Belladonna || Johnny Suh

By chanbaeol

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• c o m p l e t e d • She was a beauty, a delicate doll that was precious. But she was addicting. I suffocat... More

Playlist & Characters
Introduction: The Prophet's Song
Chapter 1: Headlong
Chapter 2: Breakthru
Chapter 3: Sheer Heart Attack
Chapter 4: Hammer To Fall
Chapter 5: Save Me
Chapter 6: Under Pressure
Chapter 7: It's a Hard Life
Chapter 8: You Don't Fool Me
Chapter 10: A Kind of Magic
Chapter 11: All Dead, All Dead
Chapter 12: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 13: Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter 14: I Want It All
Chapter 15: Play the Game
Chapter 16: The Show Must Go On
Chapter 17: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Chapter 18: Killer Queen
Chapter 19: Stone Cold Crazy
Chapter 20: Somebody to Love
Epilogue (Pt. 1): These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Epilogue (Pt. 2): Bohemian Rhapsody
Ending Note

Chapter 9: Let Me Entertain You

807 54 11
By chanbaeol

(A/n: I forgot they had this teaser, and wow, what a perfect use for my story hahaha)


Such annoying buzzes stirred Yebin from her deep sleep.

She groaned, as she turned to her side and let her arm move to wrap around that familiar warmth... however, her arm was met with just air. Yebin's eyes groggily opened, and she found herself staring at a wall she wasn't used to. She forced herself into a sitting position to wake herself up fully.

All at once, the events from last night rushed back to her.

Yebin's heart ached.

Why did last night have to happen? All that anger and regret punched at her insides all over again. It didn't feel real. Running into her asshole of a father and then the fight with Hojun... what fucking luck.

Her eyes darted over to her nearly dead phone. Picking it up, she scrolled through the line of notifications she gotten. 12 missed calls from Hanui, 2 from Hojun, and over unread 40 text messages from both. Yebin gritted her teeth. Of course she didn't want to talk to Hojun but it didn't mean she should have closed Hanui out. She disappeared into the night without saying a thing to her best friend, who was an innocent bystander to this mess.

> Sorry, Hanui
> I'm fine, this isn't the first time I've stayed out like this
> don't worry about it, I'm at a sauna

After sending a couple messages of reassurance to Hanui, she spotted an odd text within the list. If she had an ounce of sleep left before, it had completely vanished upon seeing the name.


Just as she was about to read her brother's message, scuffles from outside the room caught her attention. Barely a second after, a messy-haired Youngho in only a white shirt and plaid pajama bottoms stumbled inside, his expression struck with panic. He didn't give Yebin any time to process what was happening as he quickly grasped onto her wrist and yanked her out of bed. Before she knew it, her and Youngho had crammed themselves into the closet.

One of her questions were answered when a new voice was heard just outside the room. Yebin wasn't familiar with the voice, but she could tell straight away that it must be one of their managers.

"Where's Youngho so early in the morning?" The man asked in mild confusion, his voice right outside the closet door. The two 95-liners froze in place.

There were frantic footsteps and suddenly, Doyoung and Ten was heard too. "I-I'm not sure," Ten had replied. "Maybe he went out for an early jog."

"Really?" The manager asked.

"Yeah, probably to clear his head after the news yesterday about... him not debuting yet," Doyoung added in.

There was a moment of silence.

"I see. The kid has waited a long time and it must be tough since everyone around him seem to be debuting..."

Yebin held her breath and she peered up at Youngho... who held such a solemn look to his face. She wished she could just close his ears and protect him from this world, but what could she really do when she could barely help herself?

"Fine... I wanted to talk to you guys about a couple things before some duties but I guess I'll just have to wait. I'll be free in the afternoon so make sure the three of you are free later. Alright?"

Doyoung and Ten's voiced their replies.

And all too fast, footsteps were heard leaving the room and out the dorm. From there, Yebin and Youngho could finally relax now that the danger had gone. However, the lass now realized the situation they were in. Their bodies were practically pressed against each other in this enclosed space, their faces just mere inches away.

Yebin felt her whole body flare, her face on fire. Her hand shot out and she pushed herself out of the tight closet, giving a heart attack to the two boys that had just covered for them.

"Jesus christ!" Doyoung squeaked out just as Yebin straightened out your clothes. "That's where you were?!" His eyes darted over to his taller friend, who was finally stepping out of the closet. "Why did you have to hide?!"

"I-I panicked!" Youngho defended himself, running his fingers through his hair. "All I could think about was to hide Yebin!"

"And yet you forgot to deal with her shoes that were near the front door!" Ten shot back, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation. "It would've been game over if it weren't for my quick thinking and I was able to hide them before manager-nim came in!"

Yebin cut in in hopes to ease over the high energy, "Th-Thank you for covering for me. I hate for you all to be lying to your manager. I really do only just cause trouble."

"Yebin, believe me, training with a whole bunch of guys for years, we get ourselves in a good amount of trouble. Us covering for you is barely scraping on what we've been through," Ten sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It honestly been great now that we all don't live in the same dorm for the time being."

Doyoung patted her shoulder, "Yeah, we have more than enough space to share, alright? Don't feel too bad."

How could Yebin be so lucky knowing these guys? Ten and Doyoung didn't know her for a long time but they treated her like a friend. Not only them, but also the other boys she had met before had treated her warmly. "I definitely stayed longer than I need to but, uh, I can offer to make breakfast before I leave."

"Yebin, you don't have to," Youngho chided, stepping to her side.

She gave a small smile. "I promise I'm a pretty good cook. I make make a bomb rolled egg if I put my mind to it."

"Not gonna lie, that sounds really good right now," Ten replied, clapping his hands together. Doyoung simply nodded, eager for the food.

Tucking a loose strand behind her ear, Yebin left the bedroom and waltzed into the kitchen to start on her masterpiece. Not a second passed until she felt a presence loom over her. To her right, Youngho had joined her again. The girl huffed at him, a pout to her lips.

"Do you not trust me?"

Youngho bared a grin. "I trust you plenty, just thought I could be of help because I actually know what we have in this kitchen."

"Smart ass," Yebin grumbled as she opened their fridge. She instantly spotted the carton of eggs and took it out. Green onions, carrots, and cheese were also in the fridge, she could easily add that to her eggs. "I guess you can make some rice while we at it."

"Got it, boss!" Youngho chimed with a mock salute as he went to follow her order. "We got some canned ham in the cabinet we can also fry up really quick to add."

Yebin listened to him and snatched the can from the cabinet just as he said. Sound of the pan sizzling with oil overtook the room. If she could just forget what had happened only minutes before, this would be a nice, peaceful morning, the sun's rays greeting them through the blinds of the window. When was the last time she got up so early to make herself a decent breakfast? She remembered so many of her days, she would get up so late into the day, that it was basically lunchtime, the meal only being either a cup of ramen or a bowl of cereal.

She sighed.

Where have those simple yet happy days with Hojun and Hanui gone?

"Yebin..." The girl picked up her head to look over at Youngho, who had called for her. "I never mentioned, but I'm planning on flying to home to Chicago for a few days in about a week."

I know.

"Oh really?" Yebin replied with a raised brow. "You'll be able to see your family after so long, that's great!"

Youngho hummed. "Yeah, it is."

She noticed the hesitation in his voice. "Why don't you sound happy?"

"Of course I'm happy to see my family and friends but..."

Yebin could see it in his eyes. She sighed, just as she chopped the green onions with the knife Youngho provided earlier. "Are you worried about me?"

"I... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," he uttered. He set the prepared rice into the cooker and pushed the button to start it. Youngho leaned back onto the counter, staring at her intently. "It's just your current situation. I wouldn't want to just ditch you when you need someone beside you."

"Don't let me be the reason you don't go see your parents, Youngho," Yebin mumbled, as she put the chopped veggies into the bowl of whisked eggs. "That'd only make me feel bad. I'm a big girl. Sure, there's some decisions in which you may not agree with, but I assure you that I'll be healthy and great by the time you come back from your trip." Yebin pursed her lips. "Besides, I have other friends I can talk to about things."

"You do?"

Yebin frowned at his genuinely surprised face. "Yes, I do. They may not be friends I can have physical access to like you, but they give me the emotional support I need."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way... you just never mentioned them to me before! Do they live far?" Youngho asked.

"Oh yeah." Yebin cracked a smile. "One lives in Europe, one in the Philippines, and one in America, they definitely live far." Youngho finally got what she was hinting at and he nodded along. "We all started talking online because of our mutual love for Queen and rock music. They were basically the first ones that discovered my Instagram and showered me with so much compliments over the covers I made. My English may be limited but it never felt like there was a language barrier between us whenever we talked. They've always supported me and hyped me up whenever I made a new cover. I even collabed with one because she's amazing at the drums."

"Ever had plans of meeting up together?"

"Of course. It's been a couple years since we first discussed it but our plans never came through because our schedules always clashed. It wouldn't feel right if one of us was missing," Yebin replied. She poured the egg mixture into the hot pan. "But, you know. It is what it is. As long as I still get to talk to them, then I'm satisfied." She side-eyed him. "Does that make you feel better now?"

"Yes, it does. Sorry for assuming."

"It's okay. It's not like I ever mention them anyway." The egg on the pan was nearly done cooking. Yebin took this opportunity to start rolling the egg carefully. With skillful hands, she managed to roll the egg perfectly. She plated the simple dish and sliced them. She went on to fry the ham next. "If we all ever do meet, I do hope I'll be the one flying out. I would love to explore and experience things outside of Korea. After being here my whole life, it gets so boring."

"America and Korea definitely are different," Youngho commented with a chuckle. "Every time I went back and forth between the two, I get whiplash from the repetitive culture shock."

Yebin let out a laugh. "I bet. I would love to visit America one day, but also London because Queen and all."

"One day you will."


Yebin finished up the simple breakfast and set the food onto the table for the boys. Along with some side dishes that were already from the fridge, it was a meal that was more than satisfactory, at least that was what Yebin thought. She was overwhelmed when Ten and Doyoung were quick to compliment her rolled eggs. And so, the four of them ate altogether. Yebin enjoyed sitting with all of them while the guys babbled on and on about the entertaining things that happen during trainee days. There were some names they have dropped that she didn't recognize, but she hoped she would know of them soon through future NCT activities. They sounded just as fun and warm as these three were.

Now came the time Yebin really did overstay her welcome. She had freshened up and changed back to the clothes she had worn the night before. She stood by the front door as Ten, Doyoung, and Youngho met her there to bid their goodbyes.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Yebin! It was awesome," Doyoung noted. "It's been a while since we had a decent meal around here. We've all been so busy."

"I bet. You all need the energy for later, and it's the least I can do for letting me stay the night. I promise this would be the last time I'd swing by with all my emotional baggage," Yebin said, rubbing the back of her neck shyly. "If we ever meet again, I hope it'll be over something happy for once."

"You're fine, Yebin. Seriously, you're welcome back anytime. Just give us a heads up so we can steer away our managers for the time being," Ten responded with a wink. Yebin cracked a smile, shaking her head at him.

"Lemme know when you get home, okay?" Youngho asked her.

A roll of her eyes, Yebin told him, "Yes, mom, I will."

"Message me as soon as you can if anything happens."

"As always."

Yebin waved as she stepped out the NCT dorm. She let out a breath as she walked down that hallway, her mind suddenly empty. She was back to facing reality, she had to go back to whatever horror awaits her.

She was out of the building. The sun was now high into the sky, its beams as bright as ever, making it much warmer than usual. At that moment, she remembered the particular text message on her phone she failed to read earlier this morning. She stopped dead on her tracks on the sidewalk to look into her phone.

Her eyes glazed over the message Sian had left her.

After reading it, she turned her heel, and began walking the opposite direction to where her apartment was. Her imminent doom at the apartment will have to wait for now.

A/n: This was WAY overdue! I apologize for that, I had writers block for the longest time on this chapter! I'm trying to get back to planning on what needs to be written next slowly but surely. Thank you to all of you who gave support on this story, it really motivated me to finish this chapter up!

Leaving a simple comment or so really does help yall, so please do comment your thoughts or whatever~ And of course, leave a vote!

This still feels like a filler, but I promise more to come in the upcoming chapters.

I'll try to do better in getting back into the groove of writing. I have to admit, other than work and writers block getting in my way, playing the new Pokémon game really played a role on how I managed my time 😅 But, now that I finished the story of that game, hopefully less distractions.

Anyway, until the next update!

PS: Yall better have listened to Coming Home and be cleansed from all the evils of the world because their vocals just DO that, ya know

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