Heaven's Golden Finger

By Barbara_Doran

103K 4.7K 863

Song Shirong had expected to die. He didn't expect to find himself transported into a new life in an ancient... More

I'm the WHAT?
It Just Isn't Fair
Whose Luck is it This Time?
Siding with the Interloper
Escaping Destiny?
Family Ties can be Hell
Looking for a Fight
A Sure Thing's No Bet
Winning Combination
Golden Bait
Unwanted Meetings
Two for the Price of One
It's Always Something
Not Looking for Trouble
A Late Night Visitation
Not Where I'm Supposed to Be
Rising Cultivation
A Space of Our Own
Stolen Away
What Went Before
Leaves of Gold and Silver
Truth Hurts
Lessons Learned
Out of this World
And Into Another
The Eye of the Beholder
Escaping Hell
Singing for our Supper
Light in a Northern Tent
Monkey Business
On Our Own Again
Chapter 34: Seeking Roots in the Forest
A New Challenge Rises
Chapter 36: On the Trail Again
Chapter 37: The Return of the King
Chapter 38: Stopping for the Night
Chapter 39: Family Coming out of the Woodwork
Chapter 40: Seeking Dreams
Chapter 41: Stolen Dreams
Chapter 42: Reuniting What's Been Long Separated
Chapter 43: Tossing Away Falsehood
A Visit Home
Chapter 45: Freeing Shizun
Chapter 46: Going on the Offensive
Chapter 47: Facing the Enemy
Chapter 48: Diving Deep to Rise
Chapter 49: Battle the Past for the Future
Chapter 50: Crowning Glory

Falling from Heaven

1.3K 69 11
By Barbara_Doran

They stood in a room so like the one they'd found themselves in before that Shirong almost panicked. The same bright hangings, score upon score of fine colorful fabric hangings, in a grand hall supported by pillars of red lacquered wood. Beasts coiled around those pillars; a green dragon, a white tiger, a vermilion bird and a black tortoise. The symbols of the four kingdoms.

Shirong cudgeled his old memories. Ah, that was right. The green dragon for Khai, the white tiger for Pamir, the vermilion bird for Houttan and the black Tortoise for Bazi. Should there be a fifth pillar and a fifth beast, a Kirin? Or was that something that would come later, in a different place and time? It could get so confusing when one's lived a second life in the far distant future.

At first Shirong thought the beasts were carvings but one - the black tortoise - moved as they stepped through, turning its head to look at them.

"Oh crap," he muttered. "Not again."

At the same time, in a voice loud enough to conceal his curse, the tortoise shouted, "The Chosen and the Adversary have come. All greet. All greet. All greet!"

Softly, Shun Shixiong whispered, "Watch your language, Shidi."

Just this once it would have been good if the things Shirong muttered from his future life wouldn't translate. But 'crap' was obviously not such a term. Hell, it was even used the same way. Glad he hadn't said something about grass horses, he bit his lip and bowed in his Shixiong's direction. "Shidi knows he's wrong."

"Just mind your manners. I think this place really is Heaven."

That was probably true. Having experienced the fake, Shirong sensed the difference without much effort. There was an energy here of a sort that hadn't been present before. It felt familiar, like it was part of him. Was this why he was considered Chosen? Could he manipulate it?

Even as he thought that, the images around him shifted, took on a momentary vision of a vast, cloudy, realm, with a perfect blue sky. It shifted back again quickly and the turtle said reproachfully, "The Chosen should refrain from calling on his powers in this place. The Adversary as well."

To Shirong's surprise, Shun Shixiong actually sniggered. "Isn't the Chosen the one who's supposed to provide order to the world? So why is it everything you do creates the exact opposite?"

Shirong ducked his head, suddenly and horribly embarrassed. "Shidi is sorry, Shixiong. He is ignorant and foolish."

A light hand on his shoulder startled him. "Ignorant, yes. But so am I. As for foolish, you've been doing your best to make up for your predecessor's mistakes."

Those words sent a chill straight through Shirong. He still hadn't told his Shixiong the truth about himself. He dreaded the moment when he had to tell his Shixiong. And, in truth, he couldn't not tell his Shixiong. In a bit. When they were alone. Because right that moment they had to deal with whatever Heaven had in store for them.

Taking a deep breath, he returned his attention to the tortoise, guessing it was their spokesperson because they came from Bazi. "Respect, great one. I am ignorant and inexperienced and ask forgiveness for my failure to control myself."

"Hmph." Something about the black turtle's scoff reminded Shirong of the white turtle he'd met earlier. This wasn't the time to ask, but he wondered if there was a relationship. Then he focused as the black turtle continued, "Well, you two are here a great deal earlier than you're supposed to be. You haven't even completed your tribulations, so I suppose your lack of control is only to be expected."

Now it was Shun Shixiong who bowed. "Elder Zhi Ming, forgive our rush to enter this realm. We were trapped and had no other path to walk."

Another hmph, one that sent a burst of warm and slightly fishy air past their faces, setting their hair flying. Before the turtle could say more, however, the tiger carving shifted. Grumbled. "Oh, stop picking on them, Zhi Ming. If they'd finished their tribulations they wouldn't be trapped at all. So obviously they didn't have a choice."

"Doesn't matter. Until the demon throne is properly occupied again, the Emperor can't see anyone from that realm." That came from the vermilion bird. She shifted along the column, so her bright crimson head and gold eyes could stretch out to look straight into Shun's eyes. "And you've yet to prove yourself to your subjects, young demon."

Was that what they had to do? Shirong asked hesitantly, "You said something about tribulations?"

The dragon added his two cents to the discussion. "Chosen and Adversary each have their own paths to walk. You've bound those paths together. Not a bad thing, if you can come to terms. But terms require truth."

There was no doubt in Shirong's mind what truth the dragon meant. He hesitated, knowing he should confess who he really was and terrified to do so. Before he could force the words from his lips, though, the turtle spoke again. "Not here. Not now. Already your presence shakes the Heavens, as it did the Hells. The two of you must return to the Human realm and seek your path properly."

And, before either Shirong or Shun Shixiong could say a word, they found themselves tossed through yet another portal. A moment later they landed on a broad green field, the sound of shouting and clash of weapons filling the air.

"Because, of course, they would have to drop us into a battlefield," Shun Shixiong muttered resignedly.


On the positive side, the battle wasn't right on top of them. On the negative, that made their sudden appearance all the more obvious. Shun Shixiong took one look at the horses racing towards them and growled a curse. "Pamir."

Shirong glanced around. Saw nowhere to run. Settled himself beside his Shixiong to follow Shu Shun's lead. "Do you speak their language?"

"With luck, I won't need to. Most people know enough Imperial to get along."

Imperial was the language from when the four kingdoms were one, before the Emperor had Ascended and left the lands to his four children. Who, if Shirong's memory served him right, were represented by the four beasts they'd just met.

Shirong's own Imperial wasn't the best. Yet another thing he'd failed to study properly. Yet another mark of his poor upbringing. How much was his fault for not trying and how much his master's was a thing he couldn't answer. He'd have to study twice as hard now.

By this time the riders were on them, the obvious leader glaring down at them with a wild expression. He shouted something that must have been in Pamir, then - seeing their lack of comprehension - shifted to Imperial. "Hey! Women don't belong on the battlefield!"

Women? Shirong blinked. Surely he didn't look that much like a woman? He glanced at Shun Shixiong and was startled to find him simpering, using his makeshift sleeve to hide his lower face. "A-Li is scared," he said in a soft soft voice. "A-Li doesn't know how she and brother got here." He hid behind Shirong, peeking over his shoulder like a small child.

Shirong was having a horrible time not giggling at the situation. Of all the things he'd expect from his stern and self-possessed Shixiong, this was the last possible. Was he taking a page from Shirong's book, imitating the trick Shirong had used on those bandits they'd met, their first day out of the sect?

Whatever Shun Shixiong was doing, it was far more effective than Shirong's attempt. It helped that Shun Shixiong was smaller, frailer and more feminine. Even his voice was better suited to the ploy. It certainly had its effect on the young man on the horse.

"Little girl, you'd better come with me. I'll take you to our camp."

One of the other men said something that sounded like disagreement, but the rest of the men seemed perfectly happy with the idea. Too happy, to Shirong's point of view. His master had kept him naïve about the world, but his years in that future life told him soldiers weren't likely to be kind with random women showing up on their battlefield.

Still, they didn't really have a choice unless they wanted to fight. Shirong thought they could and thought they'd win, but it might require Shun Shixiong to use his demon form and he'd a feeling that was best saved for emergencies. He took his 'sister's' hand and looked innocently at the young man leading the group. Speaking in English, knowing he was the only one who'd understand, he said in a sweet and innocent voice, "I'll break your neck if you so much as lay a finger on him."

If Shirong's tone had matched his threat it would have put them in a world of trouble. As it was, it just made the men stare at him in confusion. At the same time, Shun Shixiong squeezed his hand approvingly. "A-Li's brother is foolish, always speaking gibberish."

"He does look a little mad," the lead soldier agreed. "No weapon, either. Doesn't know how to fight?"

"No, A-Rong is clumsy." Shun Shixiong moved so more of his face could be seen. "A-Li is always picking up after him."

Somehow, Shirong managed not to pout. Having chosen to play a madman, he couldn't let their captors realize he understood anything. Besides, Shun Shixiong was right. He was always having to pick up after Shirong's messes. Yet another thing he'd have to do something about.

The soldiers' leader held out a hand to Shun Shixiong. "It's a good distance back to camp. You'll never make it, barefoot like that."

As Shirong realized for the first time that his Shixiong had no shoes, Shu Shun whispered, "What about A-Rong? A-Li can't leave A-Rong."

A gesture towards one of the other soldiers met with a momentary grimace and sigh from the man. Then, rolling his eyes, the man leaned down and grabbed Shirong by the collar, hoisting him over the neck of his horse in one smooth movement. Shirong, still playing his part, cried out in protest.

At the same time, the soldier's leader took Shun Shixiong's hand, pulling him up to sit in front of him before setting off for the Pamir camp.


They were shoved into a guarded tent as soon as they reached the camp, Shirong protesting childishly every step of the way. Only when they left alone, Shun Shixiong pretending to comfort A-Li's mad brother in a warm embrace, did they relax at all.

Well, mostly relax. Shirong couldn't quite help clinging to Shun Shixiong a bit longer than he ought to. He wasn't terribly frightened, not yet, but he wanted to appreciate the moment. It was bad of him. He knew it was bad of him. But he was going to have to tell his Shixiong the truth about himself all too soon.

"You could let go now, you realize?" Shun Shixiong spoke softly, almost seeming to croon.

Shirong forced his arms to relax. Whispered back. "Sorry, Shixiong. I...." To his surprised pleasure, Shun Shixiong patted his head. "Shixiong?"

Speaking a little louder, Shun Shixiong told him, "It's all right, A-Rong. A-Li won't let anyone hurt him."

"A-Li, A-Rong is scared! They were mean!" His wail drew a grin from Shun Shixiong, one that told Shirong he was playing his role properly. They were speaking in Bazi, which might or might not be understood, but they needed to sound like the scared brother and sister pair they'd been mistaken for.

Softly, so his voice couldn't be overheard, Shun Shixiong murmured, "Play along with everything I do. As soon as I can work out how to get away, I'll tell you."

Shirong suddenly wished he knew more about the world. He wanted to be more use than he was going to be right now. Again a little louder, he said, "A-Li is the best sister."

That got him another pat on the head and he grinned broadly at the sensation. Old stupid Shirong and newly reborn Shirong both liked having Shun Shixiong appreciate him very much. And that made him remember something important. "A-Rong has something to tell you!"

Shun Shixiong eyed him. Examined his expression. "Does it have to do with what A-Rong said he'd tell A-Li earlier?"

"Uh huh! A-Rong's been bad!"

"A-Rong has been naughty, not bad."

If only that were true. "A-Rong's been lying to A-Li!"

A frown. One that made Shirong's heart quail. Then, "Does A-Rong's lie put us in danger?"

Shirong thought about it. "No."

"Does A-Rong's lie mean A-Rong won't take care of A-Li?"


"Then A-Rong can wait to tell A-Li." Another pat, so desired and so very undeserved. "A-Li has a feeling A-Li already knows. A-Rong is all right."

Shirong doubted his Shixiong knew the truth, because he'd surely be unhappy once he did understand it. If Shirong didn't want to put the moment off as long as possible he might have argued. He'd have to speak soon, but Shun Shixiong was right. They needed to get through this situation first. Using this moment to reveal a thing that might infuriate, or at least hurt him, was unwise.

"A-Rong will try to wait," Shirong said finally. He settled down. Asked, "What will we do, A-Li?"

"We have to wait and see, little brother." At the same time, Shun Shixiong wrote in Shirong's hand, [Claim to be hungry. Make a fuss.]

Well there was something Shirong could do and easily. He took a deep breath and whined loudly, "BUT A-LI I'M HUNGRY!"

The mention of food was enough to remind his stomach that they hadn't eaten for hours now. All he could do was hope the worst his tantrum would bring them was a swift and well-deserved kick to his rear. With luck, though, their captors might actually feed them.

Whichever it'd be, he hoped it'd be soon.


The Author has Something to Say

Shun: You don't have to hold on quite so tight.

Shirong: But it's an exciting option.

Shun: So is smacking you over the head.

Shirong: I'll take that too.

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