Eggs with Wings? | {E.Aster B...

Od Artsyrogue

125K 3.6K 1.6K

The battlefield was never kind for you and your brother, and protecting The Lunanoff family was the only obje... Více

Prologue: Recurring Nightmares
Chapter 1: New Friends
Chapter 2: A New Guardian
Chapter 3: Childish Bickering
Chapter 4: Sleigh Ride
Chapter 5: Tooth Heist
Chapter 6: Book-aholic
Chapter 7: Collecting
Chapter 8: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 9: Nightmares Attack
Chapter 10: Stories to be Told
Chapter 11: Take the Shot
Chapter 13: Taking Flight
Chapter 14: Easter is more Important
Chapter 15: Easter Holidays
Chapter 16: Under the Bed
Chapter 17: Golden Eyes
Chapter 18: A Dragon and a Nightmare
Chapter 19: Preparations
Chapter 20: Short Visit
Chapter 21: Conversationalist
Chapter 22: Lovesick
Answering Some Common Comments!
Chapter 23: Ballroom Dancing
Chapter 24: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 25: Forgottten Memories
Chapter 26: Meanwhile....
Chapter 27: Chaos Ensues
Chapter 28: He Believes
Chapter 29: A Pair of Shadows
Chapter 30: Gather the Children
Chapter 31: Loss of Control
Chapter 32: Joined Together
Chapter 33: Reunited At Last
Chapter 34: Witnessing Destruction
Chapter 35: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 36: Instrumental Melodies
Chapter 37: Shatter Me
Chapter 38: Cupid to the Rescue!
Chapter 39: Gifts!
Chapter 40: Festival Date!
Chapter 41: Kingdom Dance
Chapter 42: Tainted in Red
Chapter 43: Returning home
Chapter 44: Infirmary
Chapter 45: Gentle Love
Chapter 46: Deal of the Dead
Chapter 47: Dragon Games
Chapter 48: Let the Games Begin!
Chapter 49: Mirror Image
Chapter 50: Man in the Moon
Epilogue: Welcome Home
That's a Wrap
Coming Soon
Journal Entry #1
Journal Entry #2
Journal Entry #3

Chapter 12: Hospital Visit

3.2K 92 85
Od Artsyrogue



The room was silent, no chirping of birds, no owls hooting away, it would have been so much more beautiful if you weren't standing there with a bullet between your eyes. The gun dropped to the floor and Demitrius lost all confidence and cockiness as he quivered before you.

Expecting you to fall to the ground, the others pursued in trying to destroy the bubble, and yet, you didn't. You didn't move, you didn't shudder or fall, you just stood there, until that painstaking glowing grin pierced their views.

You reached your hand up to your forehead and pressed your index finger to the bullet wound that seemed to shoot straight through your skull. You examined your finger, black liquid coating the edges as you flicked it away, smiling.

"How-how are you not-"

"Dead?" You suddenly squealed enthusiastically, "you do remember who and what I am, right?"

He pondered for a moment, never taking his eyes off you, until his own went wide in realisation, "oh shit..."

"Oh shit indeed!" You laughed, "mortal weapons do absolutely no harm to me!"

Your enthusiastic voice rang through his ears. It was like a bell, low and confident, until loud and petrifying. You unclipped your dress from your legs and let it flow to your feet as you adjusted your crown. When you looked back, you weren't smiling.

"In less than thirty seconds," you began, gesturing to the illuminating bubble that housed your friends, "that bubble is going to burst and my dearest pet will rip you limb from limb until your nothing but pieces of flesh, meat and bone."

He looked over into the glowing sphere, meeting the illuminated eyes of the large purple dragon, her scales were flared and her teeth were bared. "I know you dearest, you wouldn't let that happen in front of your son and friends."

"And what if I did? What if I let her?"

"So what, you'd show them who you really are. You may look like a Queen, a warrior, but you are nothing but a murderer."

"Get out if you want to keep your pathetic life."

He grinned, fixed his suit and blew a kiss towards you, "this isn't the last you'll see of me darling, you've made more enemies than you have friends."


"As you wish," he winked and took flight, soaring out the window and into the star filled sky, vanishing into the clouds."You will be mine sooner rather than later!"

You sighed and cupped your face in your hands. Bags hung beneath your eyes and your hair was a mess, your dress was crumpled and your sword lied on the floor away from you.

"What is happening to me-"


You spun around only to find Bunny on all fours colliding into you and knocking you into the ground, sitting ontop of you as he cupped your face in his paws. He bombarded you with questions as he helped you up, earning a dizzy groan in reply.

"Bunny! Enough," North ordered as they came over. Bunny's ears flattened against his head as he held you up, until you poked his cheek that is.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?!" Tooth and Vanish screeched, taking you from Bunny and wrapping their arms around you, eyeing the wound on your head.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" You laughed, reassuring them that you were A-okay.

"You just took a goddamn bullet to the head, Ma! The least you could've done is let me freeze him!" Jack shouted, also taking you from the two fairies and holding you by your shoulders, "you are not fine."

You stared into their eyes, your own still a little fuzzy, but clearing nonetheless.

"Okay, I lied. The bullet wound is causing so much pain right now. We need to get to the Infirmary."


The Next Morning

Bunny paced around the Infirmary, his mind clouded with thoughts. Rogue sat upright in her pale bad and watched him go crazy, out of pure boredom mind you. Her right leg and left arm were held in a thick cast each, her right wing was bandaged and her cuts were stitched together.

"E. Aster Bunnymund!"

He stopped abruptly and turned to face the young woman, her oceanic eyes swirling with red dust before morphing back into their natural blue.

"Heh, sorry Sheila...."

"Bunny, you've been pacing around the room for six hours," she said, reassurance filling her soft voice, "she'll be fine. The doctor's said all her wounds be non-existent in a few hours and she'll be as right as rain."

He sat down beside her bed, gripping a large book in his paws, "I know mate, I'm jus' worried."

The room became silent. He pondered back to the Tooth rescue where you wore the rose he left for you. Or when you sang to Jamie and kissed his cheek before flying off. And when you face just...fell into his paws, your eyes filled with stars. Until your moment was interrupted.

He loved the way you smiled, bearing your sharp glimmering fangs, it was like heaven. The way you just looked at him gave him butterflies, and your voice was magnificent, silky like ribbon. And god, your laughter, it was contagious and spread through him like wildfire on a hot Australian day. The way your cheeks flushed as giggles erupted from your throat, chuckling at whatever joke he made. He didn't seem like a grumpy old rabbit anymore, just a flustered little bunny.

His heart just leaped at the thought of you.

"I know that face," Rogue smirked, gesturing to his lovestruck eyes, "someone's in love~"

His face deadpanned as he stared at her in somewhat confusion. His ears were perked up and as he eyed the confident girl, "Wha-what? C-crikey mate, jus' what are ya talking about?!" Bunny stammered as sweat began to coat the inner linings of his fur and his face went red, deep red, "I ain't in love Sheila!"

Her face was vacant with anything except a straight line that seemed to pierce her mouth, until she burst into laughter, "Aster, I'm Cupid."

He froze, completely forgetting that he was literally speaking to the goddess of love, "Ah. I may or may not 'ave forgotten about that."

"I see the way you look at her, the way you speak to her," she laughed quietly, "there's no denying that there's something there."

"Ya really think so?"

"I know so."

She chuckled softly as she took the large book from him, eyeing the cover which was titled, 'Heaven's Saviour.' Her eyes were filled with the same wonder she bore when she gave the book to him a few days beforehand, after Sandy's funeral... She sighed in despair, running the tips of her fingers over the worn and yellowed pages, briefly watching the moving images before flipping to the next.

"You're definitely in love. Jack is gonna murder you."

"Completely understandable."

She chuckled again, it sounded so similar to yours, "lemme tell you somethin' kangaroo, a small poem a young woman sang to me when I was a child."

"But you still are a child," he retorted, trying to ignore the petty nickname.

"I may look 17," she began, "but, as of November, I will be 668 years old."

He perked up, not expecting that answer. You certainly looked young enough to be in your late twenties, but acted as if you were in your early thirties. Your wisdom was impeccable

"If you're wondering how old she is, she's around about 2000-ish. We lost count a long time ago," she said, her smile brightening as if this was all normal, "you'd have to expect it, I mean, the golden ages were hundreds and thousands of years ago. The dark ages simply repeated that."

He eyed her suspiciously, still wondering how he hadn't noticed this before, I mean, he too, is thousands of years old, but only became a Guardian about 300 years ago. Man, time flies by. He waved her off about the age thing, but slowly pushing it away, you were immortal so...

She laughed and recited;

"The little Girl just could not sleep.
Because her thoughts were way too deep.
Her mind had gone out for a stroll.
And fallen down a rabbit hole."

The few moments that took place afterwards were filled with silence as her eyes grew dim. She gently closed the book and rested it on the bedside table before staring out the window onto the bright colours of the flickering gardens.

"She'd been searching for you for a long time, not even realizing Pooka's still existed," she said, a warm cup of tea materializing in her palms, "she'd seen you once, a couple hundred years after the pooka ambush, and she couldn't get you out of her head. Until Demitrius wiped her memory of the attack and ever catching a glimpse of you."

His eyes were wide in confusion and wonder, still wanting to hear the story, yet, a sinking feeling gave in on his stomach. He didn't have much after the ambush, he was the last of his kind, he himself, was lucky to make it out alive. He urged her on, to keep telling the story. She giggled, it was like reading a bedtime story to a child.

"You looked so familiar to her, and she didn't understand why-" She sipped her tea,
"-she tried so desperately hard to track you down, but like I said, her memory was erased."

Bunny pondered and sorted through this information like a scanner. He was shocked, to an extent, but actually, wondered. Wondered how long it's been since the attack, he was fighting during most of it, until nothing was left but a wasteland of bodies.

"So what yer saying is, if she had met me, her ex was afraid she'd see me more?" He questioned, "what's the poem gotta do with that?"

"You're on the right path," she laughed at his confusion, bearing the same white fangs that you had, "but I cannot tell you everything. You'll understand in due time, but for now, go talk to her."

He stood from his seat and ruffled her hair, leaving it all fluffy and stuck, and left the room with a few flowers he picked from the bouquet.

She sipped from her tea cup once again, resting her free hand on the cast that clung to her leg. She smiled, witnessing something only Cupid could see. She watched as the bright red string that twirled around his pinky illuminate the hall before disappearing out of sight, leaving her astonished.

"I suggest you watch your back Bunnymund, this place is going to go topsy-turvy and Wonderland will consume our reality."


You sat quietly on your bed, beads of tears lining your eyes and spilling down your cheeks. You weren't in as much pain as before, but your body still ached a tiny bit, let's just say that, if you were human, you'd be lying in a coffin. Thankfully, the bullet wound had sealed immediately, leaving no scarring or any blood loss. You smiled, silently thanking the doctors and nurses for their immeasurable amount of compassion.

You let your hand brush against the gauze that wrapped around your torso beneath your dress. Shortly after you had reached the Infirmary, they explained that the scar, the same one that killed you in your mortal life, was torn open slightly, and would need to be wrapped in gauze for a few hours. The perks of being an angel, you heal much, much faster than any other being.

You wiped your tears away and smiled, when suddenly, knocks resounded from the door. That was strange, it couldn't be Jack or the other Guardians, you had strictly sent them to the North Pole. You shrugged, "Come in!"

The door opened on your call and your eyes widened in surprise. Bunny stood inside the door frame, clutching a bouquet of flowers in his paws as he smirked in wondrous victory.

"You sly bunny," you laughed, "why are you here, shouldn't you be with the others?"

He chuckled, placing the flowers inside an empty vase that sat on your table before sitting beside you on the bed, "nah, couldn't leave you alone like this, sheila."

You giggled, taking a rose and tucking it behind your ear, "you're exactly like Rogue and Jack, both are cuddlebugs."

He thought back to his conversation he'd had with the girl a few minutes beforehand. Was he in love? His thoughts wandered to the poem, about how your memory was erased, about how he was the last of his kind. It haunted him.


He jolted forward slightly, unaware of the time he spent staring into space. Your eyes wandered over his face, concern filling your eyes as you stared into his emerald orbs.

"I ain't no cuddlebug sheila. Jus' making sure you're alright."

You smiled and leant against the wall in complete silence, until your cheeks became lined with warm tears once again. You choked on your sobs and felt Bunny's paw intertwine with your fingers.

"What's wrong, love?"

You paused as you gripped his paw tightly, "the way he spoke of Sandy, the way he spoke of Pitch," you said, "how in the nine circles of hell did he find out...?"

He jumped at your choice of phrasing, he's heard you cuss and say 'hell' before, but this was oddly specific. He shrugged it off, just assuming you've been under a lot of pressure these past few days, "I think I have a hunch."

"Heh...that's good, atleast we're getting somewhere," you leaned your head onto his shoulder, letting your hair fall over your face, "I have an idea!"

You shot up from the bed, your dress swirling around your feet, and dragged Bunny out the door and all through the palace until you came to the courtyards. You stopped at a pair of heavy doors, each dedicated to the dragons emblems. You burst through the said doors of the stables and jumped out of your skin as Nova launched herself at your petite body.

Thankfully, she shrunk just before she collided into you, so she just cuddled up in your arms, licking her pronged tongue all over your face as a puppy would do. Your laughter echoed through the stables and the other dragons stood, towering over the two of you at great heights. You swore you heard Bunny gulp.

You guided Bunny and Nova out from the stables and within seconds, your dress morphed into shining, steel armour and your sword rested in the sheath of your belt. Bunny's jaw dropped as he watched you twirl around, making sure nothing was missing. But nonetheless, he was happy you were in a better mood.

He didn't even realise, but in the time he stood staring (almost drooling) at you, Nova had grown from being the size of a puppy, to the size of a large horse.

"You ready?" You asked in a chipper voice as you strapped the saddle around her torso and looping the bridle around her jaw.

"I-I, uh, I-"

"I'll take that as a yes!"

You laughed, sitting your body atop of Nova's and tugging Bunny up with you. You wrapped his arms around your torso, making it so he was holding your armour and not your wound.


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