Friend of Brother

By Erty_Vic

685 11 0

Transformers Prime fanfiction. Second book of 'Brother' This is not focused on brothers' realitionship it's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

53 1 0
By Erty_Vic

Silent Decepticon dragged Mistytora to Knockout's medical area and stripped her to his working berth. Mistytora hadn't moved against the faceless Decepticon. She didn't want to risk anything she hoped her friends were doing better than she did. She knew they would escape from them. They knew how to fight them.

Suddenly red Decepticon entered the room. „Why is she here now?" he asked slightly annoyed. Mistytora froze when she heard his voice. She didn't know why he scared her so much, but he did. Soundwave made no sound. Like always. Knockout sighed. „Megatron want answers from her. Okay, why did he send her to me?" he asked annoyed again. Soundwave looked at her causing Knockout to see her scared expression. „Oh, I understand now. But do you really think she will tell me? She didn't do it earlier so why now?" Decepticon medic asked folding his servos on his chest plates. Soundwave just stared at him but a while later he left the room.

„Heh, classic." Knockout hissed for himself and went to his desk where he had all of his tools. He stood with his back to Autobot femme but the vision of her scared face was flashing in front of his optics as if he was looking at her. Then she slowly half turned to her. „Why are you afraid of me, kid?" he asked. Mistytora stared at him afraid to blink. He turned completely to her and watched her carefully. He saw fear he had never seen in his entire life. He could use it to his advantage but on the other side, he felt bad for her. She seemed older sparkling to him.

„How old are you? Can you at least answer that?" he asked. Mistytora gulped heavily. „Sixteen in human years," she replied quickly. Knockout's optics widened. She was really the sparkling he thought she is. He growled to himself and then hissed in annoyance. „I hope your friends will get through the other Decepticons and save you," he said turning away from her.

A second later two Autobots rushed into a room and immiadetly aimed their blasters at Knockout. „Step away from her!" Smokescreen hissed angrily. Red Decepticon lifted up his servos in surrender and stepped away from Autobot femme. Silence held Decepticon in the corner and Smokescreen freed his best friend. Mistytora slowly stood up and held onto the silver Autobot for dear life. „We have to get outta here!" Silence yelled. Smokescreen and Mistytora nodded and transformed into cars Silence immiadetly followed and together they drove away from Decepticon medic. „Didn't he hurt you, Tora? Did he?" Smokescreen asked while they raced through the corridors of the Decepticon warship. „No." femme simply replied still in shock.

„Ratchet! We need a ground bridge, now! We are on the Nemesis!" Silence yelled through his communicator but got no answer. „Damn it, Ratchet!" Silence yelled frustrated. „We have to get out of this ship then we can contact the base!" Smokescreen said as he drove faster. Silence understood and he and Mistytora drove faster as well. „To the runway!" Smokescreen yelled and led the way.

As they drove to the runway they were surprised no Decepticon was there. „Ratchet, come in!" Silence called still frustrated with his communicator. „Silence? Where are you?" came back a medic's voice. „We are on Nemesis! Decepticon captured us! We need a ground bridge, Smokes is going to need your attention." Silence replied urgently looking at his brother.

I am sending you bridge," Ratchet answered and cut off the link. Silence went to his brother and younger femme. „How are you guys holding up?" he asked. Smokescreen shook his helm as he leaned a little on Mistytora who held him with easiness. Silence wrapped one Smokescreen's servo around his shoulder plates and supported him more just in time when their ground bridge opened. Silence and Smokescreen went through first and femme was right behind them.

When two brothers and Ratchet's niece appeared back on the base Smokescreen passed out and Ratchet immiadetly led Silence with him to the med bay. Mistytora just stood there and stared at her two friends and uncle in the med bay and she forgot about the entire world around her.

„Mistytora." came a firm voice from behind femme and she jumped as she was ripped out of her trance. She turned around to see the rest of the team looking at her. „What happened back there, Mistytora?" Optimus asked calmly. Suddenly femme's old side kicked in and she stood taller in front of her leader. „We were in on the hill by the fields and Decepticons attacked us. They kidnapped us and took us to their ship. They held me separated from Silence and Smokescreen. Then Megatron let us see each other to break us by hurting the others. But when we said nothing he let us be separated once again. I was taken by the faceless Decepticon to that red medic once again. But then Silence and Smokescreen came and saved me from him. Well, the medic did not try to stop us from leaving. He let us leave. The rest is simple. We went to the runway to contact you." she explained everything. Other Autobots stared at her in the confusion they didn't know she can report like a trained soldier.

„Thank you for your report." Optimus thanked them kindly and Mistytora nodded with a blank expression. „Is something wrong, Mistytora?" Arcee asked. Said femme shaking her helm. „Nothing is wrong. It's just I met my sparkling hood friend after such a long time and he got injured. Megatron punched him right in front of me. I heard his metal plates cracking." she said with a sad look in her optics.

Then young scout who didn't even have time to introduce himself to her stepped forward and hugged her. Mistytora knew the Autobot and she knew he probably went through bigger trauma than she did but she didn't care for anything at the moment and hugged him back. They were about the same height she was just a bit taller but it was an invisible difference. The doors on her back lowered so they were almost pinned to her back. Bumblebee's hug was tight but soft at the same time. Mistytora tried her best not to shiver from the drips of coolant in her optics. She silently cried into yellow scout's shoulder plates. Bumblebee not sure what else to do rubbed her back between her doors gently.

A few minutes later young femme broke the hug and rubbed her wet optics. „I am sorry." she apologized and was about to leave but the servo on her shoulder plate stopped her. She looked at whose servo it was and saw a bot who was hugging her the last few minutes. *You don't have anything to be sorry for.* he beeped softly looking right into her optics. Brown femme nodded and scout let go of her shoulder plates. 

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