Willow Rosenberg- Internet Dating: Part 2 (a)

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"Trust me." Willow giggled to herself. "Remember Malcolm... Moloch, whatever you want to call it. I know that sometimes it isn't the easiest to turn an online thing into a real thing. I mean that thing was a literal demon and I turned out alright, only slight psychological trauma but I don't think you're talking to a demon."

"I just don't think I'm good enough for anybody out there." She pulled you up and off from the bed.

"You listen to me, any man, woman or whatever out there would be lucky to be able to call you theirs! You are funny, you are smart, you are incredible." Her words, however well they meant did little to uplift your spirits and your nerves. "You don't like the outfit, do you?" You shook your head and threw the old clothes into the rest of the pile along with the loose shoes. "Maybe you need some new clothes?"

"I'm lucky I can put food in the cupboards, I don't think new clothes are in my budget anytime soon." You grabbed your mobile and started to send a message to your date. "I'll just cancel, they'll understand, they probably didn't want to come anyway."

"They asked you on a date right?" You nodded slowly as Willow's hand snatched the phone from your fingers. "Why would they ask you for coffee if they weren't interested in meeting you? Grab your coat, we're getting you new clothes."

"I don't think the date will go very well it we have to talk about our families between prison bars, I told you, I have no money."

"No, but I do." She threw a jumper at you and tried to drag you through the door.

"You aren't spending your money on clothes for me, don't be stupid."

"Either you come with me and pick them out yourself, or I choose them, throw away the receipt and you're stuck wearing obnoxiously bright jumpers for the rest of the semester." That threat alone was enough to let you know she was serious, before you could throw the jumper over your head, she had dragged you into the hallway.

"Pick whatever you want, you can pay me back if you feel the need to but this is my treat I promise."

"What happens if the date doesn't go well though, I don't want you to waste your money on me."

"Good date, bad date." She shrugged and began to lead you out of the block. "I just like clothes shopping."


Written by Aaron.

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