
By Jordyn-Frederick

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Stories about family. Written for my college course, Family Studies. More

Awkward Family Reunions
Wait, What?
The Dating Scene
Really, Now
Negative Affects
Hard Times
Speed Dating
Specialized Skills
Emotional Attachments
This Trial

Acting Out

28 0 0
By Jordyn-Frederick

"I just don't understand why she'd ruin her life like that," Karen said with a sigh as Adara retreated to her bedroom. Everyone jumped as her door slammed with a loud BANG!

Heather looked over at Lucas, who was hovering in the kitchen and looking as though he didn't know what to do. As he gazed after Adara, face pinched and worried, Heather felt a wave of sympathy.

Poor guy. He was utterly out of his element. He'd always found it hard, trying to play the role of father to not only his stepchildren but his biological son, Mack. Heather didn't doubt the fact that Lucas loved her and Adara (as much as Mack, even), but that didn't change the fact that they had their own biological father. One that didn't like the idea of being replaced by another man.

"I think I have an idea," Heather muttered.

It wasn't until Karen looked over at her and asked, "What was that?" that Heather realized she'd said that out loud. She winced.

"Nothing," Heather said, standing up. "I'm gonna make some tea. Do you want any?"

She received two cautious looks and two denials. Heather sighed, deciding she'd bring some tea up to Adara.

The no-fault divorce between her parents had been a good thing, Heather thought as she set the kettle on the stove. She'd never doubted that––not when she was older, anyway. It was what happened during the divorce process (and after) that was the problem.

Her parents fighting over who got custody had been stressful. Karen wanted sole legal custody of her daughters; Devin wanted the same thing. In the end, courts had ruled that parents would have to put up with joint legal custody. Heather always got the sense that her parents were never entirely happy with this arrangement. Her parents had been deep in their power play back then (still were, in a way). They'd both felt the need to "win," as it were.

Poor Adara, eight years old at the time, had just about lost her mind.

Really, it was only a matter of time before Adara started acting out. Heather knew Adara loved Lucas. He'd done all the right things when dating (and after marrying) Karen. He'd made an effort to get to know the girls, assured them he wasn't replacing their father and tried to be civil to Devin.

If only Devin could do the same thing. Heck, if only Heather's parents could try to get along. Maybe this wouldn't have happened.

The water finished boiling. Heather made Adara her favorite tea: matcha green tea latte. It really wasn't tea at all, being about as healthy as hot chocolate consisting of two-thirds of sugar. But that was how Adara was. She claimed to like tea, when in reality what she really meant was that she liked cinnamon tea mixed with her hot chocolate or chai tea mixed with white hot chocolate. Or those ridiculously fancy and equally unhealthy teas you could get at Starbucks.

Not that Heather was judging. She quite liked Adara's taste in "tea."

Balancing Adara's latte and her rose tea in her hands, Heather made her way upstairs. She called Adara's name instead of knocking, not wanting to spill the hot liquid on herself.

Luckily, Heather wasn't the one Adara was angry with. She opened the door and after a brief moment's hesitation, let her in.

They sat in silence, both sipping their drinks.

After a few minutes, Adara swore, dropping her head into her hand. The light green liquid rippled in her mug.

"You know, I don't mean to be the problem child," Adara said, voice muffled.

"I know," Heather said. She remembered learning in one of her college courses that children of divorce were more prone to behavioral problems. She wondered why it had taken Adara so long to start acting out.

Or had they all missed the signs?

"Have you ever considered therapy?"

That earned her a wry smile. "Bit too late for that, isn't it?"

"It's never too late to get help," Heather denied. She scooted closer on Adara's bed so that their knees brushed. Ducking her head a bit, Heather met Adara's eyes.

"I want you to know that I'll always be here for you, and you can always talk to me." Adara's eyes filled with tears. Heather was suddenly very glad her time at Clear Sky Recovery was over––that she was home with the people who loved her. "But I do have to go back to college in the fall." Had so much time passed? Heather thought. Adara had been in Clear Sky Recovery for almost six months. It was still bizarre to think about.

Heather gave herself a mental shake. "There's only so much I can do from there. So, please." Her voice cracked. Heather took a moment to compose herself under Adara's green gaze. "Please let someone help you."

Once again, there was silence. The air vent turned on.

Adara took a slow sip of her drink, never looking away from Heather. Her swallowing sounded deafening in the quiet room.

"Maybe therapy wouldn't be a bad idea."

Heather drew in a shuddering breath.

"Thank you."


No-fault divorce: Fault is eliminated before individuals go to court. Allows for divorce for, say, a couple in an unsatisfying marriage. They do not need to prove anything.

Custody: When someone's children live with them; the ability to make decisions regarding one's children.

Sole legal custody: Children live with only one of their parents. The noncustodial parent cannot make decisions regarding the children's lives.

Joint legal custody: Custody and responsibility are shared by both parents.

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