distance // klance internet f...

By pphandomtrashh

122K 4K 3.9K

keith and lance have been friends for quite a while now...only problem is: they live on opposite sides of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Quick A/N
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A/N and Thank You!!

Chapter 2

4.1K 146 267
By pphandomtrashh

Lance's pov

I woke up to my alarm blasting Shakira. I groaned and looked at the time.

"6:00 already? Damn." I sat up and dragged myself to the bathroom to shower. I yawned as I turned the water on and stepped in the hot water. I stayed up for at least another hour thinking about Keith last night.

I really wished I could meet him in real life. It's not like I had a crush on him or anything, but he was always on my mind and made me feel...some sort of way.

I hummed along to the music I had playing as I got out of the shower and got ready for school. I looked in the mirror.

"Wow, I look terrible. I hope Pidge and Hunk don't notice." I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed a slice of toast before rushing out of the house as I was already running a bit late.

I rushed into school right before the announcements started. I practically ran into homeroom and sat down between Pidge and Hunk.

"Wow you look like a zombie. What happened, did you stay up all night or something?"

I nodded.

"He was probably talking to his boyfriend." Pidge drawled.

I hit her arm lightly. "He's not my boyfriend. I stayed up doing homework...and yes I talked to Keith a bit since he was up."

Pidge and Hunk raised an eyebrow. I hit them lightly as they laughed.


I walked up to the lunch line to get a lunch, as didn't have time to pack one that morning. Someone bumped into me, sending me forward, which resulted in me hitting my arm on the bar.

"Oh, sorry Lance. I didn't see you there."

I turned to see Allura behind me, and Lotor behind her. I gave him a dirty look, but quickly turned my attention back to Allura.

"Oh, hey Allura. It's fine. It doesn't even hurt, really."

She smiled, showing her radiant white teeth.

"I'm glad to hear it. Oh! The line is moving."

I looked behind me and moved up, grabbed my lunch and walked back to my table. Pidge and Hunk were already eating.

"Wow guys, thanks for waiting for me." Pidge shrugged.

"Well we're not the one who forgot to bring their lunch because they were too tired to wake up on time. Not to mention they probably woke up late because they were up talking to someone until like one in the morning, probably, which would make it 3am for the other person. And y'know, some people consider it rude that you kept him up."

I shook my head. "You don't know Keith. He never sleeps. He probably stayed up even later than that."

Hunk smiled. "Whatever you say."

I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I grabbed it and smiled when I saw who the message was from.

"Looks like his boyfriend texted him." Pidge said with a smirk

I shook my head, smile fading slightly. "I already told you, Keith is not my boyfriend. He's just...a very good friend."

I opened his message, ignoring the following comments from Pidge and Hunk.

Keith_Kogane: hey Lance, i figured u were in lunch by now and i could send a message
LoverboyLance: actually, u texted at the perfect time. my friends r bullying me :(
Keith_Kogane: bullying u? how so?

I hesitated. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable if I told him that Pidge and Hunk were teasing me about being in a relationship with him.

LoverboyLance: they were teasing me about something that happened with allura. she bumped into me today and they saw and were making a big deal about it
Keith_Kogane: ur friends seem like cool people lol
LoverboyLance: hey! ur supposed to be on my side, not theirs! ur my friend after all...
Keith_Kogane: lol, i was kidding. tell them that if they bother u again, i will buy a ticket to cali and beat their asses, and then take u with me back to ny

I couldn't help but grin as I read the message. I'm not sure why, but reading it made me feel giddy inside. Pidge raised an eyebrow.

"Mind telling us what that was all about?"

"Well, I told Keith how you guys were bullying me, and he said that if you do that again, he'll buy a plane ticket to California, beat you guys up, and bring me back to New York with him." I said.

Hunk raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds pretty gay." Pidge said with a chuckle.

I threw my fork at her, and she dodged it.

"That could have killed me!" I rolled my eyes. "It's a plastic fork. It's not going to do any harm to you in any way."

She shrugged. "You don't know that."

Hunk shook his head before turning his attention back to his food.

I walked down the stairs of the school, eager to get home. I couldn't stand school. The only good parts about it were Pidge, Hunk, and Allura.

Keith_Kogane: hey, r u still in school?
LoverboyLance: im on my way home now.
Keith_Kogane: perfect

I raised an eyebrow. I was about to respond when my screen was filled with Keith's profile picture.

Incoming call from Keith_Kogane

I sighed as I answered, lifting the phone slightly so he could actually see my face. The top half of his body filled the screen. He had a black sweatshirt with one of his emo band's logos on it. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

He looked exhausted, but his face lit up when he saw I had answered.


"Keith! Hey! How's it going?"

He was beaming. "You'll never guess what Shiro and Adam came home with today!"

I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

I heard a little bark and he held up a little german shepard puppy. "Awwwe. He's so cute! What's his name?"

"Kosmo. Shiro and Adam brought him home with them because Acxa kept complaining that she wanted a puppy."

I walked into my house and dropped my bag. I walked up to my room and sat on the bed, continuing to talk to Keith.

"I've always wanted a dog, but Marco is really allergic so, that's a no."

"Well, you could always visit and meet Kosmo."

I laughed, rolling onto my stomach and propping my head up with my arm.

"I wish it were that simple. If only I could just snap my fingers and you would be here, or I would be there."

"Yeah, if only. Why do you have to live so far away?"

I mocked offense. "It's not my fault you decided to live on the other side of the country."

"It's not like I chose to live here!"

We both laughed.

"So anyways, what's new in the life of Lance?"

I thought for a second. "Not much. Our science teacher is out on maternity leave, so we have this sub. He's super weird. His name is Mr. Slav and he keeps talking about the possibilities of alternate realities. It's super weird. He was talking about a reality where we all lived in space and fought evil aliens."

Keith laughed softly. I heard a knock at the door from the phone, and it opened. Keith looked up.

"Who are you talking to?"

I saw a head of purple hair try to look over Keith's shoulder.

"That's none of your business!" Keith said, putting the phone face down so my screen was now black.

The girl laughed. "Ohhh Keith's got a secret girlfriend."

She drawled the "i" as she said it in a teasing manner.

"Shut up Axca. What do you want?"

"Shiro said dinner's ready. You should invite her over sometime for dinner, so we can meet her."

"Oh fuck off. I'll be right down."

I heard the door shut and a few moments later Keith picked up the phone again.

"Sorry about that. I've gotta go. Text me, yeah?"

I nodded. "Bye Keith!"

He waved and ended the call. I sighed as I grabbed my bag and started on my homework.


oop chapter 2. its about to get more interesting, i promise. im going to try and post a chapter everyday, so we'll see how that works out. i might get impatient and start doing 2 chapters, idk. i have up to like chapter 27 written already so,,yeah.

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