By smart_girls2

176K 2.2K 333

Short stories based on medical imaginations. Its based on Indian Medical system. More

Akhil & Anu
Arjun & Mythili
Akhil & Anu (Part - 2)
Akhil & Anu (Part-3)
Ranveer & Ananya ( Part - 1)
Ranveer & Ananya (Part-2)
Ranveer & Ananya (part-3)
Thanu (Part-1)
Thanu (Part-2)
Thanu (Part-3)
Akhil & Anu
Akhil & Anu
Daksh & Rupa
Abinaya- 1
Akhil & Anu
Abinaya 3
Akshay & Tina(Part-1)
Akshay & Tina (Part-2)
Akshay & Tina (Part-3)
Akhil & Anu
Akshay & Tina
Anusha (Part-1)
Anusha (Part-2)
Anusha (Part-3)
Anusha (Part-4)

Akhil & Anu

3.4K 42 2
By smart_girls2

Same characters but the situation is different and it's not the continuation of the previous chapter. If you have doubts, you can ask me

Akhil's pov:
    I woke up feeling Anu shift her body lightly. I held her tightly like my life depends on her. Yes, it is true because she is pregnant with my baby. I touched her huge bump feeling my baby. It's her eighth month checkup today. The same friend Akshaya is treating her.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. I know what that look meant. I kissed her cheeks and hugged her without affecting her belly.

I went to bath after few minutes and came back watching her. She was still on the bed and acted like sleeping. I went and sat beside her.

"Wake up young lady. I know you are awake. I don't know how you gonna handle our kids who will be more smart than you" I said touching her hands. She slowly rubbed her eyes and turned towards me.

"Akhil, I don't want to come. It's just two months and I am already scared about that." she mumbled.

"Exactly, just two months. Then you will be set free. I have work Anu, don't make me wait otherwise go with mom" I said sternly. She glared at him.

"You are the worst husband ever. If your work is more important than me, then you can go and I too won't go for any checkups" she whined.

"I know how you play your cards so don't use it on me. Get ready fast" I said and went out to meet my mother.

When I was eating, I got a call from hospital that they need me for some emergency so I asked my mom to take Anu to hospital. I went immediately out without even completing my breakfast.

I ran inside the hospital immediately making all nurses look at me. I walked to the ER and saw 3 patients lying on the bed fully covered with blood. It's some car accident. My fellow doctors treated the two patients while I treated an old man.

It took me more than two hours to make him stable and bring him back to his sense. I came out after the procedure. Soon, a nurse ran towards me.

"Sir, your mom and wife are waiting in your room" she said following me. I sighed. Mom could have taken her to checkup, I don't know why they are waiting for me.

I walked to my room fastly because her appointment time is gonna over soon. I opened my room and saw both my mom and my wife sitting on the couch.

"Why are you waiting for me? You could have taken her for checkup right? It's already late" I shouted.

"Your wife wants only you. What can I do then? We are simply sitting here for more than an hour and she is still resisting to come with me" mom said making me angry.

Anu just held her head down. Whatever we say, this mother and daughter-in-law fights won't end. Sometimes they act like real mom and daughter thing but the exact opposite sometimes.

"Okay, I will take her. You go home mom." I said and she glared at me like I always support my wife than her. She went. I moved to Anu and sat beside her. I know she needs some energy before I take her.

"What is wrong with you Anu? Why didn't you go with mom?" I asked her rising her chin up. Her eyes are ready to shed any moment.

"I am scared Akhil. When I went with her last time, she didn't even comforted me and she acted rudely when I cried because of the pain. I.. I just want you" she whispered slowly letting her tears fall.

"She didn't know anything of that sort. You would have told her about comforting you. It's okay, leave it. Come" I said already stood up. She looked at me.

"I know you always support your mother than me." she said making me sigh. It's not a time to argue with her but still she needs some answers.

"Listen, I am not siding with anyone. First, don't tell hereafter that 'your mom'. Say our and moreover if I supported her, I wouldn't have let her go now instead I would have asked her to take you for checkup" I said slowly.

"I am seeing her as my mother from the first day we started loving each other but she is not treating me like her daughter." she said making me go insane.

"Shut up, whatever it is, we will talk about this later. Now, come with me silently" I said more like ordering. She slowly stretched her hand towards me and I took her hand and helped her stand.

We both walked towards Akshaya's room. We entered her room seeing her busy with some other works.

"I am so sorry Akshaya for our late" I apologised immediately entering. I made her sit in one chair and I sat beside her.

"No problem at all Akhil. Hi Anu, how are you? Just two more months to go" she asked her. Anu just nodded her head saying she was fine.

Soon, we went to her checking room and she checked all her vitals and the baby's growth. We again went to the chair and she was looking at her chart for the improvements. She soon looked at us.

"I have to say this anyway. Akhil, she is very week, she needs energy. Her vitals says that she may faint anytime. Baby is completely fine but she has to be fine before delivery. She is also dehydrated. I asked you to take care of her completely but you are running behind your work. Atleast make some time for her hereafter "she said.

I know she is week because she needs lots of energy and nutritions in the last trimester. I looked at her and she is looking down.

Akshaya prepared glucose in a big syringe because it may take long time if we connect it through iv. Anu held my hand tightly after seeing that.

Akshaya moved towards her by rolling her chair slowly. Anu gripped my hands and closed her eyes.

"It's nothing, just glucose. Give me your hand" she said. I wrapped her and took her one hand placing it on the table.

She wiped her back palm and looked for a vein. She slowly inserted making her wince and move.

"Don't move" she said and I held her tightly. She slowly pushing that liquid into her system. It took more than 3 minutes to push all the liquids into her. She slowly pulled it out and put a bandaid over it. Anu slowly raised her head from my shoulder.

Akshaya sets a needle and three bottles of liquid in her table. I already felt her knee shaking. I looked at her and her eyes started watering. I wiped her tears but she shooks her head. Akshaya moved towards us and signalled me to pick her up.

I helped her stand and I held her sidely because of her big stomach. She turned towards Akshaya trying to protest her. I slowly turned her and held her in position. She is already sobbing hardly.

"Akhil.... Pl... Please" she said inbetween her sobs. I removed her dress lower and her body is shaking violently. Akshaya did the first one making her cry hardly. I consoled her but she didn't hear a single word.

She did the other one making her scream like a small kid. I patted her back but nothing helped her to calm down. She did the third one making her a complete crying mess.

We both consoled her but her sobbings got louder than before. After trying for few more minutes, she came back to normal. After collecting all her medicines, I took her home. The ride was very silent.

We went to our room and I made her lay on the bed. I gave her water and lunch. She ate and slept silently. I don't want her suffer. I just hope this two months will end soon. I too slept beside her.

Evening :

   I woke up and went down for some clinic works. I returned after some time and saw Anu still sleeping. I sat beside her and tried to wake her up.

That's when I felt her burning body. I touched her forehead feeling a hot body. I called her up and she woke up slowly.

I went to the kitchen, prepared some soup and went to her. I asked her to drink but she resisted which made me angry like hell.

I made her eat slowly after getting lots of protests and whines. She immediately stood and went to the washbasin and vomited everything she ate.

I held her head and cleaned her. I made her sit on the bed and I went outside with my phone.

I called Akshaya and she quickly picked up my call. I explained her everything and she asked me to wait till night and asked me to treat her fever if the fever was same till night. I went back to Anu and made her lay on my lap.

"Am I ready to be a mother material?" she asked slowly.

"Who said you are not?" I asked rubbing her hairs.

"I think that way. I can't even able to handle one injection, then how can I raise our child." she asked which made me laugh actually.

"They both are two different lines. You are afraid of that and it doesn't mean you can't handle a child so stop thinking like that" I said kissing her cheeks.

Her fever was still the same at night. I checked her temperature and it turned out to be high.

So I went to my cabinet in our room and picked up an strong antibiotic and filled the injection. I took another bottle and went towards her.

She looked at me with her wide eyes and started moving the opposite side in the bed.

"See, you have a burning fever and you are playing with me." I said sitting beside her.

"This is cruel Akhil. I can't manage all these. Leave me" she said already sitting strongly.

"You know about me, I will do it gently otherwise I will call Akshaya and will ask her to come home" I said playing along with her.

"You are an idiot, stupid, monkey. I won't take it all these nonsense whoever it will be" she said.

"Oh, so you are so confident about this. Then let me try this" I said while picking my mobile and searching for Akshaya's number. She immediately pulled my mobile from my hand and smiled at me.

"I have her number in my mom's mobile too. Wait, I will call her and come" I said and stood. She immediately panicked which made me laugh inside. I turned to leave.

"Okay fine. Do it but not on my back, it's already burning" she said. I went towards her.

"I don't have any choice in that. If you want I can call my mom and ask her to hold you. How's that sounds?" I asked her holding my laugh.

"You, monster. Do it fast" she said and layed on her side. I laughed at her antics and quickly did her first one which made her curse me louder. I was laughing all the time as I prepared an another one without her notice.

I quickly stabbed it making her body shake with an unexpected stink. She started screaming and cursing me. I pulled it out and rubbed her. Before I even pull her dress, she quickly pulled it and turned to my side.

"I won't believe you hereafter" she said rubbing her back still.

"Who asked you to believe me? And show me, I will rub it" I said smiling in the process. She shook her head and rubbed herself without letting me touch her.

I gave her dinner and lots of water so that she stays hydrated and we both slept.

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