Loss of better words [l.s.]

By MorjaneKizi

89 11 0

A story where Josh is caught between holes he put in his mind. Harry doesn't help, neither does Louis. In fac... More

โ™ฅโ˜†hello tiny bunny!!โ˜†โ™ฅ
01- West land.
02- Would it hurt?
03- We'll see ya!
04- Wide open.
06- Heart feels like a song to the mind
07- Hit the soul.
08- He's a great feeling
09- Alive pitch
10- Around the bush
11- Almost precise

05- Hello, oops.

10 1 0
By MorjaneKizi

Man. It's gonna get cliché. Sorryyyyy. I didn't even start writing. But okay. I'll do it at some point and hopefully it's not cliché cliché.

Josh had grown on Louis. Louis didn't know how sweet he was but it was definitely more than sugar. The boy was giving him diabetes.

One time he called Louis after dinner and asked him if he'd like to see some designer with him the next day. Said designer was his uncle.

Louis obviously agreed. Josh was the only person who knew about Louis's hobby and he was so supportive yet secretive about Louis's obsession, always making it look like he was the one who enjoyed clothes and stuff and that Louis was just joining. (He was thankful for that)

But after an awesome day with Josh's uncle, needles and sketches, came Monday.


The good thing is that Louis was going to talk with David about some of the sketches he was able to make, that dude was just perfect with drawing as well as drumming! But he always says "oh it's just a trick in the wrist and elbow "

Louis went through his first classes, really trying to focus on the lessons to make efficient notes while waiting for lunch break. When it came, he was buzzing.

He entered the school's cafeteria. His friends were scattered a bit everywhere. That's what you get from having friends from different years and of different kinds.

He first went to his childhood homies, Stan, Brandon, Reece and James.

Louis: (smacks Brandon's shoulder, joyfully) how 'ya doin?! Haven't seen your big nose in forever!

Brandon: (sighs in I'm done) I still feel like my skin is crawling with sickness but better than before, I guess.

Louis: (pats him a bit)

Reece: you shouldn't have come if you're still sick.

Louis: (while Reece is being the dad friend with Brandon, louis is talking with stan and James) hello lads, I just passed by, does any of you have some interesting news before I go?

Stan: (holds james head lowering it to his chest) this nuthead called james just.. (make a mess out of his hair) decided to change school.

James: I know you're angry since I'm leaving you with two children and a grandpa but please let my hair outa this.

Louis: (kind of sad) you're leaving for real?

James: (has been freed and is fixing his hair a bit) Yeah... (looks at louis and holds out his hand) but you know us, football coaches forever. (Smiles sheepishly)

Louis: (holds out his hand to do some hand thingy) football coaches my ass Jam. But I'll accept this. In hope that your Farwell speech improves.

James: (grins) fuck off. Your ass is nice don't use it to cuss.

Louis: uhkay. (Pats Brandon's chest) get well bud.(walks to another table backwards to finish his talk ) I want you running and screaming by next week, bey. Take care Reece, don't stress about paying taxes, you're still underage.

Reece: (shouts after Louis) I'm just responsible, not like you, or any of these idiots by the way.

Louis ignores his friend, as per usual when he's not fun, turns around and bumps into someone.

He just rolls around him to move to his other group of friends, it was just a light bump.

Jackson: the widow is here.

Louis: (confused ) who?

Jackson: you.

Louis: sure (takes some of his fries and his juice box)

Jackson: hey! (Looks at Matthew) he's your child, you should be the one to feed him not me.

Matthew: (puts a leg on top of the other looking royal as the daddy Mathew that he is) you're the tallest, he's the shortest. Give him some of your nutrition son.

Louis: (rolls his eyes.) Typical. (Takes Matthew's fruit salad).

Matthew: that was uncanny...

Louis: right. Well anyways, David, (kinda brightly, his eyes stink of hope and he talks smiling) I wanted to show you a couple of drawings I've done.

David: (happy for his friend) bring it on fart face!

Louis: (not joking ) repeat that nicely or you're not having your Hannah.

David: (face crumbling) no-

Louis: (laughing) oh man, I was kidding. I would never back off my promise now.

Matthew: (frowns but laughs) you're being such a dick today tho.

Jackson: when is he not Matt? Did you have an eye loss during our friendship?

Matthew : no but he was like... (shakes his head) anyways. Show us your failed art, Louis.

David: no art can be failed. Art is a thing in progress full of happy surprises.

Matthew: (deadpan) now I know -again- why I never let you write lyrics with us for parodies. You lie like no tomorrow.

Jackson: ouah. The burn. Watch out Dav' you may need Louis eyes for a bit.

Louis: (bites his lips, looks down, kind of wants to laugh too but feels giddy but also offended for his friend, he just feels things) keep my blue eyes away from your arguments.

David: (sighs, gets up and go)

The three watch him confused until he's seated on another table with a couple of girls who are fondly looking at him, one even dosed off staring right at his jawline.

Louis: w-wait... (confused) did he ditch us?

Matthew: seems like it. (Skeptical) did we annoy him that much?

Jackson: (put his head on top of his hand) I think he was already on edge. He didn't talk much at all today, neither did he focus in literature class. Usually he does. (Shrugs) something else must've happened and he didn't want to blow up on us, you know him, too kind to everyone except himself.

Matthew: (feels bad) I'm gonna talk with him. He has to have someone by his side if things are bad for him. (Is going to get up)

Louis: (holds his arm) I think it's better if you let him breeze it in his head. David isn't a closed person, when he wants a talk, he goes to have it. He didn't today which means he wants space.

Jackson: yup. I think so too. David isn't the kind to not communicate, (grins in I'm gonna say a dumb joke) he's not a Matt or a Lou.

Louis: (groans) that was so terrible, I'm going to stay with Josh, you are ruining my ears.

Matthew : (smirking, sings) we have a neeew weapon to get rid of youuu louuu.

Louis: (lips in thin line moving to go to josh) yup. Definitely ruinous.

Then, Louis searched for a certain feathery black haired man. Josh was easy to spot, obviously, him being the only familiar silhouette in that area of the cafeteria.

Josh was kind of lanky and tall, his face had a soft oval shape, his eyes were feline-like and creamy greeny, grey colored, (?) They changed colors too! His skin was golden colored just like Louis' and his lips were pretty big and full for a boy with a resemblance of a fading effect between his skin and top lip. But when he smiles it's like his lips disappear and he only has teeths.

Josh has plenty of feminine details. But overall, he looks like a boy teen. Nothing buff, nothing twink. Just a Josh.

If you took a 0 as "rabbit cute" and 10 as "lion strong", josh was a strong 4.5 with a 2.5 of ugly. (No one is perfect in their teen years).

Oh, seems like Matthew joined us and said no one is perfect anytime. Apart from Zayn, he's my perfect baby.

Moving on.

Louis came to sit with Josh, it seems like Sophia also sits with him. And a boy... humm this one is a 3.25 with a 1.75 of ugly. Cute.

Hey! But wait- if Josh is 4.5 and this boy is 3.25 then Louis is ... 2.00? Or 7.125 ???? IS LOUIS CUTE OR IS HE DOMINANT?! ...Let's settle for a perfect 5.0 then.

Louis was going to put his ass on the seat then the boy got out his hand to shake it, smiling politely.

Louis was going to shake his hand and say hi to him too when a teacher called him, so he turned his head, his body still awkwardly not sitting.

He was going to the teacher to see what they need when he tripped on his legs which were turning to the opposite direction they were at.

He reflexively held behind his back to not fall, his hand landed on the boy's crotch.

Louis saw pure fear and pain show through the boy's face. Ouch. That hand must have hurt so bad. Yet he didn't flinch.

Aha. Ha. Ha. But he wet his pants. A bit. A tiny bit.

Louis felt it. He didn't know it was a thing, you know, peeing from pain.

But it seemed logical since the boy didn't react in any other way, he had to release the pain somehow.

But, just. Ew.

Louis didn't want to embarass the flustered flabbergasted pained boy anymore. And he also felt quite embarrassed from this exhibition.

His mind wanted to correct the situation. He wanted to apologize but he didn't fall voluntary and he can't just let the tension of the atmosphere hang for longer. He caused a bad for a person... maybe and oof.

Oh right! Sound effects.

Louis thought rapidly that well, some sounds we make can kind of lighten the mood and convey an apology at the same time!

So he used "oops"

Louis: oups...

And he regrets the quick thought because that was stupid.

He'll apologize afterall.

Louis: (awkwardly and genuine ) I'm sorry man. Um, well, I gotta go the teacher is waiting.

And with that louis went.

Teacher: (amused) that was quite a fall Tomlinson.

Louis: (cracks a grimace, flutter a head dance, keeps his eyes away) yeah it was. (Clears his throat ) anyways, what did you call me for, sir?

Teacher: (looks like he's looking on top of Louis head because of his glasses, sympathetic) your dad called us and said that he's coming to get you for a family emergency. Your nan is in the hospital.

Louis's eyes expressed in such speed all the emotional torment he was having. They rounded in surprise, greyed and drooped in sadness, they twinkled with hope, love... and an emotion he didn't accept, despair.

Louis loved his grandmother, for the memories he has of her when he was much younger, how he thought her hands were kinder than his mom's and her words gentler, her cooking better, if Louis didn't have a special stronger bound with his mom, he'd say his nan was his best angle gardian.

And recently, she hasn't been in the best shape, she's old and fighting sickness. Heart diseases, insulin resistance, coughing pains and senses weakness.

But she's always been strong, she has all her vaccines, she also followed what the doctors told her, she wasn't careless, she was glowing with strength.

That is... until she was diagnosed with concer. The same sickness that took her father. It's hereditary. That's what the doctor said.

And knowing she's in a hospital right now makes him uneasy and sad. The fear of losing her hanging in the air freely with Louis not wanting to acknowledge that.

He shook his head. Looked around for Josh. Although he hasn't known the boy long. He seems like the most conforting person for now.

The most fresh relationship, one that'll last after the old ones reach their medium end.

But that thought was fucked up to Louis, he doesn't know why, it just didn't feel right.

So he went to Reece. Louis knew he just ignored him 20 minutes ago, but he also knows that Reece is the only one to ground him.

Louis: (looks kind of freaked out, frantic in his eyes and voice but his posture is firm, trying to keep calm) Reece, Reece. Can I talk to you a bit?

Reece: (worried) of course.

They went to a secluded place in the hallways of the school. Louis told him a bit of what's happening and Reece matched the dots and didn't let Louis voice his biggest fear yet.

Reece: (pulls Louis in a brothery hug) look lou, I know how much you like your nan and she's truly amazing and strong. And you know, people sometimes go to the hospital, it's just like that, my little brother -and so your little sister- once went to the hospital because they fell on a teeny rock, hospitals don't mean very bad things, it just means you mummy and daddy don't have what to do to the pain so someone else, someone who knows, a doctor, will help them. Don't assume the worst. She'll be alright, just believe that.

Louis: (demeanor fully broken ) but she has concer... what if they tell us she only has some weeks to live or something? My dad wouldn't call for a stupid incident.

Reece: (feels guilty to not know how to answer him, hugs him tightly, says his next words slowly, choosing the least harsh things he thinks but says them firmly ) Then, so be it Louis. People die. All of them do. But what you should do is make sure you won't forget the good in all the people you loved. Remind them of that to make them happy so you'll in turn be happy... It's depressing to know a date limit, I know, but why kill something that could be good if you can create the best memory out of it? Your nan is nothing but a goof ball of positive energy (louis slightly giggles and agrees so Reeces feels better) and so, don't look this... broken. We all love a nostalgic smile when we're standing on the end, you know? It feels better than be reminded of the truth. (Pulls back to look at Louis's eyes) She's not forever, but your love is. She'd love for you to still look at her like she's one piece. Like your love for her is spiritual and not materialist. So if her body gives out, your love won't hurt.

Louis: (nods feeling somewhat like Reece doesn't understand him but he appreciate the confort, god, he's grateful that Reece is so logical) thank you Ree. (Is starting to accept Reece's point of view) I guess I have to remember all the good time. They're too much to tell in only visit hours tho.

Reece: (sneers slightly ) I don't doubt that Tommo. Now don't forget... (softly) you're also her love and she wants you happy. With and without her.

Louis: (bites his lips eyes downcast heavy, voice pathetic with emotion) I know.


I'm a bloody brilliant free citizen. I DO WATTA WANNA

Anyways. I totally planed every detail in this story. Definitely planed everything. Yup.

his hands fell on the crotch... By AcCiDeNt

Sigh. I feel high.

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