Buffy The Vampire Slayer One...

By -Clint_Barton-

239K 5.7K 345

Hello so this is a book filled with Buffy The Vampire Slayer One Shots and Imagines. You may request any idea... More

Willow Rosenberg- Witch (c)
Spike- Kitten (c)
Buffy Summers- Cupboard (c)
Jenny Calender- Think (c)
Spike- Information (c)
Rupert Giles- Rest (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Kiss (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Anxiety (c)
Spike- Save (c)
Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne- Conspiracy Theories (c)
Rupert Giles- Tea (c)
Rupert Giles- Protect (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Date (c)
Rupert Giles- Ladder (c)
Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne- Injury (c)
Xander Harris- Giles (c)
Buffy Summers- Protection (a)
Amy Madison- Spell (c)
Faith Lehane- Perfect (c)
Buffy Summers- Homophobia (c)
Buffy Summers- Impress (c)
Cordelia Chase- Argue (c)
Rupert Giles- Prosopagnosia (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Alexander Hamilton (a)
Rupert Giles- Attack (c)
Xander Harris- Sleep (c)
Rupert Giles- Broom (c)
Buffy Summers- Stakes (c)
Faith Lehane- Concerns (c)
Faith Lehane- Distraction (c)
Prompts 2.0
Word Prompts
More Prompts
Kiss Prompts
Even More Prompts
Musical Prompts
Angel- Jealousy (c)
Drusilla- Snack (c)
Faith Lehane- Nightmare (c)
Faith Lehane- Books (c)
Faith Lehane- Hope (c)
Riley Finn- Brother (c)
Anya Jenkins- Love (c)
Angel- Gaelic (a)
Spike- Jacket (a)
Angel- Christmas Tree (c)
Faith Lehane- Mistletoe (c)
Spike- Refuge (a)
Jenny Calendar- Computer (c)
Tara Maclay- Snow (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Turkey Troubles (a)
Daniel Osbourne- Distress (c)
Spike- Slayer (a)
Willow Rosenberg- Hair (a)
Willow Rosenberg- Kirby (a)
Xander Harris- Date (a)
Joyce Summers- Watcher (a)
Willow Rosenberg- Visitor (a)
Spike- Joyce (c)
Buffy Summers- Accident (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Optimist (c)
Spike- Stars (c)
Rupert Giles- Fencing (a)
Rupert Giles- Library (a)
Spike- Dead Girl Walking (c)
Spike- Searching (a)
Spike- Breakfast (a)
Anya Jenkins- Danger (a)
Anya Jenkins- Valentines (a)
Angel- Clingy (a)
Spike- Blood (a)
Daniel Osbourne- FRIENDS (a)
Angel- Angelus (a)
Cordelia Chase- Trapped (a)
Spike- Blood Van (a)
Angel- Reunion (a)
Musical Prompts 2.0
Spike- Wedding (a)
Spike- Date (c)
Buffy Summers- Care (a)
Cordelia Chase- Friends (a)
Daniel Osbourne- Cute (c)
New Game Of Thrones One Shot Book
Rupert Giles- Dissertation (c)
Buffy Summers- Alley (a)
Trying Something New
Faith Lehane- Heat (a)
Spike- Fair (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Trees (a)
Riley Finn- Beer Goggles (a)
Spike- Life After Divorce (a)
Rupert Giles- Turtlenecks (a)
Sleep- Buffy Summers (c)
Xander Harris- Drop Dead (a)
Torture- Anya Jenkins (a)
Buffy Summers- Rest (c)
Faith Lehane- Black Eye (c)
New Downton Abbey and Orange is the New Black One Shot Books
Xander Harris- Bag (a)
Buffy Summers- Ill (a)
Dawn Summers- Scared (a)
Rupert Giles- Daughter (c)
Faith Lehane- First Time (a)
Spike- Hunger (c)
Buffy Summers- Magic Store (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Car Ride (a)
Buffy Summers- Monopoly (c)
Spike- Alley (a)
Kendra Young- Date (c)
Angel- Demon (c)
Rupert Giles- Stress (c)
New Prompts
Spike- Car (a)
Buffy Summers- Hospital (c)
Buffy Summers- Work (c)
Spike- Jealous (c)
Rupert Giles- Eyes (c)
Faith Lehane- Spin The Bottle (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Flu (a)
Spike- Bloody (a)
Willow Rosenberg- Potion (a)
Xander Harris- Food (a)
Spike- Demons (a)
Buffy Summers- Study (a)
Anya Jenkins- Coffee (c)
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Angel- Xander (c)
Faith Lehane- Motel (c)
Weight- Angel (c)
Spike- Oblivious (a)
Spike- Turn (a)
Willow Rosenberg- Cookie Cutters (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Wrap Up (a)
Spike- Kind (c)
Angel- Asexual (c)
Faith Lehane- Home (a)
Willow Rosenberg- Internet Dating: Part 2 (a)
Faith Lehane- Seduction (c)
Spike- Comfort (c)
Faith Lehane- Motel Room (a)
Rupert Giles- Wedding (a)
Spike- Dating (a)
Spike- Cliff (a)
Faith Lehane- Protection (c)
Buffy Summers- Sandwich (c)
Spike- Smirk (c)
Buffy Summers- Sad (a)
Faith Lehane- Clothes (a)
Spike- Halloween (a)
Tara Maclay- Food (a)
Willow Rosenberg- College (a)
Xander Harris- Basement (a)
Faith Lehane- Weakness (c)
Faith Lehane- Girlfriend (c)
Spike- Bicker (c)
Rupert Giles- Baby (c)
Tara Maclay- Secret (c)
Buffy Summers- New Girl (a)
Spike- Street (a)
Faith Lehane- Slayer (a)
Faith Lehane- Cute: Part 1 (a)
Spike- Ankle (c)
Xander Harris- Scrape (c)
New Star Wars and Musical Theatre One Shot Books
Faith Lehane- Cute: Part 2 (a)
Spike- Trust (c)
Buffy Summers- Fake Date (c)
Buffy Summers- Coming Out (c)
Rupert Giles- Support (c)
Faith Lehane- Break In (c)
Anya Jenkins- Dinner (a)
Buffy Summers- Carpet (a)
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Musical Prompts 3.0
Rupert Giles- Door (a)
Spike- Costume (a)
Prompts 3.0
Tara Maclay- Lazy Day (c)
Rupert Giles- Surprise (c)
Anya Jenkins- Laugh (c)
Willow Rosenberg- Kitty (a)
Please Send in Requests
Please Send In Requests
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Prompts 4.0
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Spike- Mistletoe (c)

Willow Rosenberg- Internet Dating: Part 1 (a)

328 8 0
By -Clint_Barton-

"There is no reason to be scared, I promise." Willow joined you at the end of your bed and wrapped her arm around your back, pulling you in for a comforting hug. "They won't be a weirdo, they probably wont murder you and most importantly, they'll like you."

"There's no way you can guarantee all of those things." You pushed your head deeper into her chunky jumper and her soft hands gently stroked your arm.

"I've already told you; I can be nearby, and I'll have my mobile on me just in case they do give you the willies. I'll be with you in a moment's notice and don't think I'll hold back on these." She balled her hands into loose fists and goofily punched the air in front of her.

"I don't care about that, I can more than handle a weird internet date." You pushed yourself from the bed and pulled back the wardrobe door to see the same old clothes that had been there since you moved into your dorm.

"What's stressing you out then?" She asked, joining you and pointing out some of the more complimentary items in your arsenal.

"I don't know." You shrugged and lay out a few outfit choices onto your bed.

"You're worried that they wont like you?" You threw all but one of the outfits back into the pile of clothes that sat underneath the hung items but pulled some shoeboxes from underneath them.

"I don't know." You lied, unpacking the shoes and laying them one by one by the bed. "What do you think?" You asked, holding them up to the outfit, Willow didn't answer. You turned around to see her with her arms crossed and her best attempt at a menacing stare glaring down on you.

"Do not lie to me." Knowing that you had been beat you pushed the clothes to the side and lay on the bed, ready for the incoming deep talk. "You've got nothing to worry about." Willow perched gently besides you and rested her hand on your arm. "You are an awesome person, just be yourself and they'll see straight away how much of a catch you are."

"But it's been going so well online, what if when they actually meet me, they're just disappointed. I don't know how to talk to this person."

"You've been talking to this person for three weeks. I've barely been able to hold a conversation with you because of how much you've been talking. You come into lectures barely able to hold your head up because you've been messaging all night."

"It's not the same though, it's easy to talk to somebody through a screen but... it's just different okay."


Written by Aaron.

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