Rise Of Orange (A Power Range...

By Redwriter2016

28.9K 343 103

What if Tyler had a sister? And what if there was another Energem? But in the form of a bracelet Tyler and t... More

Chapter 1- (The Visitor)
Chapter 2 - (Kenara And The Evil Plan)
Chapter 3 (All Hail The Queen)
Chapter 4- (The Alert)
Author's Note: Thank You!
Important Announcement: Wattpad Hiatus
Chapter 5 -(The Truth)
Author Note
Chapter 7 - (You can do that too?!)
Author Note

Chapter 6- (I'm Doing This for You.)

2.1K 33 10
By Redwriter2016

Everything  was going to plan.
Her Rangers.
Her royal Guard Force, was now under her command.
An entire city was now under her command.
Soon, the entire planet will be under her command, once the satellite is up and running.
Was all of this enough?

Enough to please...him.

Will he be pleased?

The alarm coming from her wrist communicator broke Kenara's train of thought. She answered it by clicking on a button. Then a hologram of a man appeared.   He was an intimidating figure.  Standing tall in a grey cloak.  Black tattoos covered most of his legs and arms.  A silver crown incrusting with  the royal family jewels rested on his snowy white hair. His  yellow eyes stared intensely into Kenara's own.
Kenara bowed to the figure before her.
"Mavowsin, El Miet" she greeted in Siet.
Her Father did not greet back instead going straight to the point.
"Girl, how goes your mission?  Did you find any new planets to conquer for the empire?"
Though it hurt, Kenara was used to her father not addressing her by her own name.
"All is well, El Miet," she answered. "I have made my presence known on a planet called Earth."
"Humans. Pathetic creatures driven by their complicated emotions. Easily swayed by the song. They even have their own protectors. Power Rangers, they call them. All of whom are now under my influence. They could prove very useful as guardians  of the empire as they possess incredible powers."
Her father simply nodded, as if disinterested by the fact.
"Unfortunately, I have yet to learn about the its resources," Kenara explained, "this planet, unlike any of the others we have conquered is huge and- "
"So you have not conquered this planet yet?" Kazimtra interjected, disappointment evident in his voice.
"No Father-" Kenara coughed, correcting herself, "El Miet, with all do respect, once I have this entire planet under control, your new colony will present all of its riches to you."
"Is that so?"
He sounded unconvinced. " Can I call your sister, Vallirena to assist you?" he asked, "she seems knowledgeable and capable when it comes to handling a planet."
Kenara's fists clenched as she felt the anger boil inside of her at the mention of her name.
Her older half sister.
His favourite
My father and her mother were not even barthoned and yet he makes his so - called "true daughter" his heir to the throne.
I should be his heir.
Not her.
But Kenara remained calm as she spoke:
"El Miet, I welcome your offer but I don't it is necessary as I am confident that I will succeed in this mission to bring more colonies including this one under the Serion Empire."
King Kazimtra sighed.
"Very well," he said, "you may continue with your mission. Report back when you actually have something useful to share."
I knew it.
"Do Not Fail," he later added.
Then his hologram disappeared.
Not enough.
In your eyes, I will always be a disappointment
I will always be unworthy
My achievements will never be enough.
To you, i mean nothing.
Kenara tried to hold back tears.
You never realized that I am doing  all of this for
For your attention.
For your approval.
For your love.
For you.....

"Oh, isn't this fantastic," called a familiar cheerful voice.
Kenara quickly rubbed her eyes, eliminating any trace of emotion and looked up. She saw Poisandra, Sledge and their usual band of idiots approaching her.
"The entire city has been hypnotized," said Poisandra.
"Including the Rangers," added Curio. He ran up to Koda and started waving his hands and dancing around the former Blue Ranger.
Annoyed, Koda snarled and his yellow eyes glowed.
Curio shrieked before running away in terror.
"Back to our deal ," said Sledge, ignoring what had just occurred.
"What deal?" Kenara asked feigning confusion.
"Don't play dumb kid," Sledge growled, "I let you control the Rangers in exchange for their Energems."
Kenara laughed, "Oh that deal, yes I remember now. I changed my mind.
"What did you say?"
"You heard me. I changed my mind. Deal's off."
"Why you little-" but before he could continue, Kenara began to sing:

Aliens, hear me now.
I am Kenara, ruler of your land.
I am your Queen, through and through."

You are  my servants

Obedient and loyal.

You will obey my every command.

For I am your Queen, Kenara."

When she was finished, she could hear Sledge chuckling.
"Ha, nice try kid," Sledge began, " I am a robot. Your song does not work on me."
Kenara smiled.
"True, but your generals aren't."
And with that, Fury and Poisandra grabbed Sledge's arms.
"Poisandra?! Fury?!" Sledge yelled, clearly shocked. "Let go of me!"
He tried to break free but their iron grips on him remained.
What is the meaning of this?" Sledge asked. He turned to Wrench, " Wrench, tell these fools to release me,"
Wrench turned to face his boss and Sledge gasped. The blue alien's white eyes had turned yellow.
"I do not follow your orders anymore, Sledge," Wrench spoke, voice sounding dull, "my loyalty now belongs to Queen Kenara."
He was hypnotized, Sledge realized.
"What is your bidding, my Queen?" Poisandra, Fury and Curio asked in unison, their tones monotonous.
They were all hypnotized.
"Take this piece of scrap metal back to your ship and lock him in the cell blocks," Kenara commanded, "Keep an eye on him also, wouldn't want him to escape."
This infuriated Sledge.
"SCRAP METAL?!" He yelled as he was being dragged away, "Wait till I get my hands on you!"
Then he,Poisandra, Fury and Curio disappeared, teleported back to the ship.
Kenara smiled triumphantly
Good riddance. What was that bucket of bolts going to do with the Energems anyway? Trade them away for useless space rocks?
Her smile disappeared when she noticed Wrench still standing there.
"Why are you still here?!" She demanded.
Wrench jumped at the sound of her voice.
"Dearest Queen," he began, "his voice clearly trembling in fear, "I have remained to inform you that there is still another Energem outstanding.
Kenara raised an eyebrow.
What was he talking about? She had all the Energems in her possession. There couldn't possibly be another one.
Wrench continued further, "The Orange Energem crystal was recently discovered and it appears that it has taken up the form of a bracelet, a common piece of jewelry worn by humans."
If there is another Energem. That could mean another Ranger on the loose.
Kenara could hear her father's last words echoing in her mind.
Do Not Fail!
"That should not be a problem,"she  said, "I have eyes all over the city. There is no way that  Ranger will move about without being detected."
She then waved her hand at Wrench. "Leave now and join the others on your ship. I will contact  you via  a telepathic link."
It was true. As part of her ability, Kenara could communicate telepathically with any of her minions she chooses.
"Thank you, Your Highness," said Wrench cheerfully. He bowed several times before teleporting back to the ship.
Time to give my warriors some tasks to do.
"Royal Guard!" Kenara began, "come!"
The six former Rangers all made their way to join Kenara. They all kneeled in front, awaiting further orders.
"Lovanir, Celd, Simo," Kenara began, "rise."
Obediently, Ivan, Chase and Koda rose.
"What is our Empress's command?" The men asked in unison.
"There is another Energem present but it has taken the form of  an orange bracelet," Kenara explained, "Hunt down its possessor and bring the person to me!"
The three bowed.
"Yes Empress," They answered in unison, "your wish is our command."
Koda, Ivan and Chase all ran off to carry out their task.
Kenara then turned to the ones left behind.
"Romanus, Sittia, Tolamus, you three will help the other soldiers finish building the satellite," she explained.
"Yes Empress," the rest agreed before leaving to carry out their tasks as well.
Satisfied, Kenara leaned back in her chair.
She had taken a liking to her warriors especially their leader, Tyler.
No. Tolamus
He would make a perfect Orium  to rule  at your side.
But Father won't approve.
Kenara frowned, realizing this.
For years, her only purpose in life was to please her Father.
But he never noticed.
Back home on Sie, Kenara knew that the people adored  Vallirena more than her.
  They never noticed.
But for the first time in her life, she was in charge.
She had an army who was loyal  only to her.
She felt important.
Kenara smiled.
Tolamus will be my Orium, whether you like it or not.
He's  mine.
This planet is not yours. It will never be yours.
It's mine.
I am done seeking your approval and walking down your path. I am going to walk down a path that appeals to me.
My own.
Sooner or later, your reign will end and the Serion Empire will need to be guided into a new era.
Your precious Vallirena will not see the dawn of that era. She will be begging for mercy at the feet of her new ruler.


End of Chapter 6.
AN: And that is another chapter done!

Story Note: I know that Sledge is an Alien but for the sake of the story, let's pretend he isn't. I wanted to focus on Kenara as the main antagonist. Plus it was a lot fun to write that part.😂

Things are now starting to get very interesting.

I know that a lot of you are probably confused by a lot of the  weird terminology that I used in this chapter but there is a
very good reason for them. Now normally, there would be glossary right here, but I thought why don't we all play a
game, where you guys can have a go at guessing  what the words  mean, based on its context, before I post the official ROO glossary.

That's how it's going to be. I will post the official glossary on the Conversations section of my page after the novel is completed for you to have a look and see if you were right or  your answer was very close.

This is not a competition or anything, just a fun way to involve you guys  in the world of the story.  😊

Here are the words:
El Miet

Hint: These words are associated with the culture and society of Sie.

Good luck and see you in the next update. 👍

- Redwriter2016

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