's hand runs over her hair smiling.

"Ma-ma-mama" Valerie says. Me and Lauren look at each other then smile brightly. "That's her first word!" I smile. "And I'm glad I was here to witness it" Lauren says kissing my cheek. Valerie's small hand grips my necklace kicking happily. Lauren stands up putting her shirt on. As Valerie finishes Lauren throws me my bra.

"Wanna burp her?" I asked. "Sure" Lauren smiles taking Valerie in her arms. I put my bra on then my shirt right as I hear a small burp from Vale. I stand up and kiss Lauren's cheek from behind resting my cheek on her arm and wrapping my arms around her torso.

One of my hands go up to Valerie's cheek my thumb caressing it. She smiles at me kicking her feet happily her brown eyes shinning. "I wish the twins could have grown up with you" I whisper.

Lauren looks down at me sighing. "Coming back and seeing them I felt horrible for doing what I did causing me to not be able to grow up with the twins" Lauren whispers.

I take Valerie in my arms kissing Lauren's cheek. I gently lay Valerie down in her crib. "I won't do it again" I feel Lauren press up behind me. I smile as Valerie grips my finger. "I know you won't" I whisper.

Lauren's hand rests on my waist kissing my cheek. "I promise you" She whispers in my ear. I turn around in her arms pressing our lips together. Lauren smiles pulling me closer to her. She kisses me back pulling on my lower lip. I pull away rubbing our noses together.

"I love you" I whisper. "I love you too Camila" Lauren whispers.

Lauren's POV

Later that day I'm getting the twins ready while Camila gets Valerie ready. "Alright your good to go kiddo" I said ruffling Felipe's hair then fixing it. Felipe has quite the long hair but his style is perfect and he looks handsome with the hair.

"Just wait down stairs for me" I said to the twins. "Yes papi!" They said kissing my cheek and running down stairs. I smile and stand back up. I walk to mine and Camila's room. I open the door and see her finishing the touches on Vale's outfit.

"You ready?" I asked. "Yes baby just let me pack a few things for Vale then we can leave" Camila says. "Of course baby" I smile and was about to close the door. "Lauren!" Camila calls. "Yes baby?" I said reopening the door. "Can you get a couple of diapers?" Camila asks. "Of course baby" I said going into our closet. I reach up swiftly bringing down the box of diapers.

I take a couple out and put the box back closing our closet door. I hand them to Camila and she smiles putting them in the bag. Camila kisses my cheek making me smile. "Thank you baby" Camila whispers caressing my cheek.

Camila picks up Vale and I take Camila's bag and Valerie's bag. We go down stairs seeing the twins watching something on the TV. I squint my eyes and see it's the Titanic scene where Jack draws Rose in the nude.

I widen my eyes and quickly grab the remote turning the TV off. "Hey!" Emily whines. "Sorry princess you can't watch that" I whisper putting the controller down on the coffee table. "Why?" Emily asks curiosity all over her features. "Many reasons but one is that we are leaving" I said.

"Are both abuelitas van estar ay?" Emily asks. "Yes baby of course" I said fixing Emily's shirt. "Yay!" Emily cheers. I kiss her cheek and stand up. "Ready to go?" I asked to Camila and she nods.

We walk out with the twins in between us Emily holding onto my hand. We put the kids on their car seat and turn on the twins movie tv closing the curtains that face the front.

I open the trunk and put the bags inside. "It's peaceful" Camila whispers when I close the trunk. "Yeah it is" I said. I see Camila shiver lightly from the cold night air. I take my jean jacket off and put it around her.

"Lauren" Camila whispers. "Yes?" I whisper. "Thank you" Camila whispers. "For what baby?" I asked. "Everything" She looks up our eyes locking. I cup her face and smile. "You don't have to thank me" I whisper.

Camila's lips quiver and I press my lips against her's. Camila's hand grips my hand making me smile. "Come on let's get you inside the car it's getting cold" I mumble against her lips.

A couple minutes later we finally arrive at my mom's house and the twins are jumping. I smile and me and Camila get out helping the twins out. "Hey! Stay here" I said and the twins whine.

Camila gets Valerie out and I grab the bags. The twins take my hands and Camila knocks on the door. The door opens revealing my younger sister.

"Lauren hi!" Taylor says. I hug her patting her back. "Hi kiddo" I said smiling. She pulls away from me and kisses Camila's cheek and she does the same. "Oh my god Emi and Felipe" Taylor says. "Tay Tay!" The twins cheer hugging her.

After a little hugging session Taylor finally stands up and looks at Valerie. "And little Vale" She smiles. Valerie kicks and giggles gripping Taylor's index finger. "Aw she loves me" Taylor coos making me and Camila let out a chuckle.

"Taylor let them in its cold out there" I hear my mom's voice. "Sorry" Taylor apologized stepping aside. We all go inside and I hug my mother immediately. We pull away and she side hugs Camila.

"Hi Clara" Camila smiles. "Hi Camila" Clara smiles at her. Clara's hand tickles Valerie's tummy making Vale laugh kicking her legs. "She's the absolute cutest" Clara smiles.

"Lauren my little sugar princess" I hear my dad. I turn to his voice and smile. "Hi pops" I smile hugging him. "Hey Mike" Camila says. "Ah Camila hello and you brought little Vale too" Mike says getting closer to Valerie. "Can I hold her?" He asks hopefully.

Camila looks at me and I nod. She gently places Valerie in Michael's arms and he cradles her. I can tell Camila is protective right now. Even after years my dad has changed he got help and hasn't touched alcohol in years. But for Camila she has to get use to it.

"You're so cute just like your mami huh" I hear my dad. He caresses Valerie's cheek then hands her back to Camila. "Come the entire family are in the back yard" My dad says leading us.

"Just relax" I whisper in Camila's ear my hand resting on her lower back. "Ok" Camila says. We get outside and see the twins playing with Sofi and Taylor.

"Kaki and Lo!" Sofi cheers when she sees us. She hugs my torso making me hug her back tightly. "You got bigger" I smile. "Shut up" Sofi giggles.

I ruffle the twins hair and we leave to Camila's parents. Camila's mom stands up and smiles as we approach. "Hola mija" She side hugs Camila. "Hola Lauren" Sinu says hugging me. "Hola suegra" I said hugging her back.

She pats my shoulder smiling and turns back to Camila smiling brightly at Valerie. "Can I?" Camila's mom asks. "Of course mami" Camila says and Sinu takes Valerie in her arms.

Camila looks behind me with a big smile. "Papa!" She says happily and I stand aside. Alejandro picks his daughter up giving her a bear hug. "My little munchkin" He says. He puts Camila down and looks at me. "In-law" I said shaking his hand firmly. "Hi Lauren" He says with a light smile.

Alejandro turns to his wife and smiles when he sees Valerie. "Mami! Papi!" We hear the twins. They come running with a balloon in their hand Taylor and Sofi behind them.

"What's up kiddos?" I said kneeling down to their heights. "Look papi a balloon" Emily says. I chuckle and take the balloon she outstretched out to me. "Yes princess this is a balloon" I said.

"Can I have it?" She asks with a pout. I melt completely because Emily has the similar pout as Camila's. "Sure baby but don't let it pop" I said making her giggle. Emily carefully takes the balloon back and before they could run off Camila's parents call them.

"Hola abuelo!" The twins say hugging Alejandro's legs. "Hola abuela!" They said hugging Sinu's legs next. They run off with Taylor and Sofi playing around. A slow song starts and I look at Camila. She nods smiling brightly. I take her hand gently and she looks at her parents.

"Can you take care of Valerie?" She says. "Sure mijita go dance" Sinu says. Alejandro takes the bags from my shoulder and pats my back. Camila interlocks our fingers as her parents leave to go inside the house.

I lead Camila to where everyone is dancing and I pull her closer to me. We move slowly to the beat of the music making Camila sigh in happiness. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Just that" Camila trails off. "I've never been this happy" She whispers.

"Me either" I said resting my cheek on top of her head. "Lauren your the best thing that ever happened to me" Camila whispers. "You are too" I whisper. Camila looks up pressing our lips together. I smile kissing her back passionate and slow.

Camila pulls away resting our foreheads together. I grip her waist pulling her as close as I can. Her hand gently squeezes mine smiling. Her brown eyes open as I spin her and bring her back to my body.

"I love you Lauren" Camila whispers. "I love you too Camila.."

The End

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